In Love And Adoration (original) (raw)

[23 May 2006|12:30pm]
[ **mood** | cheerful ] Some photos of Kiefer Sutherland click on the thumbnails for hi-resThought I would share some nice hi-res professional photos with you guys! :)
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Love for Kiefer: Intro Post [18 May 2006|06:14am]
[ **mood** | sleepy ] Name: Theresa or vtress29Age: 26M/F: FLocation: Anchorage, AlaskaFavourite Kiefer Movie: The Lost BoysFavourite Kiefer Quote: "How could a billion Chinese people be wrong?"100x100 picture for our members page: I'll post one of me later if that's what you're asking for, but for right now, here's a link to this.Just wanted to post my intro before I forgot. ;) I'll be out of town for a couple of days.
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[18 May 2006|10:52am]
Just to let you lovely people know what's going on, this is moon_thorn - I don't use my old journal anymore, so I have updated the community settings accordingly and will now try to keep up with everything that's going on here. With a bit of luck, now that we have a new moderator on board, things will get moving once again!
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Hello Kiefer Lovers! [17 May 2006|05:12pm]
[ mood** | ecstatic ] Let me introduce myself. I'm one of your new maintainers along with moon_thorn. It's great to be here amongst all of you lovely people! ---Name: missravenxAge: 24 (Ok... so I'm really 25 but I like saying 24 much better.)M/F: FemaleLocation: Richardson (Dallas) Texas... unfortunatelyFavourite Kiefer Movie: All of them... Favourite Kiefer Quote: He could read the phone book and I'd like it.100x100 picture for our members page: I'll figure this part out later.---I'd like to revamp the look of our little community page if that's alright with everyone else. Maybe have a little contest for a header? Let me know what you think about this. Also, I think that we should have a member page. I can't seem to find one so if anyone knows where it might be please let me know, otherwise I'll work on making one after a while. I don't want to be one of those pushy mods so please give me as much input as you can and I'll do my best to make it happen. love,your new maintainer, missravenx (feel free to friend my personal journal at your discretion, I don't bite, hard. ;)( A photo of KieferCollapse )**
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Mod here! [17 May 2006|01:14pm]
Crikey! I haven't updated this in ages. I'm really sorry guys!I don't have the time anymore to keep the community up and running, so does anyone fancy taking over?Email me: lucretia_dawns@hotmail.comOnce again - sorry!
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Hi! [27 Jun 2005|10:17pm]
[ **mood** | bouncy ] Hi all! Just wanted to post and say hi! I just joined and I am so glad there is a Kiefer community. I love this man like nothing else! I have even been fortunate enough to meet him and he is the nicest person. If anyone is interested, I can share my story with you. I am obsessed with The Lost Boys as I love vampires and am a member of Yahoo Groups RPGs and write fan fiction. Anyway, enough rambling, here is my info for ya!Name: JewelAge: 26M/F: FLocation: Sydney, AustraliaFavourite Kiefer Movie: The Lost BoysFavourite Kiefer Quote: LA has a public transport system? (said to me when I managed to get myself to the set of 24 on public transport in a country I didn't know)I also have a Lost Boys community if anyone is interested in joining
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[09 Jun 2005|02:41pm]
[ **mood** | cheerful ] Just did this test, quite fun, but a great result ;)Kiefer SutherlandKiefer Sutherland. If you watch the show 24 on Foxor have seen the movie The Lost Boys he maylook familiar. He may be a little old, but hestill has his good looks and his charm.Congradulations Who is your destined hottie? brought to you by Quizilla
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Convention? [05 Jun 2005|10:28am]
[ **mood** | cheerful ] Does anyone have an information on any 24 conventions or other places you might actually catch a "real life" glimpse of the man?Just curious...~Jenn
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Little about me: [14 Apr 2005|08:26am]
[ **mood** | good ] Name:OliviaAge:16M/F:FemaleLocation:Sweden :(Favourite Kiefer Movie:Hard to pick one out, he's done alot of great movies but I can say that one movie that I got is Vanishing and it's brilliant.And The Three Musketeers that's a clasic. Hmmmm....nope, sorry can't decide, to hard *lol*Favourite Kiefer Quote:Don't know, got lot's of them. Just to see him preform is lovely100x100 picture for our members page:Got 2 cause both are nice :)But if I'd really had to pick one it would be the first one cause it's special and some of funny. ;)Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by
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Newbie... [31 Mar 2005|07:03am]
[ **mood** | rushed ] Name: JennAge: 20M/F: Female.Location: Michigan, USAFavourite Kiefer Movie: Taking LivesFavourite Kiefer Quote: "I think that the day you've figured out the differences between women and men is the day that you're no longer attracted to women. It's the difference that is so fantastic and frustrating and angering, and really sexy"100x100 picture for our members page: I don't have one just yet... forive me? (and by "for our members page" I assume you mean a picture of me??? If I'm wrong, sorry.)
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Hello everyone. [12 Mar 2005|01:51am]
[ **mood** | happy ] Name: SarahAge: 18M/F: FemaleLocation: Grand Forks, North DakotaFavourite Kiefer Movie: The Lost Boys and his role as "Ace" in Stand by Me was hot too!Favourite Kiefer Quote: Any time that man opens his mouth...*drools*I swear, that man gets sexier every time I see him.
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though i should fill out the offical survey :) [09 Mar 2005|02:42am]
[ mood** | bored ] Name: JackieAge:** 20M/F: feeeeemaleLocation: Ghettodena, CaliFavourite Kiefer Movie: can i cheat and say my favorite Kiefer role is Jack Bauer?? haha, hmm favorite movie...The Three Musketeers or Young Guns. Favourite Kiefer Quote: god, anything that Kiefer says is great. the man with the killer voice!! *DRooL* 100x100 picture for our members page: jackicon.gif
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[09 Mar 2005|09:30am]
Mod here :)Hope you're all well - I'm desperately going to try and get this community back on it's feet after a quiet period! Although having said that, I've got loads of other things going on at the moment - blah.I've updated our info page, with a short application, and request for a 100x100 picture (of you!) for our special accepted members area, so I would appreciate it if you can all comment with your pictures please :)I have a few ideas of what we could do, as a sort of contest to get us motivated. What about a monthly icon contest? Or we could have a monthly theme, in which we would have to find pictures, articles and such on the relevant topic? Anybody else is welcome to suggest things too.
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hello!! [08 Mar 2005|04:23pm]
[ mood** | content ] hello newbie here :)nice little community you have here!! found it going through friends communities. so thank you ilovejonstewart~Name is Jackie/20/southern cali.Been a fan of Mr. Sutherland ever since...ehhh, i don't know, since i was a wee lil' lass~ hahah, i haven't seen all his movies yet :(BIG 24 fan, Bauer kicks ass!~ teaser:: sinning feels so actually matches with the community layout!!( kiefer loveCollapse )**
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[07 Mar 2005|10:24pm]
Our community seems a bit dead.I've been busy, but not that busy - so maybe I'm being lazy! We should make more of an effort, after all, we do love Kiefer.Suggestions anyone?
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[30 Jan 2005|09:27pm]
okay I loooooOOOOOOoooooOOOOooove keifer.... I have been a fan of his.... trying to remember... trying to remember... since i was like 10 maybe 11 (15 now) and I saw him in I have to say "lost boys"?... lol I can't even remember lol. I love Stand by me too, he plays an awesome heacy. and phone booth... lol what else lol he's been in alot im trying to member lol... any way.. lol don't you just love his cute little lips??? lol im a retard!
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