Living in the Virgo Temple (original) (raw)

15 October 2007 @ 02:47 pm

This is a nudge to everyone of this community.

I've been wondering if our dear Moderator was still alive because no one updated since LAST YEAR! And I was the last updater...

So, people, anyone interested to wake up this community back?

Title: Serene Knight
Rating: G
Warnings: None

This is a fairly old pic I've done with Prismacolor markers... It was one of the few first pics I've done with them and I was trying them out. It was post on DA on October 2nd, 2005.

( Serene KnightCollapse )

Current Location: Home

Current Mood: contentcontent

Current Music: The TV

Title: Parted From You
Chapter title: The Birth
Pairing(s): Shaka/OC, Saga/OC
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Lots of fluff! ^_^
Summary: Risa is given a special mission that requires her to be away from Shaka for six years. This is very hard on her, alot harder then you would think it would be.

( Chapter TwoCollapse )

There you have chapter two. I really like this fanfiction of mine so far. Chapter three is taking awhile to write because it is the childhood of Risa and Shaka's daughter.

Current Mood: artisticartistic

Current Music: Boulevard of Broken Dreams : Green Day

Hee's a banner that members can use when advertising this community. ^.^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And teh code for it: < a href="" > < img src=" " border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" >< /a >

Yes there are spaces in there that you'll need to take out, but then it'll work.

Current Mood: blankblank

Current Music: In The End : Linkin Park

I'm going to try and be a better mod then I have been in the past where my communities have all died. I'd like it if the members could also post, even every now and then, so that I won't be the only one posting.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I'm also thinking about finding a co-mod so if you'd like to be a co-mod, let me know.

Current Mood: calmcalm

Current Music: Pegasus Fantasy : Saint Seiya

Story Title: Parted From You
Chapter Title: The Mission
Pairing(s): Shaka/OC, Saga/OC
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Lots of fluff! ^_^
Summary: Risa is given a special mission that requires her to be away from Shaka for six years. This is very hard on her, alot harder then you would think it would be.

I hope you enjoyed it! I've already started writing chapter two. This is my first multi-chapter Saint Seiya fic and I'm very happy with it.

Current Mood: gigglygiggly

Current Music: Always Be My Baby : Mariah Carey

Hello. I would like to welcome everyone to LoveofVirgo, the Virgo Shaka community.

If you have any suggestions on how to improve the community, feel free to mention them.

Current Mood: contentcontent

Current Music: Far Away : Nickelback