Superphylum: Asgardarchaeota (original) (raw)
Name: "Candidatus Asgardarchaeota" Bulzu et al. 2019
Original publication: Bulzu PA, Andrei AS, Salcher MM, Mehrshad M, Inoue K, Kandori H, Beja O, Ghai R, Banciu HL. Casting light on Asgardarchaeota metabolism in a sunlit microoxic niche. Nat Microbiol 2019; 4:1129-1137.
Nomenclatural status: not validly published
Taxonomic status: preferred name (not correct name)
- Notes:
- 😟 A nomenclatural type has not been designated.
- 😴 The taxonomic category of this name is not currently in use in the LPSN hierarchy. For this reason, this name does not have a parent taxon and does not have child taxa.
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