Romualdas Preikša | Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (original) (raw)


Papers by Romualdas Preikša

Research paper thumbnail of Higher than expected prevalence of congenital cryptorchidism in Lithuania: a study of 1204 boys at birth and 1 year follow-up

Human Reproduction, 2005

BACKGROUND: Cryptorchidism at birth is one of the symptoms of testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS... more BACKGROUND: Cryptorchidism at birth is one of the symptoms of testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS). The aim of the study was to detect prevalence of cryptorchidism in Lithuanian newborn boys. METHODS: A total of 1204 consecutively born boys were examined within the first days after birth in one regional hospital. Boys cryptorchid at birth were reexamined 1 year later. RESULTS: The prevalence of cryptorchidism at birth was 5.7% (69 cases). Cryptorchidism was associated with low birth weight (P < 0.0001), preterm delivery (P < 0.0001), small gestational weight (P 5 0.03) and other congenital abnormalities of genitalia (P 5 0.0001). No correlation between cryptorchidism at birth and maternal age, birth order or mode of delivery was demonstrated in this study, but paternal body mass index < 20 kg/m 2 was found to be a significant risk factor (P 5 0.001). The prevalence of congenital cryptorchidism at 1 year of age was 1.4%. CONCLUSIONS: We detected lower frequency of cryptorchi dism at birth in Lithuanian boys than in Danes (9.0%), but higher than in Finns (2.4%). We had expected the frequencies in Lithuania and Finland to be relatively similar because the other symptoms of TDS (incidence of testicular cancer and semen quality) are close in these countries.

Research paper thumbnail of Įgimtas kriptorchizmas. Savaiminis sėklidžių nusileidimas per pirmus gyvenimo metus

Research paper thumbnail of Hormonų sekrecijos pobūdis, sergant blogai kontroliuojama įgimta antinksčių hiperplazija su pseudotumorozinėmis sėklidėmis

Research paper thumbnail of Ar berniukas užaugs vyru

Research paper thumbnail of Lyties vystymosi sutrikimai

Research paper thumbnail of Kriptorchizmo ir hipospadijos studija Panevėžio ligoninėje

Research paper thumbnail of Undescended Testes: Incidence in 1,204 Consecutive Male Infants and Outcome at One Year of Age

Background: Undescended testes (UDT) are a common congenital abnormality occurring in 2–5% of ful... more Background: Undescended testes (UDT) are a common congenital abnormality occurring in 2–5% of full-term boys at birth in the Western countries. By one year of age, the incidence rate spontaneously reduces to 1–2% in this group. Men with a history of UDT are at a higher risk of testicular cancer. Impaired fertility is another long-term risk associated with UDT. Although our knowledge on cryptorchidism has increased considerably over the last decades, many questions remain to be answered: Is the incidence rate increasing? What are the causes of undescent? Materials and methods: It was a hospital-based study. Totally, 1204 consecutively born boys were examined for cryptorchidism at birth and, if present, again at one year of age. The effect of birth weight, gestational age, the presence of other sexual abnormality in an individual, maternal history of gestation abnormalities, the mode of delivery and complications, parental constitutional and professional factors regarding cryptorchidi...

Research paper thumbnail of Rūkymas ir nėštumo laukimo laikas. Bandomojo tyrimo duomenys

Medicina-buenos Aires, 2007

Santrauka. Nëðtumo laukimo laikas yra svarbus þmogaus reprodukcinës sveikatos rodiklis, kuris iki... more Santrauka. Nëðtumo laukimo laikas yra svarbus þmogaus reprodukcinës sveikatos rodiklis, kuris iki ðiol Lietuvoje nebuvo tirtas. Duomenys apie nëðtumo laukimo laikà buvo surinkti ið 111 moterø, kurios gimdë Klaipëdos ligoninës Akuðerijos departamente, ligos istorijø. Septynios moterys, kurios pastojo po nevaisingumo gydymo, nebuvo átrauktos á analizae, o likusiø 104 moterø duomenys buvo analizuoti. Mes vertinome nëðtumo laukimo laiko priklausomumà nuo poros amþiaus, kontraceptiniø priemoniø vartojimo, abiejø partneriø rûkymo, kai kuriuos akuðerinës istorijos aspektus. Vidutinis nëðtumo laukimo laikas tirtoje kohortoje buvo 5,21±7,03 mënesio. Jeigu rûkë abu partneriai, nëðtumo laukimo laikas buvo reikðmingai ilgesnis nei nerûkanèiø porø (7,68±9,41 ir 4,30±5,73; p<0,05). Rûkant abiem partneriams, rizika, kad nëðtumo laukimo laikas bus ilgesnis nei 6 mën., buvo didesnë nei nerûkanèiø porø (ÐS 3,32; 95 proc. PI 1,07 10,30; p=0,03), bet tik tëvo ar bent vieno partnerio rûkymas rizikos pastoti per ilgesná laikotarpá reikðmingai nedidino. Kiti galimi veiksniai: amþius, gyvenimo vieta (kaimas ar miestas), anksèiau vartotos kontraceptinës priemonës, mënesiniø ciklo reguliarumas, lytiniø santykiø daþnis reikðmingai nëðtumo laukimo laiko nekeitë. Remiantis ðiais bandomojo tyrimo duomenimis, galima planuoti ir vykdyti didesnës imties nëðtumo laukimo laiko Lietuvoje tyrimus.

Research paper thumbnail of Cigarette smoking and waiting time to pregnancy: results of a pilot study

Medicina, 2007

Waiting time to pregnancy is an important characteristic of human reproductive health, which has ... more Waiting time to pregnancy is an important characteristic of human reproductive health, which has not been investigated in Lithuania until now. Data on waiting time to pregnancy have been collected from medical records of 111 women admitted to the Department of Obstetrics, Klaipėda Hospital. Seven women in whom pregnancy was the result of infertility treatment were excluded from the analysis, and the rest 104 cases were analyzed. We evaluated waiting time to pregnancy in respect to the age of couples, contraceptive use, cigarette smoking of both partners, and some other features of obstetric history. The mean waiting time to pregnancy in the cohort was 5.21±7.03 months. If both partners smoked, the mean waiting time to pregnancy was significantly longer than in nonsmoking couples (7.68±9.41 vs. 4.30±5.73, P<0.05). Risk to have waiting time to pregnancy longer than 6 months was significantly higher if both partners smoked as compared to nonsmoking couples (OR 3.32, 95% CI 1.07–10.3...

Research paper thumbnail of Penile size and testicular volume in healthy Lithuanian newborns

Research paper thumbnail of Do Lithuanian military conscripts suffer from hypovitaminosis D?

Endocrine Abstracts, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The risk of early cardiovascular disease in Lithuanian diabetic children and adolescents: A type 1 diabetes register database based study

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2013

The aim was to assess the frequency and correlates of selected cardiovascular disease risk factor... more The aim was to assess the frequency and correlates of selected cardiovascular disease risk factors among Lithuanian children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). A cohort of 539 T1DM children was investigated. Total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), triglyceride (TG), glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) was determined. The mean of HbA1c was 8.5 ± 1.8%. Overweight was present in 72 (13.4%, 95% CI 10.6-16.9) and 113 (21.0%, 95% CI 17.5-25.3) had arterial hypertension. Hypercholesterolemia was diagnosed in 120 (22.3%; 95% CI 18.6-26.7), decreased HDL in 22 (4.1%; 95% CI 2.7-6.2), high LDL in 79 (14.7%; 95% CI 11.8-18.3), and high TG in 96 (17.8%, 95% CI 14.7-21.9) subjects. There were positive linear correlations between TG and high HbA1c levels (r=0.192; p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.001), and between LDL and high HbA1c levels (r=0.238; p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.001). Two cardiovascular risk factors were present 14.3%, three risk factors in 6.9%, four in 2.4% and five in 0.9%. The frequency of two cardiovascular risk factors was higher among 10-17-year-old T1DM patients than among 1-9-year-old children (27.0% vs. 13.3% respectively, p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.01). The frequency of cardiovascular risk factors is common in young people with T1DM and was associated with poor glycaemic control.

Research paper thumbnail of Vitamin D deficiency is related to worse emotional state

Central European Journal of Medicine, 2011

The aim was to evaluate vitamin D levels in young healthy Lithuanian males in winter and to find ... more The aim was to evaluate vitamin D levels in young healthy Lithuanian males in winter and to find possible associations of vitamin D concentration to body composition, cognitive functioning, emotional state.Subjects and Methods A total of 130 healthy males (age range, 18–26 years) were divided into the subgroups according to vitamin D concentration. The Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were employed in the assessment of emotional state. Cognitive functioning was assessed by the Trail Making Test and the Digit Symbol Test of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale.Results The mean concentration of vitamin D for the entire sample was 13.0±5.3 ng/ml. Only 2 persons (1.6%) had the recommended vitamin D level. Nearly half (45.4%) of study participants had vitamin D deficiency. Lower concentrations were associated with a significantly higher score on the POMS confusion-bewilderment scale. A tendency toward a lower mean depression-dejection...

Research paper thumbnail of Racionalus cukrinio diabeto gydymas Šiaulių ir Telšių apskričių ligoninėse

Medicina-buenos Aires, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Do Lithuanian military conscripts suffer from hypovitaminosis D?

Endocrine Abstracts, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Vitamin D deficiency is related to worse emotional state

Central European Journal of Medicine, 2011

The aim was to evaluate vitamin D levels in young healthy Lithuanian males in winter and to find ... more The aim was to evaluate vitamin D levels in young healthy Lithuanian males in winter and to find possible associations of vitamin D concentration to body composition, cognitive functioning, emotional state. Subjects and Methods A total of 130 healthy males (age range, 18–26 years) were divided into the subgroups according to vitamin D concentration. The Profile of Mood States (POMS)

Research paper thumbnail of Higher than expected prevalence of congenital cryptorchidism in Lithuania: a study of 1204 boys at birth and 1 year follow-up

Human Reproduction, 2005

BACKGROUND: Cryptorchidism at birth is one of the symptoms of testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS... more BACKGROUND: Cryptorchidism at birth is one of the symptoms of testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS). The aim of the study was to detect prevalence of cryptorchidism in Lithuanian newborn boys. METHODS: A total of 1204 consecutively born boys were examined within the first days after birth in one regional hospital. Boys cryptorchid at birth were reexamined 1 year later. RESULTS: The prevalence of cryptorchidism at birth was 5.7% (69 cases). Cryptorchidism was associated with low birth weight (P < 0.0001), preterm delivery (P < 0.0001), small gestational weight (P 5 0.03) and other congenital abnormalities of genitalia (P 5 0.0001). No correlation between cryptorchidism at birth and maternal age, birth order or mode of delivery was demonstrated in this study, but paternal body mass index < 20 kg/m 2 was found to be a significant risk factor (P 5 0.001). The prevalence of congenital cryptorchidism at 1 year of age was 1.4%. CONCLUSIONS: We detected lower frequency of cryptorchi dism at birth in Lithuanian boys than in Danes (9.0%), but higher than in Finns (2.4%). We had expected the frequencies in Lithuania and Finland to be relatively similar because the other symptoms of TDS (incidence of testicular cancer and semen quality) are close in these countries.

Research paper thumbnail of Įgimtas kriptorchizmas. Savaiminis sėklidžių nusileidimas per pirmus gyvenimo metus

Research paper thumbnail of Hormonų sekrecijos pobūdis, sergant blogai kontroliuojama įgimta antinksčių hiperplazija su pseudotumorozinėmis sėklidėmis

Research paper thumbnail of Ar berniukas užaugs vyru

Research paper thumbnail of Lyties vystymosi sutrikimai

Research paper thumbnail of Kriptorchizmo ir hipospadijos studija Panevėžio ligoninėje

Research paper thumbnail of Undescended Testes: Incidence in 1,204 Consecutive Male Infants and Outcome at One Year of Age

Background: Undescended testes (UDT) are a common congenital abnormality occurring in 2–5% of ful... more Background: Undescended testes (UDT) are a common congenital abnormality occurring in 2–5% of full-term boys at birth in the Western countries. By one year of age, the incidence rate spontaneously reduces to 1–2% in this group. Men with a history of UDT are at a higher risk of testicular cancer. Impaired fertility is another long-term risk associated with UDT. Although our knowledge on cryptorchidism has increased considerably over the last decades, many questions remain to be answered: Is the incidence rate increasing? What are the causes of undescent? Materials and methods: It was a hospital-based study. Totally, 1204 consecutively born boys were examined for cryptorchidism at birth and, if present, again at one year of age. The effect of birth weight, gestational age, the presence of other sexual abnormality in an individual, maternal history of gestation abnormalities, the mode of delivery and complications, parental constitutional and professional factors regarding cryptorchidi...

Research paper thumbnail of Rūkymas ir nėštumo laukimo laikas. Bandomojo tyrimo duomenys

Medicina-buenos Aires, 2007

Santrauka. Nëðtumo laukimo laikas yra svarbus þmogaus reprodukcinës sveikatos rodiklis, kuris iki... more Santrauka. Nëðtumo laukimo laikas yra svarbus þmogaus reprodukcinës sveikatos rodiklis, kuris iki ðiol Lietuvoje nebuvo tirtas. Duomenys apie nëðtumo laukimo laikà buvo surinkti ið 111 moterø, kurios gimdë Klaipëdos ligoninës Akuðerijos departamente, ligos istorijø. Septynios moterys, kurios pastojo po nevaisingumo gydymo, nebuvo átrauktos á analizae, o likusiø 104 moterø duomenys buvo analizuoti. Mes vertinome nëðtumo laukimo laiko priklausomumà nuo poros amþiaus, kontraceptiniø priemoniø vartojimo, abiejø partneriø rûkymo, kai kuriuos akuðerinës istorijos aspektus. Vidutinis nëðtumo laukimo laikas tirtoje kohortoje buvo 5,21±7,03 mënesio. Jeigu rûkë abu partneriai, nëðtumo laukimo laikas buvo reikðmingai ilgesnis nei nerûkanèiø porø (7,68±9,41 ir 4,30±5,73; p<0,05). Rûkant abiem partneriams, rizika, kad nëðtumo laukimo laikas bus ilgesnis nei 6 mën., buvo didesnë nei nerûkanèiø porø (ÐS 3,32; 95 proc. PI 1,07 10,30; p=0,03), bet tik tëvo ar bent vieno partnerio rûkymas rizikos pastoti per ilgesná laikotarpá reikðmingai nedidino. Kiti galimi veiksniai: amþius, gyvenimo vieta (kaimas ar miestas), anksèiau vartotos kontraceptinës priemonës, mënesiniø ciklo reguliarumas, lytiniø santykiø daþnis reikðmingai nëðtumo laukimo laiko nekeitë. Remiantis ðiais bandomojo tyrimo duomenimis, galima planuoti ir vykdyti didesnës imties nëðtumo laukimo laiko Lietuvoje tyrimus.

Research paper thumbnail of Cigarette smoking and waiting time to pregnancy: results of a pilot study

Medicina, 2007

Waiting time to pregnancy is an important characteristic of human reproductive health, which has ... more Waiting time to pregnancy is an important characteristic of human reproductive health, which has not been investigated in Lithuania until now. Data on waiting time to pregnancy have been collected from medical records of 111 women admitted to the Department of Obstetrics, Klaipėda Hospital. Seven women in whom pregnancy was the result of infertility treatment were excluded from the analysis, and the rest 104 cases were analyzed. We evaluated waiting time to pregnancy in respect to the age of couples, contraceptive use, cigarette smoking of both partners, and some other features of obstetric history. The mean waiting time to pregnancy in the cohort was 5.21±7.03 months. If both partners smoked, the mean waiting time to pregnancy was significantly longer than in nonsmoking couples (7.68±9.41 vs. 4.30±5.73, P<0.05). Risk to have waiting time to pregnancy longer than 6 months was significantly higher if both partners smoked as compared to nonsmoking couples (OR 3.32, 95% CI 1.07–10.3...

Research paper thumbnail of Penile size and testicular volume in healthy Lithuanian newborns

Research paper thumbnail of Do Lithuanian military conscripts suffer from hypovitaminosis D?

Endocrine Abstracts, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The risk of early cardiovascular disease in Lithuanian diabetic children and adolescents: A type 1 diabetes register database based study

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2013

The aim was to assess the frequency and correlates of selected cardiovascular disease risk factor... more The aim was to assess the frequency and correlates of selected cardiovascular disease risk factors among Lithuanian children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). A cohort of 539 T1DM children was investigated. Total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), triglyceride (TG), glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) was determined. The mean of HbA1c was 8.5 ± 1.8%. Overweight was present in 72 (13.4%, 95% CI 10.6-16.9) and 113 (21.0%, 95% CI 17.5-25.3) had arterial hypertension. Hypercholesterolemia was diagnosed in 120 (22.3%; 95% CI 18.6-26.7), decreased HDL in 22 (4.1%; 95% CI 2.7-6.2), high LDL in 79 (14.7%; 95% CI 11.8-18.3), and high TG in 96 (17.8%, 95% CI 14.7-21.9) subjects. There were positive linear correlations between TG and high HbA1c levels (r=0.192; p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.001), and between LDL and high HbA1c levels (r=0.238; p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.001). Two cardiovascular risk factors were present 14.3%, three risk factors in 6.9%, four in 2.4% and five in 0.9%. The frequency of two cardiovascular risk factors was higher among 10-17-year-old T1DM patients than among 1-9-year-old children (27.0% vs. 13.3% respectively, p&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.01). The frequency of cardiovascular risk factors is common in young people with T1DM and was associated with poor glycaemic control.

Research paper thumbnail of Vitamin D deficiency is related to worse emotional state

Central European Journal of Medicine, 2011

The aim was to evaluate vitamin D levels in young healthy Lithuanian males in winter and to find ... more The aim was to evaluate vitamin D levels in young healthy Lithuanian males in winter and to find possible associations of vitamin D concentration to body composition, cognitive functioning, emotional state.Subjects and Methods A total of 130 healthy males (age range, 18–26 years) were divided into the subgroups according to vitamin D concentration. The Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were employed in the assessment of emotional state. Cognitive functioning was assessed by the Trail Making Test and the Digit Symbol Test of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale.Results The mean concentration of vitamin D for the entire sample was 13.0±5.3 ng/ml. Only 2 persons (1.6%) had the recommended vitamin D level. Nearly half (45.4%) of study participants had vitamin D deficiency. Lower concentrations were associated with a significantly higher score on the POMS confusion-bewilderment scale. A tendency toward a lower mean depression-dejection...

Research paper thumbnail of Racionalus cukrinio diabeto gydymas Šiaulių ir Telšių apskričių ligoninėse

Medicina-buenos Aires, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of Do Lithuanian military conscripts suffer from hypovitaminosis D?

Endocrine Abstracts, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Vitamin D deficiency is related to worse emotional state

Central European Journal of Medicine, 2011

The aim was to evaluate vitamin D levels in young healthy Lithuanian males in winter and to find ... more The aim was to evaluate vitamin D levels in young healthy Lithuanian males in winter and to find possible associations of vitamin D concentration to body composition, cognitive functioning, emotional state. Subjects and Methods A total of 130 healthy males (age range, 18–26 years) were divided into the subgroups according to vitamin D concentration. The Profile of Mood States (POMS)