I DID it! (original) (raw)

Woo Hoo!!!

*pat* *pat*

Yup that's me patting myself on the back because I DID go for my run today! I'm up to 36 minutes! Woo hoo!!!
Still not running at lightening speed... but hey maybe someday.

I was thinking today that I'm not really losing weight (and by "losing weight" I mean "losing fat" because I don't really care what the scale says as long as I can wear my *skinny* jeans - I know muscle weighs more than fat anyways). That sucks! I mean I'm running like 10-12 miles a week and not losing weight???? How does that work?

*Grumble* *Grumble*

I guess I need to cut down on the sugar intake.... hmm that sweet tea is not too sweet to me I think. So I guess I'm going to have to limit my sweet tea intake to trips to Ma Possums and Isabel's only. All other meals = water :) Its cheaper that way too.

I'm also reminding myself that I didn't gain my weight over night so I should expect to lose it over night either... too bad.

So other things I did today:
Got through 2 more lectures on Controls (Thermo is as good as its going to get before Friday I think)
Still behind on my studying - I hope I get left alone tomorrow so I can crawl into a hole and not be disturbed
Ate some spaghetti (felt I should throw something else in there other than running and studying)


Run Today: 36 min!
Pace: Eh whatever
Number of bags of dark chocolate M&M's: 1 (mmmm.... chocolate....)
Number of times I thought my butt looked more "bootylicious" in the mirror since I started running: 1