Johan Claesson | Lund University (original) (raw)


Papers by Johan Claesson

Research paper thumbnail of Buoyancy flow and thermal stratification in aquifer hot-water storage

Research paper thumbnail of Bjälklag på jord : grundläggningsdjup

Grundlaggning med "platta pa mark" eller riktigare "bjalklag pa jord" kan ske... more Grundlaggning med "platta pa mark" eller riktigare "bjalklag pa jord" kan ske med kantforstyvad platta eller med platta och grundmurar. Enligt Svensk Byggnorm 67 ar grundlaggningsdjupet enligt huvudregeln 0,25 m. Grundlaggningsdjup maste emellertid knytas till ett stort antal forutsattningar. Genom tillgang till datorberakningsmetoder och stora datorer har det blivit mojligt att noga teoretiskt studera temperaturer och frostnedtrangning. I rapporten granskas olika faktorers inverkan pa frostnedtrangningen. Intill en byggnad ges mojlighet till en mera nyanserad bedomning av frostnedtrangning och grundlaggningsdjup. Ett forslag till andring av Svensk Byggnorm ges ocksa. Genom ett stort antal diagram, baserade pa datorberakningar, ges lasaren mojlighet till bedomning av egna okonventionella konstruktioner. En uppfoljning av rapporten sker i "Bjalklag pa jord - varmeisolering och golvtemperaturer", R41 :1973. (Less)

![Research paper thumbnail of Steady flow model user`s guide](

Research paper thumbnail of Motion of a Two-Fluid Interface in a Porous Medium: Analytical Stuides

Research paper thumbnail of A fast approximate method for simulating thermal pile heat exchangers

Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, Dec 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Markvärme : en handbok om termiska analyser

Research paper thumbnail of Markvärme en handbok om termiska analyser: en handbok om termiska analyser : Del 1-3

Research paper thumbnail of Säsongslagring i bergrum : utvärdering av värmeförluster Lyckebo Uppsala

Research paper thumbnail of Värmeförluster till mark : grundläggning av typen platta på mark

I denna studie analyseras och anges metoder att berakna varmeforlusterna mot mark. Varmeforluster... more I denna studie analyseras och anges metoder att berakna varmeforlusterna mot mark. Varmeforlusterna erhalls med hjalp av formler, diagram och tabeller. Effekten av olika kantisoleringar, andringar av ute- och innetemperaturer, koldknappar, tjale och sno beraknas samt varmeforluster vid ny byggnad under uppbyggnad av varmekudde.

Research paper thumbnail of Theory of microcapillarity. 1, Equilibrium and stability

Research paper thumbnail of Kryprum : grundläggningsdjup, värmeisolering och fuktförhållanden

Research paper thumbnail of Second-order Multipole Formulas for Thermal Resistance of Single U-tube Borehole Heat Exchangers

Research paper thumbnail of Melting of snow on a roof

Research paper thumbnail of Equilibrium and stability

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the Applicability of the Radial Approximation for Pile Heat Exchangers

Energy Geotechnics, Aug 24, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Heat and moisture transfer in buildings : research papers 1990

Research paper thumbnail of Melting and freezing of snow on a roof. Mathematical report

Research paper thumbnail of Heat loss from a district heating pipe : coupled radial heat conduction and diffusion through the polyurethane foam insulation

Research paper thumbnail of Naturvärmekällor : Del 3

Research paper thumbnail of How the Pressure Build-Up Affects the Penetration Length of Grout-New Formulation of Radial Flow of Grout Incorporating Variable Pressure

For around two decades of research and development in the field of grouting in hard jointed rock,... more For around two decades of research and development in the field of grouting in hard jointed rock, the design process has taken some leaps forward. Stille and Gustafson, 2005 and Funehag and Gustafson 2008, shows how a grouting design can be computed. A grouting design in hard rock can based on the penetration length of grout in rock fractures. The design comprises considerations of the fracture apertures in the rock mass, the type of grout and its rheological properties and how the grout is injected i.e pressure and grouting times. When knowing these parameters an optimized geometry fitting the design is made. Thorn, et al, 2014 describes a fundamental analysis with a comprehensive tool to retrieve the fracture distribution and aperture distribution of the fractures crossing a cored borehole. The data needed about the core is geological mapping and hydraulic section tests. In Gustafson, Claesson and Fransson, (2013) a full derivation of a radial Bingham flow in a slit is described for constant pressure. By optimizing with a specific pressure and an efficient grouting time (efficient time means the time when the pressure has reached the designed pressure) a prognosis a more realistic time consumption for grouting can be computed. However, the time it takes to reach a certain pressure is dependent on the capacity of the pump and the how large the fractures widths are. For poorly chosen pumps together with large fractures the time to reach the design pressure can be significant. The overall objective for this new formulation was to involve the grouting pressure as a variable rather than constant. A pressure build-up mimic more a realistic pumping scenario which enables better prognosis of grouting works. This paper brings up this new formulation of the radial Bingham flow with variable injection pressure in slit. The benefits of this new formulation is that it can easily be integrated in other computer programs. One program that uses this new formulation is a grouting simulator owned and developed by Edvirt AB. The simulator has been used to pedagogically demonstrate how a variable pressure and restrictions in grout flow (the pump capacity) affect the penetration length. Further, the results show that it can be used to predict suitable pump capacity to fit the coming grouting works.

Research paper thumbnail of Buoyancy flow and thermal stratification in aquifer hot-water storage

Research paper thumbnail of Bjälklag på jord : grundläggningsdjup

Grundlaggning med "platta pa mark" eller riktigare "bjalklag pa jord" kan ske... more Grundlaggning med "platta pa mark" eller riktigare "bjalklag pa jord" kan ske med kantforstyvad platta eller med platta och grundmurar. Enligt Svensk Byggnorm 67 ar grundlaggningsdjupet enligt huvudregeln 0,25 m. Grundlaggningsdjup maste emellertid knytas till ett stort antal forutsattningar. Genom tillgang till datorberakningsmetoder och stora datorer har det blivit mojligt att noga teoretiskt studera temperaturer och frostnedtrangning. I rapporten granskas olika faktorers inverkan pa frostnedtrangningen. Intill en byggnad ges mojlighet till en mera nyanserad bedomning av frostnedtrangning och grundlaggningsdjup. Ett forslag till andring av Svensk Byggnorm ges ocksa. Genom ett stort antal diagram, baserade pa datorberakningar, ges lasaren mojlighet till bedomning av egna okonventionella konstruktioner. En uppfoljning av rapporten sker i "Bjalklag pa jord - varmeisolering och golvtemperaturer", R41 :1973. (Less)

![Research paper thumbnail of Steady flow model user`s guide](

Research paper thumbnail of Motion of a Two-Fluid Interface in a Porous Medium: Analytical Stuides

Research paper thumbnail of A fast approximate method for simulating thermal pile heat exchangers

Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, Dec 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Markvärme : en handbok om termiska analyser

Research paper thumbnail of Markvärme en handbok om termiska analyser: en handbok om termiska analyser : Del 1-3

Research paper thumbnail of Säsongslagring i bergrum : utvärdering av värmeförluster Lyckebo Uppsala

Research paper thumbnail of Värmeförluster till mark : grundläggning av typen platta på mark

I denna studie analyseras och anges metoder att berakna varmeforlusterna mot mark. Varmeforluster... more I denna studie analyseras och anges metoder att berakna varmeforlusterna mot mark. Varmeforlusterna erhalls med hjalp av formler, diagram och tabeller. Effekten av olika kantisoleringar, andringar av ute- och innetemperaturer, koldknappar, tjale och sno beraknas samt varmeforluster vid ny byggnad under uppbyggnad av varmekudde.

Research paper thumbnail of Theory of microcapillarity. 1, Equilibrium and stability

Research paper thumbnail of Kryprum : grundläggningsdjup, värmeisolering och fuktförhållanden

Research paper thumbnail of Second-order Multipole Formulas for Thermal Resistance of Single U-tube Borehole Heat Exchangers

Research paper thumbnail of Melting of snow on a roof

Research paper thumbnail of Equilibrium and stability

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluating the Applicability of the Radial Approximation for Pile Heat Exchangers

Energy Geotechnics, Aug 24, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Heat and moisture transfer in buildings : research papers 1990

Research paper thumbnail of Melting and freezing of snow on a roof. Mathematical report

Research paper thumbnail of Heat loss from a district heating pipe : coupled radial heat conduction and diffusion through the polyurethane foam insulation

Research paper thumbnail of Naturvärmekällor : Del 3

Research paper thumbnail of How the Pressure Build-Up Affects the Penetration Length of Grout-New Formulation of Radial Flow of Grout Incorporating Variable Pressure

For around two decades of research and development in the field of grouting in hard jointed rock,... more For around two decades of research and development in the field of grouting in hard jointed rock, the design process has taken some leaps forward. Stille and Gustafson, 2005 and Funehag and Gustafson 2008, shows how a grouting design can be computed. A grouting design in hard rock can based on the penetration length of grout in rock fractures. The design comprises considerations of the fracture apertures in the rock mass, the type of grout and its rheological properties and how the grout is injected i.e pressure and grouting times. When knowing these parameters an optimized geometry fitting the design is made. Thorn, et al, 2014 describes a fundamental analysis with a comprehensive tool to retrieve the fracture distribution and aperture distribution of the fractures crossing a cored borehole. The data needed about the core is geological mapping and hydraulic section tests. In Gustafson, Claesson and Fransson, (2013) a full derivation of a radial Bingham flow in a slit is described for constant pressure. By optimizing with a specific pressure and an efficient grouting time (efficient time means the time when the pressure has reached the designed pressure) a prognosis a more realistic time consumption for grouting can be computed. However, the time it takes to reach a certain pressure is dependent on the capacity of the pump and the how large the fractures widths are. For poorly chosen pumps together with large fractures the time to reach the design pressure can be significant. The overall objective for this new formulation was to involve the grouting pressure as a variable rather than constant. A pressure build-up mimic more a realistic pumping scenario which enables better prognosis of grouting works. This paper brings up this new formulation of the radial Bingham flow with variable injection pressure in slit. The benefits of this new formulation is that it can easily be integrated in other computer programs. One program that uses this new formulation is a grouting simulator owned and developed by Edvirt AB. The simulator has been used to pedagogically demonstrate how a variable pressure and restrictions in grout flow (the pump capacity) affect the penetration length. Further, the results show that it can be used to predict suitable pump capacity to fit the coming grouting works.

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