Stefan Danerek | Lund University (original) (raw)

Articles by Stefan Danerek

Research paper thumbnail of Interpreting the Palu’e Legend Pio Pikariwu: Arrested kingship in eastern Indonesia

Indonesia and the Malay World, 2023

This article explores the Palu’e legend Pio pikariwu and how the main character Pio is contested ... more This article explores the Palu’e legend Pio pikariwu and how the
main character Pio is contested by two traditionally rival politicoceremonial
domains on Palu’e island. The stateless clanstructured
societies of eastern Indonesia, such as the Palu’e, are
not known to have stranger-king myths, the weight of the
analysis therefore lies on whether Pio pikariwu fits this category.
The relevant themes are compared with the established strangerking
tropes, while basic conceptual tools of comparative
Austronesian ethnology, such as that origin establishes
precedence, are used to explain the significance of the legend in
contemporary society. The legend concurs with several themes of
the stranger-king myth, despite that Pio neither becomes a
sovereign or has a genealogy. The stranger theme concurs more
with a divine kingship related to the South Sulawesi origin
histories of founding rulers and a horizontal cultural transfer is
plausible due to geographic adjacency and historical connections.
A local character projection is also considered. The real-life
contestation for Pio involves spiritually potent material heritage
and exemplifies how tradition creates new events based on an
original event believed to have happened, and that precedence
issues extend beyond the domain and its alliances. The
demonstrated inherent ambiguity reveals an arrested (divine)
stranger-king myth, representing the rejection of kingship.

Research paper thumbnail of TataLiba Folklore

Journal of Folklore, 2022

This article examines the Palu’e Tata liba ceremony with the help of multimedia research document... more This article examines the Palu’e Tata liba ceremony with the help of
multimedia research documentation, participant observation, and comparison with other local ceremonies. The form and performance, including reasons and effects, are described and analysed. On Palu’e, a person who is ill, or who has tried medicines without results, wonders if he/she has done something wrong according to custom or toward fellow human beings, and can request one of several ceremonies or healing genres. Tata liba is integrated into a holistic system of general health and can also be performed preventively for good feelings and the maintaining of good relations. The ancestors are called upon with ritual language, shown to exhibit semantic parallelism, to heal the participants’ suffering relations and possible ill health. The overcoming of negative feelings is symbolically
displayed by wiping the participants with water, throwing rice grains behind the back, and spitting in a coconut bowl. The main objective is to achieve harmony within or between families, and there is no argumentation or chronological issues producing a win-win situation.

Research paper thumbnail of Palu’e basketry: design, usage, culture and linkages

Fiber, Loom and Technique, 2022

This article discusses the basket inventory of the Palu’e (Palu’e Island, eastern Indonesia) in t... more This article discusses the basket inventory of the Palu’e (Palu’e Island, eastern Indonesia) in the comparative framework
of the Flores linguistic-cultural chain. Fibers, technique, and usage are identified, with notes on current distribution
and skill transmission. The basketry is made of lontar leaves by women, who are also responsible for the
agricultural products that the baskets are mainly used for. The most common function and shared denominator of
smaller basket types in the Palu’e-Flores cultures, shown with the aid of museum collection items, is to keep betel
for chewing, highlighting its tremendous cultural importance. Decoration is limited to triangular curls/twists on mad
weave (dense triaxial) works, while smoking adds color and makes the basketry more durable. Only the ceremonial
head-strapped betel basket, common also on Flores, is decorated with supplementary objects, such as beads. This
basket only is made with one of the other two main techniques, oblique checker work and twill. All the basketry,
with few exceptions, is still in wide use, but makers of more intricate works tend to be elderly. Comparison with
baskets on the main island of Flores shows that Palu’e basketry is a close affine to this tradition but with locally distinctive
features. Future comparative research could consider geographic and linguistic proximity in cultural contacts
as a significant element in skill transmission, which is otherwise vertical (via closest kin), and relationships with migration
patterns to and from Flores.


Jurnal Lingko, 2021

The study of loom technology and textile design structure can reveal connections between weaving ... more The study of loom technology and textile design structure can reveal connections between weaving traditions similarly to how comparative linguistics reveal connections between linguistic groups. This paper compares the weaving traditions and related vocabularies of the Ende and the Palu’e, two Flores cultural-linguistic groups who are linked in their respective oral traditions, after comparing basic technique and design structure. The question is if there is a link between the two weaving cultures, particularly if the Palu’e weaving has a source in the Ende weaving? The comparison of the weaving vocabularies shows a lower convergence than that of the existing lexicons, which does not support such a link or origin, neither do the designs and basic techniques. However, the Palu’e design structure may have a source in older Flores forms, which became exchanged or transformed with later developments, such as the Ende patola inspired

Research paper thumbnail of Palu’e Ikat: Nomenclature and Iconography

Archipel, 2020

This paper provides a comprehensive documentation of customary Palu’e ikat textiles and investiga... more This paper provides a comprehensive documentation of customary Palu’e ikat textiles and investigates the extent to which the design nomenclature and local interpretations constitute an iconography. A multivalent approach is used, starting from linguistic-ethnographic fieldwork and engaging critically with scholarly ikat research and the anthropological methods often applied in studies of traditional textiles, including the underlying assumptions about meaning, symbolism, and mythology. The Palu’e design nomenclature is not embedded in the recorded oral literature, or vice versa. Rather than being repositories for mythology, the cloths signify transmissibility; the act of transmitting them, along with the required craftsmanship skills, from generation to generation assigns them meaning and sacrality. This accounts for the discrepancy observed with compartmentalized or linguistically-inclined inquiries. For weavers, the nomenclature serves as a mnemonic device for memorizing designs, and enables discourse about them.

Research paper thumbnail of Phonologic variation in Palu'e, a language from Eastern Indonesia, and the devising of an orthographic system

Ethnorema, 2019

This article presents a phonological description of the Palu'e language variants and reflects on ... more This article presents a phonological description of the Palu'e language variants and reflects on the problems of representing the language in writing. Verifiable lexical and phonological data are made available and an orthography is introduced. Data and analysis is drawn from a comprehensive documentation, and specific recordings of three speakers/language variants reading the same wordlist, available in an online audio collection. The phonetically transcribed recording of one speaker is compared with the other two and the corpus-based phonological description, and provided in an annotated appendix. The annotated recordings support the estimate of >99% lexical congruence and mutual intelligibility between variants. From a multi-variant perspective several phonemes are in free variation with each other. /tʃ/ does not occur mid-word/second syllable in the interior variants that use the initial PMP *c instead of the coastal /s/, but is in complementary distribution with mid-word /dʒ/. /s/ is neither in complementary distribution with /tʃ/ nor /dʒ/ in the coastal variants. Several Palu'e variants exhibit sufficient specific features to be referred to as dialects, including two of the recorded samples, whereas the speech patterns of the phonetically transcribed speaker make sense from the perspective of the surrounding variants.

Research paper thumbnail of Documentation of Palue Storytelling and folklore - Stefan Danerek

This paper presents Palu’e storytelling on the basis of the on-going work with the Palu’e audio c... more This paper presents Palu’e storytelling on the basis of the on-going work with the Palu’e audio collection, created in the context of language/oral traditions documentation. The main aim is to show that the collection is a research resource for the humanities by discussing and comparing items which are referenced and accessible in the Kaipuleohone Ethnographic Archive. While the contents of the collection are showcased for this specific presentation, the intention is directed towards the body of digital humanities collections. The problems of what genres should be included, definitions, method of analysis, are discussed and put to the test. Recordings initially focused on oral literature, but expanded to include personal narratives with content related to culture and tradition. The cross-referencing between genres and items demonstrates the benefits of a comparative methodology, and suggests ways of using the collection.

Full Text:

Research paper thumbnail of Construction Sacrifice in Eastern Indonesia

Indonesia and the Malay World, Dec 2016

Rumours of headhunting and kidnapping for sacrifice in modern building construction were widespre... more Rumours of headhunting and kidnapping for sacrifice in modern building construction were widespread in Indonesia during the 20th century. Europeans also featured in such rumours, especially in the eastern Indonesian province of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) and in the context of church construction, several decades after independence. This article discusses previous research on the construction sacrifice rumours and various construction sacrifice traditions which are viewed as local expressions of one ancient tradition. It harnesses oral history as its methodology with crucial eyewitness data from fieldwork in eastern Indonesia and recordings are available in a digital repository (Kaipuleohone). The data affirms that headhunting and kidnapping for construction sacrifice was practised on Flores during the mid to late 1900s. Strong evidence is presented of collaboration between one missionary and his local assistants, particularly a notorious witch doctor-cum-‘kidnapper-headhunter’. The author concludes that the rumour is not merely folklore.

Research paper thumbnail of CERPEN KORAN: Its canon and counter-world

Indonesia and the Malay World, Sep 23, 2013

"This article explores, from humanistic and sociological perspectives, how recent short stories (... more "This article explores, from humanistic and sociological perspectives, how recent short stories (cerpen) in two leading Indonesian newspapers address continuing socio-political trends. An overview of developments in the short story, and how these constitute the formation of a canon where short stories published in newspapers (cerpen koran) sets the standard for the genre, ends with an analysis of a recent award-winning short story by Seno Gumira Ajidarma. That story is then linked by thematic association to short stories found in a thumbnail survey of the newspapers Kompas and Jawa Pos. The analysis reveals that those stories address the continuing trend of the rise of formal, political Islam and increasing religious intolerance. No other trend was thematised in the sample. The authors used spiritual motifs, folklore and marvellous imagery that subvert a rigid worldview in defence of tolerance, pluralism and freedom of faith. This deployment expressed a universal humanism and was in three cases set within Islamic parameters and worldviews.
Keywords: Indonesian literature; cerpen koran; short stories; Seno Gumira Ajidarma; Islam; universal humanism"

Books and dissertations by Stefan Danerek

Research paper thumbnail of Part 3, Ch. 9-12 with appendixes.

Tjerita and Novel. Literary Discourse in Post New Order Indonesia, 2006

The work examines developments in the novel and the short story of writers who grew up during the... more The work examines developments in the novel and the short story of writers who grew up during the New Order era (1966-1998) in the period of reform post 1998. It is assumed and subsequently affirmed that the genres are developing, modern genres in dialogue with the past and present. The work's main use of theory is that of M. M. Bakhtin's ideas of dialogism. The assumption of 'novelization' is framed in Bakhtin's observation that the 'flowering of the novel is always connected with a disintegration of stable verbal-ideological systems' (such as the New Order) 'and with an intensification and intentionalization of speech diversity that are counterpoised to the previously reigning stable systems', which is found and identified in literature Post New Order. This concrete setting in time is the base for questions of value change and identity, as well as aesthetic developments, which are viewed from a historical ideological perspective. The dissertatio...



Dissertation PHD. Developments in the Indonesian short story and novel after 2000.

Research paper thumbnail of The Short Story Genre in Indonesia

Dissertation light. Publication from slightly revised M.Phil. thesis.

Conference Presentations by Stefan Danerek

Research paper thumbnail of Documenting sara Lu'a (Palu'e): from planning to curating

This paper reflects on the language documentation carried out on Palu’e Island in eastern Indones... more This paper reflects on the language documentation carried out on Palu’e Island in eastern Indonesia, its results, and how it can be developed further. It is framed in the wider context of endangered languages documentation, which, arguably should be directed toward usage and revitalization. After a brief survey of the Palu’e language situation, a survey of the results and experiences is provided with the intent directed at future usage. Issues as community participation, capacity building, and motivation, are discussed and compared with recent and relevant scholarly analysis of the same issues. The project produced the intended results, and more, but at pains and after longer time than planned due to field-specific issues, and the further curating of the results, as well as the revitalization of the Palu’e language and oral traditions, are unclear if committed locals or the principal researcher are not involved. In conclusion, the author gives suggestions for the further work and curating of the Palu’e language, including an example of a recent attempt, and how the Palu’e experiences and results can be of use for near-future projects in eastern Indonesia and beyond. In the same vein it is argued that language communities should be informed about language shift and its consequences, and be provided with necessary consultancy and the minimum funding to be able to carry out as much as possible by themselves.

Research paper thumbnail of Palu'e Ikat: Origin, continuity, and future of the stippled patterns

conference, 2019

Palu’e warp ikat is of an ancient design format, and it is exclusively stippled and geometric.

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Warisan Lisan dan Komunitas Adat Palu’e dalam Perlindungan Alam

This paper explores, based on the assumptions that Palu’e custom (Ind. adat) possesses traditiona... more This paper explores, based on the assumptions that Palu’e custom (Ind. adat) possesses traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and that ‘local wisdom’ (kearifan lokal) protects the environment, 1) how Palu’e oral traditions relate to the protection of the environment 2) how adat figures and their communities practise inherited rituals and prohibitions today 3) how they interpret these for the purpose of developing their communities. Sources are mostly first hand and drawn from a body of documented language material that includes oral tradition and ethno-botany. The inherited worldview is first explained in order to have a comparative framework for modern ideas about the environment. Customary taboos and prohibitions are found to directly relate to the protection of the environment and management of natural resources. Ancient “superstitions” and prohibitions reveal knowledge of ecology and the impact of humans. The adat community is influenced by modern ideas of ecology that resonate with the inherited knowledge. Adat regulations are still believed in but are adjusted to development, with consequences. Customary law is an efficient alternative to state laws when dealing with the protection of the environment and management of natural resources. Finally, suggestions on how to strengthen oral tradition and protect the environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Aestethics and Power

This paper discusses Pramoedya Ananta Toer (hereafter Pram) as an example of a peripheral author ... more This paper discusses Pramoedya Ananta Toer (hereafter Pram) as an example of a peripheral author moving towards the realm of the centre, to which the Nobel literature prize belongs. Aesthetics of laureates’ are compared with Pram’s since his first nomination in 1980/1981 within a framework of centre/periphery relations, the criteria applied by the Swedish Academy and international cultural politics.

Research paper thumbnail of Estetika dan Kekuasaan. Pinggir dan Pusat dalam Sistem Sastra Dunia

Makalah ini akan membahas Pramoedya Ananta Toer (selanjutnya Pram) sebagai contoh pengarang pingg... more Makalah ini akan membahas Pramoedya Ananta Toer (selanjutnya Pram) sebagai contoh pengarang pinggir yang menuju ke alam pusat, di mana Hadiah Nobel Sastra termasuk. Estetika pengarang dibanding dengan Pram sejak nominasi pertamanya 1980/1981 dalam rangkaian relasi pinggir-pusat, kriteria Akademi Swedia dan politik budaya internasional.

Teaching Documents by Stefan Danerek

Research paper thumbnail of Transkripsi dalam Kajian Tradisi Lisan

Tradisi Lisan Nusantara dan warisan budaya, 2015

Ikhtisar Transkripsi anda sebagai pengumpul data lisan dan pengkaji tradisi lisan umumnya tidak p... more Ikhtisar
Transkripsi anda sebagai pengumpul data lisan dan pengkaji tradisi lisan umumnya tidak perlu sedetil seperti di ilmu linguistik. Tapi kemungkinan besar adalah bahwa anda akan diuntungkan oleh kajian etnografi/tradisi lisan yang diilhami linguistik, atau malah akan membuat penelitian etnografi linguistik suatu hari. Yang jelas adalah bahwa anda akan berinteraksi dengan bahasa/logat/diksi yang lain, dan istilah-istilah bahan yang diteliti dalam bahasa itu wajib diwakili, karena syarat objektifitas perspektif (pandangan dunia penutur). Transkripsi harus dibuat sejelas mungkin karena teks lisan sangat penting untuk analisis. Bahasa adalah budaya, atau fenomena yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari budaya. Berdasarkan analogi itu transkripsi teks lisan memungkinkan perbandingan dengan hasil lain di bidang anda ataupun di bidang yang lain. Tujuan akademik dalam Kajian Tradisi Lisan juga tidak terpisah dari tujuan pelestarian, di mana transkripsi merupakan satu unsur. Karena transkripsi berhubungan erat dengan ilmu linguistik, tulisan dimulai dengan membahas soal linguistik yang mendasarkan sub-ilmu transkripsi. Setelah itu akan dibahas jenis-jenis transkripsi, contoh transkripsi dan alat transkripsi. Kemudian ada pedoman program notasi multimedia ELAN dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dan pedoman singkat Bahasa Inggris, untuk latihan praktis transkripsi.

Book Reviews by Stefan Danerek

Research paper thumbnail of BKI 173 04 Danerek Soriente Tuvu

BKI, 2017

Review Nicolas Césard, Antonio Guerreiro, and Antonia Soriente (eds.) Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui... more Review
Nicolas Césard, Antonio Guerreiro, and Antonia Soriente (eds.)
Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong: Sastra lisan dan Kamus Punan Tuvu’ dari Kalimantan. Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia and École française d’Extrême-Orient, 2015, 381 pp. [Series Naskah dan Dokumen Nusantara 35.] isbn 9789799109767 (Indonesia); 9782855391977 (France).

Research paper thumbnail of Toys for the Souls: Life and Art on the Mentawai Islands, by Reimar Schefold (author), Anna van Blankenstein (ed.), David Rosenthal (transl.), Natascha Jansen, Brad Flowers, Reimar Schefold (photography)

Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde

Research paper thumbnail of Interpreting the Palu’e Legend Pio Pikariwu: Arrested kingship in eastern Indonesia

Indonesia and the Malay World, 2023

This article explores the Palu’e legend Pio pikariwu and how the main character Pio is contested ... more This article explores the Palu’e legend Pio pikariwu and how the
main character Pio is contested by two traditionally rival politicoceremonial
domains on Palu’e island. The stateless clanstructured
societies of eastern Indonesia, such as the Palu’e, are
not known to have stranger-king myths, the weight of the
analysis therefore lies on whether Pio pikariwu fits this category.
The relevant themes are compared with the established strangerking
tropes, while basic conceptual tools of comparative
Austronesian ethnology, such as that origin establishes
precedence, are used to explain the significance of the legend in
contemporary society. The legend concurs with several themes of
the stranger-king myth, despite that Pio neither becomes a
sovereign or has a genealogy. The stranger theme concurs more
with a divine kingship related to the South Sulawesi origin
histories of founding rulers and a horizontal cultural transfer is
plausible due to geographic adjacency and historical connections.
A local character projection is also considered. The real-life
contestation for Pio involves spiritually potent material heritage
and exemplifies how tradition creates new events based on an
original event believed to have happened, and that precedence
issues extend beyond the domain and its alliances. The
demonstrated inherent ambiguity reveals an arrested (divine)
stranger-king myth, representing the rejection of kingship.

Research paper thumbnail of TataLiba Folklore

Journal of Folklore, 2022

This article examines the Palu’e Tata liba ceremony with the help of multimedia research document... more This article examines the Palu’e Tata liba ceremony with the help of
multimedia research documentation, participant observation, and comparison with other local ceremonies. The form and performance, including reasons and effects, are described and analysed. On Palu’e, a person who is ill, or who has tried medicines without results, wonders if he/she has done something wrong according to custom or toward fellow human beings, and can request one of several ceremonies or healing genres. Tata liba is integrated into a holistic system of general health and can also be performed preventively for good feelings and the maintaining of good relations. The ancestors are called upon with ritual language, shown to exhibit semantic parallelism, to heal the participants’ suffering relations and possible ill health. The overcoming of negative feelings is symbolically
displayed by wiping the participants with water, throwing rice grains behind the back, and spitting in a coconut bowl. The main objective is to achieve harmony within or between families, and there is no argumentation or chronological issues producing a win-win situation.

Research paper thumbnail of Palu’e basketry: design, usage, culture and linkages

Fiber, Loom and Technique, 2022

This article discusses the basket inventory of the Palu’e (Palu’e Island, eastern Indonesia) in t... more This article discusses the basket inventory of the Palu’e (Palu’e Island, eastern Indonesia) in the comparative framework
of the Flores linguistic-cultural chain. Fibers, technique, and usage are identified, with notes on current distribution
and skill transmission. The basketry is made of lontar leaves by women, who are also responsible for the
agricultural products that the baskets are mainly used for. The most common function and shared denominator of
smaller basket types in the Palu’e-Flores cultures, shown with the aid of museum collection items, is to keep betel
for chewing, highlighting its tremendous cultural importance. Decoration is limited to triangular curls/twists on mad
weave (dense triaxial) works, while smoking adds color and makes the basketry more durable. Only the ceremonial
head-strapped betel basket, common also on Flores, is decorated with supplementary objects, such as beads. This
basket only is made with one of the other two main techniques, oblique checker work and twill. All the basketry,
with few exceptions, is still in wide use, but makers of more intricate works tend to be elderly. Comparison with
baskets on the main island of Flores shows that Palu’e basketry is a close affine to this tradition but with locally distinctive
features. Future comparative research could consider geographic and linguistic proximity in cultural contacts
as a significant element in skill transmission, which is otherwise vertical (via closest kin), and relationships with migration
patterns to and from Flores.


Jurnal Lingko, 2021

The study of loom technology and textile design structure can reveal connections between weaving ... more The study of loom technology and textile design structure can reveal connections between weaving traditions similarly to how comparative linguistics reveal connections between linguistic groups. This paper compares the weaving traditions and related vocabularies of the Ende and the Palu’e, two Flores cultural-linguistic groups who are linked in their respective oral traditions, after comparing basic technique and design structure. The question is if there is a link between the two weaving cultures, particularly if the Palu’e weaving has a source in the Ende weaving? The comparison of the weaving vocabularies shows a lower convergence than that of the existing lexicons, which does not support such a link or origin, neither do the designs and basic techniques. However, the Palu’e design structure may have a source in older Flores forms, which became exchanged or transformed with later developments, such as the Ende patola inspired

Research paper thumbnail of Palu’e Ikat: Nomenclature and Iconography

Archipel, 2020

This paper provides a comprehensive documentation of customary Palu’e ikat textiles and investiga... more This paper provides a comprehensive documentation of customary Palu’e ikat textiles and investigates the extent to which the design nomenclature and local interpretations constitute an iconography. A multivalent approach is used, starting from linguistic-ethnographic fieldwork and engaging critically with scholarly ikat research and the anthropological methods often applied in studies of traditional textiles, including the underlying assumptions about meaning, symbolism, and mythology. The Palu’e design nomenclature is not embedded in the recorded oral literature, or vice versa. Rather than being repositories for mythology, the cloths signify transmissibility; the act of transmitting them, along with the required craftsmanship skills, from generation to generation assigns them meaning and sacrality. This accounts for the discrepancy observed with compartmentalized or linguistically-inclined inquiries. For weavers, the nomenclature serves as a mnemonic device for memorizing designs, and enables discourse about them.

Research paper thumbnail of Phonologic variation in Palu'e, a language from Eastern Indonesia, and the devising of an orthographic system

Ethnorema, 2019

This article presents a phonological description of the Palu'e language variants and reflects on ... more This article presents a phonological description of the Palu'e language variants and reflects on the problems of representing the language in writing. Verifiable lexical and phonological data are made available and an orthography is introduced. Data and analysis is drawn from a comprehensive documentation, and specific recordings of three speakers/language variants reading the same wordlist, available in an online audio collection. The phonetically transcribed recording of one speaker is compared with the other two and the corpus-based phonological description, and provided in an annotated appendix. The annotated recordings support the estimate of >99% lexical congruence and mutual intelligibility between variants. From a multi-variant perspective several phonemes are in free variation with each other. /tʃ/ does not occur mid-word/second syllable in the interior variants that use the initial PMP *c instead of the coastal /s/, but is in complementary distribution with mid-word /dʒ/. /s/ is neither in complementary distribution with /tʃ/ nor /dʒ/ in the coastal variants. Several Palu'e variants exhibit sufficient specific features to be referred to as dialects, including two of the recorded samples, whereas the speech patterns of the phonetically transcribed speaker make sense from the perspective of the surrounding variants.

Research paper thumbnail of Documentation of Palue Storytelling and folklore - Stefan Danerek

This paper presents Palu’e storytelling on the basis of the on-going work with the Palu’e audio c... more This paper presents Palu’e storytelling on the basis of the on-going work with the Palu’e audio collection, created in the context of language/oral traditions documentation. The main aim is to show that the collection is a research resource for the humanities by discussing and comparing items which are referenced and accessible in the Kaipuleohone Ethnographic Archive. While the contents of the collection are showcased for this specific presentation, the intention is directed towards the body of digital humanities collections. The problems of what genres should be included, definitions, method of analysis, are discussed and put to the test. Recordings initially focused on oral literature, but expanded to include personal narratives with content related to culture and tradition. The cross-referencing between genres and items demonstrates the benefits of a comparative methodology, and suggests ways of using the collection.

Full Text:

Research paper thumbnail of Construction Sacrifice in Eastern Indonesia

Indonesia and the Malay World, Dec 2016

Rumours of headhunting and kidnapping for sacrifice in modern building construction were widespre... more Rumours of headhunting and kidnapping for sacrifice in modern building construction were widespread in Indonesia during the 20th century. Europeans also featured in such rumours, especially in the eastern Indonesian province of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) and in the context of church construction, several decades after independence. This article discusses previous research on the construction sacrifice rumours and various construction sacrifice traditions which are viewed as local expressions of one ancient tradition. It harnesses oral history as its methodology with crucial eyewitness data from fieldwork in eastern Indonesia and recordings are available in a digital repository (Kaipuleohone). The data affirms that headhunting and kidnapping for construction sacrifice was practised on Flores during the mid to late 1900s. Strong evidence is presented of collaboration between one missionary and his local assistants, particularly a notorious witch doctor-cum-‘kidnapper-headhunter’. The author concludes that the rumour is not merely folklore.

Research paper thumbnail of CERPEN KORAN: Its canon and counter-world

Indonesia and the Malay World, Sep 23, 2013

"This article explores, from humanistic and sociological perspectives, how recent short stories (... more "This article explores, from humanistic and sociological perspectives, how recent short stories (cerpen) in two leading Indonesian newspapers address continuing socio-political trends. An overview of developments in the short story, and how these constitute the formation of a canon where short stories published in newspapers (cerpen koran) sets the standard for the genre, ends with an analysis of a recent award-winning short story by Seno Gumira Ajidarma. That story is then linked by thematic association to short stories found in a thumbnail survey of the newspapers Kompas and Jawa Pos. The analysis reveals that those stories address the continuing trend of the rise of formal, political Islam and increasing religious intolerance. No other trend was thematised in the sample. The authors used spiritual motifs, folklore and marvellous imagery that subvert a rigid worldview in defence of tolerance, pluralism and freedom of faith. This deployment expressed a universal humanism and was in three cases set within Islamic parameters and worldviews.
Keywords: Indonesian literature; cerpen koran; short stories; Seno Gumira Ajidarma; Islam; universal humanism"

Research paper thumbnail of Part 3, Ch. 9-12 with appendixes.

Tjerita and Novel. Literary Discourse in Post New Order Indonesia, 2006

The work examines developments in the novel and the short story of writers who grew up during the... more The work examines developments in the novel and the short story of writers who grew up during the New Order era (1966-1998) in the period of reform post 1998. It is assumed and subsequently affirmed that the genres are developing, modern genres in dialogue with the past and present. The work's main use of theory is that of M. M. Bakhtin's ideas of dialogism. The assumption of 'novelization' is framed in Bakhtin's observation that the 'flowering of the novel is always connected with a disintegration of stable verbal-ideological systems' (such as the New Order) 'and with an intensification and intentionalization of speech diversity that are counterpoised to the previously reigning stable systems', which is found and identified in literature Post New Order. This concrete setting in time is the base for questions of value change and identity, as well as aesthetic developments, which are viewed from a historical ideological perspective. The dissertatio...



Dissertation PHD. Developments in the Indonesian short story and novel after 2000.

Research paper thumbnail of The Short Story Genre in Indonesia

Dissertation light. Publication from slightly revised M.Phil. thesis.

Research paper thumbnail of Documenting sara Lu'a (Palu'e): from planning to curating

This paper reflects on the language documentation carried out on Palu’e Island in eastern Indones... more This paper reflects on the language documentation carried out on Palu’e Island in eastern Indonesia, its results, and how it can be developed further. It is framed in the wider context of endangered languages documentation, which, arguably should be directed toward usage and revitalization. After a brief survey of the Palu’e language situation, a survey of the results and experiences is provided with the intent directed at future usage. Issues as community participation, capacity building, and motivation, are discussed and compared with recent and relevant scholarly analysis of the same issues. The project produced the intended results, and more, but at pains and after longer time than planned due to field-specific issues, and the further curating of the results, as well as the revitalization of the Palu’e language and oral traditions, are unclear if committed locals or the principal researcher are not involved. In conclusion, the author gives suggestions for the further work and curating of the Palu’e language, including an example of a recent attempt, and how the Palu’e experiences and results can be of use for near-future projects in eastern Indonesia and beyond. In the same vein it is argued that language communities should be informed about language shift and its consequences, and be provided with necessary consultancy and the minimum funding to be able to carry out as much as possible by themselves.

Research paper thumbnail of Palu'e Ikat: Origin, continuity, and future of the stippled patterns

conference, 2019

Palu’e warp ikat is of an ancient design format, and it is exclusively stippled and geometric.

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Warisan Lisan dan Komunitas Adat Palu’e dalam Perlindungan Alam

This paper explores, based on the assumptions that Palu’e custom (Ind. adat) possesses traditiona... more This paper explores, based on the assumptions that Palu’e custom (Ind. adat) possesses traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and that ‘local wisdom’ (kearifan lokal) protects the environment, 1) how Palu’e oral traditions relate to the protection of the environment 2) how adat figures and their communities practise inherited rituals and prohibitions today 3) how they interpret these for the purpose of developing their communities. Sources are mostly first hand and drawn from a body of documented language material that includes oral tradition and ethno-botany. The inherited worldview is first explained in order to have a comparative framework for modern ideas about the environment. Customary taboos and prohibitions are found to directly relate to the protection of the environment and management of natural resources. Ancient “superstitions” and prohibitions reveal knowledge of ecology and the impact of humans. The adat community is influenced by modern ideas of ecology that resonate with the inherited knowledge. Adat regulations are still believed in but are adjusted to development, with consequences. Customary law is an efficient alternative to state laws when dealing with the protection of the environment and management of natural resources. Finally, suggestions on how to strengthen oral tradition and protect the environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Aestethics and Power

This paper discusses Pramoedya Ananta Toer (hereafter Pram) as an example of a peripheral author ... more This paper discusses Pramoedya Ananta Toer (hereafter Pram) as an example of a peripheral author moving towards the realm of the centre, to which the Nobel literature prize belongs. Aesthetics of laureates’ are compared with Pram’s since his first nomination in 1980/1981 within a framework of centre/periphery relations, the criteria applied by the Swedish Academy and international cultural politics.

Research paper thumbnail of Estetika dan Kekuasaan. Pinggir dan Pusat dalam Sistem Sastra Dunia

Makalah ini akan membahas Pramoedya Ananta Toer (selanjutnya Pram) sebagai contoh pengarang pingg... more Makalah ini akan membahas Pramoedya Ananta Toer (selanjutnya Pram) sebagai contoh pengarang pinggir yang menuju ke alam pusat, di mana Hadiah Nobel Sastra termasuk. Estetika pengarang dibanding dengan Pram sejak nominasi pertamanya 1980/1981 dalam rangkaian relasi pinggir-pusat, kriteria Akademi Swedia dan politik budaya internasional.

Research paper thumbnail of Transkripsi dalam Kajian Tradisi Lisan

Tradisi Lisan Nusantara dan warisan budaya, 2015

Ikhtisar Transkripsi anda sebagai pengumpul data lisan dan pengkaji tradisi lisan umumnya tidak p... more Ikhtisar
Transkripsi anda sebagai pengumpul data lisan dan pengkaji tradisi lisan umumnya tidak perlu sedetil seperti di ilmu linguistik. Tapi kemungkinan besar adalah bahwa anda akan diuntungkan oleh kajian etnografi/tradisi lisan yang diilhami linguistik, atau malah akan membuat penelitian etnografi linguistik suatu hari. Yang jelas adalah bahwa anda akan berinteraksi dengan bahasa/logat/diksi yang lain, dan istilah-istilah bahan yang diteliti dalam bahasa itu wajib diwakili, karena syarat objektifitas perspektif (pandangan dunia penutur). Transkripsi harus dibuat sejelas mungkin karena teks lisan sangat penting untuk analisis. Bahasa adalah budaya, atau fenomena yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari budaya. Berdasarkan analogi itu transkripsi teks lisan memungkinkan perbandingan dengan hasil lain di bidang anda ataupun di bidang yang lain. Tujuan akademik dalam Kajian Tradisi Lisan juga tidak terpisah dari tujuan pelestarian, di mana transkripsi merupakan satu unsur. Karena transkripsi berhubungan erat dengan ilmu linguistik, tulisan dimulai dengan membahas soal linguistik yang mendasarkan sub-ilmu transkripsi. Setelah itu akan dibahas jenis-jenis transkripsi, contoh transkripsi dan alat transkripsi. Kemudian ada pedoman program notasi multimedia ELAN dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dan pedoman singkat Bahasa Inggris, untuk latihan praktis transkripsi.

Research paper thumbnail of BKI 173 04 Danerek Soriente Tuvu

BKI, 2017

Review Nicolas Césard, Antonio Guerreiro, and Antonia Soriente (eds.) Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui... more Review
Nicolas Césard, Antonio Guerreiro, and Antonia Soriente (eds.)
Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong: Sastra lisan dan Kamus Punan Tuvu’ dari Kalimantan. Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia and École française d’Extrême-Orient, 2015, 381 pp. [Series Naskah dan Dokumen Nusantara 35.] isbn 9789799109767 (Indonesia); 9782855391977 (France).

Research paper thumbnail of Toys for the Souls: Life and Art on the Mentawai Islands, by Reimar Schefold (author), Anna van Blankenstein (ed.), David Rosenthal (transl.), Natascha Jansen, Brad Flowers, Reimar Schefold (photography)

Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde

Research paper thumbnail of Ikat Textiles of the Indonesian Archipelago, by Peter Ten Hoopen

Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, Nov 8, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong: Sastra lisan dan Kamus Punan Tuvu’ dari Kalimantan, edited by Nicolas Césard, Antonio Guerreiro, and Antonia Soriente

Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Book Reviews 583 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land-en volkenkunde

BKI, 2019

Review Peter Ten Hoopen, Ikat Textiles of the Indonesian Archipelago. Hong Kong: Museum and Art G... more Review
Peter Ten Hoopen, Ikat Textiles of the Indonesian Archipelago. Hong Kong: Museum and Art Gallery, University of Hong Kong., 2018, 604 pp. ISBN: 9789881902474. Price: USD 125 (hardcover).

Research paper thumbnail of Book Reviews 535 Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde

BKI, 2018

Review Reimar Schefold (author), Anna van Blankenstein (ed.), David Rosenthal (transl.), Natascha... more Review
Reimar Schefold (author), Anna van Blankenstein (ed.), David Rosenthal
(transl.), Natascha Jansen, Brad Flowers, Reimar Schefold (photography),
Toys for the Souls: Life and Art on the Mentawai Islands, Bornival: Primedia, 220 pp., ISBN 9782960137590,