luci0logy - Profile (original) (raw)

on 29 October 2004 (#4985222)

Journal Content - Adults Only

This Lj is dedicated predominantly to homoerotic fiction and fanfiction, and adult rated subjects.

WARNING: Contents of this journal include fanfiction, most of which contains explicit material. This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.

I am old enough to remember the moon landings.

If you don't approve of homoerotic fiction or fan fiction then please don't read my journal.

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I helped to set up and co-mod the following comms: hd_inspired (Harry/Draco); hp_bookof_fests (Harry Potter fandom) and shades0fgrey celebrating The Administration original slash series by manna.

Art by red_rahl
Animagus Exchange

A one-stop shop for all of your fest needs.

Art by lillithium


Friend me if you want to and are not underage. I would be flattered and a comment to say Hi would be great. If you find you don't like what I write then defriend me, I won't be offended, curious maybe but not offended. I'm here for the fan art, fan and original slash fiction - the reading of, talking about or drooling over, so if your journal focuses primarily on memes or RL entries, or it's empty then it's unlikely I'd friend you back.

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Artist credit and instructions for using the Harry/Draco mood theme can be found here.

Layout By: scholarslayouts

age of sail, ai no kusabi, archaology, art, ballet, beardsley, cats, draco malfoy, equal rights, erotica, fanfiction, gay historical romance, ghost stories, gothic, harry potter, haru wo daita ita, homoerotica, icons, india, manga, mythology, original slash, paranormal romance, science fiction, slash, slave fic, theatre, time travel, vamp fic, vampires, writing, yamane ayano