lumos_icontests, posts by tag: week 28 - LiveJournal (original) (raw)
12 November 2007 @ 12:55 am
Here are your banners for Weeks 28, 29, and 30. I hope you like them! Let me know if there's anything wrong with them, and comment when you save them, please. :)
Banners for:
hpnarnia, curiositys_sin, rave_icons, megalicious, stepinsidelove, alohamora_icons, pokecharm, whiteroseofdark, starrylites, xthepensivex, clotpole, xmwuahharry, time_to_write, and movealongx
12 October 2007 @ 10:12 pm
Here are the winners from Week 28. Thank you to all who participated and congratulations to the winners. Banners will be up soon. Don't forget to enter Week 29.
09 October 2007 @ 03:57 pm
Just one tie this time. Please vote for ONE icon. Thanks!
08 October 2007 @ 11:27 am
Here is the voting for Week 28. I was very disappointed in the number of entries this week. Hopefully we have a lot more this week for Week 29. Don't forget to vote for best coloring and most creative in each category.
-Vote in a comment- they are screened.
-Vote for three icons in each challenge. If you do not vote for three, your vote will not be counted!
-Vote for one best coloring and one most creative in each category!
-Don't vote for yourself.
-Don't tell others to vote for you.
-Do not vote anonymously.
-Voting ends when we have enough votes.
30 September 2007 @ 01:13 pm
Here is Week 28. All icons are due Saturday, October 6th at noon central. I hope to see a lot of entries!!!
Cap Challenge: 00
Text Challenge: 00
Theme Challenge: 00
Let your voice be heard, suggest a challenge!!!