The Lunchtime Challenge Fics (original) (raw)

Empty office syndrome [Nov. 24th, 2005|10:01 am]Lunchtime Challenge Fics
[mood** |blahblah] [music** Heating blowing]It's going to be one of those days. I can feel it. Most of the office it out at a AOMT meeting (don't ask) and our young, frighteningly chirpy Works Experience boy is here.I need something to distract me.Something Monaboydy please?*Goes back to orders for the time being*
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(no subject) [Nov. 15th, 2005|12:23 pm]Lunchtime Challenge Fics
Wanna give me a Monaboyd challenge? Not promising anything other than a drabble or ficlet, but what the hell. You guys need a little exercise, right?
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LJ Coffee Morning [Mar. 21st, 2005|10:56 am]Lunchtime Challenge Fics
We might be unproductive, but by god we make a good cup of coffee.
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(no subject) [Jan. 21st, 2005|10:16 pm]Lunchtime Challenge Fics
*puts up hand* Hey chaps.Go on, hit me with something. Preferably not LotR.*watches people die of shock and horror*Also, not being employed, am I allowed here? I can pretend to be, if you want? I'm...a professional net browser? For big companies? With lots of spare time? Does that work? Can I be a professional human fetishist? As in I fetish humans. I'm already human, after all. Possibly. Yes.
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Help me! [Jan. 3rd, 2005|10:58 am]Lunchtime Challenge Fics
[**mood** |discontentdiscontent]Challenge me? Please? But not too much as I am currently sucking wind and not finishing anything so just plesae please please give me something I can actually fucking FINISH and break this streak of starting stuff but not finishing it. Please. Also have it include Billy and/or Dom. Seriously, please.
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In Working Order [Nov. 17th, 2004|10:11 pm]Lunchtime Challenge Fics
[mood** |cheerfulcheerful] [music** 1985 - In my head]Disclaimer: This didn't happen anywhere except in my twisted little world (which is, to be precise, not the same as the Real World).Title: In Working OrderPairing: Billy/OrlandoRating: NC-17Summary: Orlando is just so fucking pretty.Warnings: First attempt at writing Orlando. He is a bad, bad boy.A/N: Kraken_wakes gave this to me when I requested a lunchtime fic. I can only say that she is EVIL, EVIL I tell you!! On the other hand, it was fun to write. (EVIL!) Here's the challenge, verbatim (leaving out the cackling and Machiavellian rubbing of the hands together): "Billy/Orlando. During filming of Lotr. Must reference the boys' trip to the Star Wars set. First-time. Words to include: beans, sherbet, chocolate buttons, roundabouts, snail, dust, rain, seven, purple, snooker." (Snooker? Fucking snooker?)( In Working OrderCollapse )
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(no subject) [Nov. 15th, 2004|07:39 pm]Lunchtime Challenge Fics
[mood |awake]I need a challenge. I am stuck on the fic I am writing, and want to try something completely different (although Monaboyd is still my pref, because I have never written anything else). Help! Gotta get the juices flowing!
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Meh. [Oct. 21st, 2004|10:45 am]Lunchtime Challenge Fics
[**mood** |boredbored]I am bored, give me challenge.
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Challenge please! [Sep. 29th, 2004|12:52 pm]Lunchtime Challenge Fics
[mood |productive]I'd like a challenge!Hobbits as usual.Cheers!
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