Found Love in the Last Place we Thought to Look; (original) (raw)

a twist on a story told dozens of times.

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WHO: ROCKSTAR!ZACK POPSTAR!CISSNEIWHEN: NAOWHERE: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AKA WHO GIVES A FUCKWHAT: ZACK CALLS CISSNEI TO GO SEE HIS CONCERT. Zack Fair had it all. He was an up and coming Star, had a fanclub of devoted fangirls, and all the fame and fortune he could ask for. Agents calling him, PR companies calling him, concerts and TV appearance lined up for the next two months. It was a lot of work, but it all just seemed like a giant party to the lead singer and guitarist of SOLDIER. And really, what would this party be without hot babes? Unfortunately, the one babe he wanted to be a part of this party wasn't giving him the time of day. Ever since he met her at that private party, he hadn't heard a word from her. The Media did, of course, showing pictures of the two of them together all over the front pages and as a top story on TMZ. His publicist said to drop it, but really... Zack couldn't do that.So he did the exact opposite and called her.Maybe she'd answer this time.
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Sooo this totally had to be a joke. What he was seeing was totally fake, right? Because 1-Cissnei would never wear that and two, Cissnei couldn't move like that. At all. Turks had no rhythm. They had sticks shoved so far up their asses that it was PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. But there he was, watching this strange video that Kunsel sent him on his PHS."Wait, is that TIFA?!" He squinted at the screen.Okay, what the hell was going on. Well, regardless, it was totally hot and he wasn't really going to complain. Quickly, he closed the video and went straight to his email.So, Cissy. Why you so obsessed with me? Send send goes the e-mail.

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Who: Cissnei, Zack FairWhere: ...Wherever Zack ended up? 8DWhen: After the stampedeWhat: Zack, after being seriously injured by Sephiroth, is found by Cissnei who attempts to heal him. A continuation of a log from salkia_island hereWarnings: AAAAANGST, Blood, the fact Cissy sees Zack more often than his Girlfriend does B|Cissnei wasn't quite sure where she had found the strength to practically drag a SOLDIER back to the apartments (granted, it wasn't that far away) but she had, and now that the other was inside and the heater blasting. At the moment, she was about halfway done the others bandages, and several potions and her full cure sat on the nightstand of the bed. The scene was scarily familiar, and the Turk paused to look up at the other to check if he had fallen asleep or not yet. Here it would be ok for him to, as long as she was able to monitor the other.

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