Lyric Icons (original) (raw)

help please [Jun. 7th, 2005|08:46 pm]lyricons
I need someone to make me a friends only banner for my new journal :: Midnight_PinkImage hosted by Photobucket.comorImage hosted by Photobucket.comorImage hosted by Photobucket.comwith the bottom cut off so that there is no land outline.I would like it to have a pinkish tone and and have curly letters say "true friends can be seen by moon light" and then "friends only. . . comment to be added" Thank you so much!! Mucho Love!!x-posted
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three [Apr. 7th, 2005|03:01 pm]lyricons
[Current Mood |artistic]( Only three but they're prettyCollapse )
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New with a request! :) [Feb. 26th, 2004|08:35 pm]lyricons
It doesn't seem too busy in here, but I was hoping to make a request if anyone is willing to fill it for me PLEASE! :) Thank you, it's behind the cut ;) <33333**( can you help me?Collapse )**
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Time [Feb. 14th, 2004|04:06 pm]lyricons
20 new Christina Ricci icons featuring lyrics from the song Time by Sarah McLachlan.Rules:Comment and let me know EXACTLY which ones you are taking.CREDIT ME IN YOUR KEYWORDS. If you can't credit me in your keywords then DON'T TAKE MY ICONS.Feel free to alter these, but still give me credit.I do not do customizations and I don't take requests.Teaser: **( The rest are here!Collapse )**These icons and more can be found at Outrageous
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