.::.WrAp Me Up iN ChAiNs.::. (original) (raw)

sexy [Nov. 18th, 2010|02:31 am]M0rbidBeauties
hello again! have u seen my best girlfriend live ???? well she is now live on dirtystage href="http://camcam.ulinks.net/"> watch it now or try it later
Shoes on your head?// x-posted. w00t. [Sep. 5th, 2006|11:35 pm]M0rbidBeauties
[M0rbid Mood** |curiouscurious] [M0rbid Music** A Dream Upon Waking - Jon Brion]So my friend Johnny is putting up this website with as many pictures he can get of people with their shoes on their heads. Well, just one shoe on said head.Anyways, I've taken it upon myself to help.How many of you are willing to take a picture of yourself with your shoe on your head?If you'd be so obliged, I'll update you on our progress and when the website is finished. It shall be glorious.So yea, you could post or send me pictures at odd_doll@hotmail.comThanks!~Dolly Dagger
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(no subject) [Apr. 25th, 2006|12:32 pm]M0rbidBeauties
[M0rbid Mood** |hungryhungry] [M0rbid Music** Matchbook Romance - If All Esle Fails]Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI'VE BEEN DENIED ALL THE BEST... ULTRA SEX!!
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(no subject) [Apr. 10th, 2006|02:17 pm]M0rbidBeauties
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stamped [Mar. 28th, 2006|02:43 pm]M0rbidBeauties
Image hosted by Photobucket.com ? COME JOIN ___vanityfucked ?[if this isn't allowed, let me know and i'll delete it]
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Roar [Mar. 19th, 2006|08:43 pm]M0rbidBeauties
[**M0rbid Mood** |boredbored]
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(no subject) [Feb. 15th, 2006|11:26 am]M0rbidBeauties
ladies what happened to the community? its dead! this was once one of the only comunities on lj that was updated at least everyday. it seems that you the members dont want the community anymore? is this what it has come down too???LETS KEEP MORBIDBEAUTIES ALIVE
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I haven't posted in a while... [Feb. 13th, 2006|02:23 pm]M0rbidBeauties
[M0rbid Mood** |calmcalm] [M0rbid Music** "Give Unto Me" by Evanescence]( shadows are security...Collapse )
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(no subject) [Feb. 1st, 2006|12:56 pm]M0rbidBeauties
[M0rbid Mood** |aggravatedaggravated]fukkked pixors.( You stabbed me to deathCollapse )**
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