Let the Darkness rise (original) (raw)

[03 Feb 2006|01:21pm]
[ mood** | Hypermode ] Ok, it's really fucked up now deannah keeps on getting suspended and now the theme's quite lost...but I'm sure we all remember and for those who don't: It was to find and post pictures of love beyond death. And I think we all agree that the fact that we aren't so wide-spread yet, that doesn't mean we're just going to stop posting and let this community die. So if you find something cool, post it, ideas for themes are always welcome and promoting is never a bad thing ;)As far as my pictures go:( Show me!!!Collapse )**
The Darkness Within Us
New theme idea [29 Jan 2006|06:15pm]
[ **mood** | accomplished ] I have a new theme idea...since i went to the movies yesterday with my fiancé to the best horrormovie I ever saw...So maybe an idea is for everybody to name their scariest movie, that really scared them senseless (provided you have ever seen such a movie).In any case, to start of, for me, it would defenitely be The Descent. You can watch it over and over and know exactly what's going to come next and still be scared to death when it happens.
1 Let it Rise The Darkness Within Us
[27 Jan 2006|11:10pm]
Sorry guys, but I just can't be very active in this community.I keep missing themes, and I feel like I'm lagging behind.So, I'm leaving.Good luck with the community.:)
3 Let it Rise The Darkness Within Us
Mod Post [23 Jan 2006|03:39pm]
Well I was sitting here in my computer chair and wondering what would you people in here like to see happen. As in what community activities do you think you would enjoy. I would like to have it to where this place is updated at least once every other day or so by at least one member. I'm also thinking of re-doing the layout. Does any body have any suggestions and or images they think would be fitting for either a background or new banners? And also us mods still want you all to promote. We have had a fairly good two weeks but with over 20 members it wouldn’t be that hard to bring in a new member a week. Set it as a goal but don’t go whore the place crazy and get into trouble for spamming. So as for today those are my thoughts. Hope everyone is doing well and I'll end with this. Anybody been to any good shows or movies recently?
22 Let it Rise The Darkness Within Us
[22 Jan 2006|04:08pm]
Hey guys...I feel like an ass, but I think I may be leaving this community. You guys are nice folk, I just don't see myself contributing as much as I probably should. Sorry! Best of luck to you guys.Numi
3 Let it Rise The Darkness Within Us
{ insert something interesting } [21 Jan 2006|10:54am]
So below, is my list. But first I would like to take this moment to inform you all about Mp3Search.ru. No, I am not affliated with this site, nor do whatever. Anyway the point being observe this page. What you should see is a Johnny cash album, all the songs are get this, 10 cents. What makes this possible is the Russian economy's conversion rate as compared to the US's rate. It's all legal and reaaally cheap. Catch is you have to put down like 20 bucks towards your account, but when you do they give you ten dollars! Sweet, I know. So yeah, go and download all those CDs you wanted, but didn't want to spend $22 at FYE, Best Buy, Sam Badie or whatever crapstore you could be sticking it to righ now. ( The listCollapse )
6 Let it Rise The Darkness Within Us
MOD: Let's have some fun. [20 Jan 2006|12:50am]
Ok. I want to start some fun in here without making it a theme. Let’s do a nice abc’s of music w/pictures. For every letter of the alphabet name a bands you like and listen to along with a picture of the band it’s self or a favorite album. Don’t worry if you can’t think of one for a certain letter but try to fill them all out. Or you can just use an inner letter like for example you can’t find a band that begins with letter A. But you like a band that has an a in it like this megadeth. That can be used instead. So I say have some fun with it. Post it into a new entry and comment all you want on other peoples selections but I do not want to see “ You like ______ they are so fucking stupid” Don’t start drama is all I’m saying. So take this and have some fun.
4 Let it Rise The Darkness Within Us
[19 Jan 2006|11:46pm]
[ **mood** | curious ] Some random questions for you people. I’m turning 18 in October and I’ve made up my mind. I am getting a tattoo. I’m positive on what I want for my first two but not sure on the third and what places I want them. Just wondering who in here has any tattoos or tattoo advice. As in where is hurts the most to get one done. Right now I’m thinking I want:Image hosted by Photobucket.combut in black and blue. This one I’m not too sure where I want it to go.I also want to get this:Image hosted by Photobucket.com on my ankle. I know. Yes Marissa is a redneck. Enough said. I also want to get the typical tramp stamp on my lower back. I want a dragon but not really a tribal. Anybody have any cool designs or ideas.Also I’m thinking about getting a new piercing. I know for sure I’m re-doing my labret. But other than that I’m not sure on what to get. I don’t want the belly button thing b/c it’s way over played and just not for me. I was thinking about getting an industrial but I’ve been told they hurt like a bitch and get infected easy b/c it takes them forever to heal. So any advice on this will make me heart you.Well I figured this would apply here so help a nigga out.
7 Let it Rise The Darkness Within Us
[18 Jan 2006|11:28pm]
For sake of drama in the community I’m ending it. dark_angel_88 will continue to be “rejected” until she re-submits an application. I’m not doing this to kiss ass I just do not want drama in here b/c that’s what leads communities to their demise. I am not sorry for what happened but I just want it to be dropped. If any body has any questions or wants to discusses things one-on-one feel free to im me at SpecialEd2dResQ and we can talk but it will stay out fo the community. That is all I wish to say on the subject.
The Darkness Within Us
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