Macrocarbon – We grow & process seaweed to power our post-oil civilization (original) (raw)

Macrocarbon is lowering the cost and complexity of growing, harvesting, and extracting critical chemical inputs from seaweed, at scale. We use innovative marine science and engineering to sustain the next era of blue growth.

We’re experts in researching, cultivating, and processing floating seaweed species – which includes growing certain non-pelagic species using controlled floating techniques. This offers a cost-effective, less risky, and resilient alternative to traditional seaweed farming. These pelagic varieties require minimal infrastructure, are easier to harvest, and adapt well to various ocean conditions. Like hydroponics or aeroponics on land, we’re innovating the whole seaweed value chain.

We co-develop a range of carbon-negative, drop-in replacements for aviation fuels, plastic precursors, and chemical inputs currently made with fossil fuels – reducing global dependence on fossil carbon, while sequestering carbon for the long term. As demand for biofeedstocks grow, macroalgae offers an unparalleled advantage over biomass that needs land, water, and fertilizers to grow.

Our integrated model offers an efficient approach to cultivating and processing seaweed for industrial use, and ultimately establish sustainable biomass value chains worldwide. This system diversifies local economies and enables the creation of climate-resilient blue economy hubs along any coastline. By de-risking large-scale ocean biomass production, we provide a viable alternative to increasingly volatile land-based crops.

MacroCarbon’s methods and infrastructure are designed to be flexible and adaptable to various local conditions and livelihoods. They complement existing ocean infrastructure, traffic, and fisheries while enhancing their productivity and ability to contribute to sustainable local industries. Our approach also helps remediate waters affected by runoff and provides habitat for marine life.

Macrocarbon is proud to be based in the Marine Science and Technology Park in Gran Canaria, a center of excellence for the marine and maritime sectors from where our team of scientist and engineers can unleash enable the next wave of blue growth across Europe and North and West Africa. But a thriving blue transition is beyond the capabilities of any one organization or company. That is why we are building an impressive roster of collaborations around the world, and accross sectors.

Macrocarbon was one of six teams funded with 600,000 euros in the first phase of the Carbon-to-Value Challenge from the German Federal Agency for Leapfrog Innovations (SPRIN-D). In 2023, Macrocarbon was one of three teams chosen to receive a further 2,300,000 euros during the second phase of the challenge.

Macrocarbon is always looking for partners and collaborators. Share your contact info and we will reach out!