FMA AU Mafia!Ficcies (original) (raw)
[Cryo-AU] Tangled Webs, Epilogue
Feb. 5th, 2007 | 08:50 pm
Feeling : accomplished
posted by: cryogenia in
Tangled Webs, Epilogue
Rating: R
Pairing: Ed/Al/Hei
The end to this particular story, huzzah! And for those who were hoping there might be some adult will have to be its own story, I believe. For now, there are some definite matters of Plot left to be tied up :)
( A little something, Mustang said, for the future.Collapse )
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[Cryo-AU] Tangled Webs, Chapter 8
Feb. 5th, 2007 | 07:41 am
Feeling : accomplished
posted by: cryogenia in
Tangled Webs, Chapter 8
Rating: R
Pairing: Al/Ed, Hei/Ed
Edit: This chapter is dedicated to wordless_whisp - hope I was able to at least start answering some of your questions :) (And feel free to leave concrit any time, you don't have to delete reviews! :)
And the epilogue is to come yet!
( The ride home that night was awkward, but thankfully silent.Collapse )
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Shorties 20: Washing Away the Past
Feb. 5th, 2007 | 03:09 pm
Feeling : accomplished
posted by: hime1999 in
AN: Whew, after months of hiatus, that only took two hours. XD;;;;; Writer's block sucks.
* * * * * * *
( You always drag me to the bath but never Fonzy.Collapse )
* * * * * * *
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[pic] Let the Sleeping Dogs Lie
Feb. 4th, 2007 | 08:28 am
posted by: hime1999 in
I blame it entirely at Cryo's AU. The content has nothing to do with it, I admit, but it sure was triggered by it. *le sigh*
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[Fic] Cryo-AU Part 7
Feb. 3rd, 2007 | 02:08 am
Feeling : accomplished
posted by: cryogenia in
Yes, after forever, there is an update! A LONG update, over 10,000 words O.o And only one more chapter before the glorious EPILOGUE. Oh yes, it will be glorious indeed :)
Again, this goes out to ankoku_tenshi :))))
[Edit part deux: Realized there were a few paragraphs in the scene with Scar that got clipped out when I c/p'd this. Let me know when I screw up like that, guys XD]
Title: Tangled Webs
Pairings: Hei/Ed; increasing Al/Ed
Rating: R this chapter for violence and implied sexuality (finally). Woo-hoo!
[Edit: wordless_whisp, just to let you know, I loved your comment and would love to be able to respond to it, but alas, I cannot :) FYI, you are welcome to leave me concrit or impressions or whatever on any post that I write! ]
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Cryo-AU part 6
Oct. 27th, 2006 | 05:48 am
Feeling : sick
Listening to : 3EB - Blue
posted by: cryogenia in
For ankoku_tenshi, whom I owe a great deal :)
Tangled Webs
Chapter 6
PG-13 this chapter; still Hei/Ed and Al/Ed.
( Are there any fellas you like that AREN'T bastards?Collapse )