THEME I <3 Maggy Art!'s Journal (original) (raw)

[04 Oct 2004|02:30pm]
is that your big ass in the back ground?
!!!! OH EM GEE
Um... yeah... [15 Aug 2004|07:20pm]
[ **mood** | bored ] My name is Brittanie. I live in Mesa. I worship Maggi in all her greatness.That is all.This is me. Yeah.
[08 Aug 2004|02:46pm]
[ **mood** | chipper ] wanna see my dedication to our G to the odd, maggi? go to my info page!
!!!! OH EM GEE
[07 Aug 2004|03:38am]
wanna make out tomorrow? we can use that chocolate shit of yours! <3;)
god has spoken, [05 Aug 2004|03:39am]
quit being twats and get to making me art for my shrine. why would you join my cult if not to show your undying adoration towards me. honestly kidsin other news:I figure since this is a cult, I should talk about what you all believe in. mostly its about sacrificing small animals and eating babies... errr not really though we're not mall goths here. or I fuckin hope your not mall goths, seriosuly if you're a mall goth please leave now. I do believe rule #1 was to not suck. so anyways I guess I will write a sermon er something on how to be a good friend:heres some ways to start:if your friend gets her alcohol stolen from her because the people she split with were dumb skanks: kill the bitches and make your friend a drink loaded with alcohol that you stole from your parents so she gets trashed and has a good timeif your friend bought chocolate body paint in sedona and still has no one to use it with *COUGHCOUGHCOUGH* then you should help her find a hot boy to use it with, especially if shes leaving the country in 20 days. insert some more coughing here.anyways... those are all the ways I can think of to be a good friend right now, its 3 30 in the morning though so lets forgive.
!!!! OH EM GEE
HEY [27 Jul 2004|03:19pm]
I hope everyone has taken so long with the theme because they're trying to think of something extra super cool. kaybye.
God has spoken: [24 Jul 2004|04:11pm]
THEME!! Post a picture displaying your adoration of me. it can be anything, carve my name into your chest with a kitchen knife, I dont care, just make it awesome and I will take all the pictures and make a shrine displaying them. and in a week I will pick a winner and they will be blessed by the almighty Maggy.
!!!! OH EM GEE
[24 Jul 2004|07:06am]
[ **mood** | curious ] OH wow. I don't know Maggy, but i'd sure ass hell liked to meet her!Hmm...maybe I should become a stalker and watch her sleep at night threw her bedroom window...-shrugs-
!!!! OH EM GEE
[23 Jul 2004|06:28pm]
you better fucking make me a mod bitch. or else i'll....kill you? YES. i'll dig out my old ninja skills from way back when. and cut your head off with my razor blade fingers of death. yea thats right bitch face. i can do that!
!!!! OH EM GEE
Damn your lustful ways [23 Jul 2004|02:01am]
[ mood | Dominant o:) ] I now waste my life away staring at your ass. *shrug* Maggy = Awesome like WHOA. Those not obsessed with you should/will be brutally castrated.
!!!! OH EM GEE
[22 Jul 2004|11:53am]
if God and the devil were to fight, Maggy would be the ground they fought on. (stolen from the craft, bitch!)i love maggy.she lives for dangershe'll talk to any stranger!( me!Collapse )
!!!! OH EM GEE
She is gawd. [22 Jul 2004|04:39am]
I've known God from afar.. DJ (the_giinas) LJ (rumor_milkshake) you name it. I'm a damn good stalker. I don't know why everyone doesn't want to be like her.. maybe it's because they are uneducated and naive. They must learn. I shall whore the cult into every bed I see, taken or not. I am a worthless slut for Maggy. Sucks that she doesn't know who I am. ( Now, to introduce myself..Collapse )
!!!! OH EM GEE
[22 Jul 2004|01:38am]
my name is keith. and i think mags is the bee's knees. ps: i think her butt is hot too *runs* ( Read more...Collapse )
!!!!! [21 Jul 2004|07:42pm]
[ **mood** | horny ] OH EM GEE MAGGY IS TOTALLY THE COOLEST EVER AND I DID HER UP THE BUTT!! jesus christ if you aren't in this cult you should kill yrself. the end
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