Jonas Qvarsebo | Malmö University (original) (raw)


Papers by Jonas Qvarsebo

Research paper thumbnail of The Historical Emergence of Modern Childhood

The SAGE Handbook of Global Childhoods

In just a little over one hundred years, children's living conditions together with the v... more In just a little over one hundred years, children's living conditions together with the very notion of childhood have changed dramatically in the Western world. Child labor has been banned and institutions for care and schooling have become the primary life world of children rather than the farm and the household. Children are today perceived as individuals in their own right, as maturing through various developmental stages, and as having certain undeniable social and legal rights in relation to both parents and society. This development can of course be thought of in terms of humanitarian progress. But alongside this development we can also observe an increase in the monitoring and governing of children’s lives, to the point that childhood can be thought of as “the most intensely governed sector of personal existence” (Rose 1999:123). Against the backdrop of humanistic development on the one hand and an increasing governing of childhood on the other, this chapter explores the historical transformations of childhood through the lens of a few overarching themes: industrialization and urbanization, children’s path into public life and citizenship, changed notions of the child's nature and being, and the scientification of the child.

Research paper thumbnail of The performance and meaning of punk in a local Swedish context

When punk culture travelled from The US and England to Sweden in the late 1970s and early 1980s, ... more When punk culture travelled from The US and England to Sweden in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the result was a mix of symbols, emotions and attitudes from all three national contexts. One Swedis ...

Research paper thumbnail of Grundskolereformen och talet om differentieringen : differentieringsfrågan och konstruktionen av barns och ungdomars olikheter

Grundskolereformen och talet om differentieringen : differentieringsfragan och konstruktionen av ... more Grundskolereformen och talet om differentieringen : differentieringsfragan och konstruktionen av barns och ungdomars olikheter

Research paper thumbnail of Maktens skepnader och effekter : Maktanalys i Foucaults anda

Denna bok ger kunskap och redskap för att arbeta med Foucaultinspirerad maktanalys. I bokens förs... more Denna bok ger kunskap och redskap för att arbeta med Foucaultinspirerad maktanalys. I bokens första del presenteras Foucaults tänkande om makt utifrån ett antal övergripande begrepp som beskriver maktens skepnader och effekter ur ett historiskt perspektiv. Här får läsaren stifta bekantskap med de maktbegrepp som Foucault formulerade för att beskriva makt under olika historiska perioder: suverän och disciplinär makt, biomakt, pastoral makt och styrningsmakt. Bokens andra del är metodiskt inriktad och ger verktyg för att arbeta med Foucaults tänkande om makt i empiriska undersökningar. Här diskuteras de specifika teoretiska och analytiska utgångspunkterna för en maktanalys. Boken avslutas med exempel från författarnas egen forskning och ger råd om hur man kan arbeta med maktanalysen i konkreta undersökningar. Författarna vänder sig framför allt till uppsatsskribenter, doktorander och forskare som är intresserade av Foucaults tänkande om makt och vill fördjupa sin kunskap och omsätta den analytiskt och metodiskt.

Research paper thumbnail of Fabricating and Governing the Swedish School Pupil

Nordic Journal of Educational History, 2018

This article examines the dominant discourses of behaviour and discipline in the debate on school... more This article examines the dominant discourses of behaviour and discipline in the debate on schooling and the conduct of school pupils in Swedish professional teacher journals between 1946 and 1962, the formative years of the Swedish comprehensive school. Drawing from the theoretical framework of discourse, governmentality and the fabrication of the subject developed by Michel Foucault, the fabrication and governing of the school pupil is highlighted and analysed. The findings of the study are related to historical research of the period as well as Foucauldian studies where a historical shift of perspectives on discipline and behaviour in the school have been proposed. The result is a detailed analysis of the fabrication and governing of the subject within the dominant discourses of behaviour and discipline during the period, as well as a critical nuancing of the idea of this historical shift.

Research paper thumbnail of Punk i Peking : motstånd, attityd och mening

Boken handlar om den levande punkkultur som uppstod i Norrkoping aren 1977-83. Genom intervjuer, ... more Boken handlar om den levande punkkultur som uppstod i Norrkoping aren 1977-83. Genom intervjuer, fotografi- och dokumentstudier forsoker forfattarna forsta vilka punkarna var och vad som drev dem att anamma den subversiva stilen.

Research paper thumbnail of Värdegrund och livskunskap som styrningsteknologier

Styrningskonst Pa Utbildningsarenan Upphojda Begrepp I Svensk Utbildningsdiskurs, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Perspektiv på skola och barndom

Research paper thumbnail of Styrningskonst på utbildningsarenan : upphöjda begrepp i svensk utbildningdiskurs

Research paper thumbnail of Swedish progressive school politics and the disciplinary regime of the school, 1946–1962: a genealogical perspective

Paedagogica Historica, 2012

This article examines the vision of the Swedish comprehensive school reform between 1946–1962 as ... more This article examines the vision of the Swedish comprehensive school reform between 1946–1962 as it pertains to the ever-troubling questions of discipline and order in school. Inspired primarily by the work of Michel Foucault and his genealogical perspective, the article problematises the notion that character formation and school discipline during this period underwent a radical democratic transformation, and that this was the successful result of a progressive political agenda. This account of school discipline is shown to be problematic since it conceals a complex and even ironic historical process, where a disciplinarian discourse in school lingered and even widened and deepened disciplinary practice during the period.

Research paper thumbnail of Barndomens historiska framväxt

Research paper thumbnail of Progressive School Politics and the Disciplinary Regimes of the Classroom–a Genealogical perspective

SwePub titelinformation: Progressive School Politics and the Disciplinary Regimes of the Classroo... more SwePub titelinformation: Progressive School Politics and the Disciplinary Regimes of the Classroom – a Genealogical perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of Från storslagna visioner till professionell bedömning-Om barndom, utbildning och styrning

... Kanske kan den globaliserade hiphoppen stå som ett uttryck för och exempel på en samtida folk... more ... Kanske kan den globaliserade hiphoppen stå som ett uttryck för och exempel på en samtida folkbildning. ... I USA finns det en större benägenhet att fokusera på etnicitet än på klass vilket har lett till att arbetarrörelsen inte har fått samma maktpo-sition som i Västeuropa (Laclau & ...

Research paper thumbnail of The moral regime of norm critical pedagogics – new ways of governing the Swedish pre-school child

Critical Studies in Education, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Skolbarnets fostran : Enhetsskolan, agan och politiken om barnet 1946-1962

I centrum for avhandlingen star den konflikt om skolagan som aktualiserades nar det svenska skolv... more I centrum for avhandlingen star den konflikt om skolagan som aktualiserades nar det svenska skolvasendet skulle stopas om till en enhetsskola. Undersokningsperioden ar 1946-1962. Det overgripande syftet har varit att analysera denna konflikts upprinnelse, utveckling och foljder i relation till skolans fostransuppdrag och barndomens inneborder. Med utgangspunkt i detta syfte har dels har det formella skolpolitiska spelet kring enhetsskolan och skolans fostransuppdrag beskrivits, dels har ett antal centrala texter som producerades i denna process analyserats. Teoretiskt och metodiskt har undersokningen knutit an till ett diskursanalytiskt forhallningssatt dar fragor om makt och styrning ar centrala. I diskussionen om skolans fostransuppdrag framtradde olika diskurser som pa vissa punkter stod i skarp opposition mot varandra. Vid en narmare granskning av denna konflikt har diskursernas olika mojlighetsvillkor undersokts, i betydelsen deras historiska och samhalleliga forutsattningar oc...

Research paper thumbnail of Are we constructing Lutherans, people with values or US citizens?

Research paper thumbnail of Upphöjda begrepp i svensk utbildningsdiskurs

Research paper thumbnail of Fabricating and Governing the Swedish School Pupil: The Swedish Post-War School Reform and Changing Discourses of Discipline and Behaviour

Nordic Journal Of Educational History, 2018

This article examines the dominant discourses of behaviour and discipline in the debate on school... more This article examines the dominant discourses of behaviour and discipline in the debate on schooling and the conduct of school pupils in Swedish professional teacher journals between 1946 and 1962, the formative years of the Swedish comprehensive school. Drawing from the theoretical framework of discourse, governmentality and the fabrication of the subject developed by Michel Foucault, the fabrication and governing of the school pupil is highlighted and analysed. The findings of the study are related to historical research of the period as well as Foucauldian studies where a historical shift of perspectives on discipline and behaviour in the school have been proposed. The result is a detailed analysis of the fabrication and governing of the subject within the dominant discourses of behaviour and discipline during the period, as well as a critical nuancing of the idea of this historical shift.

Research paper thumbnail of The moral regime of norm critical pedagogics - new ways of governing the Swedish pre-school child

Critical Studies in Education, 2021

In recent years, many programs and manuals for 'norm criticism' have been produced for schools in... more In recent years, many programs and manuals for 'norm criticism' have been produced for schools in Sweden. In this article, I situate norm criticism and norm critical pedagogics within discourses of values and norms, legal rights and policies through a close reading of the material produced for the Swedish preschool. I explore the targets, modes, and techniques of governing the child through norm critical programs and practices. I give special attention to the moral regime inscribed in the norm critical project and how the desirable and undesirable subject is constructed. By problematiz-ing norm critical pedagogics, the article propositions them (con-trary to its advocates' claims) as doing much more than widening social norms, creating tolerance for diversity, or furthering freedom and authenticity. Norm criticism attempts to reshape power-relations, assert the moral authority of professionals, and produce a state-approved social subject.

Research paper thumbnail of Swedish progressive school politics and the disciplinary regime of the school, 1946-1962: a genealogical perspective

Paedagogica Historica - International Journal of the History of Education , 2013

This article examines the vision of the Swedish comprehensive school reform between 1946-1962 as ... more This article examines the vision of the Swedish comprehensive school reform between 1946-1962 as it pertains to the ever-troubling questions of discipline and order in school. Inspired primarily by the work of Michel Foucault and his genealogical perspective, the article problematizes the notion that character formation and school discipline during this period underwent a radical democratic transformation, and that this was the successful result of a progressive political agenda. This account of school discipline is shown to be problematic since it conceals a complex and even ironic historical process, where a disciplinarian discourse in school lingered and even widened and deepened disciplinary practice during the period.

Research paper thumbnail of The Historical Emergence of Modern Childhood

The SAGE Handbook of Global Childhoods

In just a little over one hundred years, children's living conditions together with the v... more In just a little over one hundred years, children's living conditions together with the very notion of childhood have changed dramatically in the Western world. Child labor has been banned and institutions for care and schooling have become the primary life world of children rather than the farm and the household. Children are today perceived as individuals in their own right, as maturing through various developmental stages, and as having certain undeniable social and legal rights in relation to both parents and society. This development can of course be thought of in terms of humanitarian progress. But alongside this development we can also observe an increase in the monitoring and governing of children’s lives, to the point that childhood can be thought of as “the most intensely governed sector of personal existence” (Rose 1999:123). Against the backdrop of humanistic development on the one hand and an increasing governing of childhood on the other, this chapter explores the historical transformations of childhood through the lens of a few overarching themes: industrialization and urbanization, children’s path into public life and citizenship, changed notions of the child's nature and being, and the scientification of the child.

Research paper thumbnail of The performance and meaning of punk in a local Swedish context

When punk culture travelled from The US and England to Sweden in the late 1970s and early 1980s, ... more When punk culture travelled from The US and England to Sweden in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the result was a mix of symbols, emotions and attitudes from all three national contexts. One Swedis ...

Research paper thumbnail of Grundskolereformen och talet om differentieringen : differentieringsfrågan och konstruktionen av barns och ungdomars olikheter

Grundskolereformen och talet om differentieringen : differentieringsfragan och konstruktionen av ... more Grundskolereformen och talet om differentieringen : differentieringsfragan och konstruktionen av barns och ungdomars olikheter

Research paper thumbnail of Maktens skepnader och effekter : Maktanalys i Foucaults anda

Denna bok ger kunskap och redskap för att arbeta med Foucaultinspirerad maktanalys. I bokens förs... more Denna bok ger kunskap och redskap för att arbeta med Foucaultinspirerad maktanalys. I bokens första del presenteras Foucaults tänkande om makt utifrån ett antal övergripande begrepp som beskriver maktens skepnader och effekter ur ett historiskt perspektiv. Här får läsaren stifta bekantskap med de maktbegrepp som Foucault formulerade för att beskriva makt under olika historiska perioder: suverän och disciplinär makt, biomakt, pastoral makt och styrningsmakt. Bokens andra del är metodiskt inriktad och ger verktyg för att arbeta med Foucaults tänkande om makt i empiriska undersökningar. Här diskuteras de specifika teoretiska och analytiska utgångspunkterna för en maktanalys. Boken avslutas med exempel från författarnas egen forskning och ger råd om hur man kan arbeta med maktanalysen i konkreta undersökningar. Författarna vänder sig framför allt till uppsatsskribenter, doktorander och forskare som är intresserade av Foucaults tänkande om makt och vill fördjupa sin kunskap och omsätta den analytiskt och metodiskt.

Research paper thumbnail of Fabricating and Governing the Swedish School Pupil

Nordic Journal of Educational History, 2018

This article examines the dominant discourses of behaviour and discipline in the debate on school... more This article examines the dominant discourses of behaviour and discipline in the debate on schooling and the conduct of school pupils in Swedish professional teacher journals between 1946 and 1962, the formative years of the Swedish comprehensive school. Drawing from the theoretical framework of discourse, governmentality and the fabrication of the subject developed by Michel Foucault, the fabrication and governing of the school pupil is highlighted and analysed. The findings of the study are related to historical research of the period as well as Foucauldian studies where a historical shift of perspectives on discipline and behaviour in the school have been proposed. The result is a detailed analysis of the fabrication and governing of the subject within the dominant discourses of behaviour and discipline during the period, as well as a critical nuancing of the idea of this historical shift.

Research paper thumbnail of Punk i Peking : motstånd, attityd och mening

Boken handlar om den levande punkkultur som uppstod i Norrkoping aren 1977-83. Genom intervjuer, ... more Boken handlar om den levande punkkultur som uppstod i Norrkoping aren 1977-83. Genom intervjuer, fotografi- och dokumentstudier forsoker forfattarna forsta vilka punkarna var och vad som drev dem att anamma den subversiva stilen.

Research paper thumbnail of Värdegrund och livskunskap som styrningsteknologier

Styrningskonst Pa Utbildningsarenan Upphojda Begrepp I Svensk Utbildningsdiskurs, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Perspektiv på skola och barndom

Research paper thumbnail of Styrningskonst på utbildningsarenan : upphöjda begrepp i svensk utbildningdiskurs

Research paper thumbnail of Swedish progressive school politics and the disciplinary regime of the school, 1946–1962: a genealogical perspective

Paedagogica Historica, 2012

This article examines the vision of the Swedish comprehensive school reform between 1946–1962 as ... more This article examines the vision of the Swedish comprehensive school reform between 1946–1962 as it pertains to the ever-troubling questions of discipline and order in school. Inspired primarily by the work of Michel Foucault and his genealogical perspective, the article problematises the notion that character formation and school discipline during this period underwent a radical democratic transformation, and that this was the successful result of a progressive political agenda. This account of school discipline is shown to be problematic since it conceals a complex and even ironic historical process, where a disciplinarian discourse in school lingered and even widened and deepened disciplinary practice during the period.

Research paper thumbnail of Barndomens historiska framväxt

Research paper thumbnail of Progressive School Politics and the Disciplinary Regimes of the Classroom–a Genealogical perspective

SwePub titelinformation: Progressive School Politics and the Disciplinary Regimes of the Classroo... more SwePub titelinformation: Progressive School Politics and the Disciplinary Regimes of the Classroom – a Genealogical perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of Från storslagna visioner till professionell bedömning-Om barndom, utbildning och styrning

... Kanske kan den globaliserade hiphoppen stå som ett uttryck för och exempel på en samtida folk... more ... Kanske kan den globaliserade hiphoppen stå som ett uttryck för och exempel på en samtida folkbildning. ... I USA finns det en större benägenhet att fokusera på etnicitet än på klass vilket har lett till att arbetarrörelsen inte har fått samma maktpo-sition som i Västeuropa (Laclau & ...

Research paper thumbnail of The moral regime of norm critical pedagogics – new ways of governing the Swedish pre-school child

Critical Studies in Education, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Skolbarnets fostran : Enhetsskolan, agan och politiken om barnet 1946-1962

I centrum for avhandlingen star den konflikt om skolagan som aktualiserades nar det svenska skolv... more I centrum for avhandlingen star den konflikt om skolagan som aktualiserades nar det svenska skolvasendet skulle stopas om till en enhetsskola. Undersokningsperioden ar 1946-1962. Det overgripande syftet har varit att analysera denna konflikts upprinnelse, utveckling och foljder i relation till skolans fostransuppdrag och barndomens inneborder. Med utgangspunkt i detta syfte har dels har det formella skolpolitiska spelet kring enhetsskolan och skolans fostransuppdrag beskrivits, dels har ett antal centrala texter som producerades i denna process analyserats. Teoretiskt och metodiskt har undersokningen knutit an till ett diskursanalytiskt forhallningssatt dar fragor om makt och styrning ar centrala. I diskussionen om skolans fostransuppdrag framtradde olika diskurser som pa vissa punkter stod i skarp opposition mot varandra. Vid en narmare granskning av denna konflikt har diskursernas olika mojlighetsvillkor undersokts, i betydelsen deras historiska och samhalleliga forutsattningar oc...

Research paper thumbnail of Are we constructing Lutherans, people with values or US citizens?

Research paper thumbnail of Upphöjda begrepp i svensk utbildningsdiskurs

Research paper thumbnail of Fabricating and Governing the Swedish School Pupil: The Swedish Post-War School Reform and Changing Discourses of Discipline and Behaviour

Nordic Journal Of Educational History, 2018

This article examines the dominant discourses of behaviour and discipline in the debate on school... more This article examines the dominant discourses of behaviour and discipline in the debate on schooling and the conduct of school pupils in Swedish professional teacher journals between 1946 and 1962, the formative years of the Swedish comprehensive school. Drawing from the theoretical framework of discourse, governmentality and the fabrication of the subject developed by Michel Foucault, the fabrication and governing of the school pupil is highlighted and analysed. The findings of the study are related to historical research of the period as well as Foucauldian studies where a historical shift of perspectives on discipline and behaviour in the school have been proposed. The result is a detailed analysis of the fabrication and governing of the subject within the dominant discourses of behaviour and discipline during the period, as well as a critical nuancing of the idea of this historical shift.

Research paper thumbnail of The moral regime of norm critical pedagogics - new ways of governing the Swedish pre-school child

Critical Studies in Education, 2021

In recent years, many programs and manuals for 'norm criticism' have been produced for schools in... more In recent years, many programs and manuals for 'norm criticism' have been produced for schools in Sweden. In this article, I situate norm criticism and norm critical pedagogics within discourses of values and norms, legal rights and policies through a close reading of the material produced for the Swedish preschool. I explore the targets, modes, and techniques of governing the child through norm critical programs and practices. I give special attention to the moral regime inscribed in the norm critical project and how the desirable and undesirable subject is constructed. By problematiz-ing norm critical pedagogics, the article propositions them (con-trary to its advocates' claims) as doing much more than widening social norms, creating tolerance for diversity, or furthering freedom and authenticity. Norm criticism attempts to reshape power-relations, assert the moral authority of professionals, and produce a state-approved social subject.

Research paper thumbnail of Swedish progressive school politics and the disciplinary regime of the school, 1946-1962: a genealogical perspective

Paedagogica Historica - International Journal of the History of Education , 2013

This article examines the vision of the Swedish comprehensive school reform between 1946-1962 as ... more This article examines the vision of the Swedish comprehensive school reform between 1946-1962 as it pertains to the ever-troubling questions of discipline and order in school. Inspired primarily by the work of Michel Foucault and his genealogical perspective, the article problematizes the notion that character formation and school discipline during this period underwent a radical democratic transformation, and that this was the successful result of a progressive political agenda. This account of school discipline is shown to be problematic since it conceals a complex and even ironic historical process, where a disciplinarian discourse in school lingered and even widened and deepened disciplinary practice during the period.

Research paper thumbnail of The Historical Emergence of Modern Childhood

Sage Handbook of Global Childhoods, 2021

In just a little over one hundred years, children's living conditions together with the very noti... more In just a little over one hundred years, children's living conditions together with the very notion of childhood have changed dramatically in the Western world. Child labor has been banned and institutions for care and schooling have become the primary life world of children rather than the farm and the household. Children are today perceived as individuals in their own right, as maturing through various developmental stages, and as having certain undeniable social and legal rights in relation to both parents and society. This development can of course be thought of in terms of humanitarian progress. But alongside this development we can also observe an increase in the monitoring and governing of children’s lives, to the point that childhood can be thought of as “the most intensely governed sector of personal existence” (Rose 1999:123). Against the backdrop of humanistic development on the one hand and an increasing governing of childhood on the other, this chapter explores the historical transformations of childhood through the lens of a few overarching themes: industrialization and urbanization, children’s path into public life and citizenship, changed notions of the child's nature and being, and the scientification of the child.

Research paper thumbnail of Maktens skepnader och effekter: Maktanalys i Foucaults anda

Maktens skepnader och effekter: Maktanalys i Foucaults anda, 2017

Denna bok ger kunskap och redskap för att arbeta med Foucaultinspirerad maktanalys. I bokens förs... more Denna bok ger kunskap och redskap för att arbeta med Foucaultinspirerad maktanalys. I bokens första del presenteras Foucaults tänkande om makt utifrån ett antal övergripande begrepp som beskriver maktens skepnader och effekter ur ett historiskt perspektiv. Här får läsaren stifta bekantskap med de maktbegrepp som Foucault formulerade för att beskriva makt under olika historiska perioder: suverän och disciplinär makt, biomakt, pastoral makt och styrningsmakt.

Bokens andra del är metodiskt inriktad och ger verktyg för att arbeta med Foucaults tänkande om makt i empiriska undersökningar. Här diskuteras de specifika teoretiska och analytiska utgångspunkterna för en maktanalys.

Boken avslutas med exempel från författarnas egen forskning och ger råd om hur man kan arbeta med maktanalysen i konkreta undersökningar.

Författarna vänder sig framför allt till uppsatsskribenter, doktorander och forskare som är intresserade av Foucaults tänkande om makt och vill fördjupa sin kunskap och omsätta den analytiskt och metodiskt.

Research paper thumbnail of Are We Creating Lutherans Value People or US Citizens?

Foucault and a Politics of Confession in Education, 2015

In liberal, democratic and capitalist societies today, we are increasingly invited to disclose ou... more In liberal, democratic and capitalist societies today, we are increasingly invited to disclose our innermost thoughts to others. We are asked to turn our gaze inwards, scrutinizing ourselves, our behaviours and beliefs, while talking and writing about ourselves in these terms. This form of disclosure of the self resonates with older forms of church confession, and is now widely seen in practices of education in new ways in nurseries, schools, colleges, universities, workplaces and the wider policy arena.
This book brings together international scholars and researchers inspired by the work of Michel Foucault, to explore in detail what happens when these practices of confession become part of our lives and ways of being in education. The authors argue that these practices are not neutral, but political and powerful in their effects in shaping and governing people; they examine confession as discursive and contemporary practice so as to provoke critical thought.
International in scope and pioneering in the detail of its scrutiny of such practices, this book extends contemporary understanding of the exercise of power and politics of confessional practices in education and learning, and offers an alter- native way of thinking of them. The book will be of value to educational practitioners, scholars, researchers and students, interested in the politics of their own practices.