Marta-Lisa Magnusson | Malmö University (original) (raw)

Books by Marta-Lisa Magnusson

[Research paper thumbnail of Vi såg sammanbrottet [We witnessed the break-up]. Svenska och danska forskares berättelser från Kaukasus under Sovjetväldets sista år](

Caucasus Studies 8, 2021

Swedish and Danish researchers recount their experiences in the Caucasus during the final years o... more Swedish and Danish researchers recount their experiences in the Caucasus during the final years of the Soviet Union and the period shortly after. More info is available at
– The authors of this anthology report on what it was like to travel and do field research on the periphery of the Soviet Empire and the political processes that they witnessed. The authors are political scientist Ib Faurby, cultural geographer Lars Funch Hansen, researcher on minority issues Helen Krag, slavicist Märta-Lisa Magnusson, historian and Iranologist Søren Theisen and general linguist Karina Vamling. Since this period they have all closely followed the develop-ment in the Caucasus region in struggles for independence, wars and ethno-political conflicts.
– The contributions to the anthology are based on material collected during travel and fieldwork in both the South and North Caucasus. In their contributions the authors write about the new movements for independence in the Caucasus and increasing tensions with Moscow, how the Soviet structures at different levels were breaking down and the national cultures became increasingly important. They describe how premodern traditions still play a role, despite Soviet modernization, account for specific cultural features and similarities and also witness deepening ethnic antagonism. Though being a peripheral region of the USSR, the Caucasus played an important role in the gradual disintegration of the union and its collapse in December 1991.
— The contributions are written in Swedish and Danish and are illustrated with original photos taken by the authors during their travel and fieldwork in the South and North Caucasus. In the opening contribution Märta-Lisa Magnusson, based on impressions from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia at the end of the 1980s, puts the question “The Soviet people, did it exist?”. In his chapter, Ib Faurby adopts a global as well as local perspective: The disintegration of an Empire in a perspective from below. The following chapter by Karina Vamling focuses on the role of language and identity in Georgia: Four years that changed the identity of Georgia. Søren Theisen travelled extensively in Armenia and writes about the Soviet legacy and pre-Soviet traditions in A Little Trip Down Memory Lane. Travels in Armenia before and shortly after the break-up of the Soviet Union. Lars Funch Hansen shares his impressions from Spitak, the Armenian town that was severely hit by an earthquake in 1988: When the mountains wept. Spitak, December 1989. A photo story from a field visit in snow and ice in Armenia on the 1 year anniversary of the earthquake in 1988. In her chapter Forget it if you can Helen Krag approaches silenced aspects of minority issues in the Caucasus. Lars Funch Hansen continues the topic of conflicts in the North Caucasus and focuses on the Prigorodnyj district and the conflict between North Ossetia and Ingushetia: “He is a conflictologist”. Field research in North Caucasus at the time of the break-up of the Soviet Union. In the last chapter How I conquered the North Caucasian stronghold Majkop Karina Vamling illustrates challenges of doing field work in the Soviet period in her research on the structure and status of the Northwest Caucasian Circassian language.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ib Faurby og Märta-Lisa Magnusson (red.): Korsvej og minefelt. Kultur og konflikt i Kaukasus (Crossroads and Minefield. Culture and Conflict in the Caucasus), Systime Academic, Århus 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Märta-Lisa Magnusson (red.) : Rusland - et åbent samfund? Skriftserie TKI nr. 2, Sydjysk Univeritetsforlag, Esbjerg 1996, (123 s.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Märta-Lisa Magnusson og Jens Jörgen Jensen: Rusland - Samling eller sammenbrud? Sydjysk universitetsforlag, Esbjerg, 1995 (302 s.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Abderrazak Essaid, Paul Henze, Märta-Lisa Magnusson: Chechnia. Report of an International Alert Fact-Finding Mission (September 24-October 3, 1992), International Alert, London 1992 (52 p.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Märta-Lisa Magnusson: Harmonien der blev væk: bondens forsvinden fra moderne russisk litteratur. Sydjysk Universitetsforlag, Esbjerg, 1991 (291 s.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Märta-Lisa Magnusson (ed.): The Louisiana Conference on Literature and Perestroika, 2-4 march 1988, South Jutland University Press 1989 (141 p.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Magnusson, Märta-Lisa (1986). Gränsens funktioner och manifestationer i Valentin Raspuntins 'povesti’, Doktorsavhandling, Commentationes Slavicae Gothoburgenses. Göteborg: Institutum Slavicum, Universtitatis Gothoburgensis. (243 s.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Magnusson, Märta-Lisa og Nørgaard, Ole. Dagbog fra Tjernobyl (Om katastrofens forlöb tegnet i sovjetiske medier, dens forhistorie og konsekvenser for det sovjetiske samfund)  Forlaget Carnet, 1986 (96 s.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Magnusson, Märta-Lisa (1981). Forankring og fremskridt. Tre romaner om den sovjetiske landsby i forandring, Skriftrække fra Institut for Øst-Vest Forskning, nr. 1. Esbjerg: Sydjysk Universitetscenter. (96 s.)

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Papers by Marta-Lisa Magnusson

Research paper thumbnail of "Russia's intervention in Ukraine should not have come as a surprise to anyone"

Russia's intervention in Ukraine should not have come as a surprise to anyone, 2014

The West must act far more resolutely and coordinatedly against Russian violations of internation... more The West must act far more resolutely and coordinatedly against Russian violations of international law agreements and conventions, write Märta-Lisa Magnusson and Karina Vamling, senior lecturer and professor in Caucasus Studies at Malmö University.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ryssland mot Turkiet i Nagorno-Karabach

Forskning & Framsteg, 2023

Publication in Swedish popular science journal Forskning & Framsteg ([ more ](;)Publication in Swedish popular science journal Forskning & Framsteg ( on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the background of the conflict, with particular focus on the role of Russia and Turkey.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Ryssland förlorar inflytande till förmån för Turkiet”

Sydsvenskan, 2023

Russia's invasion of Ukraine one year ago has had devastating humanitarian and far-reaching secur... more Russia's invasion of Ukraine one year ago has had devastating humanitarian and far-reaching security policy consequences. This article by Märta-Lisa Magnusson and Karina Vamling in the Swedish daily newspaper “Sydsvenskan” focuses on how the Ukraine war has affected Russia's relations with other former Soviet republics. Moscow's dominance is now being challenged against Turkey’s increasing influence in the South Caucasus.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Rysslands intervention i Ukraina borde inte ha kommit som en överraskning för någon"

Sydsvenskan, 2014

Co-authored article with Karina Vamling (2014-03-20) in the Swedish daily paper "Sydsvenskan": “R... more Co-authored article with Karina Vamling (2014-03-20) in the Swedish daily paper "Sydsvenskan": “Russia's intervention in Ukraine shouldn't have come as a surprise to anyone”. The article was written at the time of Russia's annexation of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, against the background of the Russo-Georgian war in 2008 and Russia's earlier wars against Chechnya.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Omvärlden måste vara mer vaksam än hittills på mönster i Rysslands agerande i forna sovjerepubliker"

Sydsvenskan, 2022

Co-authored newspaper article wirh Karina Vamling in the Swedish daily paper Sysdvenskan on the d... more Co-authored newspaper article wirh Karina Vamling in the Swedish daily paper Sysdvenskan on the day of the Russian invasion in Ukraine (2022-02-24). ): “The world must be more attentive to patterns in Russia's actions in the former Soviet republics”. The article refers to parallels in Russia's internventions in Crimea, Georgia and Chechnya with the current development in Ukraine.

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Research paper thumbnail of Staffan Skott: Det nya Ryssland och arvet efter Sovjet 1914–2008

Nordisk Østforum, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Conflicts and Conflict Resolution in the Caucasus. Teaching material. Course module (7,5 ECTS), Caucasus Studies II, Section for Caucasus Studies, Malmö University

Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the Caucasus. Teaching material. Course module (7,5 ECTS) Ca... more Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the Caucasus. Teaching material. Course module (7,5 ECTS) Caucasus Studies II,
(offered online Spring 2011- Spring 2017)
Section for Caucasus studies, Malmö University

The course module introduces major approaches to violent intra-state conflict, providing the students with tools for analysing and understanding violent intra-state conflicts in post-Soviet Caucasus.The course module develops the students’ understanding of general as well as area-specific conflict generating factors and of general as well as area-specific problems related to conflict resolution in the Caucasus area.

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Research paper thumbnail of 'De facto’ states in the context of the current international law and international politics. How may the different outcome in terms of political status obtained by the 'de facto' states in post-Soviet Caucasus be explained?

Paper prepared for the international conference ‘De facto entities in the post-Soviet space: Dy... more Paper prepared for the international conference ‘De facto entities in the post-Soviet space: Dynamics and Prospects’, September 4-5, 2014, Sevan, Armenia

How might the different outcome in terms of political status acquired by the ‘de facto’ states in the post- Soviet Caucasus be explained? Why has the prevailing normative regime on territorial integrity and against dismemberment of existing states apparently worked in some of the cases but not in all? Why this difference in outcome despite peace processes guided by the same normative regime?

Märta-Lisa Magnusson, Senior Lecturer in Caucasus Studies, Ph.D., Faculty of Culture and Society, Malmö University, Sweden

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Research paper thumbnail of Märta-Lisa Magnusson: "Why No Settlement in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict? – Which are the obstacles to a negotiated solution?"

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Research paper thumbnail of Märta-Lisa Magnusson: "Nagorno-Karabakh– - de facto stat på spring?"

Fra nation til stat: Er Kosovo undtagelsen?

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[Research paper thumbnail of Vi såg sammanbrottet [We witnessed the break-up]. Svenska och danska forskares berättelser från Kaukasus under Sovjetväldets sista år](

Caucasus Studies 8, 2021

Swedish and Danish researchers recount their experiences in the Caucasus during the final years o... more Swedish and Danish researchers recount their experiences in the Caucasus during the final years of the Soviet Union and the period shortly after. More info is available at
– The authors of this anthology report on what it was like to travel and do field research on the periphery of the Soviet Empire and the political processes that they witnessed. The authors are political scientist Ib Faurby, cultural geographer Lars Funch Hansen, researcher on minority issues Helen Krag, slavicist Märta-Lisa Magnusson, historian and Iranologist Søren Theisen and general linguist Karina Vamling. Since this period they have all closely followed the develop-ment in the Caucasus region in struggles for independence, wars and ethno-political conflicts.
– The contributions to the anthology are based on material collected during travel and fieldwork in both the South and North Caucasus. In their contributions the authors write about the new movements for independence in the Caucasus and increasing tensions with Moscow, how the Soviet structures at different levels were breaking down and the national cultures became increasingly important. They describe how premodern traditions still play a role, despite Soviet modernization, account for specific cultural features and similarities and also witness deepening ethnic antagonism. Though being a peripheral region of the USSR, the Caucasus played an important role in the gradual disintegration of the union and its collapse in December 1991.
— The contributions are written in Swedish and Danish and are illustrated with original photos taken by the authors during their travel and fieldwork in the South and North Caucasus. In the opening contribution Märta-Lisa Magnusson, based on impressions from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia at the end of the 1980s, puts the question “The Soviet people, did it exist?”. In his chapter, Ib Faurby adopts a global as well as local perspective: The disintegration of an Empire in a perspective from below. The following chapter by Karina Vamling focuses on the role of language and identity in Georgia: Four years that changed the identity of Georgia. Søren Theisen travelled extensively in Armenia and writes about the Soviet legacy and pre-Soviet traditions in A Little Trip Down Memory Lane. Travels in Armenia before and shortly after the break-up of the Soviet Union. Lars Funch Hansen shares his impressions from Spitak, the Armenian town that was severely hit by an earthquake in 1988: When the mountains wept. Spitak, December 1989. A photo story from a field visit in snow and ice in Armenia on the 1 year anniversary of the earthquake in 1988. In her chapter Forget it if you can Helen Krag approaches silenced aspects of minority issues in the Caucasus. Lars Funch Hansen continues the topic of conflicts in the North Caucasus and focuses on the Prigorodnyj district and the conflict between North Ossetia and Ingushetia: “He is a conflictologist”. Field research in North Caucasus at the time of the break-up of the Soviet Union. In the last chapter How I conquered the North Caucasian stronghold Majkop Karina Vamling illustrates challenges of doing field work in the Soviet period in her research on the structure and status of the Northwest Caucasian Circassian language.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ib Faurby og Märta-Lisa Magnusson (red.): Korsvej og minefelt. Kultur og konflikt i Kaukasus (Crossroads and Minefield. Culture and Conflict in the Caucasus), Systime Academic, Århus 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Märta-Lisa Magnusson (red.) : Rusland - et åbent samfund? Skriftserie TKI nr. 2, Sydjysk Univeritetsforlag, Esbjerg 1996, (123 s.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Märta-Lisa Magnusson og Jens Jörgen Jensen: Rusland - Samling eller sammenbrud? Sydjysk universitetsforlag, Esbjerg, 1995 (302 s.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Abderrazak Essaid, Paul Henze, Märta-Lisa Magnusson: Chechnia. Report of an International Alert Fact-Finding Mission (September 24-October 3, 1992), International Alert, London 1992 (52 p.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Märta-Lisa Magnusson: Harmonien der blev væk: bondens forsvinden fra moderne russisk litteratur. Sydjysk Universitetsforlag, Esbjerg, 1991 (291 s.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Märta-Lisa Magnusson (ed.): The Louisiana Conference on Literature and Perestroika, 2-4 march 1988, South Jutland University Press 1989 (141 p.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Magnusson, Märta-Lisa (1986). Gränsens funktioner och manifestationer i Valentin Raspuntins 'povesti’, Doktorsavhandling, Commentationes Slavicae Gothoburgenses. Göteborg: Institutum Slavicum, Universtitatis Gothoburgensis. (243 s.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Magnusson, Märta-Lisa og Nørgaard, Ole. Dagbog fra Tjernobyl (Om katastrofens forlöb tegnet i sovjetiske medier, dens forhistorie og konsekvenser for det sovjetiske samfund)  Forlaget Carnet, 1986 (96 s.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Magnusson, Märta-Lisa (1981). Forankring og fremskridt. Tre romaner om den sovjetiske landsby i forandring, Skriftrække fra Institut for Øst-Vest Forskning, nr. 1. Esbjerg: Sydjysk Universitetscenter. (96 s.)

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Research paper thumbnail of "Russia's intervention in Ukraine should not have come as a surprise to anyone"

Russia's intervention in Ukraine should not have come as a surprise to anyone, 2014

The West must act far more resolutely and coordinatedly against Russian violations of internation... more The West must act far more resolutely and coordinatedly against Russian violations of international law agreements and conventions, write Märta-Lisa Magnusson and Karina Vamling, senior lecturer and professor in Caucasus Studies at Malmö University.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ryssland mot Turkiet i Nagorno-Karabach

Forskning & Framsteg, 2023

Publication in Swedish popular science journal Forskning & Framsteg ([ more ](;)Publication in Swedish popular science journal Forskning & Framsteg ( on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the background of the conflict, with particular focus on the role of Russia and Turkey.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Ryssland förlorar inflytande till förmån för Turkiet”

Sydsvenskan, 2023

Russia's invasion of Ukraine one year ago has had devastating humanitarian and far-reaching secur... more Russia's invasion of Ukraine one year ago has had devastating humanitarian and far-reaching security policy consequences. This article by Märta-Lisa Magnusson and Karina Vamling in the Swedish daily newspaper “Sydsvenskan” focuses on how the Ukraine war has affected Russia's relations with other former Soviet republics. Moscow's dominance is now being challenged against Turkey’s increasing influence in the South Caucasus.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Rysslands intervention i Ukraina borde inte ha kommit som en överraskning för någon"

Sydsvenskan, 2014

Co-authored article with Karina Vamling (2014-03-20) in the Swedish daily paper "Sydsvenskan": “R... more Co-authored article with Karina Vamling (2014-03-20) in the Swedish daily paper "Sydsvenskan": “Russia's intervention in Ukraine shouldn't have come as a surprise to anyone”. The article was written at the time of Russia's annexation of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, against the background of the Russo-Georgian war in 2008 and Russia's earlier wars against Chechnya.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Omvärlden måste vara mer vaksam än hittills på mönster i Rysslands agerande i forna sovjerepubliker"

Sydsvenskan, 2022

Co-authored newspaper article wirh Karina Vamling in the Swedish daily paper Sysdvenskan on the d... more Co-authored newspaper article wirh Karina Vamling in the Swedish daily paper Sysdvenskan on the day of the Russian invasion in Ukraine (2022-02-24). ): “The world must be more attentive to patterns in Russia's actions in the former Soviet republics”. The article refers to parallels in Russia's internventions in Crimea, Georgia and Chechnya with the current development in Ukraine.

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Research paper thumbnail of Staffan Skott: Det nya Ryssland och arvet efter Sovjet 1914–2008

Nordisk Østforum, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Conflicts and Conflict Resolution in the Caucasus. Teaching material. Course module (7,5 ECTS), Caucasus Studies II, Section for Caucasus Studies, Malmö University

Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the Caucasus. Teaching material. Course module (7,5 ECTS) Ca... more Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the Caucasus. Teaching material. Course module (7,5 ECTS) Caucasus Studies II,
(offered online Spring 2011- Spring 2017)
Section for Caucasus studies, Malmö University

The course module introduces major approaches to violent intra-state conflict, providing the students with tools for analysing and understanding violent intra-state conflicts in post-Soviet Caucasus.The course module develops the students’ understanding of general as well as area-specific conflict generating factors and of general as well as area-specific problems related to conflict resolution in the Caucasus area.

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Research paper thumbnail of 'De facto’ states in the context of the current international law and international politics. How may the different outcome in terms of political status obtained by the 'de facto' states in post-Soviet Caucasus be explained?

Paper prepared for the international conference ‘De facto entities in the post-Soviet space: Dy... more Paper prepared for the international conference ‘De facto entities in the post-Soviet space: Dynamics and Prospects’, September 4-5, 2014, Sevan, Armenia

How might the different outcome in terms of political status acquired by the ‘de facto’ states in the post- Soviet Caucasus be explained? Why has the prevailing normative regime on territorial integrity and against dismemberment of existing states apparently worked in some of the cases but not in all? Why this difference in outcome despite peace processes guided by the same normative regime?

Märta-Lisa Magnusson, Senior Lecturer in Caucasus Studies, Ph.D., Faculty of Culture and Society, Malmö University, Sweden

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Research paper thumbnail of Märta-Lisa Magnusson: "Why No Settlement in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict? – Which are the obstacles to a negotiated solution?"

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Research paper thumbnail of Märta-Lisa Magnusson: "Nagorno-Karabakh– - de facto stat på spring?"

Fra nation til stat: Er Kosovo undtagelsen?

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Research paper thumbnail of Searching for Peace in Chechnya– Swiss Initiatives and Experiences: Swisspeace Annual Conference 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Karabakh– den besværlige brik i de stores spil


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Research paper thumbnail of Den russiske forfatnings(u)orden. Om sam-og modspillet mellem centralmagten og regionerne (in Danish).

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Research paper thumbnail of Ib Faurby og Märta-Lisa Magnusson: "Europarådet, Rusland og krigene i Tjetjenien", Udenrigs, nr. 2, 2000.  Russian transl: "Sovet Evropy, Rossiya i vojny v Chechne"

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Research paper thumbnail of Magnusson, Märta-Lisa och Faurby, Ib: “Hvorfor ville russerne krig?”

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Research paper thumbnail of Ib Faurby in co-operation with Märta-Lisa Magnusson:  "The Battle(s) of Grozny", Baltic Defence Review, No. 2 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Endløsung i Tjetjenien?

Udenrigs, Jan 1, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of The Failure of Conflict Prevention and Management: The Case of Chechnya Part 1: Conflict Assessment and Pre-War Escalation

Conflict and Forced Displacement in the Caucasus: …, Jan 1, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Kommentarij k vystupleniju

Tsentraljanya Azyja i Kavkaz, Jan 1, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of The Negotiation Process between Russia and Chechenia— Strategies, Achievements and Future Problems. In: Ole Höjris and Sefa Martin Yürükel (eds.): Contrasts and Solutions in the Caucasus. Aarhus University Press, Århus 1998.

Contrasts and Solutions in the Caucasus, Jan 1, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Caucasus' break-away regions in the context of international norms and geopolitics Web-seminar lecture 'Caucasus Studies', Malmö University,  4 Oct. 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of "Conflict Cases in the Caucasus. Characteristics, consequences, causes and Conflict Resolution". Web-seminar lecture 'Caucasus Studies' Malmö University, 9 February 2016.

Web Seminar lecture for 'Caucasus Studies' and 'Caucasus Field and Case Studies' , Malmö Universi... more Web Seminar lecture for 'Caucasus Studies' and 'Caucasus Field and Case Studies' , Malmö University, 9 February 2016.

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Research paper thumbnail of 'Power or Principles? Russia's intervention in Ukraine. Lessons from the Caucasus.' Guest lecture at Malmoe Association of Foreign Affairs at Malmoe University, 23 April 2014

Märta-Lisa Magnusson: 'Power or principles? Russia's intervention in Ukraine. Lessons from the C... more Märta-Lisa Magnusson:

'Power or principles? Russia's intervention in Ukraine. Lessons from the Caucasus.'
Guest lecture at Malmoe Association of Foreign Affairs at Malmoe University, 23 April 2014

Russia strongly disapproved of Kosovo’s declaration of independence from Serbia in February 2008 and western governments’ recognition of Kosova. Shortly after, in August 2008, Russia intervened militarily in Georgia and recognized two of Georgia’s separatist regions, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as independent states. Recently Russia annexed Ukraine’s predominantly ethnic Russian region Crimea, after the region, with Russian assistance, held a referendum in favor of joining the Russian Federation.
Russia’s response to Kosovo’s independence and Russia’s interventions in Georgia and Ukraine may be interpreted in different ways. One might be from an international norms perspective: Russia is acting in defense of international law and norms. On the one hand a norm that has been prevailing in the last decades in the international society: respect of the territorial integrity of states, and, following from this principle, the inviolability of borders and non-interference in the internal affairs of states. On the other hand a norm that has been less prominent but obtained new significance with the partial international recognition of Kosovo: the principle of people’s right to self-determination.
Another possible interpretation, however, might be made from a more ‘realistic’ perspective. In this interpretation Russia uses discourses of international norms strategically, as rhetorical devises for pursuing her own interests.
In the lecture I shall argue for the second type of interpretation. This will be done by examining Russia’s behavior in the three separatist conflicts in post-Soviet South Caucasus (South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh) and by examining how Russia has related to separatist claims inside Russia (Chechnya).

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Research paper thumbnail of 'The South Caucasus beyond Borders, Boundaries and Division Lines: Conflicts, Cooperation and Development'. Edited by Mikko Palonkorpi. Helsinki: Aleksanteri Institute/Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, 2015

Book Review in Nordisk Ostforum 04/2015. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo

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Research paper thumbnail of Erika Fatland,  'Englebyen. Historier fra Beslan', Oslo: Cappelen Damm 2011.

Nordisk Östforum, Tidsskrift for politikk, samfunn og kultur i Öst-europa og Eurasia, Vol. 26. Nr. 1, 2012, Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, pp. 91-94

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Research paper thumbnail of Åsne Seierstad, 'De krenkede. Historier fra Tsjtsjenia'. Oslo, Cappelen Damm forlag 2007

Nordisk Östforum, Nr. 3-4, 2008, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institut/ Norwegian Institute of International Affairs/ p. 387-390

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Research paper thumbnail of Charles King, 'The Ghost of Freedom. A History of the Caucasus' , New York: Oxford University Press 2010

Historisk tidsskrift, nummer 1, 2011, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget s. 116-120

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Research paper thumbnail of Staffan Skott, 'Det nya Ryssland och arvet efter Sovjet 1914-2008', Stockholm: Hjamarson & Högberg 2009.

Nordisk Östforum. Tidsskrift för Politikk, Samfunn og Kultur i Öst-Europa och Eurasia, Vol. 24, Nr. 3, 2010, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s. 309-312.

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Research paper thumbnail of Märta-Lisa Magnusson: (2016) “Georgia’s territorial integrity in the context of a (changing?) normative consensus against dismemberment of existing states.” Seminar on 'State and Society Building in Georgia: Context and Challenges', The Danish Foreign Policy Society and European Foundation

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Research paper thumbnail of Discussant's comments on keynote speaker paper RUCARR conf MAH 161208.docx

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Research paper thumbnail of  ”Implications of Russia’s recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent states for international conflict management”. Paper presented at an international conference on Caucasus Studies: Migration, Society, Language.

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Research paper thumbnail of 'De facto' states in Post Soviet Caucasus. How might the different outcome in terms of political status obtained by Abkhazia, Chechnya, Nagorno-Karabakh and South Ossetia be explained?  Presentation at a Caucasus Studies web-seminar 22 Oct 2014, Malmö University.

The presentation is based on my paper "De facto States in the Context of the Current Internationa... more The presentation is based on my paper "De facto States in the Context of the Current International Law and International Politics," presented at an international conference on ‘De facto entities in the Post-Soviet Space’: Dynamics and Prospects', organized by The Caucasus Institute, Yerevan, supported by Academic Swiss Caucasus Net (ASCN). September 2-4, 2014.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Separatist Conflicts in the Caucasus. Underlying and triggering factors"

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