UT Austin Portugal Newsletter | Breathe. Be curious. Explore. Discover. (original) (raw)

Breathe. Be curious. Explore. Discover. We are living unprecedented times. But with challenge comes opportunity.The UT Austin Portugal Program stood strong during the Covid-19 pandemic. Ongoing research projects did not stand still. New opportunities were launched, with the Program inviting its community to put together innovative proposals for advanced training across the five knowledge areas. Another Call for Exploratory Research Projects was recently opened, promoting intense matchmaking between faculty in Portugal and at The University of Texas at Austin and at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. The Program's Annual Conference is on the horizon, this time combining well-proven formats with new ones to lead us to reflect on the power of scientific interdisciplinarity in times of disturbance.Exploration means the action of searching for the purpose of discovery in an unfamiliar field. It perfectly symbolizes the Program’s ambition: unveiling new knowledge. Ambition is the parent of all enterprises and bootstrapping high-impact research proposals to solve real-world societal problems will promote Portugal’s competitiveness and innovation capacity in Science and Technology. We, at the UT Austin Portugal Program, are eager and ready to transform research into knowledge. We are curious about how we can grow through the current challenges, explore the richness that lies at the confluence of different scientific areas and come out stronger, more resilient, transformed.We invite you, the reader, to join us in this quest. Marco Bravo, Executive Director and Co-Principal Investigator at UT Austin
UT Austin Portugal 2021 Annual Conference | SAVE THE DATE

UT Austin Portugal 2021 Annual Conference

New website online and Call for e-Posters open

The UT Austin Portugal 2021 Annual Conference, under the theme “Connecting the dots: interdisciplinarity as a way to build up resilience”, happens this year in the city of Porto, on the 20th and 21st of October, in a hybrid format, to discuss how interdisciplinarity in science is helping societies become more resilient and able to cope with adversity and distress. Two exclusive online warm-up sessions on University-based Research Commercialization and Science Communication will happen ahead of the Conference and get you the event's state of mind. The Program is also inviting you to submit proposals for e-posters highlighting your interdisciplinary research work. Please send us your proposal by the 30th of July and get the chance to have your e-poster displayed at our Virtual Gallery. More details here. Navigate the Conference’s brand new website and register for the most exciting event of the UT Austin Portugal’s community!

The Challenges of Proton Therapy

The TOF-PET project is in focus in the second edition of Cross Talks. Stefaan Tavernier (Petsys Electronics, Portugal) and Karol Lang (UT Austin, USA) tell us how this 3-year project, which also brings the MD Anderson Cancer Center on board, will improve the performance of proton therapy equipment through in-beam Time-of-Flight (TOF) Positron Emission Tomography (PET). The goal is to increase the accurateness of radiation, ensuring that protons are travelling to the right spots, i.e., to cancer tumours, minimizing damage to nearby healthy tissues. Listen to it HERE.

Wavecom is one of our industrial affiliates. We had the opportunity to talk with its CO-CEO and Business Developer, Mário Rui, about the company's journey.

Brian Korgel is the Area Director of Nanotechnologies at UT Austin. Find out more about the scientist, the entrepreneur, the artist who wants to play a role in the race to zero carbon footprint.

João Barbosa joined the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) Scalable Visualization team in 2011 as a Graduate Research Assistant while pursuing a Dual Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Austin and the Portuguese MAP-i Program in High-Performance Graphics, under the UT Austin Portugal Program. He moved back to Portugal last year and settled in Braga to join the Minho Advanced Computing Center (MACC) as a full-time researcher in Scientific Visualization.

Check out what he has been doing and how UT Austin Portugal has influenced his career.

UT Austin Portugal in the Media

[** **ImmuneNanoVac ] Epitope‐Imprinted Nanoparticles as Transforming Growth Factor‐β3 Sequestering Ligands to Modulate Stem Cell Fate. S. P. B., Domingues, R. M. A., Babo, P. S., Berdecka, D., Miranda, M. S., Gomes, M. E., Peppas, N. A., & Reis, R. L., Advanced Functional Materials (2020).
[** **ImmuneNanoVac ] Innovations in Biomaterial Design toward Successful RNA Interference Therapy for Cancer Treatment. Ward, D. M., Shodeinde, A. B., & Peppas, N. A., Advanced Healthcare Materials (2021).
[** **ImmuneNanoVac ] Peptide conjugation enhances the cellular co-localization, but not endosomal escape, of modular poly(acrylamide-co-methacrylic acid) nanogels. Clegg, J. R., Sun, J. A., Gu, J., Venkataraman, A. K., & Peppas, N. A., Journal of Controlled Release (2021).
[** **TARGET ] _Hydrodynamical study of terahertz emission in magnetized graphene field-effect transistors._Cosme, P., & Terças, H., Applied Physics Letters (2021).
[** **COFforH2 ] Sustainable catalysts for water electrolysis: Selected strategies for reduction and replacement of platinum-group metals. Salonen, L. M., Petrovykh, D. Y., & Kolen’ko, Yu. V., Materials Today Sustainability (2021).
[** **COFforH2 ] Tuning p-Si(111) Photovoltage via Molecule|Semiconductor Electronic Coupling. Boucher, D. G., Kearney, K., Ertekin, E., & Rose, M. J., Journal of the American Chemical Society (2021).
[** **COFforH2 ] Construction of Synthetic Models for Nitrogenase-Relevant NifB Biogenesis Intermediates and Iron-Carbide-Sulfide Clusters. Joseph, C., Shupp, J. P., Cobb, C. R., & Rose, M. J., Catalysts (2020).
[** **ACT-PM ] _BDUS. Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Systems and Storage._Faria, A., Macedo, R., Pereira, J., & Paulo, J., SYSTOR ’21: The 14th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (2021).
[** **PAStor ] S2Dedup. Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Systems and Storage. Miranda, M., Esteves, T., Portela, B., & Paulo, J., SYSTOR ’21: The 14th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (2021).