Providing a collaborative forum for the advancement of public safety (original) (raw)


The Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) is a professional organization of police executives representing the largest cities in the United States and Canada.

The mission of MCCA is to provide a forum for police executives from large population centers to address the challenges and issues of policing, to influence national and international policy that affects police services, to enhance the development of current and future police leaders, and to encourage and sponsor research that advances this mission.

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The Major Cities Chiefs Association holds two general meetings each year. MCCA Member Chiefs may bring staff members to attend these meetings.

MCCA meetings are available to MCCA members and their staff, invited government agency representatives and sponsor partners.

Law enforcement staff members are allowed in all meeting segments except for Executive Sessions. Official representatives of governmental agencies are normally invited to attend all sessions except for the Executive Sessions.

In addition to two general meetings, the MCCA will host a Committee Conference for MCCA committee members and invited attendees.


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