make_me_sturr - Profile (original) (raw)
on 23 December 2003 (#1673993)
Welcome To make_me_sturr
This is yet another face rating community....
1.Post your application w/ pictures within 24 hours of joining.
2.Pictuers behind a lj cut!!!!!
3.No nudity
4.Sorry, but you must be at least 14....kthx
5.Don't start crap if you get rejected, If you can't take it then don't join. simple.
6.You can't vote unless you're stamped.
7.Don't reply to a comment on your application unless you're asked a question.
8.You must must have at least 2 clear pictures of your face (its cool if your web cam sucks).
9. Make sure to wait 24 hours to allow everyone to vote on you...we'll count the votes and see if you are rejected/accepted. THANKS!
Age: Favorite bands?
How did you get here?
What do you like about rating communities?
What do you dislike about rating communities? on a scale of 1-10 what do you rate yourself and why?
Pictures: [use an lj-cut here.]
Maintainers/Mods:suddenly_sweet [aim= EmbersOfYou119]
neverrecover [aim= xshesetsfirex]
adorable, amazing, attractive, average, beauty, blondes, bodies, brunettes, cosmetics, cute, cuteness, cuties, digital cameras, eyes, girls, gorgeous, guys, hair, hot, hot people, hotness, hotties, johnny depp, judging, lips, looking good, looks, makeup, men, photography, pictures, pretty, rating, rating communities, red heads, sex, sexy, shallowness, smiles, staring, stunning, taking pictures, web cams, women
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