Double Trouble by Rei-Doll on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

© Any using of the photography for commercial purposes and photo-manipulations are strictly prohibited. Reposting is allowed, provided credits and links.
© Использование фотографии в коммерческих целях и любые фотоманипуляции запрещены. Перепост разрешён при условии указания авторства и ссылок.


The Greatest Pokemon duet! Team Rocket's Rockin'

Me as James
Ryoko :iconryoko-demon: as Jessie

Photo by Kifir :iconkifir: [link]

Daily Deviation?!!!
Oh my, it's so unbelievable! *O*
I was waiting for this for so long and I am REALLY glad that it happened with Team Rocket cosplay! Becuse they really ARE hard character for cosplay. But we DID it! Yay! =)
Thank you my perfect Jessie! Thank you Kifir for being so amazing photographer!
And the whole R&R team give big thanks to DA administration and :iconredyume: who sugested us!

And thank you guys for your sweet comments! ^^ Please wait for some more time! The tutorial of Jessie's wig will appear in my journal =)

We love you DA ^O^

Some other shots of TR