Malunis - Hobbyist, General Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)






My Bio

My art is not yours to upload, and my ideas/characters are not yours to use. It's often considered disrespectful to take someone else's work like that. Just because you see other people do it doesn't mean it's okay to do. If you find any of my art/characters on any fan fiction-driven Wikis, then it was done without my permission.

Links to where you can find me and my toku works.

I'm just a man who does things as a hobby. I like what I do and if you like it, that's just a bonus. In the end I'm here to indulge and let my voice be heard. Thank you for taking interest in my work.

Requests: Nope, sorry. I'm bad at getting things done. And since I have my own things going on, I can't just make room for free art.

Trades: I prefer to start them when I have the time.

Commissions: Commissions are currently open, see details here.

I am also the host of Fruit Rider News, Game Rider News and Build Rider News. I'm not the guy who runs Tokuconnect but he's a cool dude.

As of 2018, I'm a copy editor for Tokusatsu Network!

If you like what I do, please consider commissioning me to support me, and hey it means you'll get art in return. It's a win-win.

It's been a bit. Again. To those who've been watching me still, I'm grateful. To those who've commissioned me, and seen me go through many art ruts for a long while as life keeps me down, I'm even more grateful. I'm always thinking about what I should be doing. I keep commission info saved and progress on it documented, so no one is being forgotten. I've not been fully focused on Rider stuff for a while, not out of disinterest but because my ADHD takes me all over the place these days. When I'm not busy with real life stuff I'm kicking around here and there. Still on Twitter for now, but we'll see how that goes. When it comes to current Rider news, I think it's fair to congratulate my friend Tom Constantine, who plays John in the show, as he and the actor playing Ben have now been seen wearing Desire Drivers! Tom spent several years playing nameless civilians in group shots, but within the last few years had become a stuntman for Power Rangers Dino Fury, then made his way back to

Just dusting off this site a bit... I hadn't intended for such an absence here, it just kinda ended up that way. Back in December I got sick for a while - not Covid as far as I can tell, just a bad cold - and it left me pretty useless for a good couple of weeks, up until after Christmas. Once I got out of it, I dunno. Feels like I've just been perpetually in a rut for most things. When I've got free time I've usually found myself tinkering in the world of 3D printing, because some artistic outlets come to you easier at different times. But right now even that isn't really happening because my printer is currently in a state where I'm probably gonna have to set it aside and get a new one. Anyway, I haven't really forgotten all that I do here. My mind has shifted to one interest to another that isn't toku related but I can't truthfully say that Rider isn't something I wanna create content for again. Sprites, fanfiction, all that. I just need to be in the right headspace for it. It

Definitely been a bit since I had a serious talk about where I'm at right now, and we're close enough to the end of the year it's time to check in. Right now I'm dealing with a persistent non-Covid flu that's got me down, but I wanna upload some things I've neglected to post here. As you know if you've seen previous posts earlier this January, my mother passed away very suddenly. That alone is understandably a thing that'll change a person's life, but I have never been transparent enough about my personal life to really put into context how much this impacted me. I always imagine it comes across as unusually long mourning. I'm not ashamed to say I still lived with my mother as an adult. She was always very protective, perhaps very sheltering, so this is how it shook out. I wasn't useless - I knew how to be an adult, cook, keep the place clean, I had my own money, I did shopping, etc. Art commissions would help towards rent. But when it came to having a job, or just generally having