fight or ✈ (original) (raw)
11 February 2010 @ 10:35 pm
You know it's crunch time when your first meal of the day is lukewarm pizza with cold coffee. In the library food court while doing my readings on the state of modern Chinese media. 8/
Current Mood: busy
05 February 2010 @ 06:44 pm
There is a strange strangeness (yes, I am terribly eloquent about this do not laugh) about advising one's little sister re: high school. I can only imagine how much more distilled that feeling will be once university applications time rolls around. ... hopefully she'll be able to wrestle with her grad/professional school applications on her own oh my god I can't even imagine doing my own right now, much less holding her hand through hers.
It makes me feel old, which a lot of things do these days and I'm only twenty for goodness sake. Granted not old in a necessarily bad way, although that changes sometimes on the bad days. It also makes me feel vaguely stagnant. Like I haven't changed that much, haven't done that much even when the world continues to spin and change and grow, and why haven't I grown with it? Or, at least, feel that I have?
It is way too early for me to be having a midlife crisis.
Of course, I place part of the blame on the fact that I have been indulging in Lord of the Rings these past few days and, as much as I adore the works, they never fail to place me in this strange mood, contemplating time and mortality and eternity and Other Such Grand (But Largely Useless and Sometimes Depressing) Thoughts. Damn you, Tolkien. Damn you, Peter Jackson. :|
... although? I must say, I love Gimli more and more with every new rewatch of the movies. For example, in The Two Towers when Aragorn and Legolas take down everyone coming at Gandalf in Theodin's Hall .... and then Gimli stomping on their faces. It was great. And of course, that classic scene of him behind the battlements at Helms Deep.
Also, Legolas is a kill-stealing bastard. And a walking hair products ad.
Current Mood: calm
18 January 2010 @ 01:55 pm
Two things I learnt from my new dentist today: 1) my jawline definitely could use some work since it's probably responsible for those chronic headaches, and 2) my face isn't technically deformed.
I lol'd and o_O at the second one, and he laughed too before saying that all he meant was that I probably don't need surgery to sufficiently correct it. XD Which is good news.
I couldn't believe that I had seen my dentist, and gotten my grocery shopping done all before noon today. I'm usually not even awake before noon alskdjfl I should really try this 'getting up early' thing more often. I have so much time left!
.... which, of course, I'm going to use productively. Yes. >_>
( RP meme ganked from KatCollapse )
The Wasteland reading tonight should be fun. X3
Current Mood: awake
17 January 2010 @ 09:17 pm
I need to stop spending money on books. These last two days alone I've spent over $70 on books. Granted, most of them were related to my major/field and I should start collecting some of the defining works, but ... still. So expensive ;_; And my OSAP hasn't come in yet.
(On the other hand, eeeeee, I can't wait until Imagined Communities and that Wallace Stevens poetry collection gets here lajsdlf.)
Going to see the dentist tomorrow, and hopefully he can tell me wtf is going on with my jawline. I am so not going to get orthodontic surgery if it's not medically relevant. If it'll stop the random and chronic migraines, then fine, I'll dish out $3000 for it, but if it's just for a slightly restructured and (apparently) ~prettier~ smile, haaaah, no thanks. I'll be okay in this corner with my slight underbite, kthnxbai.
Also, I finally finished that one ficlet I've been working on since June, which made me happy. |D I probably should have done the handout for my presentation first, but I've read the book, I've plastered it with sticky notes, and honestly I think I'll be alright. (famous last words?)
Current Mood: working
12 January 2010 @ 11:20 am
Current Mood: amused
10 January 2010 @ 06:06 pm
Apparently, Raven is Teen Titans' Little Black Dress.
Who knew?
In other news, I have no electricity in my building. Or for the surrounding blocks, because idk some water line broke. Thiiiis is going to be fun. Maybe I'll go finally get that Indian takeout I've been craving.
It's a good thing Trinity still has electricity. :|
Current Mood: amused
08 January 2010 @ 10:11 pm
It's done. I handed it in today. Just have to wait on it now.
I also made an appointment for a hair cut (finally) next Friday. Trying out a new place that's supposed to be excellent, so maybe some camera-whoring if it lives up to its reputation. :>
/reviews Firefly canon while doing readings. all 200+ pages of it. cry.
Current Mood: a pile of mush
06 January 2010 @ 11:29 pm
04 January 2010 @ 02:15 pm
Ugh, back to school.
Remember how I had three papers to do over the break? ... yeaaah, I only finished one. Which gives me a week (or four days to be exact) to finish the other two. /ORZ
I've sort of descended into a state of denial about them the last few days, but unfortunately, pretending they don't exist does not make it true. :| sldkfjasodifjkdlfj it's okay. I'll deal. I'm not sure right now if it's better or worse that it is entirely my own fault and I've brought this on myself. alskjdfaof
Whateveeeeeeeralks dfkalsdjf
/goes to play with babies
It's only going to get worse before it gets better.
Current Mood: faaaaaaaaaaaailure
31 December 2009 @ 05:03 pm
Last day of the year, and this decade. I feel like I should have some reflections to go here, but I ... really don't have any. That I feel like writing down and keeping for posterity anyway.
Instead, I spent most of today watching Dollhouse and working on my Cultural Revolution primary sources paper. A strange combination, but somehow working. Which is ... strange. XD;; The series isn't bad, actually; the acting isn't amazing, but the premise is pretty interesting. Also the tech geek guy is adorable except for the fact that he reminds me of my PACS T.A., which is not a point in his favour at all. Ah well. Still waiting for Summer Glau to show up.
Found a small snippet of fic I wrote after I read Secret Six 9 waaaaaaay back when. It was fairly amusing, so maybe I'll pick it up again and try to turn it into something halfway plotty. After, I finish your gift!fic, Theo (I haven't forgotten, I swear) and this essay and the Beattie application. After that... we'll see.
Aaaand that's about as much of a New Year's resolution as I'm going to make. Probably bad luck even to make this one, since I can never seem to keep them. :|
Eh, whatever.
Whether it's here for you yet or not...
I hope it's a wonderful, productive, inspiring, and happy one for all of you. &hearts