Ilyas Yildirim | Recep Tayyip Erdogan University-Turkey (original) (raw)

Ilyas  Yildirim

1983 yılında Rize/İkizdere’de doğdu. İlk (1993), orta (1996) ve lise (1999) tahsilini aynı yerde tamamladı. 2004 yılında Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Rize İlâhiyat Fakültesi’nden mezun oldu. 2008 yılında Rize Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü’nde “Fıkıh Usûlünde el-Bâkıllânî’nin el-Gazzâlî’ye Tesiri (Hüküm Çıkarma Metodları Çerçevesinde)” adlı teziyle Yüksek Lisans eğitimini tamamladı. 2008 yılında Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü’nde doktora eğitimine başladı. “Fıkıh Usûlü Mantık İlişkisi –Molla Fenârî Örneği–” adlı doktora çalışmasını 2014 yılında tamamladı.
2004 yılında imam-hatip olarak başladığı kamu görevine 2007 yılında Rize Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi İslam Hukuku Bilim Dalında araştırma görevlisi olarak devam etti. 2014 yılında ise Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi İslam Hukuku Bilim Dalında Yrd. Doç. Dr. olarak atandı ve halen aynı görevi sürdürmektedir.



Papers by Ilyas Yildirim


Ahmad Tashkopruzade (d. 968/1561) introduced five hundred nineteen Ottoman scholars to us in his ... more Ahmad Tashkopruzade (d. 968/1561) introduced five hundred nineteen Ottoman scholars to us in his book Shakaik al-Nûmaniya, which was one of the first Ottoman literature books. This book allows us for seeing the studies which had done up to his period. This matter, it is allow us to see the trends and needs in society from the point of Fıqh which allows directly touching the life. In this context, we will firstly give explanatory information about the author and his works in this paper. Then, we will analyze the scholars and the jurisprudential books introduced us in the book mentioned from different aspects. Afterwards we will make a survey through the information obtained.

Research paper thumbnail of Fıkıh Usûlü Mantık İlişkisinin Anatomisi

Research paper thumbnail of Osmanlı Hukuk Sistemi’nde Fıkhın Belirleyiciliği (1509 No’lu Rize Şer’iyye Sicili Boşama Kayıtları Örneği)

Research paper thumbnail of Fıkıh İlmi İslam Hukuk Tarihi Kaynakları ve Çalışmaları Üzerine Bir Derleme Denemesi_K_Yıldız__İ_Yıldırım

Research paper thumbnail of USÜL VE FÜRÜUN NAFAKASIYLA iLGiLi NAKiLLER ÜZERiNE BiR iNCELEME Tahriru'n-nukul fi nafakati'l-füru'i ve'l-usul* Muhammed Emin Ömer ibn Abidin** Çevirenler: Kemal YILDIZ*** ilyas YILDIRIM

Salatve selam, Nebiyy-i Emin Efendimiz Hz. Muhammed'in (s.a.v.), O'nun al ve ashabının üzerine ol... more Salatve selam, Nebiyy-i Emin Efendimiz Hz. Muhammed'in (s.a.v.), O'nun al ve ashabının üzerine olsun. Giriş Kadir Mevla'sına muhtaç kul Muhammed Emin b. Ömer Abidin (Her nerede bulunursa Allah ona yardım etsin, her mekanda ona iyilikte bulunsun! Onu, ebeveynini, hocalarını ve onun üzerine hal<kı olan herkesi bağış lasın! Amin) der ld: Fürf:ıa ait eserlerin "nafal<a'' bölümlerinde ele alınan usul ve füruun nafakaszna dair meseleler haklanda, güvenilir Hanefi imamlarımızın ku-• Bu risale, İbn Abidin'in risalelerini bir araya getiren Mecmii 'atu Resiiili İbni Abidin adlı eserdeki on ikinci risale olup on üç sayfadan oluşmaktadır. Eserin baskı yeri ve tarihi yoktur. ··Tam adı Muhammed Emin b. Ömer b. Alıdülaziz el-Hüseyni ed-Dımeşki olup 1198/1784 yılında Şam'da doğ du. Zühd ve takvasından dolayı Abidin lakabıyla tanınan beşinci dedesi Muhammed Selahaddin'e nisbetle İbn Abidin diye arulınıştır. İbn Abidin Müftü Hasan el-Muradi zamanında fetva eıninliği görevinde bulundu. 1252 tarihinde Şam'da vefat etti. bk. Abınet Özel, "İbn Abidin, Muhammed Emin", DİA, XIX, 292-293. ···Doç. Dr. Rize Üniversitesi İlabiyat Fakültesi İslam Hukuku Anabilim Dalı.

Research paper thumbnail of Bakillaniye Atiflari Cercevesinde El Gazzalinin Fikih Usulunde Muhakkikligi

al‐Ghazzâlî as an investigator of usûl al‐fiqh in the light of his attributions to al‐Bâqillânî A... more al‐Ghazzâlî as an investigator of usûl al‐fiqh in the light of his attributions to al‐Bâqillânî Abstract: We have examined whether or not al‐Ghazzâlî was a man of investigation tahqiqq according to methodology of Islamic Jurisprudence and how he evaluated the former scholars' views based on his references to al‐Bâqillânî, a scholar who lived about a century before him. At the beginning of our article, we have presented information about these two scholars' positions within methodology of Islamic Jurisprudence. Then, we have dealt with how al‐

Thesis Chapters by Ilyas Yildirim


This study examines the relationship between Usûl al-Fiqh (literally: Legal theory or principles ... more This study examines the relationship between Usûl al-Fiqh (literally: Legal theory
or principles of jurisprudence), the method of understanding the sources of Islam, and
Logic, which reveals the method of operation of reason. The thesis consists of three
chapters as well as an introduction and conclusion.
In the introduction part, we have mentioned the method used in this thesis study,
the life of Molla Fanârî and his scientific position, which is the center of our research.
In the first chapter, it has been studied the course of history of the relationship
between Usûl al-Fiqh and Logic. In the second chapter, it has been examined the theory
of definition at the core of this relationship. The third chapter has been focused on
comparison (qiyas), which has a vital significance for both Usûl al-Fiqh and Logic.
The findings have been summarized in the conclusion part.


This study which is named “The Effects of al-Baqillani on al-Ghazzali in the area of Usûl al-Fiqh... more This study which is named “The Effects of al-Baqillani on al-Ghazzali in the area of Usûl al-Fiqh in terms of Judgment Deduction Methods” contains from an introduction, and two chapters and a conclusion. In the Introduction, some basic information about the Usul al-Fiqh‟s history on the ground of al-Ghazzali and al-Baqillani are introduced by us. In the First Chapter, various aspects of al-Ghazzali and al-Baqillani on the ground of their scientific, political and social environment are examined; in additional to these their positions about usul al-Fiqh are investigated. Then, some conclusions are found out how are occured al-Baqillani‟s methodical approach by al-Ghazzali. In the Second Chapter, the effects of al-Baqillani on al-Ghazzali are examined in the view of Judgment Deduction Methods of Usul al-Fiqh. In the Conclusion Chapter, general views and conclusions related to effects of al-Baqillani on al-Ghazzali which are reached by us are summarized.


Ahmad Tashkopruzade (d. 968/1561) introduced five hundred nineteen Ottoman scholars to us in his ... more Ahmad Tashkopruzade (d. 968/1561) introduced five hundred nineteen Ottoman scholars to us in his book Shakaik al-Nûmaniya, which was one of the first Ottoman literature books. This book allows us for seeing the studies which had done up to his period. This matter, it is allow us to see the trends and needs in society from the point of Fıqh which allows directly touching the life. In this context, we will firstly give explanatory information about the author and his works in this paper. Then, we will analyze the scholars and the jurisprudential books introduced us in the book mentioned from different aspects. Afterwards we will make a survey through the information obtained.

Research paper thumbnail of Fıkıh Usûlü Mantık İlişkisinin Anatomisi

Research paper thumbnail of Osmanlı Hukuk Sistemi’nde Fıkhın Belirleyiciliği (1509 No’lu Rize Şer’iyye Sicili Boşama Kayıtları Örneği)

Research paper thumbnail of Fıkıh İlmi İslam Hukuk Tarihi Kaynakları ve Çalışmaları Üzerine Bir Derleme Denemesi_K_Yıldız__İ_Yıldırım

Research paper thumbnail of USÜL VE FÜRÜUN NAFAKASIYLA iLGiLi NAKiLLER ÜZERiNE BiR iNCELEME Tahriru'n-nukul fi nafakati'l-füru'i ve'l-usul* Muhammed Emin Ömer ibn Abidin** Çevirenler: Kemal YILDIZ*** ilyas YILDIRIM

Salatve selam, Nebiyy-i Emin Efendimiz Hz. Muhammed'in (s.a.v.), O'nun al ve ashabının üzerine ol... more Salatve selam, Nebiyy-i Emin Efendimiz Hz. Muhammed'in (s.a.v.), O'nun al ve ashabının üzerine olsun. Giriş Kadir Mevla'sına muhtaç kul Muhammed Emin b. Ömer Abidin (Her nerede bulunursa Allah ona yardım etsin, her mekanda ona iyilikte bulunsun! Onu, ebeveynini, hocalarını ve onun üzerine hal<kı olan herkesi bağış lasın! Amin) der ld: Fürf:ıa ait eserlerin "nafal<a'' bölümlerinde ele alınan usul ve füruun nafakaszna dair meseleler haklanda, güvenilir Hanefi imamlarımızın ku-• Bu risale, İbn Abidin'in risalelerini bir araya getiren Mecmii 'atu Resiiili İbni Abidin adlı eserdeki on ikinci risale olup on üç sayfadan oluşmaktadır. Eserin baskı yeri ve tarihi yoktur. ··Tam adı Muhammed Emin b. Ömer b. Alıdülaziz el-Hüseyni ed-Dımeşki olup 1198/1784 yılında Şam'da doğ du. Zühd ve takvasından dolayı Abidin lakabıyla tanınan beşinci dedesi Muhammed Selahaddin'e nisbetle İbn Abidin diye arulınıştır. İbn Abidin Müftü Hasan el-Muradi zamanında fetva eıninliği görevinde bulundu. 1252 tarihinde Şam'da vefat etti. bk. Abınet Özel, "İbn Abidin, Muhammed Emin", DİA, XIX, 292-293. ···Doç. Dr. Rize Üniversitesi İlabiyat Fakültesi İslam Hukuku Anabilim Dalı.

Research paper thumbnail of Bakillaniye Atiflari Cercevesinde El Gazzalinin Fikih Usulunde Muhakkikligi

al‐Ghazzâlî as an investigator of usûl al‐fiqh in the light of his attributions to al‐Bâqillânî A... more al‐Ghazzâlî as an investigator of usûl al‐fiqh in the light of his attributions to al‐Bâqillânî Abstract: We have examined whether or not al‐Ghazzâlî was a man of investigation tahqiqq according to methodology of Islamic Jurisprudence and how he evaluated the former scholars' views based on his references to al‐Bâqillânî, a scholar who lived about a century before him. At the beginning of our article, we have presented information about these two scholars' positions within methodology of Islamic Jurisprudence. Then, we have dealt with how al‐


This study examines the relationship between Usûl al-Fiqh (literally: Legal theory or principles ... more This study examines the relationship between Usûl al-Fiqh (literally: Legal theory
or principles of jurisprudence), the method of understanding the sources of Islam, and
Logic, which reveals the method of operation of reason. The thesis consists of three
chapters as well as an introduction and conclusion.
In the introduction part, we have mentioned the method used in this thesis study,
the life of Molla Fanârî and his scientific position, which is the center of our research.
In the first chapter, it has been studied the course of history of the relationship
between Usûl al-Fiqh and Logic. In the second chapter, it has been examined the theory
of definition at the core of this relationship. The third chapter has been focused on
comparison (qiyas), which has a vital significance for both Usûl al-Fiqh and Logic.
The findings have been summarized in the conclusion part.


This study which is named “The Effects of al-Baqillani on al-Ghazzali in the area of Usûl al-Fiqh... more This study which is named “The Effects of al-Baqillani on al-Ghazzali in the area of Usûl al-Fiqh in terms of Judgment Deduction Methods” contains from an introduction, and two chapters and a conclusion. In the Introduction, some basic information about the Usul al-Fiqh‟s history on the ground of al-Ghazzali and al-Baqillani are introduced by us. In the First Chapter, various aspects of al-Ghazzali and al-Baqillani on the ground of their scientific, political and social environment are examined; in additional to these their positions about usul al-Fiqh are investigated. Then, some conclusions are found out how are occured al-Baqillani‟s methodical approach by al-Ghazzali. In the Second Chapter, the effects of al-Baqillani on al-Ghazzali are examined in the view of Judgment Deduction Methods of Usul al-Fiqh. In the Conclusion Chapter, general views and conclusions related to effects of al-Baqillani on al-Ghazzali which are reached by us are summarized.

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