Iqbal T Hawaldar | Mangalore University (original) (raw)

Papers by Iqbal T Hawaldar

Research paper thumbnail of Unveiling the entrepreneurial mindset: exploring orientation and intentions among students of prominent engineering disciplines

Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship , 2024

The advent of Industry 4.0 presents a spectrum of challenges for entrepreneurs in India, demandin... more The advent of Industry 4.0 presents a spectrum of challenges for entrepreneurs in India, demanding specific skills and resources. Within this transformative landscape, engineering disciplines assume a pivotal role in navigating the complexities of the new industrial revolution yet pose challenges in instilling entrepreneurial skills. While universities are recognised for fostering entrepreneurial skills, a gap persists in comprehending students' intentions to pursue entrepreneurship after completing their studies, especially within technical education systems. This emphasises the necessity for a comprehensive examination of variations in entrepreneurial orientation among diverse engineering disciplines. The study employed cross-sectional research and surveyed 370 final-year engineering students from leading engineering colleges in Karnataka, India. The data analysis included Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings demonstrate a significant propensity for entrepreneurship among engineering students, highlighting attributes such as innovativeness, risk-taking, and proactiveness. However, contrary to expectations, the study does not discern distinct entrepreneurial orientations across different engineering disciplines. Importantly, it unveils that college education has minimal influence on students' entrepreneurial intentions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Brand loyalty in Fin Tech services: The role of self concept customer engagement behavior and self brand connection

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 2024

The concurrent effects of customer predispositions, customer engagement behaviour (CEB) and self-... more The concurrent effects of customer predispositions, customer engagement behaviour (CEB) and self-brand connections (SBC) on loyalty are less understood. This article will examine how relationship quality and consumer predispositions (self-concept, brand communal focus) affect loyalty, with customer engagement behaviour and self-brand connection acting as mediating factors. A cross-sectional survey with a quantitative study design was used to gather information from 380 users of FinTech apps in the Indian state of Karnataka. The main findings indicate that self-concept does not generate loyalty by itself but rather fosters loyalty through the mediation of SBC and CEBs. Similarly, a trusted and satisfied customer remains brand loyal. A sense of communal focus among consumers results in self-brand connections only if they are positively engaged with the brand. Customer interactions and engagement in social media can have a significant impact on the development of digital self-brand relationships. Contrary to the literature, we found that positive engagement fosters loyalty only if it leads to brand connection. Repeat patronage and willingness to buy new products or price insensitivity depend on strong emotional brand connections and CEBs. Hence, FinTech companies should match their experiences, offerings, and brand messages to the way that consumers view themselves. To engage customers in new ways and establish a connection with them, they should also offer stimulating and compelling virtual experiences on their platforms. Therefore, FinTech consumers can maintain brand loyalty through self-brand connections and brand engagement through self-concepts.

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Research paper thumbnail of The dynamics of the relationship between stock returns and trading volumes: An emerging markets perspective during varying market conditions

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 2023

The dynamic relationship between stock returns and trading volumes is examined during normal and ... more The dynamic relationship between stock returns and trading volumes is examined during normal and crisis periods by a combining the Bai-Perron structural break test with Granger Causality test. The daily price and volume data of 4 important indices and Nifty Fifty index based companies listed on the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) are included in the study for the years 2005 to 2022. The results of this study give valuable insights into the influence of periods falling during two important crisis periods, the Global Financial Crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic, on the nature of relationship between the variables under study. We find that the market is not permanently efficient and our findings indicate the nature of causal relationships to be closer to the postulates of adaptive market efficiency. Although the market appears efficient for the most part at the aggregate market level there are periods at sector level and firm level which are long enough for traders to profit from strategies that exploit associations between price and volume.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of geo political risk on stocks oil and gold returns during GFC COVID 19 and Russian Ukraine War

Cogent Economics & Finance , 2023

The study uses wavelet power spectrum and wavelet coherence transformation methodologies to exami... more The study uses wavelet power spectrum and wavelet coherence transformation methodologies to examine how geopolitical risk affected the returns on stocks, oil, and gold during the GFC, COVID-19, and Russia-Ukraine war-three disruptive events that affected the world’s financial markets. For better diversification benefits during the turbulent times, we further investigate the degree of co movement in frequency and time domains. We observe that GPR has high variations during Russia-Ukraine war period compared to COVID-19 period and is shown to have least variation during the GFC period. WTI crude oil and DJGI indexes are observed to have high variations during GFC, and COVID-19 periods followed by Russia-Ukraine war. We further observe that GOLD offers better diversification opportunity as well as leading movement against WTI and DJGI during disruptive events in financial markets. The results provide new understanding of how geopolitical
risk affects financial assets for international investors, fund managers, and
regulators, which would further aid to find risky and safer haven possibilities during the turmoil periods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Do Better Institutional Arrangements Lead to Environmental Sustainability: Evidence from India

Sustainability , 2023

The efficient planning, execution, and management of institutional frameworks for climate change ... more The efficient planning, execution, and management of institutional frameworks for climate change adaptation are essential to sustainable development. India, in particular, is known to be disproportionately vulnerable to the consequences of climate change. This study examines the effects of environmental taxes, corruption, urbanization, economic growth, ecological risks, and renewable energy sources on CO2 emissions in India from 1978 to 2018. Therefore, the ARDL model is used to draw inferences, and Pairwise Granger causality is also applied to demonstrate a cause and- effect relationship. The empirical results show that corruption, environmental dangers, GDP, and urbanization positively influence India’s carbon emissions. However, the results of the short-run
elasticities show that carbon emissions reduce ecological sustainability. Environmental hazards and costs, like other countries, impact India’s carbon emissions. Therefore, decision-makers in India should set up strict environmental regulations and anti-corruption measures to combat unfair
practice that distorts competition laws and policies. In addition, the government concentrates more on energy efficiency policies that diminish carbon emissions without hampering economic growth in the country.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of advertisement on customers based on AIDA model

Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2018

The paper is based on information which is a combination of store advertisement and consumers’ pa... more The paper is based on information which is a combination of store advertisement and consumers’ path inside the store along with product information. With this information, the authors find how advertisement affects the behavior of consumers when making the decision. The findings suggest that advertisement has a small impact on customers inside the stores. Null effect is determined, and one standard deviation in advertising has an impact on store traffic by 1.2%. But the impact at a lower end of the model is observed. One standard deviation in advertisement has impacted the store sales by 8.4%. Based on further data mining, the research has found that there is no significant improvement in the number of customers, but the increase in sales is because of the higher quantity of purchases by the existing consumers. However, the effect of advertisement on products placed in the same or nearby shelf is not found, the impact on product varieties in the same segment is also not found. Based...

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Research paper thumbnail of Roles of green intellectual capital facets on environmental sustainability in Oman

Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2022

The present study determines the impacts of different types of green intellectual capital such as... more The present study determines the impacts of different types of green intellectual capital such as green human capital, green structural capital, and green relational capital on environmental sustainability in the Sultanate of Oman. It has become a crucial aspect to analyze the effect of green intellectual capital on ecological sustainability. A simple random sample technique is used to assemble data using a structured questionnaire from 205 respondents working at Raysut Cement Company and Salalah Methanol Company in Oman. The covariance-based equation in the structural modeling perspective is used to examine data. The study's results reveal that green structure-based capital is the only dimension of green Intellectual capital that significantly affects environmental sustainability. In contrast, green human capital and relation-based capital do not substantially affect ecological sustainability. Conclusively, this study also provides ecological strategies that can be useful to enrich organizations to accomplish sustainability.

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Research paper thumbnail of Continuance intentions to use FinTech peer-to-peer payments apps in India

Heliyon, 2022

The purpose of the present study is to identify the determinants of continuance intentions to use... more The purpose of the present study is to identify the determinants of continuance intentions to use FinTech peer-to-peer (P2P) payment apps in India. Design: A cross-sectional survey of 463 FinTech users was carried out during the pandemic with the help of a digital questionnaire. The study has empirically tested an extended expectancy confirmation model and theory of acceptance to examine the determinants of continuance intentions to use FinTech P2P payment apps. Findings: We demonstrate that confirmation of prior expectations and post-adoption perceived usefulness determine continuance intention to use FinTech payment services. Cognitive acceptance (trust) and normative acceptance (social influence) not only determine behavioural acceptance (willingness to co-create) but also influences continuance intentions. Confirmation of initial expectations during service use determines satisfaction and post-purchase perceived usefulness. Practical implications: The continuous use of FinTech P2P services can be ensured by fulfilling users' post-purchase expected benefits, fostering trust, and social influence. These can be achieved by gearing up internal resources to provide customized experiences that meet customers' expectations and facilitate fruitful interactions. Only if the mobile experience is accessible and meets the expectations of customers, they would appreciate its performance and value in the offerings leading to extensive use of FinTech P2P services. Originality/value: The present paper is based on extended ECM and the theory of acceptance that aim to explain continuance intention to use FinTech P2P payments. The study findings add to the limited body of research in the context of FinTech P2P payments.

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Research paper thumbnail of Holiday Effect and Stock Returns: Evidence from Stock Exchanges of Gulf Cooperation Council

International Journal of Financial Studies, 2022

One of the prominent types of calendar anomalies includes holiday effects, where stocks show abno... more One of the prominent types of calendar anomalies includes holiday effects, where stocks show abnormally higher mean returns on the days prior to holidays in comparison to other trading days. The current study investigates the existence of holiday effects in the stock exchanges of the Gulf

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Research paper thumbnail of A Study on the Acceptance of Mobile-Banking Applications in India-Unified Theory of Acceptance and Sustainable Use of Technology Model (UTAUT)

Sustainability , 2022

This research makes an attempt to understand various factors that influence the adoption of mobil... more This research makes an attempt to understand various factors that influence the adoption of mobile applications. Within the context of the “Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology” (UTAUT) modified model, considering the upcoming demand and increase in demand for mobile- banking applications, the researcher tried to explore the theoretical concept between random people of various states in India. The primary data was collected by preparing a questionnaire and circulating it using Google Forms. The collected data was further coded into Smart PLS 4 to understand the model and structural equation with reference to mobile-banking technological adoption and factors that had a significant impact. The conclusions derived from the study is that social influence, “effort expectancy”, and “trust” factors had a very strong influence on the “purchase intention”, whereas “effort” and “risk” factors had a negligible impact on purchase intent. It was also found that the UTAUT model is appropriate for evaluating the technological adoption of mobile-banking applications. With the advent of many players in the market and their unique banking management applications on mobile platforms, consumers are moving towards different third-party app than their origin bank in which they hold account. This has forced banking institutions to up the pace in the competition, introducing a lot of new features. It is also important to understand that, as a customer, there are a lot of attributes that he would be looking into for adoption. This paper is an attempt to understand the advancements in various variables that consumers would look at in the area of mobile-banking applications.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the impact of normal and abnormal loss factors in garment industry: A case study based on a jeans manufacturer in India

Industria Textila, 2022

Investigating the impact of normal and abnormal loss factors in the garment industry: A case stud... more Investigating the impact of normal and abnormal loss factors in the garment industry: A case study based on a jeans manufacturer in India This study aimed to analyze the normal and abnormal loss of a jeans manufacturing company in India. Personal interviews and observation methods are used in this study. Abnormal loss in quantity and rupee value is computed for 40 days of production based on the observed data. Mean abnormal losses are computed and one sample t-test is applied to test the hypotheses that the mean abnormal loss is not equal to zero. The study revealed that a normal loss of 3 to 5% is expected in any garment manufacturing company due to loss during the cutting and shrinkage process. The p-values of one sample t-test were less than 0.05 for all the tested hypotheses, hence, all the null hypotheses (H 01 to H 05 mean abnormal losses equal to zero) were rejected. Further, it was found that fabric is the big contributor in terms of abnormal loss. Hence, proper training for workers and recruiting of trained workers are advised to reduce abnormal losses.

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Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurial Competencies and SMEs' Performance in a Developing Economy

Sustainability , 2022

This paper aims to empirically test the impact of entrepreneurial competencies on the performance... more This paper aims to empirically test the impact of entrepreneurial competencies on the performances of SMEs in Bangladesh. The data are obtained from 115 entrepreneurs by a structured questionnaire. The partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method is applied to find the causal relationship between exogenous and endogenous variables. The results reveal that the organizing and leading, learning, relationship, and commitment competencies of entrepreneurs have a meaningful impact on SME performance. On the contrary, strategic and opportunity competencies have no effect on the performance of SMEs. The contribution of this study is to find out the relevant entrepreneurial competencies and to empirically test their impacts on the
performance of SMEs in a developing country setting. This study gives insights into the policymakers regarding the entrepreneurship training and development program. Finally, the competency measurement of this study provides a unique scope for designing such training and development
programs for entrepreneurs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Crude oil futures to manage the price risk of textile equities An empirical evidence from India

Industria Textila , 2022

Crude oil futures to manage the price risk of textile equities: An empirical evidence from India ... more Crude oil futures to manage the price risk of textile equities: An empirical evidence from India The textile sector in India is the oldest manufacturing sector. As the raw materials for this sector are sourced from the petrochemical industries, the earnings of Indian textile companies are dependent on the crude oil price. The crude price in the international market has become more volatile and hence, the equity price of Indian textile companies has become more volatile. This study aims to develop two price risk management strategies for Indian textile equities. Using the vector autoregressive (VAR) model, a price forecast model, further the possibility of cross hedge for textile equities with the help of crude futures is examined using the Granger causality test and Pearson correlation statistics. The results of the study showed that crude futures price in India is one of the price determinants of textile industry stock prices.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Bank Efficiency on the Profitability of the Banks in India: An Empirical Analysis Using Panel Data Approach

International Journal of Financial Studies, 2022

This study aims to determine the impact of banking efficiency on the profitability of the Indian ... more This study aims to determine the impact of banking efficiency on the profitability of the Indian banking division. The ratios (key variables) used in the study are mentioned by the Reserve Bank of India-RBI (Central bank of India). Through a quantitative approach, pooled panel regression, univariate analysis, correlation, and descriptive statistics models are used by taking annual data of the Indian banking division from 2001 to 2020 available on the Thomson Reuters (Refinitiv) Database. Unbalanced cross-sectional data (panel data) comprising 527 bank-year observations for 33 Indian banks were studied. It was decided to evaluate the impact of efficiency (cost to income ratio and staff expenses to total expenses ratio) on the profitability (return on assets and net interest margin ratio) of the banks from the Indian banking division. The results revealed that the cost to income ratio has a significant negative impact on the bank return on assets and net interest margin ratio. The staff expenses to total expenses ratio has a significant positive impact on the bank return on assets and a positive nonsignificant impact on the bank net interest margin ratio.

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Research paper thumbnail of Coping emotional discomfort at retail checkout: Potential distractions and implications

Innovative Marketing , 2022

Retail customers often wait to complete their purchases during the checkout process. Prior resear... more Retail customers often wait to complete their purchases during the checkout process. Prior research suggests that long checkout lines and service delays negatively affect customers' evaluation of store services. The present study investigates the potential customer and in-store distractions and their implication for emotional discomfort due to crowding stress. This study employed a cross-sectional research design and surveyed 385 respondents visiting the target retail outlets in Bengaluru, India. Correlation analysis explored the relationship between self-distraction, in-store distractions, and emotional discomfort. The study found that self-distraction negatively correlates with discomfort while in the queue (r =-0.119) and discomfort during the billing (r =-0.119). In contrast, in-store distractions (r =-0.161) and video displays near the checkout area (r = 0.116) effectively reduce emotional discomfort while in the queue. Additionally, point-of-purchase (POP) display (r =-0.265) and availability of refreshments near the billing counter (r =-0.175) are effective in reducing emotional discomfort during the billing. This study thus offers viable and affordable methods of improving the customer's waiting experience while contributing to store profits.

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Research paper thumbnail of What motivates individuals to use FinTech budgeting applications? Evidence from India during the covid-19 pandemic

Cogent Economics & Finance, 2022

The purpose of the present study was to explicate the factors determining customers' intention to... more The purpose of the present study was to explicate the factors determining customers' intention to use budgeting apps since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional survey in South India was conducted to collect data from 285 FinTech users. The data were analyzed using partial least square regression to estimate path coefficients and the PROCESS macro technique to identify moderation effects. Firstly, app engagement and self-efficacy were found to have a positive effect on the intention to use budgeting apps. Secondly, individuals who use FinTech services less frequently and those who use it to pay for a variety of expenses were found to have a greater effect on usage intentions of customer engagement, perceived trust, and perceived ease of use. Therefore, customization, real-time suggestions, providing tools for data visualization, smart data insights, and artificial intelligence-based recommendations and advice would assist customers in prudence money management.

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of Behavioral Intentions to Use Islamic Financial Technology: An Empirical Assessment

Risks, 2022

This study examines the antecedents/determinants of behavioral intentions toward the utilization ... more This study examines the antecedents/determinants of behavioral intentions toward the utilization of Islamic financial technology for Middle Eastern customers. The study applied structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). After robust research efforts were invested in the identification of factors, they and were converted into measures, and the results were analyzed. The results demonstrate that the independent variables shown in the UTAUT model have a significant impact on the behavior to adopt Islamic financial technology, which implies that the people are ready to use Islamic financial technology while making online transactions. The work in this study adds to the knowledge regarding the factors affecting behavioral intention to use Islamic fintech, as there is scarcity of studies in this domain, especially in the context of Middle Eastern online customers. Moreover, this study also considers the major categories of online payments.

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Research paper thumbnail of A commentary on emerging markets banking sector spillovers: Covid-19 vs GFC pattern analysis

Heliyon, 2022

The emerging-market banking sector plays a significant role in modern-day banking sector stabilit... more The emerging-market banking sector plays a significant role in modern-day banking sector stability. In this study, we have used the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) version of the Generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model to estimate the correlation among Emerging Markets (BANKSEK), Latin America (BANKSLA), Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) (BANKSBC), Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain (PIIGS) (BANKSPI) and Far East (BANKSFE). The study covers more than 100, 200 and 300 trading days of the GFC (starting July 8, 2008) and the COVID-19 pandemic (starting January 1, 2020). We have found that generally, in the short-term excluding PIIGS, all banks show similar pairwise correlation, and the pattern holds in the medium and long term. The far east banking sector displays a reduced correlation than their counterparts, even following the same pattern.

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Research paper thumbnail of What Do We Know about Crowdfunding and P2P Lending Research? A Bibliometric Review and Meta-Analysis

Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2022

In the era of fintech, businesses using technology other than traditional banks are providing fin... more In the era of fintech, businesses using technology other than traditional banks are providing financial services. Crowdfunding and peer-to-peer (P2P) lending are two of the most exciting financial innovations of the twenty-first century. In this paper, we use a bibliometric review and meta-analysis to understand the academic research on crowdfunding and P2P lending. Our findings show that the research on this topic has grown a lot in terms of publications since 2013 and the maximum mean total citations were observed in the year 2014. We provide the details about the most influential authors based on total citations, authors with the greatest number of publications, the most influential documents, significant journal sources, highest single country production, multiple country production, and important affiliations. We further apply the network analysis and visualisation techniques wherein we provide the details of the citation analysis of documents, cocitation analysis of authors, and co-occurrence analysis of author keywords. Finally, we provide the future directions of the research on this burgeoning topic.

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Research paper thumbnail of Further Evidence on Efficiency of Bahrain Bourse: A High Challenge for Other Industries

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Unveiling the entrepreneurial mindset: exploring orientation and intentions among students of prominent engineering disciplines

Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship , 2024

The advent of Industry 4.0 presents a spectrum of challenges for entrepreneurs in India, demandin... more The advent of Industry 4.0 presents a spectrum of challenges for entrepreneurs in India, demanding specific skills and resources. Within this transformative landscape, engineering disciplines assume a pivotal role in navigating the complexities of the new industrial revolution yet pose challenges in instilling entrepreneurial skills. While universities are recognised for fostering entrepreneurial skills, a gap persists in comprehending students' intentions to pursue entrepreneurship after completing their studies, especially within technical education systems. This emphasises the necessity for a comprehensive examination of variations in entrepreneurial orientation among diverse engineering disciplines. The study employed cross-sectional research and surveyed 370 final-year engineering students from leading engineering colleges in Karnataka, India. The data analysis included Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings demonstrate a significant propensity for entrepreneurship among engineering students, highlighting attributes such as innovativeness, risk-taking, and proactiveness. However, contrary to expectations, the study does not discern distinct entrepreneurial orientations across different engineering disciplines. Importantly, it unveils that college education has minimal influence on students' entrepreneurial intentions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Brand loyalty in Fin Tech services: The role of self concept customer engagement behavior and self brand connection

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 2024

The concurrent effects of customer predispositions, customer engagement behaviour (CEB) and self-... more The concurrent effects of customer predispositions, customer engagement behaviour (CEB) and self-brand connections (SBC) on loyalty are less understood. This article will examine how relationship quality and consumer predispositions (self-concept, brand communal focus) affect loyalty, with customer engagement behaviour and self-brand connection acting as mediating factors. A cross-sectional survey with a quantitative study design was used to gather information from 380 users of FinTech apps in the Indian state of Karnataka. The main findings indicate that self-concept does not generate loyalty by itself but rather fosters loyalty through the mediation of SBC and CEBs. Similarly, a trusted and satisfied customer remains brand loyal. A sense of communal focus among consumers results in self-brand connections only if they are positively engaged with the brand. Customer interactions and engagement in social media can have a significant impact on the development of digital self-brand relationships. Contrary to the literature, we found that positive engagement fosters loyalty only if it leads to brand connection. Repeat patronage and willingness to buy new products or price insensitivity depend on strong emotional brand connections and CEBs. Hence, FinTech companies should match their experiences, offerings, and brand messages to the way that consumers view themselves. To engage customers in new ways and establish a connection with them, they should also offer stimulating and compelling virtual experiences on their platforms. Therefore, FinTech consumers can maintain brand loyalty through self-brand connections and brand engagement through self-concepts.

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Research paper thumbnail of The dynamics of the relationship between stock returns and trading volumes: An emerging markets perspective during varying market conditions

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 2023

The dynamic relationship between stock returns and trading volumes is examined during normal and ... more The dynamic relationship between stock returns and trading volumes is examined during normal and crisis periods by a combining the Bai-Perron structural break test with Granger Causality test. The daily price and volume data of 4 important indices and Nifty Fifty index based companies listed on the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) are included in the study for the years 2005 to 2022. The results of this study give valuable insights into the influence of periods falling during two important crisis periods, the Global Financial Crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic, on the nature of relationship between the variables under study. We find that the market is not permanently efficient and our findings indicate the nature of causal relationships to be closer to the postulates of adaptive market efficiency. Although the market appears efficient for the most part at the aggregate market level there are periods at sector level and firm level which are long enough for traders to profit from strategies that exploit associations between price and volume.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of geo political risk on stocks oil and gold returns during GFC COVID 19 and Russian Ukraine War

Cogent Economics & Finance , 2023

The study uses wavelet power spectrum and wavelet coherence transformation methodologies to exami... more The study uses wavelet power spectrum and wavelet coherence transformation methodologies to examine how geopolitical risk affected the returns on stocks, oil, and gold during the GFC, COVID-19, and Russia-Ukraine war-three disruptive events that affected the world’s financial markets. For better diversification benefits during the turbulent times, we further investigate the degree of co movement in frequency and time domains. We observe that GPR has high variations during Russia-Ukraine war period compared to COVID-19 period and is shown to have least variation during the GFC period. WTI crude oil and DJGI indexes are observed to have high variations during GFC, and COVID-19 periods followed by Russia-Ukraine war. We further observe that GOLD offers better diversification opportunity as well as leading movement against WTI and DJGI during disruptive events in financial markets. The results provide new understanding of how geopolitical
risk affects financial assets for international investors, fund managers, and
regulators, which would further aid to find risky and safer haven possibilities during the turmoil periods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Do Better Institutional Arrangements Lead to Environmental Sustainability: Evidence from India

Sustainability , 2023

The efficient planning, execution, and management of institutional frameworks for climate change ... more The efficient planning, execution, and management of institutional frameworks for climate change adaptation are essential to sustainable development. India, in particular, is known to be disproportionately vulnerable to the consequences of climate change. This study examines the effects of environmental taxes, corruption, urbanization, economic growth, ecological risks, and renewable energy sources on CO2 emissions in India from 1978 to 2018. Therefore, the ARDL model is used to draw inferences, and Pairwise Granger causality is also applied to demonstrate a cause and- effect relationship. The empirical results show that corruption, environmental dangers, GDP, and urbanization positively influence India’s carbon emissions. However, the results of the short-run
elasticities show that carbon emissions reduce ecological sustainability. Environmental hazards and costs, like other countries, impact India’s carbon emissions. Therefore, decision-makers in India should set up strict environmental regulations and anti-corruption measures to combat unfair
practice that distorts competition laws and policies. In addition, the government concentrates more on energy efficiency policies that diminish carbon emissions without hampering economic growth in the country.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of advertisement on customers based on AIDA model

Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2018

The paper is based on information which is a combination of store advertisement and consumers’ pa... more The paper is based on information which is a combination of store advertisement and consumers’ path inside the store along with product information. With this information, the authors find how advertisement affects the behavior of consumers when making the decision. The findings suggest that advertisement has a small impact on customers inside the stores. Null effect is determined, and one standard deviation in advertising has an impact on store traffic by 1.2%. But the impact at a lower end of the model is observed. One standard deviation in advertisement has impacted the store sales by 8.4%. Based on further data mining, the research has found that there is no significant improvement in the number of customers, but the increase in sales is because of the higher quantity of purchases by the existing consumers. However, the effect of advertisement on products placed in the same or nearby shelf is not found, the impact on product varieties in the same segment is also not found. Based...

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Research paper thumbnail of Roles of green intellectual capital facets on environmental sustainability in Oman

Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2022

The present study determines the impacts of different types of green intellectual capital such as... more The present study determines the impacts of different types of green intellectual capital such as green human capital, green structural capital, and green relational capital on environmental sustainability in the Sultanate of Oman. It has become a crucial aspect to analyze the effect of green intellectual capital on ecological sustainability. A simple random sample technique is used to assemble data using a structured questionnaire from 205 respondents working at Raysut Cement Company and Salalah Methanol Company in Oman. The covariance-based equation in the structural modeling perspective is used to examine data. The study's results reveal that green structure-based capital is the only dimension of green Intellectual capital that significantly affects environmental sustainability. In contrast, green human capital and relation-based capital do not substantially affect ecological sustainability. Conclusively, this study also provides ecological strategies that can be useful to enrich organizations to accomplish sustainability.

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Research paper thumbnail of Continuance intentions to use FinTech peer-to-peer payments apps in India

Heliyon, 2022

The purpose of the present study is to identify the determinants of continuance intentions to use... more The purpose of the present study is to identify the determinants of continuance intentions to use FinTech peer-to-peer (P2P) payment apps in India. Design: A cross-sectional survey of 463 FinTech users was carried out during the pandemic with the help of a digital questionnaire. The study has empirically tested an extended expectancy confirmation model and theory of acceptance to examine the determinants of continuance intentions to use FinTech P2P payment apps. Findings: We demonstrate that confirmation of prior expectations and post-adoption perceived usefulness determine continuance intention to use FinTech payment services. Cognitive acceptance (trust) and normative acceptance (social influence) not only determine behavioural acceptance (willingness to co-create) but also influences continuance intentions. Confirmation of initial expectations during service use determines satisfaction and post-purchase perceived usefulness. Practical implications: The continuous use of FinTech P2P services can be ensured by fulfilling users' post-purchase expected benefits, fostering trust, and social influence. These can be achieved by gearing up internal resources to provide customized experiences that meet customers' expectations and facilitate fruitful interactions. Only if the mobile experience is accessible and meets the expectations of customers, they would appreciate its performance and value in the offerings leading to extensive use of FinTech P2P services. Originality/value: The present paper is based on extended ECM and the theory of acceptance that aim to explain continuance intention to use FinTech P2P payments. The study findings add to the limited body of research in the context of FinTech P2P payments.

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Research paper thumbnail of Holiday Effect and Stock Returns: Evidence from Stock Exchanges of Gulf Cooperation Council

International Journal of Financial Studies, 2022

One of the prominent types of calendar anomalies includes holiday effects, where stocks show abno... more One of the prominent types of calendar anomalies includes holiday effects, where stocks show abnormally higher mean returns on the days prior to holidays in comparison to other trading days. The current study investigates the existence of holiday effects in the stock exchanges of the Gulf

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Research paper thumbnail of A Study on the Acceptance of Mobile-Banking Applications in India-Unified Theory of Acceptance and Sustainable Use of Technology Model (UTAUT)

Sustainability , 2022

This research makes an attempt to understand various factors that influence the adoption of mobil... more This research makes an attempt to understand various factors that influence the adoption of mobile applications. Within the context of the “Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology” (UTAUT) modified model, considering the upcoming demand and increase in demand for mobile- banking applications, the researcher tried to explore the theoretical concept between random people of various states in India. The primary data was collected by preparing a questionnaire and circulating it using Google Forms. The collected data was further coded into Smart PLS 4 to understand the model and structural equation with reference to mobile-banking technological adoption and factors that had a significant impact. The conclusions derived from the study is that social influence, “effort expectancy”, and “trust” factors had a very strong influence on the “purchase intention”, whereas “effort” and “risk” factors had a negligible impact on purchase intent. It was also found that the UTAUT model is appropriate for evaluating the technological adoption of mobile-banking applications. With the advent of many players in the market and their unique banking management applications on mobile platforms, consumers are moving towards different third-party app than their origin bank in which they hold account. This has forced banking institutions to up the pace in the competition, introducing a lot of new features. It is also important to understand that, as a customer, there are a lot of attributes that he would be looking into for adoption. This paper is an attempt to understand the advancements in various variables that consumers would look at in the area of mobile-banking applications.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the impact of normal and abnormal loss factors in garment industry: A case study based on a jeans manufacturer in India

Industria Textila, 2022

Investigating the impact of normal and abnormal loss factors in the garment industry: A case stud... more Investigating the impact of normal and abnormal loss factors in the garment industry: A case study based on a jeans manufacturer in India This study aimed to analyze the normal and abnormal loss of a jeans manufacturing company in India. Personal interviews and observation methods are used in this study. Abnormal loss in quantity and rupee value is computed for 40 days of production based on the observed data. Mean abnormal losses are computed and one sample t-test is applied to test the hypotheses that the mean abnormal loss is not equal to zero. The study revealed that a normal loss of 3 to 5% is expected in any garment manufacturing company due to loss during the cutting and shrinkage process. The p-values of one sample t-test were less than 0.05 for all the tested hypotheses, hence, all the null hypotheses (H 01 to H 05 mean abnormal losses equal to zero) were rejected. Further, it was found that fabric is the big contributor in terms of abnormal loss. Hence, proper training for workers and recruiting of trained workers are advised to reduce abnormal losses.

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Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurial Competencies and SMEs' Performance in a Developing Economy

Sustainability , 2022

This paper aims to empirically test the impact of entrepreneurial competencies on the performance... more This paper aims to empirically test the impact of entrepreneurial competencies on the performances of SMEs in Bangladesh. The data are obtained from 115 entrepreneurs by a structured questionnaire. The partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method is applied to find the causal relationship between exogenous and endogenous variables. The results reveal that the organizing and leading, learning, relationship, and commitment competencies of entrepreneurs have a meaningful impact on SME performance. On the contrary, strategic and opportunity competencies have no effect on the performance of SMEs. The contribution of this study is to find out the relevant entrepreneurial competencies and to empirically test their impacts on the
performance of SMEs in a developing country setting. This study gives insights into the policymakers regarding the entrepreneurship training and development program. Finally, the competency measurement of this study provides a unique scope for designing such training and development
programs for entrepreneurs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Crude oil futures to manage the price risk of textile equities An empirical evidence from India

Industria Textila , 2022

Crude oil futures to manage the price risk of textile equities: An empirical evidence from India ... more Crude oil futures to manage the price risk of textile equities: An empirical evidence from India The textile sector in India is the oldest manufacturing sector. As the raw materials for this sector are sourced from the petrochemical industries, the earnings of Indian textile companies are dependent on the crude oil price. The crude price in the international market has become more volatile and hence, the equity price of Indian textile companies has become more volatile. This study aims to develop two price risk management strategies for Indian textile equities. Using the vector autoregressive (VAR) model, a price forecast model, further the possibility of cross hedge for textile equities with the help of crude futures is examined using the Granger causality test and Pearson correlation statistics. The results of the study showed that crude futures price in India is one of the price determinants of textile industry stock prices.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact of Bank Efficiency on the Profitability of the Banks in India: An Empirical Analysis Using Panel Data Approach

International Journal of Financial Studies, 2022

This study aims to determine the impact of banking efficiency on the profitability of the Indian ... more This study aims to determine the impact of banking efficiency on the profitability of the Indian banking division. The ratios (key variables) used in the study are mentioned by the Reserve Bank of India-RBI (Central bank of India). Through a quantitative approach, pooled panel regression, univariate analysis, correlation, and descriptive statistics models are used by taking annual data of the Indian banking division from 2001 to 2020 available on the Thomson Reuters (Refinitiv) Database. Unbalanced cross-sectional data (panel data) comprising 527 bank-year observations for 33 Indian banks were studied. It was decided to evaluate the impact of efficiency (cost to income ratio and staff expenses to total expenses ratio) on the profitability (return on assets and net interest margin ratio) of the banks from the Indian banking division. The results revealed that the cost to income ratio has a significant negative impact on the bank return on assets and net interest margin ratio. The staff expenses to total expenses ratio has a significant positive impact on the bank return on assets and a positive nonsignificant impact on the bank net interest margin ratio.

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Research paper thumbnail of Coping emotional discomfort at retail checkout: Potential distractions and implications

Innovative Marketing , 2022

Retail customers often wait to complete their purchases during the checkout process. Prior resear... more Retail customers often wait to complete their purchases during the checkout process. Prior research suggests that long checkout lines and service delays negatively affect customers' evaluation of store services. The present study investigates the potential customer and in-store distractions and their implication for emotional discomfort due to crowding stress. This study employed a cross-sectional research design and surveyed 385 respondents visiting the target retail outlets in Bengaluru, India. Correlation analysis explored the relationship between self-distraction, in-store distractions, and emotional discomfort. The study found that self-distraction negatively correlates with discomfort while in the queue (r =-0.119) and discomfort during the billing (r =-0.119). In contrast, in-store distractions (r =-0.161) and video displays near the checkout area (r = 0.116) effectively reduce emotional discomfort while in the queue. Additionally, point-of-purchase (POP) display (r =-0.265) and availability of refreshments near the billing counter (r =-0.175) are effective in reducing emotional discomfort during the billing. This study thus offers viable and affordable methods of improving the customer's waiting experience while contributing to store profits.

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Research paper thumbnail of What motivates individuals to use FinTech budgeting applications? Evidence from India during the covid-19 pandemic

Cogent Economics & Finance, 2022

The purpose of the present study was to explicate the factors determining customers' intention to... more The purpose of the present study was to explicate the factors determining customers' intention to use budgeting apps since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional survey in South India was conducted to collect data from 285 FinTech users. The data were analyzed using partial least square regression to estimate path coefficients and the PROCESS macro technique to identify moderation effects. Firstly, app engagement and self-efficacy were found to have a positive effect on the intention to use budgeting apps. Secondly, individuals who use FinTech services less frequently and those who use it to pay for a variety of expenses were found to have a greater effect on usage intentions of customer engagement, perceived trust, and perceived ease of use. Therefore, customization, real-time suggestions, providing tools for data visualization, smart data insights, and artificial intelligence-based recommendations and advice would assist customers in prudence money management.

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Research paper thumbnail of Determinants of Behavioral Intentions to Use Islamic Financial Technology: An Empirical Assessment

Risks, 2022

This study examines the antecedents/determinants of behavioral intentions toward the utilization ... more This study examines the antecedents/determinants of behavioral intentions toward the utilization of Islamic financial technology for Middle Eastern customers. The study applied structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). After robust research efforts were invested in the identification of factors, they and were converted into measures, and the results were analyzed. The results demonstrate that the independent variables shown in the UTAUT model have a significant impact on the behavior to adopt Islamic financial technology, which implies that the people are ready to use Islamic financial technology while making online transactions. The work in this study adds to the knowledge regarding the factors affecting behavioral intention to use Islamic fintech, as there is scarcity of studies in this domain, especially in the context of Middle Eastern online customers. Moreover, this study also considers the major categories of online payments.

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Research paper thumbnail of A commentary on emerging markets banking sector spillovers: Covid-19 vs GFC pattern analysis

Heliyon, 2022

The emerging-market banking sector plays a significant role in modern-day banking sector stabilit... more The emerging-market banking sector plays a significant role in modern-day banking sector stability. In this study, we have used the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) version of the Generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model to estimate the correlation among Emerging Markets (BANKSEK), Latin America (BANKSLA), Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) (BANKSBC), Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain (PIIGS) (BANKSPI) and Far East (BANKSFE). The study covers more than 100, 200 and 300 trading days of the GFC (starting July 8, 2008) and the COVID-19 pandemic (starting January 1, 2020). We have found that generally, in the short-term excluding PIIGS, all banks show similar pairwise correlation, and the pattern holds in the medium and long term. The far east banking sector displays a reduced correlation than their counterparts, even following the same pattern.

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Research paper thumbnail of What Do We Know about Crowdfunding and P2P Lending Research? A Bibliometric Review and Meta-Analysis

Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2022

In the era of fintech, businesses using technology other than traditional banks are providing fin... more In the era of fintech, businesses using technology other than traditional banks are providing financial services. Crowdfunding and peer-to-peer (P2P) lending are two of the most exciting financial innovations of the twenty-first century. In this paper, we use a bibliometric review and meta-analysis to understand the academic research on crowdfunding and P2P lending. Our findings show that the research on this topic has grown a lot in terms of publications since 2013 and the maximum mean total citations were observed in the year 2014. We provide the details about the most influential authors based on total citations, authors with the greatest number of publications, the most influential documents, significant journal sources, highest single country production, multiple country production, and important affiliations. We further apply the network analysis and visualisation techniques wherein we provide the details of the citation analysis of documents, cocitation analysis of authors, and co-occurrence analysis of author keywords. Finally, we provide the future directions of the research on this burgeoning topic.

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Research paper thumbnail of Further Evidence on Efficiency of Bahrain Bourse: A High Challenge for Other Industries

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020

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