manna - Profile (original) (raw)

You can find me on Dreamwidth, under the same name.

administration fic, ancient egypt, archaeology, backstreet boys, beauty therapy, beta reading, biological science, biology, blakes 7, cake, cats, cheese, chinese food, chocolate, city of heroes, city of villains, commas, computers, conspiracy theories, cooking, creative writing, degus, doctor who, dystopias, eleanor of aquitaine, evolution, fandom, fanfiction, farmers' markets, feminism, fiction writing, fudge, garlic, genetic engineering, hatchepsut, historical reenactment, history, homoerotic fiction, house-hunting, jeff noon, keir warrick, local food producers, massage, media fandom, medical research, medieval history, menstrual cups, menstruation, natural selection, neopets, nsync, organic veg, original slash, petz 5, piercings, popslash, role-playing games, rpgs, scepticism, science fiction, shiny fuck tech, slash, soup, sparkly dancing boys, tanith lee, tentacles, terry pratchett, thai food, the administration series, the keeper, the mooncup, the war of powers, thinky ships, torchwood, val toreth, wolves glen pub, writing