padsp - (original) (raw)

Table of Contents

padsp(1) General Commands Manual padsp(1)

NAME padsp - PulseAudio OSS Wrapper

SYNOPSIS padsp [options] PROGRAM [ARGUMENTS ...]

   **padsp -h**

DESCRIPTION padsp starts the specified program and redirects its access to OSS compatible audio devices (/dev/dsp and auxiliary devices) to a PulseAudio sound server.

   _padsp_ uses the $LD_PRELOAD environment variable that is interpreted by
   [](/man/arch/ thus does not work for SUID binaries and statically built

   Equivalent to using _padsp_ is starting an application with $LD_PRELOAD set
   to _libpulsedsp.so_

OPTIONS -h | --help Show help.

   **-s** _SERVER_
          Set the PulseAudio server to connect to.

   **-n** _NAME_
          The client application name that shall be passed to the server
          when connecting.

   **-m** _NAME_
          The stream name that shall be passed to the server when creating a

   **-M** Disable _/dev/mixer_ emulation.

   **-S** Disable _/dev/sndstat_ emulation.

   **-D** Disable _/dev/dsp_ emulation.

   **-d** Enable debug output.

AUTHORS The PulseAudio Developers <pulseaudio-discuss (at) lists (dot) freedesktop (dot) org>; PulseAudio is available from

SEE ALSO pulseaudio(1), pasuspender(1),

Manuals User padsp(1)