Mario Sharevski (Марио Шаревски) | Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (original) (raw)
Papers by Mario Sharevski (Марио Шаревски)
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Jun 26, 2014
Thesis deals with the issue of the conceptualization, analysis and understanding of the Balkans a... more Thesis deals with the issue of the conceptualization, analysis and understanding of the Balkans after 1991 as a specific geopolitical area in order to examine the proclivity of the region towards conflicts and give general idea of the geopolitical position of the Balkans in local and global context. First, the definition of the Balkans and its borders in physic and politico geographical structure along with the historical definitions and geopolitical position settings and significance prior 1991 are tackled. Then follows the application of the geopolitical theories and concepts on the geopolitical map with the states of the Balkans after 1991 in order to conceptualize the area and thus having a framework for examination and comparison of the territorial changes and geopolitical events that occurred in this historical period as well as for better understanding of strategic significance of internal and external geopolitical position of the Balkans. As a third step follows the explanation and outline of the greater territorial irredentist and geopolitical concepts of the Balkan nation states which have been revived and actualized in the period after 1991 serving as a background and basic platform for their geopolitical agenda. Lastly, the thesis tackles the territorial changes that came as a result of the disintegration of Yugoslavia and emergence of the independent nation states with their internal territorial divisions along ethnic and religious cleavages and their narrower as well as broader geopolitical significance. In the comprehensive review of the territorial changes related and accompanied by the events such as wars and involvement of the external greater geopolitical powers and players are included the identified findings of the conceptualization by the application of the geopolitical theories and concepts as well as greater territorial concepts of the states in order to show and understand their interrelation, compliance and significance. The thesis sums up with all of the findings brought together thus leading to a general conclusion for the geopolitical position of the Balkans after 1991 and opinion for the prospects for the future evolving from it.
Security Dialogues. Journal in the field of Security, Defence and Peace Studies, 2013
Despite major changes in the system of international relations and security, states are still the... more Despite major changes in the system of international relations and security, states are still the main actor, and hence it seems that the essence of international relations today is not much changed. As the main feature of the system of international relations remains constant anarchy despite the significant scale of the use of international law. In order to determine whether anarchy is still present and living in international relations in this article analyzes the ruling of the International Court of Justice in the case of Macedonia against Greece, adopted on 05.12.2011, as a legal act of the institution established by the United Nations. By defining the concept of anarchy in international relations and presenting a brief history of the dispute and the positions of the two countries, this article presents the judgment and analysis of its essence and meaning. Noting the reactions of the States parties concerned in the dispute, as well as significant actors (NATO, EU) included in th...
Security Dialogues. Journal in the field of Security, Defence and Peace Studies, 2014
The political map of the world is in a constant dynamic that takes place on invariant physical ge... more The political map of the world is in a constant dynamic that takes place on invariant physical geographical space for which the analyses of the distribution of states and their power potential that is evolving from them is the inevitable foundation of the geopolitical conceptualizations of the world and its particular regions. The Balkans as a place with extremely high dynamism and volatility of the political map is the inevitable subject of geopolitical analysis and conceptualization in local and global terms. By examining the current political map of the Balkans with a brief overview of all its features and historical processes that preceded, this paper addresses its conceptualization through the application of the basic geopolitical concepts of Heartland and Rimland and their characteristics and features in the context of the space of the Balkans. Presenting the basic premises and meanings of Mackinder's concept of Heartland, Macedonia and Serbia are recognized as a Balkanic ...
Security Dialogues. Journal in the field of Security, Defence and Peace Studies, 2014
Water is undoubtedly the most important ingredient for life and the survival of humans and all li... more Water is undoubtedly the most important ingredient for life and the survival of humans and all living beings on Earth with great importance for the uninterrupted running of all biological processes and functioning of the human social and economic systems, hence it is one of the key factors for security. Given the territorial distribution of the population around water sources and its ethnic diversity, in terms of the complex inter-ethnic relations, the main question in this article is about the impact of this correlation on security. The purpose of this research is the analyze the relevance of the ethnic composition of the population around water sources as a factor of security threat in Macedonia. The introductory section starts with the scientific and theoretical considerations of the importance of water and access to water sources for security by exposing and explaining the possible ways of endangering safety as it sets up the theoretical framework through which will be examined ...
Macedonia, as a country located in the central part of the Balkans – a place where identity and l... more Macedonia, as a country located in the central part of the Balkans – a place where identity and language issues and conflicts are very common, with its specific internal ethnic composed population, has developed a unique model of a language policy. Starting with the definition of the concept of language policy, this short paper aims to inform about the model of the language policy in Macedonia and its characteristics and at the same time to expose its impacts thus far. In briefly informing briefly about the languages and linguistic groups of Macedonia, the paper starts with a historical overview of development of the language policies in Macedonia from the mid 19 century, through the socialist period, and the process of independence until the constitutional changes according to the Ohrid Framework Agreement of 2001. In its central part, the paper comprehensively outlines and shows the characteristics of the current language policy of Macedonia developed and designed according to the...
Mount Korab is the highest mountain in Macedonia and its natural features abound in extraordinary... more Mount Korab is the highest mountain in Macedonia and its natural features abound in extraordinary natural beauties. Due to its relatively remote location and characteristics, it is difficult to access, therefore making it less known although very attractive to the general public. The rapid increase in tourist and mountaineering interest in the last few years, however, highlighted a need for for more in-depth studies of Mount Korab, whose data will contribute to development of both tourism as well as preserving the wildlife and mountain itself. Based on previous scientific evidence, folklore, history record, and on-site knowledge gained during several expeditions to Mount Korab, this brief article provides and in-depth overview on the location and features of the mountain’s lesser known and explored peaks, lakes, waterfalls, canyons and landscapes. This article also includes typological suggestions for naming each of of them. The data and the proposed typology for naming do not call for exclusiveness but they are intended to serve as basis for further exploration of Mount Korab, both by the general public and the scientific community whose findings will additionally support the development of the tourist offer and economic opportunities of Mount Korab.
Географски Разгледи / Geographical Reviews, 2019
Mount Korab is the highest mountain in Macedonia and its natural features abound in extraordinary... more Mount Korab is the highest mountain in Macedonia and its natural features abound in extraordinary natural beauties. Due to its relatively remote location and characteristics, it is difficult to access, therefore making it less known although very attractive to the general public. The rapid increase in tourist and mountaineering interest in the last few years, however, highlighted a need for more in-depth studies of Mount Korab, whose data will contribute to development of both tourism as well as preserving the wildlife and mountain itself. Based on previous scientific evidence, folklore, history record, and on-site knowledge gained during several expeditions to Mount Korab, this brief article provides and in-depth overview on the location and features of the mountain's lesser known and explored peaks, lakes, waterfalls, canyons and landscapes. This article also includes typological suggestions for naming each of them. The data and the proposed typology for naming do not call for exclusive-ness but they are intended to serve as basis for further exploration of Mount Korab, both by the general public and the scientific community whose findings will additionally support the development of the tourist offer and economic opportunities of Mount Korab.
The inextricable connection of human life and action with physical space implies the need for con... more The inextricable connection of human life and action with physical space implies the need for continuous research of its features that offer significant strategic advantages in terms of defense. The importance of integrity and overall functioning of states and armies which was first observed and explained by the famous scholar and strategist Carl von Clausewitz through the concept of center of gravity is widely accepted and widespread in contemporary science and practice. Through theoretical establishment of the concept of center of gravity in geostrategic context this article continues with its application in the analysis of the territory of the Republic of Macedonia in order to recognize the proper center of gravity. Considering the transportation, economic and military-defense significance and concentration of infrastructure, the eastern part of the Skopje valley around the village of Miladinovci is indicated as a geostrategic center of gravity of Macedonia. Extraordinary strategic benefits arising from the physical location and configuration of the terrain of this area in terms of the inner and outer regional significance indicate the increasing importance of this area as a geo-strategic center of gravity of Macedonia also in the future.
Internal features of the space on which the countries are located, starting from the characterist... more Internal features of the space on which the countries are located, starting from the characteristics of the human factor particularly demographic characteristics, cultural and historical background and development, economic and social characteristics closely linked with their geographical location inevitably determine geopolitical position and significance of countries and regions in a current or historical context. Contemporary geopolitical science studying these features of the space at global and regional level in the world have come up with a set of concepts and definitions including the latest and most relevant ones for those instable or "fragile" and "vulnerable" regions described as shatterbelt, zones of conflict - crush zone and countries and areas that are gateway states and regions linking different parts of the world. Macedonia with its specific geographic location in the current and fevrvent refugee-migrant crisis, is again located in the center of this ongoing burning issue of great international significance. Considering the complicated internal situation in Macedonia on socio-political, security, economic level and the historical experience of such situations in the past together with the level of interstate relations and the situation in the wider Balkan regional level, our state and society are in a very serious moment in its existence faced with extremely important geopolitical challenges. Through a review and analysis of the current internal situation in Macedonia with particular focus on the political crisis and armed clashes in 2015 with a visible and evident foreign interference in the internal affairs of the great geopolitical powers, set in the aspect to the actual external developments in the regional and global context through the prism of contemporary geopolitical concepts of shatterbelt and gateways the article aims to provide a basis for determining the geopolitical position of Macedonia within the Balkans amid the refugee crisis.
Безбедносни дијалози / Security Dialogues, Mar 26, 2014
The political map of the world is in constant dynamic that takes place on invariant physical geog... more The political map of the world is in constant dynamic that takes place on invariant physical geographical space for which the analyses of the distribution of states and their power potential that are evolving from them are the inevitable foundation of the geopolitical conceptualizations of the world and its particular regions. The Balkans as a place with extremely high dynamism and volatility of the political map is inevitable subject of geopolitical analysis and conceptualization in local and global terms. By examining the current political map of the Balkans with a brief overview of all its features and historical processes that preceded, this paper addresses its conceptualization through application of the basic geopolitical concepts of Heartland and Rimland and their characteristics and features in the context of the space of the Balkans. Presenting the basic premises and meanings of the Mackinder’s concept of Heartland, Macedonia and Serbia are recognized as a Balkanic Heartland with much overlap in terms of features and characteristics of geographic location and military security, traffic-infrastructural, political and historical factors. In the same way this paper determines the Balkanic Rimland comprised of Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Montenegro and Croatia, surrounding the Heartland of the Balkans. Further analysis of the current events and processes in the Balkans in the context of this conceptualization of Balkanic Heartland and Rimland indicates the importance of the Balkanic Rimland due to the integration and political process conducted by its lines and ideas. Finally, the analysis of the actual political map of the Balkans and current developments based and reviewed through the prism of the conceptualization by the basic geopolitical concepts concludes with an opinion about the geopolitical importance of the Balkans and the prospects for the development of the current geopolitical processes and activities.
Strategic Regions in 21st Century Power Politics: Zones of Consensus and Zones of Conflict , Dec 1, 2014
In the world of the contemporary geopolitics and international relations realignments and coopera... more In the world of the contemporary geopolitics and international relations realignments and cooperation between former foes or ideologically, politically and economically opposed countries are very normal and common occurrences. The rise of China definitely has a considerable impact toward its neighbors in the regional and other great powers on the global context. This short paper researches and aims to inform about the emergence of the cooperation between former enemies Vietnam and U.S. as a result of the rise of China. Starting with the outline of the historical development of the relations between the three countries, the paper gives a background for understanding of their current positions and relations. In the second part in order to be understood the reason for the recent Vietnamese-U.S. engagement the paper outlines the current issues and disputes between Vietnam and China. At the third part the paper comprehensively elaborates with the emergence of the Vietnamese-U.S. cooperation, which is reviewed and explained more thoroughly in specific certain areas such as political, security (military) and economical. Noting the strategically important position of Vietnam for the US the paper concludes with the possibilities and prospects for further mutual engagement and cooperation.
Македонците со исламска вериосповед како специфичен и нераскинлив дел од македонскиот народ се ра... more Македонците со исламска вериосповед како специфичен и нераскинлив дел од македонскиот народ се распространети во различни краеви и области на Македонија поради што тие имаат и различни етнографски карактеристики кои што јасно се одразуваат во нивниот живот, обичаи, говор, свест, душевни па и телесни одлики. Предмет на ова кратко истражување е географската разместеност и етнографските одлики на просторите во кои живеат Македонците муслимани во Македонија со цел да дојде до сознанија и согледувања на нивната положба во рамки на матичниот македонски народ, општество и држава. Преку употреба на аналитичкиот метод врз бројните материјали собрани од повеќе книги, стручни монографии, трудови, написи, како и записи и лични теренски истражувања, како и со делумно користење на историскиот и споредбениот наративен пристап овој краток труд има за цел да даде слика за положбата на Македонците со исламска вероисповед во Македонија. Имајќи ги предвид тековните неповолни општествено-политички тенденции и положба во која живеат Македонците муслимани во Македонија, неопходноста и релевантноста од ваквите истражувања се наметнува сама по себе со задача да служи како основа на сознанија, информација и податоци врз основа на која ќе може да се создадат најцелисходни политики и делувања.
Безбедносни дијалози / Security Dialogues, Apr 2, 2015
Water is undoubtedly the most important ingredient for life and the survival of humans and all li... more Water is undoubtedly the most important ingredient for life and the survival of humans and all living beings on Earth with great importance for the uninterrupted running of all biological processes and functioning of the human social and economic systems, hence it is one of the key factors for security. Given the territorial distribution of the population around water sources and its ethnic diversity, in terms of the complex inter-ethnic relations the main question in this article is about the impact of this correlation on the security. The purpose of this research is the analysis of the relevance of the ethnic composition of the population around water sources as a factor of security threat in Macedonia. The introductory section starts with the scientific and theoretical considerations of the importance of water and access to water sources for security by exposing and explaining the possible ways of endangering safety as it sets up the theoretical framework through which will be examined examples and actual events. The second part covers cases of Vevchani protests in 1987, shutting off the valves on Lipkovo Dam and Lake Glazhnja in 2001 and protests against the construction of the regional water-supply in Patishka Reka in 2007 and 2010 reviewed in terms of their relation to the ethnic composition of the population and interethnic relations. The research continues by elaborating other possible crisis areas around water sources and water supply systems in several other cities in Macedonia such as Skopje, Bitola, Veles, Struga, Gostivar, Kicevo along with the real potential threats of occupation of Rasche spring in 2001, and closing the regional water supply system Studencica due to the ethno-political tensions about the territorial reorganization of Kicevo in 2012. Finally, the research concludes by assumptions about most expedient and most successful methods to overcome and resolve this type of security threat.
Thesis deals with the issue of the conceptualization, analysis and understanding of the Balkans a... more Thesis deals with the issue of the conceptualization, analysis and understanding of the Balkans after 1991 as a specific geopolitical area in order to examine the proclivity of the region towards conflicts and give general idea of the geopolitical position of the Balkans in local and global context. First, the definition of the Balkans and its borders in physic and politico geographical structure along with the historical definitions and geopolitical position settings and significance prior 1991 are tackled. Then follows the application of the geopolitical theories and concepts on the geopolitical map with the states of the Balkans after 1991 in order to conceptualize the area and thus having a framework for examination and comparison of the territorial changes and geopolitical events that occurred in this historical period as well as for better understanding of strategic significance of internal and external geopolitical position of the Balkans. As a third step follows the explanation and outline of the greater territorial irredentist and geopolitical concepts of the Balkan nation states which have been revived and actualized in the period after 1991 serving as a background and basic platform for their geopolitical agenda. Lastly, the thesis tackles the territorial changes that came as a result of the disintegration of Yugoslavia and emergence of the independent nation states with their internal territorial divisions along ethnic and religious cleavages and their narrower as well as broader geopolitical significance. In the comprehensive review of the territorial changes related and accompanied by the events such as wars and involvement of the external greater geopolitical powers and players are included the identified findings of the conceptualization by the application of the geopolitical theories and concepts as well as greater territorial concepts of the states in order to show and understand their interrelation, compliance and significance. The thesis sums up with all of the findings brought together thus leading to a general conclusion for the geopolitical position of the Balkans after 1991 and opinion for the prospects for the future evolving from it.
The name dispute between Macedonia and Greece is the only such case and unique phenomenon in the ... more The name dispute between Macedonia and Greece is the only such case and unique phenomenon in the field of contemporary international relations. Besides the numerous analysis from different theoretical perspectives of the international relations, international law, political science, history this article analyses the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece through the prism of postmodernism. The article starts with the theoretical background and elaboration of the basic tenets of the postmodernism as a philosophical thought and paradigm of international relations. As necessary for posing a clear analytical ground the paper briefly outlines a short history of the origination and development of the dispute. Through the prism of the postmodernist tenets such as power relationship and arbitrariness, identity and history, and tolerance this article comprehensively analyses the positions and actions of the included parties. Finally, the article concludes with the possibility for resolution of the dispute from a postmodernist standpoint.
The Annual of Language & Politics and Politics of Identity - ALPPI
Macedonia, as a country located in the central part of the Balkans - place where identity and lan... more Macedonia, as a country located in the central part of the Balkans - place where identity and language issues and conflicts are very common, with its specific internal ethnic composed population, developed a unique model of a language policy. Starting with the definition of the concept of the language policy this short paper aims to inform about the model of the language policy in Macedonia and its characteristics and in the same time to expose its impacts so far. Informing briefly about the languages and linguistic groups in Macedonia, the paper starts with historical overview of the development of the language policies in Macedonia from the mid 19th century, through the socialist period, process of independence until the constitutional changes according to the Ohrid Framework agreement of 2001. In the central part, the paper comprehensively outlines and shows the characteristics of the current language policy of Macedonia developed and designed according to the amendments of the Ohrid framework agreement. The model of the language policy is described on legal, institutional and practical level, namely by examples and data about the usage of the minority languages on certain levels and areas such as central government, local-self government, education system and public sphere of life as well as the supportive policies for the Macedonian language. Describing the actual situation, the paper concludes with the opinion about the impact and consequences of the model of the language policy of Macedonia.
Безбедносни дијалози / Security Dialogues, Mar 26, 2014
Despite major changes in the system of international relations and security, states are still the... more Despite major changes in the system of international relations and security, states are still the main actor, and hence it seems that the essence of international relations today is not much changed. As the main feature of the system of international relations remains constant anarchy despite the significant scale of the use of international law. In order to determine whether anarchy is still present and living in international relations in this article analyzes the ruling of the International Court of Justice in the case of Macedonia against Greece, adopted on 05.12.2011, as a legal act of the institution established by the United Nations. By defining the concept of anarchy in international relations and presenting a brief history of the dispute and the positions of the two countries, this article presents the judgment and analysis of its essence and meaning. Noting the reactions of the States parties concerned in the dispute, as well as significant actors (NATO, EU) included in the dispute, this article essentially analyzes the importance and impact of the judgment, as a response indicator and the main thesis of the presence of anarchy in today's international system relations. Analyzing the meaning of the judgment in this paper comes to the conclusion that anarchy and free will of the activity of states in the system of international relations are still present, clearing space to create different policies and security challenges and uncertainties.
Drafts by Mario Sharevski (Марио Шаревски)
Геполитички преглед на Институтот за геостратешки истражување и надворешна политика при МНР / Geopolitical Review of the Institue of Geostrategic Research and Foreign Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia (internal use), 2013
Geopolitical analysis of the grounds of mutual cooperation and development of the relations betwe... more Geopolitical analysis of the grounds of mutual cooperation and development of the relations between Macedonia and Brazil.
Books by Mario Sharevski (Марио Шаревски)
Записи за Кораб, 2020
Извод: Планината Кораб е највисоката планина во Македонија, која со своите природни одлики изобил... more Извод: Планината Кораб е највисоката планина во Македонија, која со своите природни одлики изобилува со извонредни природни убавини, но истовремено заради својата местоположба и карактеристики е и тешко пристапна, а со тоа и делумно непозната за пошироката јавност. Зголемениот интерес и подем на туризмот и планинарството бараат подетални изучувања на планината Кораб, чиишто податоци ќе придонесат во поткрепата и поддршката на нивниот развој и економска благосостојба. Осврнувајќи се на расположливите податоци од научните истражувања, народното творештво, записи од минатото, и сообразувајќи ги со сознанијата стекнати при неколкуте повеќедневни наши посети и престои на планината Кораб, во ова кратко истражување ги изнесуваме општите, начелни и првични податоци за местоположбата и одликите на неколку помалку познати врвови, езера, водопади, кањони и предели, заедно со предлози за нивно именување. Изнесените податоци и предложеното именување сообразено со одликите на овие непознати врвови, езера и предели на Кораб, не се повикуваат на исклучивост, туку со нивното претставување имаат за цел да послужат како појдовна основа и повик до пошироката стручна јавност да пристапи кон нивно подробно и подетално научно истражување, чии податоци и факти понатаму ќе служат за нивно пошироко претставување во прилог на поддршка и развој на туристичката понуда и искористување на стопанските можности на планината Кораб.
Клучни зборови: Кораб, планина, врвови, езера, именување.
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Jun 26, 2014
Thesis deals with the issue of the conceptualization, analysis and understanding of the Balkans a... more Thesis deals with the issue of the conceptualization, analysis and understanding of the Balkans after 1991 as a specific geopolitical area in order to examine the proclivity of the region towards conflicts and give general idea of the geopolitical position of the Balkans in local and global context. First, the definition of the Balkans and its borders in physic and politico geographical structure along with the historical definitions and geopolitical position settings and significance prior 1991 are tackled. Then follows the application of the geopolitical theories and concepts on the geopolitical map with the states of the Balkans after 1991 in order to conceptualize the area and thus having a framework for examination and comparison of the territorial changes and geopolitical events that occurred in this historical period as well as for better understanding of strategic significance of internal and external geopolitical position of the Balkans. As a third step follows the explanation and outline of the greater territorial irredentist and geopolitical concepts of the Balkan nation states which have been revived and actualized in the period after 1991 serving as a background and basic platform for their geopolitical agenda. Lastly, the thesis tackles the territorial changes that came as a result of the disintegration of Yugoslavia and emergence of the independent nation states with their internal territorial divisions along ethnic and religious cleavages and their narrower as well as broader geopolitical significance. In the comprehensive review of the territorial changes related and accompanied by the events such as wars and involvement of the external greater geopolitical powers and players are included the identified findings of the conceptualization by the application of the geopolitical theories and concepts as well as greater territorial concepts of the states in order to show and understand their interrelation, compliance and significance. The thesis sums up with all of the findings brought together thus leading to a general conclusion for the geopolitical position of the Balkans after 1991 and opinion for the prospects for the future evolving from it.
Security Dialogues. Journal in the field of Security, Defence and Peace Studies, 2013
Despite major changes in the system of international relations and security, states are still the... more Despite major changes in the system of international relations and security, states are still the main actor, and hence it seems that the essence of international relations today is not much changed. As the main feature of the system of international relations remains constant anarchy despite the significant scale of the use of international law. In order to determine whether anarchy is still present and living in international relations in this article analyzes the ruling of the International Court of Justice in the case of Macedonia against Greece, adopted on 05.12.2011, as a legal act of the institution established by the United Nations. By defining the concept of anarchy in international relations and presenting a brief history of the dispute and the positions of the two countries, this article presents the judgment and analysis of its essence and meaning. Noting the reactions of the States parties concerned in the dispute, as well as significant actors (NATO, EU) included in th...
Security Dialogues. Journal in the field of Security, Defence and Peace Studies, 2014
The political map of the world is in a constant dynamic that takes place on invariant physical ge... more The political map of the world is in a constant dynamic that takes place on invariant physical geographical space for which the analyses of the distribution of states and their power potential that is evolving from them is the inevitable foundation of the geopolitical conceptualizations of the world and its particular regions. The Balkans as a place with extremely high dynamism and volatility of the political map is the inevitable subject of geopolitical analysis and conceptualization in local and global terms. By examining the current political map of the Balkans with a brief overview of all its features and historical processes that preceded, this paper addresses its conceptualization through the application of the basic geopolitical concepts of Heartland and Rimland and their characteristics and features in the context of the space of the Balkans. Presenting the basic premises and meanings of Mackinder's concept of Heartland, Macedonia and Serbia are recognized as a Balkanic ...
Security Dialogues. Journal in the field of Security, Defence and Peace Studies, 2014
Water is undoubtedly the most important ingredient for life and the survival of humans and all li... more Water is undoubtedly the most important ingredient for life and the survival of humans and all living beings on Earth with great importance for the uninterrupted running of all biological processes and functioning of the human social and economic systems, hence it is one of the key factors for security. Given the territorial distribution of the population around water sources and its ethnic diversity, in terms of the complex inter-ethnic relations, the main question in this article is about the impact of this correlation on security. The purpose of this research is the analyze the relevance of the ethnic composition of the population around water sources as a factor of security threat in Macedonia. The introductory section starts with the scientific and theoretical considerations of the importance of water and access to water sources for security by exposing and explaining the possible ways of endangering safety as it sets up the theoretical framework through which will be examined ...
Macedonia, as a country located in the central part of the Balkans – a place where identity and l... more Macedonia, as a country located in the central part of the Balkans – a place where identity and language issues and conflicts are very common, with its specific internal ethnic composed population, has developed a unique model of a language policy. Starting with the definition of the concept of language policy, this short paper aims to inform about the model of the language policy in Macedonia and its characteristics and at the same time to expose its impacts thus far. In briefly informing briefly about the languages and linguistic groups of Macedonia, the paper starts with a historical overview of development of the language policies in Macedonia from the mid 19 century, through the socialist period, and the process of independence until the constitutional changes according to the Ohrid Framework Agreement of 2001. In its central part, the paper comprehensively outlines and shows the characteristics of the current language policy of Macedonia developed and designed according to the...
Mount Korab is the highest mountain in Macedonia and its natural features abound in extraordinary... more Mount Korab is the highest mountain in Macedonia and its natural features abound in extraordinary natural beauties. Due to its relatively remote location and characteristics, it is difficult to access, therefore making it less known although very attractive to the general public. The rapid increase in tourist and mountaineering interest in the last few years, however, highlighted a need for for more in-depth studies of Mount Korab, whose data will contribute to development of both tourism as well as preserving the wildlife and mountain itself. Based on previous scientific evidence, folklore, history record, and on-site knowledge gained during several expeditions to Mount Korab, this brief article provides and in-depth overview on the location and features of the mountain’s lesser known and explored peaks, lakes, waterfalls, canyons and landscapes. This article also includes typological suggestions for naming each of of them. The data and the proposed typology for naming do not call for exclusiveness but they are intended to serve as basis for further exploration of Mount Korab, both by the general public and the scientific community whose findings will additionally support the development of the tourist offer and economic opportunities of Mount Korab.
Географски Разгледи / Geographical Reviews, 2019
Mount Korab is the highest mountain in Macedonia and its natural features abound in extraordinary... more Mount Korab is the highest mountain in Macedonia and its natural features abound in extraordinary natural beauties. Due to its relatively remote location and characteristics, it is difficult to access, therefore making it less known although very attractive to the general public. The rapid increase in tourist and mountaineering interest in the last few years, however, highlighted a need for more in-depth studies of Mount Korab, whose data will contribute to development of both tourism as well as preserving the wildlife and mountain itself. Based on previous scientific evidence, folklore, history record, and on-site knowledge gained during several expeditions to Mount Korab, this brief article provides and in-depth overview on the location and features of the mountain's lesser known and explored peaks, lakes, waterfalls, canyons and landscapes. This article also includes typological suggestions for naming each of them. The data and the proposed typology for naming do not call for exclusive-ness but they are intended to serve as basis for further exploration of Mount Korab, both by the general public and the scientific community whose findings will additionally support the development of the tourist offer and economic opportunities of Mount Korab.
The inextricable connection of human life and action with physical space implies the need for con... more The inextricable connection of human life and action with physical space implies the need for continuous research of its features that offer significant strategic advantages in terms of defense. The importance of integrity and overall functioning of states and armies which was first observed and explained by the famous scholar and strategist Carl von Clausewitz through the concept of center of gravity is widely accepted and widespread in contemporary science and practice. Through theoretical establishment of the concept of center of gravity in geostrategic context this article continues with its application in the analysis of the territory of the Republic of Macedonia in order to recognize the proper center of gravity. Considering the transportation, economic and military-defense significance and concentration of infrastructure, the eastern part of the Skopje valley around the village of Miladinovci is indicated as a geostrategic center of gravity of Macedonia. Extraordinary strategic benefits arising from the physical location and configuration of the terrain of this area in terms of the inner and outer regional significance indicate the increasing importance of this area as a geo-strategic center of gravity of Macedonia also in the future.
Internal features of the space on which the countries are located, starting from the characterist... more Internal features of the space on which the countries are located, starting from the characteristics of the human factor particularly demographic characteristics, cultural and historical background and development, economic and social characteristics closely linked with their geographical location inevitably determine geopolitical position and significance of countries and regions in a current or historical context. Contemporary geopolitical science studying these features of the space at global and regional level in the world have come up with a set of concepts and definitions including the latest and most relevant ones for those instable or "fragile" and "vulnerable" regions described as shatterbelt, zones of conflict - crush zone and countries and areas that are gateway states and regions linking different parts of the world. Macedonia with its specific geographic location in the current and fevrvent refugee-migrant crisis, is again located in the center of this ongoing burning issue of great international significance. Considering the complicated internal situation in Macedonia on socio-political, security, economic level and the historical experience of such situations in the past together with the level of interstate relations and the situation in the wider Balkan regional level, our state and society are in a very serious moment in its existence faced with extremely important geopolitical challenges. Through a review and analysis of the current internal situation in Macedonia with particular focus on the political crisis and armed clashes in 2015 with a visible and evident foreign interference in the internal affairs of the great geopolitical powers, set in the aspect to the actual external developments in the regional and global context through the prism of contemporary geopolitical concepts of shatterbelt and gateways the article aims to provide a basis for determining the geopolitical position of Macedonia within the Balkans amid the refugee crisis.
Безбедносни дијалози / Security Dialogues, Mar 26, 2014
The political map of the world is in constant dynamic that takes place on invariant physical geog... more The political map of the world is in constant dynamic that takes place on invariant physical geographical space for which the analyses of the distribution of states and their power potential that are evolving from them are the inevitable foundation of the geopolitical conceptualizations of the world and its particular regions. The Balkans as a place with extremely high dynamism and volatility of the political map is inevitable subject of geopolitical analysis and conceptualization in local and global terms. By examining the current political map of the Balkans with a brief overview of all its features and historical processes that preceded, this paper addresses its conceptualization through application of the basic geopolitical concepts of Heartland and Rimland and their characteristics and features in the context of the space of the Balkans. Presenting the basic premises and meanings of the Mackinder’s concept of Heartland, Macedonia and Serbia are recognized as a Balkanic Heartland with much overlap in terms of features and characteristics of geographic location and military security, traffic-infrastructural, political and historical factors. In the same way this paper determines the Balkanic Rimland comprised of Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Montenegro and Croatia, surrounding the Heartland of the Balkans. Further analysis of the current events and processes in the Balkans in the context of this conceptualization of Balkanic Heartland and Rimland indicates the importance of the Balkanic Rimland due to the integration and political process conducted by its lines and ideas. Finally, the analysis of the actual political map of the Balkans and current developments based and reviewed through the prism of the conceptualization by the basic geopolitical concepts concludes with an opinion about the geopolitical importance of the Balkans and the prospects for the development of the current geopolitical processes and activities.
Strategic Regions in 21st Century Power Politics: Zones of Consensus and Zones of Conflict , Dec 1, 2014
In the world of the contemporary geopolitics and international relations realignments and coopera... more In the world of the contemporary geopolitics and international relations realignments and cooperation between former foes or ideologically, politically and economically opposed countries are very normal and common occurrences. The rise of China definitely has a considerable impact toward its neighbors in the regional and other great powers on the global context. This short paper researches and aims to inform about the emergence of the cooperation between former enemies Vietnam and U.S. as a result of the rise of China. Starting with the outline of the historical development of the relations between the three countries, the paper gives a background for understanding of their current positions and relations. In the second part in order to be understood the reason for the recent Vietnamese-U.S. engagement the paper outlines the current issues and disputes between Vietnam and China. At the third part the paper comprehensively elaborates with the emergence of the Vietnamese-U.S. cooperation, which is reviewed and explained more thoroughly in specific certain areas such as political, security (military) and economical. Noting the strategically important position of Vietnam for the US the paper concludes with the possibilities and prospects for further mutual engagement and cooperation.
Македонците со исламска вериосповед како специфичен и нераскинлив дел од македонскиот народ се ра... more Македонците со исламска вериосповед како специфичен и нераскинлив дел од македонскиот народ се распространети во различни краеви и области на Македонија поради што тие имаат и различни етнографски карактеристики кои што јасно се одразуваат во нивниот живот, обичаи, говор, свест, душевни па и телесни одлики. Предмет на ова кратко истражување е географската разместеност и етнографските одлики на просторите во кои живеат Македонците муслимани во Македонија со цел да дојде до сознанија и согледувања на нивната положба во рамки на матичниот македонски народ, општество и држава. Преку употреба на аналитичкиот метод врз бројните материјали собрани од повеќе книги, стручни монографии, трудови, написи, како и записи и лични теренски истражувања, како и со делумно користење на историскиот и споредбениот наративен пристап овој краток труд има за цел да даде слика за положбата на Македонците со исламска вероисповед во Македонија. Имајќи ги предвид тековните неповолни општествено-политички тенденции и положба во која живеат Македонците муслимани во Македонија, неопходноста и релевантноста од ваквите истражувања се наметнува сама по себе со задача да служи како основа на сознанија, информација и податоци врз основа на која ќе може да се создадат најцелисходни политики и делувања.
Безбедносни дијалози / Security Dialogues, Apr 2, 2015
Water is undoubtedly the most important ingredient for life and the survival of humans and all li... more Water is undoubtedly the most important ingredient for life and the survival of humans and all living beings on Earth with great importance for the uninterrupted running of all biological processes and functioning of the human social and economic systems, hence it is one of the key factors for security. Given the territorial distribution of the population around water sources and its ethnic diversity, in terms of the complex inter-ethnic relations the main question in this article is about the impact of this correlation on the security. The purpose of this research is the analysis of the relevance of the ethnic composition of the population around water sources as a factor of security threat in Macedonia. The introductory section starts with the scientific and theoretical considerations of the importance of water and access to water sources for security by exposing and explaining the possible ways of endangering safety as it sets up the theoretical framework through which will be examined examples and actual events. The second part covers cases of Vevchani protests in 1987, shutting off the valves on Lipkovo Dam and Lake Glazhnja in 2001 and protests against the construction of the regional water-supply in Patishka Reka in 2007 and 2010 reviewed in terms of their relation to the ethnic composition of the population and interethnic relations. The research continues by elaborating other possible crisis areas around water sources and water supply systems in several other cities in Macedonia such as Skopje, Bitola, Veles, Struga, Gostivar, Kicevo along with the real potential threats of occupation of Rasche spring in 2001, and closing the regional water supply system Studencica due to the ethno-political tensions about the territorial reorganization of Kicevo in 2012. Finally, the research concludes by assumptions about most expedient and most successful methods to overcome and resolve this type of security threat.
Thesis deals with the issue of the conceptualization, analysis and understanding of the Balkans a... more Thesis deals with the issue of the conceptualization, analysis and understanding of the Balkans after 1991 as a specific geopolitical area in order to examine the proclivity of the region towards conflicts and give general idea of the geopolitical position of the Balkans in local and global context. First, the definition of the Balkans and its borders in physic and politico geographical structure along with the historical definitions and geopolitical position settings and significance prior 1991 are tackled. Then follows the application of the geopolitical theories and concepts on the geopolitical map with the states of the Balkans after 1991 in order to conceptualize the area and thus having a framework for examination and comparison of the territorial changes and geopolitical events that occurred in this historical period as well as for better understanding of strategic significance of internal and external geopolitical position of the Balkans. As a third step follows the explanation and outline of the greater territorial irredentist and geopolitical concepts of the Balkan nation states which have been revived and actualized in the period after 1991 serving as a background and basic platform for their geopolitical agenda. Lastly, the thesis tackles the territorial changes that came as a result of the disintegration of Yugoslavia and emergence of the independent nation states with their internal territorial divisions along ethnic and religious cleavages and their narrower as well as broader geopolitical significance. In the comprehensive review of the territorial changes related and accompanied by the events such as wars and involvement of the external greater geopolitical powers and players are included the identified findings of the conceptualization by the application of the geopolitical theories and concepts as well as greater territorial concepts of the states in order to show and understand their interrelation, compliance and significance. The thesis sums up with all of the findings brought together thus leading to a general conclusion for the geopolitical position of the Balkans after 1991 and opinion for the prospects for the future evolving from it.
The name dispute between Macedonia and Greece is the only such case and unique phenomenon in the ... more The name dispute between Macedonia and Greece is the only such case and unique phenomenon in the field of contemporary international relations. Besides the numerous analysis from different theoretical perspectives of the international relations, international law, political science, history this article analyses the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece through the prism of postmodernism. The article starts with the theoretical background and elaboration of the basic tenets of the postmodernism as a philosophical thought and paradigm of international relations. As necessary for posing a clear analytical ground the paper briefly outlines a short history of the origination and development of the dispute. Through the prism of the postmodernist tenets such as power relationship and arbitrariness, identity and history, and tolerance this article comprehensively analyses the positions and actions of the included parties. Finally, the article concludes with the possibility for resolution of the dispute from a postmodernist standpoint.
The Annual of Language & Politics and Politics of Identity - ALPPI
Macedonia, as a country located in the central part of the Balkans - place where identity and lan... more Macedonia, as a country located in the central part of the Balkans - place where identity and language issues and conflicts are very common, with its specific internal ethnic composed population, developed a unique model of a language policy. Starting with the definition of the concept of the language policy this short paper aims to inform about the model of the language policy in Macedonia and its characteristics and in the same time to expose its impacts so far. Informing briefly about the languages and linguistic groups in Macedonia, the paper starts with historical overview of the development of the language policies in Macedonia from the mid 19th century, through the socialist period, process of independence until the constitutional changes according to the Ohrid Framework agreement of 2001. In the central part, the paper comprehensively outlines and shows the characteristics of the current language policy of Macedonia developed and designed according to the amendments of the Ohrid framework agreement. The model of the language policy is described on legal, institutional and practical level, namely by examples and data about the usage of the minority languages on certain levels and areas such as central government, local-self government, education system and public sphere of life as well as the supportive policies for the Macedonian language. Describing the actual situation, the paper concludes with the opinion about the impact and consequences of the model of the language policy of Macedonia.
Безбедносни дијалози / Security Dialogues, Mar 26, 2014
Despite major changes in the system of international relations and security, states are still the... more Despite major changes in the system of international relations and security, states are still the main actor, and hence it seems that the essence of international relations today is not much changed. As the main feature of the system of international relations remains constant anarchy despite the significant scale of the use of international law. In order to determine whether anarchy is still present and living in international relations in this article analyzes the ruling of the International Court of Justice in the case of Macedonia against Greece, adopted on 05.12.2011, as a legal act of the institution established by the United Nations. By defining the concept of anarchy in international relations and presenting a brief history of the dispute and the positions of the two countries, this article presents the judgment and analysis of its essence and meaning. Noting the reactions of the States parties concerned in the dispute, as well as significant actors (NATO, EU) included in the dispute, this article essentially analyzes the importance and impact of the judgment, as a response indicator and the main thesis of the presence of anarchy in today's international system relations. Analyzing the meaning of the judgment in this paper comes to the conclusion that anarchy and free will of the activity of states in the system of international relations are still present, clearing space to create different policies and security challenges and uncertainties.
Геполитички преглед на Институтот за геостратешки истражување и надворешна политика при МНР / Geopolitical Review of the Institue of Geostrategic Research and Foreign Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia (internal use), 2013
Geopolitical analysis of the grounds of mutual cooperation and development of the relations betwe... more Geopolitical analysis of the grounds of mutual cooperation and development of the relations between Macedonia and Brazil.
Записи за Кораб, 2020
Извод: Планината Кораб е највисоката планина во Македонија, која со своите природни одлики изобил... more Извод: Планината Кораб е највисоката планина во Македонија, која со своите природни одлики изобилува со извонредни природни убавини, но истовремено заради својата местоположба и карактеристики е и тешко пристапна, а со тоа и делумно непозната за пошироката јавност. Зголемениот интерес и подем на туризмот и планинарството бараат подетални изучувања на планината Кораб, чиишто податоци ќе придонесат во поткрепата и поддршката на нивниот развој и економска благосостојба. Осврнувајќи се на расположливите податоци од научните истражувања, народното творештво, записи од минатото, и сообразувајќи ги со сознанијата стекнати при неколкуте повеќедневни наши посети и престои на планината Кораб, во ова кратко истражување ги изнесуваме општите, начелни и првични податоци за местоположбата и одликите на неколку помалку познати врвови, езера, водопади, кањони и предели, заедно со предлози за нивно именување. Изнесените податоци и предложеното именување сообразено со одликите на овие непознати врвови, езера и предели на Кораб, не се повикуваат на исклучивост, туку со нивното претставување имаат за цел да послужат како појдовна основа и повик до пошироката стручна јавност да пристапи кон нивно подробно и подетално научно истражување, чии податоци и факти понатаму ќе служат за нивно пошироко претставување во прилог на поддршка и развој на туристичката понуда и искористување на стопанските можности на планината Кораб.
Клучни зборови: Кораб, планина, врвови, езера, именување.