yosafat ap | Maranatha Christian University (original) (raw)

Papers by yosafat ap

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Tests and Analytical Studies of Bearing-Type Axial Steel Connection

The capacity of the bolted connection on steel tensile rods can be determined through capacity an... more The capacity of the bolted connection on steel tensile rods can be determined through capacity analysis and connection failure. In term of capacity analysis and failure of steel tensile connection, the specified tensile connection capacity is generated based on several parameters such as cross-section of rod, grade of steel, thickness and grade of the steel plate, and grade and diameter of bolts. The capacity of steel tensile connections as a result of capacity analysis and connection failure often has a lower value than the connection capacity in real conditions. In this research, the comparison of 30x30x3mm angle cross-section connections with BJ37 grade quality was connected with 2 mm steel plate (also BJ37 grade) using 8 mm bolt connectors (A307 grade), through capacity analysis, failure study, and experimental study with type of failure is bolt bearing failure. In the capacity analysis study and the failure of steel tensile connections obtained a nominal capacity is 14.21 kN with the type of failure is shear failure. In the experimental study was tested 3 specimens, the average value of ultimate capacity was 18.67 kN and the failure for all of the three specimens are shear failures. The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is both the result of analytical calculations and experimental testing in the laboratory showed a good agreement and have the same trend. The test specimens were designed on the basis of analytical calculations for bolt bearing failure, experimental test results for all of three specimens all showed a failure pattern of bolt shear. The nominal strength from the results of the analytical study with the ultimate load of the experimental study results has a difference of 31.4% with higher experimental results. Through this research is expected to be a learning-media to know one type of failure on the steel connections that is bolt shear failure, obtain a comparison between analytical calculation results referring to applicable design standards, and the results of experimental testing in the laboratory.

Research paper thumbnail of Design of pedestrian truss bridge with Sengon-Rubber laminated veneer lumber

Timber bridges are one of the bridge that has long been used, but nowadays, large dimension of sa... more Timber bridges are one of the bridge that has long been used, but nowadays, large dimension of sawn timber has limited supply and also it is not environmental-friendly. Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) is a engineered wood that becomes one of the promising alternative, because it is made from lower quality wood that processed to be used as a more quality one. The bridge planned to be a pedestrian truss bridge with length of 9 m, width of 3 m, height of 2.5 m, and using bolt and steel plate as its connection system. Mechanical properties of LVL obtained directly from laboratory test result. Bridge modeling and planning for wood construction refers to SNI 7973:2013, while the loading refers to SNI 1725:2016. Based on the modelling and calculation, the dimension of truss frame and girder beam which are 9 cm x 9 cm and 9 cm x 18 cm have adequate strengths and satisfy deflection requirement.

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Test Of Indonesian Wood Joint Lateral Resistance With Bolt As Fasteners Versus Yield Limit Equations Of SNI 7973-2013

The use of bolt fasteners as a connecting device has been used for a long time. Calculation of la... more The use of bolt fasteners as a connecting device has been used for a long time. Calculation of lateral resistance capacity used in Indonesia that is SNI 7973-2013 method is adopt American standard that is NDS 2012. Due to climate and weather difference since its growth, humidity factor and openness to sunshine and rain hence the nature of wood in Indonesia is different from wood in America. This study aims to examine the accuracy of the equation of lateral resistance capacity in the standard for timber in Indonesia.The results show that the comparison between the experimental results and the result of calculation by the method of SNI 7973-2013 is 92.7%, means that the method of SNI 7973-2013 is suited to the fastened joints of bolts for Indonesian wood.

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Daktilitas Struktur Gedung Beton Bertulang Dengan Analisis Riwayat Waktu Dan Analisis Beban Dorong

ABSTRAKSI Beberapa asumsi definisi titik peralihan saat pertama leleh dan target peralihan, diant... more ABSTRAKSI Beberapa asumsi definisi titik peralihan saat pertama leleh dan target peralihan, diantaranya metode terbaru FEMA 440 yaitu metode koefisien peralihan, yang telah diperbaiki dari metode koefisien sebelumnya FEMA 356, serta metode spektrum kapasitas sesuai ATC-40, mengakibatkan penentuan besarnya daktilitas menjadi sangat bervariasi. Tujuan penulisan untuk melakukan analisis statik beban dorong dan analisis inelastik dinamik nonlinier riwayat waktu pada model struktur rangka beton bertulang bertingkat rendah untuk mendapatkan nilai daktilitas peralihan. Studi kasus membahas model struktur tanpa basement yang didesain di wilayah 4 di Indonesia, jenis tanah keras. Beban gempa rencana sesuai peraturan gempa Indonesia. Desain tulangan nominal berdasarkan peraturan beton Indonesia dengan sistem struktur yaitu sistem rangka pemikul momen menengah, dengan daktilitas rencana sebesar µ = 3,3. Hasil perhitungan target peralihan metode ATC-40 sebesar 0,208 meter, metode FEMA 356 sebesar 0,4035 meter, dan metode FEMA 440 sebesar 0,3668 meter, hasil ini memenuhi persyaratan sesuai target yaitu fungsi gedung untuk perkantoran. Analisis riwayat waktu memberikan hasil daktilitas aktual (µ ∆) sebesar 5,9884 dan faktor reduksi gempa (R) sebesar 9,5814, metode Koefisien Peralihan FEMA 356 µ ∆ sebesar 4,54 dan R sebesar 7,264, serta metode FEMA 440 µ ∆ sebesar 4,28 dan R sebesar 6,848, hal ini menunjukkan nilai yang lebih besar dibandingkan prediksi perencanaan awal. Sedangkan metode Spektrum Kapasitas ATC-40 memberikan hasil daktilitas aktual sebesar 2,97 dan R sebesar 4,752 atau lebih kecil dibandingkan daktilitas rencana prediksi awal. Perbedaan hasil daktilitas aktual antara analisis riwayat waktu dengan metode ATC-40 sebesar 50,4%, dengan metode FEMA 356 sebesar 24,19%, dengan metode FEMA 440 sebesar 28,53%. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa metode koefisien peralihan (FEMA 356) memberikan hasil prediksi yang paling mendekati nilai hasil analisis riwayat waktu. Secara umum, analisis beban dorong memberikan hasil yang rasional dalam memprediksi daktilitas peralihan aktual struktur gedung dengan kategori beraturan Kata kunci : Analisis inelastik dinamik riwayat waktu, analisis statik beban dorong, daktilitas, sistem rangka beton bertulang, target peralihan

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic Time History Analysis Of Blast Resistant Door Using Blast Load Modeled As Impact Load

A blast resistant single door was designed to withstand a 0.91 bar blast pressure and 44 ms blast... more A blast resistant single door was designed to withstand a 0.91 bar blast pressure and 44 ms blast duration. The analysis was done using Dynamic Time History Analysis using Blast Load modeled as Impact Load for given duration. The material properties used have been modified to accommodate dynamic effects. The analysis was done using dynamic finite element method (fem) for time of the blast duration, and the maximum/minimum internal forces and displacement were taken from the time history output, in order to know the behavior under blast load and estimate the safety margin of the door. Results obtained from this research indicated that the maximum z-displacement is 1.709 mm, while in the term of serviceability, the permitted is 25 mm. The maximum reaction force is 73,960 N, while the maximum anchor capacity is 82,069 N. On blast condition, the maximum frame stress is 71.71 MPa, the maximum hinge shear stress is 45.28 MPa. While on rebound condition, the maximum frame stress is 172.11 MPa, the maximum hinge shear stress is 29.46 MPa. The maximum door edge rotation is 0.44 degree, which is not exceed the permitted boundary (1.2 degree).

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Sambungan Hubungan Join Balok-Kolom Kayu dengan Ring-Modifikasi dan Perkuatan-Paku

Abstrak Sambungan antar komponen struktur, khususnya hubungan join balok-kolom memberikan kontrib... more Abstrak Sambungan antar komponen struktur, khususnya hubungan join balok-kolom memberikan kontribusi yang dominan terhadap perilaku struktur bangunan gedung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari perilaku kekuatan dan kekakuan sambungan kayu dengan alat sambung baut, yaitu hubungan join balok-kolom. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan model perkuatan sambungan dengan adanya ring-modifikasi dan perkuatan-paku (selanjutnya disebut sambungan PRP) untuk meningkatkan tingkat daktilitas sambungan. Ruang lingkup penelitian antara lain jenis kayu yang digunakan yaitu Meranti (Shorea spp.), Rengas (Gluta spp.), dan Keruing (Dipterocarpus spp.) dengan rentang berat jenis berkisar antara 0,47-0,72. Pengujian eksperimental dilakukan di laboratorium dengan tipe pembebanan monotonik. Model benda uji yang digunakan mengacu pada metode uji baut pada sambungan kayu ASTM D5652-95. Penggunaan ring-modifikasi dan perkuatan paku memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap hasil pengujian sambungan khususnya perilaku kinerja kekuatan dan kekakuan sambungan kayu, yaitu beban batas proporsional yang dapat dicapai sambungan PRP meningkat berkisar 3,09-19,89% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sambungan standar (tanpa perkuatan), beban batas ultimit yang dapat dicapai sambungan PRP 3,47-28,94% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sambungan standar. Secara umum tingkat daktilitas yang dapat dicapai sambungan PRP adalah 3,69-11,03% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sambungan standar. Abstract The connection between the structural members, especially the beam-column joints provide a dominant contribution to the behavior of the building structure. The aim of this research is to study the behavior of strength and stiffness of timber connection with a bolt connection, which are the beam-column joints. In this study is developed a reinforcement connection model with the ring-modification and nail-strengthening (hereinafter referred to as the PRP connection) to improve the connection ductility. The scope of the study is the types of timber used such as Meranti (Shorea spp.), Rengas (Gluta spp.), and Keruing (Dipterocarpus spp.) with Specific Gravity ranged from 0.47 to 0.72. Experimental tests are performed in the laboratory using the monotonic loading type. The use of specimens are based on a standard test method for bolts connections in wood ASTM D5652-95. The use of ring-modification and nail-strengthening give a positive contribution to the test results, especially the connection strength and stiffness performance behavior of timber connections, i.e., the proportional limit load can be achieved the PRP connection ranged from 3.09 to 19.89% that increases higher than the standard connection (without reinforcement), ultimate limit loads that can be achieved the PRP connection from 3.47 to 28.94% which is higher compared to the standard connection. In general, the level of ductility can be achieved the PRP connection between 3.69 and 11.03% which is higher compared to the standard connection.

Research paper thumbnail of Kekuatan Tekan Sejajar Serat dan Tegak Lurus Serat Kayu Ulin (Eusideroxylon Zwageri)

Abstrak Kayu Ulin (Eusideroxylon Zwageri) termasuk salah satu kayu dengan kekuatan tinggi. Peneli... more Abstrak Kayu Ulin (Eusideroxylon Zwageri) termasuk salah satu kayu dengan kekuatan tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kekuatan tekan sejajar serat dan tegak lurus serat kayu Ulin dengan pengujian eksperimental. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah kekuatan tekan sejajar serat pada beban proporsional sebesar 50,53 MPa (deviasi standar 11,35 MPa dan koefisien variasi 22,47%), kekuatan tekan sejajar serat pada beban ultimit 55,64 MPa (deviasi standar 11,17 MPa dan koefisien variasi 20,07%), kekuatan tekan tegak lurus serat pada beban proporsional sebesar 20,26 MPa (deviasi standar 2,10 MPa dan koefisien variasi 10,31%), dan kekuatan tekan tegak lurus serat pada beban ultimit 29,74 MPa (deviasi standar 4,62 MPa dan koefisien variasi 15,52%). Modulus elastisitas tekan sejajar serat yang diperoleh sebesar 10155,05 MPa, dan modulus plastisitas tekan sejajar serat sebesar 1317,83 MPa. Modulus Elastisitas tekan sejajar serat yang diperoleh sebesar 1381,84 MPa, dan modulus plastisitas tekan tegak lurus serat sebesar 195,77 MPa. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangan ilmiah untuk basis data sifat mekanika kayu Indonesia dan khususnya untuk perencanaan komponen struktur tekan dan lentur. Kata-kata Kunci: Tekan sejajar serat, Tekan Tegak Lurus Serat, Ulin, Beban proporsional, beban ultimit. Abstract Ulin (Eusideroxylon Zwageri) is one of wood species with high strength. This study aims to obtain the compressive strength parallel and perpendicular to the grain carry by experimental tests. The result obtained are the compres-sive strength parallel to the grain at proportional load 50.53 MPa (standard deviation 11.35 and coefficient of variation 22,47%), the compressive strength parallel to the grain at ultimate load 55.64 MPa (standard deviation 11.17 and cov 20,07%), the compressive strength perpendicular to the grain at proportional load 20.36 MPa (standard deviation 2.10 MPa and cov 10,31%), and the compressive strength perpendicular to the grain at ultimate load 29.74 MPa (standard deviation 4.62 MPa and cov 15,52%). Modulus of elasticity compression parallel to the grain obtained from this research is 10155.05 MPa, and modulus of plasticity compression parallel to the grain 1317,83 MPa. Modulus of elasticity compression perpendicular to the grain is 1381,84 MPa, and modulus of plasticity compression perpendicular to the grain is 195,77 MPa. The result is expected to contribute to general scientific databases mechanical properties of wood in Indonesia and particularly in the design of the compressive and flexural structural components.

Research paper thumbnail of Rasio Modulus Penampang Elastik Balok Kayu Laminasi-Baut

Abstrak Balok laminasi dapat menjadi alternatif pengganti kayu utuh, karena memberikan keuntungan... more Abstrak Balok laminasi dapat menjadi alternatif pengganti kayu utuh, karena memberikan keuntungan yaitu dapat difabrikasi dengan bentang sesuai kebutuhan dan membuat penampang kayu yang lebih besar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan persamaan empiris rasio modulus penampang elastik balok kayu laminasi-baut. Rasio modulus penampang elastik yaitu rasio antara modulus penampang elastik balok laminasi terhadap balok utuh. Ruang lingkup penelitian yaitu sistem laminasi secara horisontal, kayu Indonesia dengan berat jenis berkisar 0,4-0,8 yaitu meranti merah (shorea spp), keruing (dipterocarpus spp), dan akasia mangium, penampang balok prismatis, penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental di laboratorium dan numerikal metode elemen hingga nonlinier. Parameter yang dibahas adalah jenis kayu, ukuran baut, jumlah baris baut, dan jarak baut. Balok mempunyai bentang 3 meter dan disusun oleh 4 lamina. Model tegangan-regangan kayu untuk simulasi numerikal berdasarkan kriteria plastisitas Hill, model tegangan-regangan baut menggunakan model elasto-plastik. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh yaitu tren kurva hubungan beban-lendutan balok kayu laminasi-baut adalah berbentuk bilinier, persamaan empiris rasio modulus penampang elastik merupakan fungsi dari jenis kayu, diameter baut, dan rasio jumlah baris terhadap jarak baut. Rasio modulus penampang elastik dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi kuat lentur balok laminasi pada beban batas proporsional. Kata-kata Kunci: Laminasi, baut, metode elemen hingga, modulus penampang elastik. Abstract Laminated beam can be an alternative for solid timber, because it provides the advantage that it can be fabricated with a needed-span and a bigger cross section. The purpose of this research is to obtain an empirical equation of the bolt-laminated timber beam elastic section modulus ratio. Elastic section modulus ratio is elastic section modulus ratio between laminated and solid beams. Scope of this research are horizontally laminated system, Indonesian timber with specific grafity ranged 0.4-0.8 which are red meranti (shorea spp), keruing (dipterocarpus spp), and acacia mangium, prismatic beam section, experimental test in laboratorium and numerical simulation using nonlinear finite element method. The parameters discussed are timber type, bolt diameter, number of row, and spacing. Beam has a 3-meter span and arranged by 4 laminae. Timber stress-strain model for numerical simulation based on Hill plasticity, bolt stress-strain model is elasto-plastic. Results obtained are beam load-displacement curve trend is bilinear, the elastic section modulus ratio equation are the fuction of timber type, bolt diameter, and number of row against bolt spacing ratio. The elastic section modulus ratio can be used to predict the bending strength at the proportional limit.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Perbandingan Peningkatan Kapasitas Aksial Kolom Lingkaran Beton Bertulang Yang Diberikan Perkuatan Frp Dan Pen-Binder

ABSTRAK Perkuatan kolom beton bertulang diperlukan apabila hasil investigasi memperlihatkan kuran... more ABSTRAK Perkuatan kolom beton bertulang diperlukan apabila hasil investigasi memperlihatkan kurangnya kapasitas kolom dalam menahan beban yang terjadi sebagai akibat beban gempa, penambahan beban atau kesalahan dalam pelaksanaannya. Perkuatan pada kolom eksisting pada bangunan yang telah beroperasi tidaklah mudah karena kondisi kolom yang telah menyatu dengan balok atau pelat diatas maupun dibawahnya. Salah satu perkuatan yang dilakukan adalah penggunaan FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) yang memiliki keuntungan pengerjaan relatif cepat daripada perkuatan lainnya serta menimbulkan polusi udara dan suara yang minimal. Meskipun begitu perkuatan kolom dengan FRP memerlukan biaya yang relatif mahal. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan alternatif perkuatan kolom beton bertulang lingkaran yang lebih ekonomis dengan menggunakan pen-binder. Penggunaan pen-binder diharapkan memberikan hasil yang baik dan memenuhi standar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran peningkatan kekuatan yang terjadi pada spesimen kolom pendek yang diberikan perkuatan dengan FRP dan spesimen dengan perkuatan pen-binder. Benda uji berupa kolom lingkaran dengan diameter 190 mm dan tinggi 480 mm dengan mutu beton 15 MPa. Benda uji terdiri dari 4 jenis yaitu kolom dengan tulangan sengkang standar (spiral), kolom dengan tulangan lingkaran), kolom dengan tulangan lingkaran yang diberi perkuatan pen-binder dan kolom dengan tulangan lingkaran yang diberi perkuatan FRP. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang akurat pada masing-masing jenis kolom dibuat 3 buah benda uji yang sama. Pengujian dilakukan dengan uji tekan konsentris hingga kolom mengalami kegagalan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terjadi peningkatan kapasitas aksial rata – rata sebesar 47% pada kolom dengan sengkang lingkaran yang diberi pen-binder terhadap kolom dengan sengkang lingkaran yang tidak diberi pen-binder. Penggunaan pen-binder memberikan kapasitas aksial yang lebih baik daripada penggunaan kolom dengan sengkang standar (spiral). Penggunaan perkuatan FRP memberikan peningkatan sebesar 89% daripada tanpa perkuatan. Berbagai kejadian gempa dalam beberapa tahun terakhir yang melanda beberapa daerah di Indonesia memperlihatkan bahwa Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki daerah dengan tingkat kerawanan gempa yang tinggi. Kondisi ini menyebabkan sistem struktur yang dibangun di Indonesia harus mengikuti kaidah bangunan tahan gempa sehingga pada saat terjadi gempa, struktur dapat bertahan dan melindungi penghuninya dari resiko bahaya gempa. Selain itu untuk struktur eksisting yang telah mengalami kerusakan akibat beban gempa diperlukan perkuatan khusus agar bangunan masih dapat berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya di dalam menahan beban gravitasi dan beban gempa yang kemungkinan akan terjadi lagi. Perkuatan adalah salah satu alternatif yang dapat diberikan untuk memperbaiki kinerja struktur sehingga pada saat mengalami beban berlebih baik akibat beban gempa mapun beban tambahan lainnya masih dapat berperilaku baik dan sesuai standar yang berlaku. Perkuatan dapat dilakukan pada strutkur elemen balok, kolom maupun pelat lantai. Salah satu perkuatan yang penting dalam struktur rangka yang biasa digunakan untuk gedung maupun rumah tinggal adalah perkuatan kekangan pada kolom di daerah yang berpotensi terjadi sendi plastis pada saat beban gempa terjadi. Perkuatan tulangan pengekang/transversal kolom pada struktur eksisting tidaklah mudah dalam pelaksanaanya mengingat adanya balok dan pelat lantai yang sudah dibangun sehingga pemasangan tulangan pengekang pada lingkaran kolom tidak dapat dilakukan dalam bentuk spiral. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut

Research paper thumbnail of Non-destructive Testing to Obtain the Dynamic Elastic Modulus of the Existing Minangkabau Wooden House

Methods of investigation to determine the mechanical properties of wood among others, by using no... more Methods of investigation to determine the mechanical properties of wood among others, by using non-destructive testing methods. One of a non-destructive testing method that can be used is ultrasonic wave technology. Benefits include testing to determine the condition of the existing wood quality that is mechanical properties of wooden houses and mapping the pattern of damage to the wooden structural components that could potentially lead to the failure of the building. This paper is the result of non-destructive testing research conducted at one of the existing wooden house Minangkabau. The scope of the research is to test the dynamic elastic modulus, structural components which are reviewed across the main beams and columns, the wooden floor boards, and the walls of wooden houses. The research location is 1 (one) existing wooden house located in the area of Solok, Tanah Datar. The results obtained from this research are the columns elastic modulus (average) amounting to 12670.08 MPa, the floor beams elastic modulus (average) amounting to 13119.00 MPa, the roof beams elastic modulus (average) amounting to 12997.37 MPa, the floor boards elastic modulus (average) amounting to 11151.11 MPa, and the walls elastic modulus (average) amounting to 12976.00 MPa. These results indicate that the quality of the wood used in very good condition, there is no significant damage to the main structural components of the house.

Research paper thumbnail of Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling of Red Meranti Compression at an Angle to the Grain

In an orthotropic material on its mechanical properties. The aim of this research numerical simul... more In an orthotropic material on its mechanical properties. The aim of this research numerical simulation using the compression strength of angle to the grain ranging analysis were obtained from clear spe the numerical results, various cross grain specimens were tested under uniaxial compressive stress. It has been shown in this study that distortion energy of an compressive strength at proportional limit for cross grain specimens. Compa rison with the experimental results show 12° and 80° the FEA predict experimental results. Compared to compressive strength at a value, ranging from 13.2% to 30.5 incorporating Hill's yield compressive strength at an angle to the grain.

Research paper thumbnail of An Alternative To Hankinson's Formula For Uniaxial Tension At An Angle To The Grain

In this paper von Mises criterion extended to include orthotropic nature of the material, known a... more In this paper von Mises criterion extended to include orthotropic nature of the material, known as Hill's criterion, is used to derive an alternative equation for predicting tensile strength at an angle to the grain (cross grain) in plane stress situation. As seen in the equation, not only tensile strengths parallel and perpendicular to grain, but also shear strength parallel to grain influence the tensile strength at an angle to the grain. The tensile strengths predicted using the alternative equation are very close to those of various cross grain specimens made of eight Indonesian species in hardwood category tested under uniaxial tensile stress. For cross grain near 0 degree and 90 degrees, the tensile strength using the alternative equation is very close to the Hankinson's formula but for cross grain near 45 degrees, the difference between the alternative equation and Hankinson's formula is quite large.

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Tests and Analytical Studies of Bearing-Type Axial Steel Connection

The capacity of the bolted connection on steel tensile rods can be determined through capacity an... more The capacity of the bolted connection on steel tensile rods can be determined through capacity analysis and connection failure. In term of capacity analysis and failure of steel tensile connection, the specified tensile connection capacity is generated based on several parameters such as cross-section of rod, grade of steel, thickness and grade of the steel plate, and grade and diameter of bolts. The capacity of steel tensile connections as a result of capacity analysis and connection failure often has a lower value than the connection capacity in real conditions. In this research, the comparison of 30x30x3mm angle cross-section connections with BJ37 grade quality was connected with 2 mm steel plate (also BJ37 grade) using 8 mm bolt connectors (A307 grade), through capacity analysis, failure study, and experimental study with type of failure is bolt bearing failure. In the capacity analysis study and the failure of steel tensile connections obtained a nominal capacity is 14.21 kN with the type of failure is shear failure. In the experimental study was tested 3 specimens, the average value of ultimate capacity was 18.67 kN and the failure for all of the three specimens are shear failures. The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is both the result of analytical calculations and experimental testing in the laboratory showed a good agreement and have the same trend. The test specimens were designed on the basis of analytical calculations for bolt bearing failure, experimental test results for all of three specimens all showed a failure pattern of bolt shear. The nominal strength from the results of the analytical study with the ultimate load of the experimental study results has a difference of 31.4% with higher experimental results. Through this research is expected to be a learning-media to know one type of failure on the steel connections that is bolt shear failure, obtain a comparison between analytical calculation results referring to applicable design standards, and the results of experimental testing in the laboratory.

Research paper thumbnail of Design of pedestrian truss bridge with Sengon-Rubber laminated veneer lumber

Timber bridges are one of the bridge that has long been used, but nowadays, large dimension of sa... more Timber bridges are one of the bridge that has long been used, but nowadays, large dimension of sawn timber has limited supply and also it is not environmental-friendly. Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) is a engineered wood that becomes one of the promising alternative, because it is made from lower quality wood that processed to be used as a more quality one. The bridge planned to be a pedestrian truss bridge with length of 9 m, width of 3 m, height of 2.5 m, and using bolt and steel plate as its connection system. Mechanical properties of LVL obtained directly from laboratory test result. Bridge modeling and planning for wood construction refers to SNI 7973:2013, while the loading refers to SNI 1725:2016. Based on the modelling and calculation, the dimension of truss frame and girder beam which are 9 cm x 9 cm and 9 cm x 18 cm have adequate strengths and satisfy deflection requirement.

Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Test Of Indonesian Wood Joint Lateral Resistance With Bolt As Fasteners Versus Yield Limit Equations Of SNI 7973-2013

The use of bolt fasteners as a connecting device has been used for a long time. Calculation of la... more The use of bolt fasteners as a connecting device has been used for a long time. Calculation of lateral resistance capacity used in Indonesia that is SNI 7973-2013 method is adopt American standard that is NDS 2012. Due to climate and weather difference since its growth, humidity factor and openness to sunshine and rain hence the nature of wood in Indonesia is different from wood in America. This study aims to examine the accuracy of the equation of lateral resistance capacity in the standard for timber in Indonesia.The results show that the comparison between the experimental results and the result of calculation by the method of SNI 7973-2013 is 92.7%, means that the method of SNI 7973-2013 is suited to the fastened joints of bolts for Indonesian wood.

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Daktilitas Struktur Gedung Beton Bertulang Dengan Analisis Riwayat Waktu Dan Analisis Beban Dorong

ABSTRAKSI Beberapa asumsi definisi titik peralihan saat pertama leleh dan target peralihan, diant... more ABSTRAKSI Beberapa asumsi definisi titik peralihan saat pertama leleh dan target peralihan, diantaranya metode terbaru FEMA 440 yaitu metode koefisien peralihan, yang telah diperbaiki dari metode koefisien sebelumnya FEMA 356, serta metode spektrum kapasitas sesuai ATC-40, mengakibatkan penentuan besarnya daktilitas menjadi sangat bervariasi. Tujuan penulisan untuk melakukan analisis statik beban dorong dan analisis inelastik dinamik nonlinier riwayat waktu pada model struktur rangka beton bertulang bertingkat rendah untuk mendapatkan nilai daktilitas peralihan. Studi kasus membahas model struktur tanpa basement yang didesain di wilayah 4 di Indonesia, jenis tanah keras. Beban gempa rencana sesuai peraturan gempa Indonesia. Desain tulangan nominal berdasarkan peraturan beton Indonesia dengan sistem struktur yaitu sistem rangka pemikul momen menengah, dengan daktilitas rencana sebesar µ = 3,3. Hasil perhitungan target peralihan metode ATC-40 sebesar 0,208 meter, metode FEMA 356 sebesar 0,4035 meter, dan metode FEMA 440 sebesar 0,3668 meter, hasil ini memenuhi persyaratan sesuai target yaitu fungsi gedung untuk perkantoran. Analisis riwayat waktu memberikan hasil daktilitas aktual (µ ∆) sebesar 5,9884 dan faktor reduksi gempa (R) sebesar 9,5814, metode Koefisien Peralihan FEMA 356 µ ∆ sebesar 4,54 dan R sebesar 7,264, serta metode FEMA 440 µ ∆ sebesar 4,28 dan R sebesar 6,848, hal ini menunjukkan nilai yang lebih besar dibandingkan prediksi perencanaan awal. Sedangkan metode Spektrum Kapasitas ATC-40 memberikan hasil daktilitas aktual sebesar 2,97 dan R sebesar 4,752 atau lebih kecil dibandingkan daktilitas rencana prediksi awal. Perbedaan hasil daktilitas aktual antara analisis riwayat waktu dengan metode ATC-40 sebesar 50,4%, dengan metode FEMA 356 sebesar 24,19%, dengan metode FEMA 440 sebesar 28,53%. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa metode koefisien peralihan (FEMA 356) memberikan hasil prediksi yang paling mendekati nilai hasil analisis riwayat waktu. Secara umum, analisis beban dorong memberikan hasil yang rasional dalam memprediksi daktilitas peralihan aktual struktur gedung dengan kategori beraturan Kata kunci : Analisis inelastik dinamik riwayat waktu, analisis statik beban dorong, daktilitas, sistem rangka beton bertulang, target peralihan

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic Time History Analysis Of Blast Resistant Door Using Blast Load Modeled As Impact Load

A blast resistant single door was designed to withstand a 0.91 bar blast pressure and 44 ms blast... more A blast resistant single door was designed to withstand a 0.91 bar blast pressure and 44 ms blast duration. The analysis was done using Dynamic Time History Analysis using Blast Load modeled as Impact Load for given duration. The material properties used have been modified to accommodate dynamic effects. The analysis was done using dynamic finite element method (fem) for time of the blast duration, and the maximum/minimum internal forces and displacement were taken from the time history output, in order to know the behavior under blast load and estimate the safety margin of the door. Results obtained from this research indicated that the maximum z-displacement is 1.709 mm, while in the term of serviceability, the permitted is 25 mm. The maximum reaction force is 73,960 N, while the maximum anchor capacity is 82,069 N. On blast condition, the maximum frame stress is 71.71 MPa, the maximum hinge shear stress is 45.28 MPa. While on rebound condition, the maximum frame stress is 172.11 MPa, the maximum hinge shear stress is 29.46 MPa. The maximum door edge rotation is 0.44 degree, which is not exceed the permitted boundary (1.2 degree).

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Sambungan Hubungan Join Balok-Kolom Kayu dengan Ring-Modifikasi dan Perkuatan-Paku

Abstrak Sambungan antar komponen struktur, khususnya hubungan join balok-kolom memberikan kontrib... more Abstrak Sambungan antar komponen struktur, khususnya hubungan join balok-kolom memberikan kontribusi yang dominan terhadap perilaku struktur bangunan gedung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari perilaku kekuatan dan kekakuan sambungan kayu dengan alat sambung baut, yaitu hubungan join balok-kolom. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan model perkuatan sambungan dengan adanya ring-modifikasi dan perkuatan-paku (selanjutnya disebut sambungan PRP) untuk meningkatkan tingkat daktilitas sambungan. Ruang lingkup penelitian antara lain jenis kayu yang digunakan yaitu Meranti (Shorea spp.), Rengas (Gluta spp.), dan Keruing (Dipterocarpus spp.) dengan rentang berat jenis berkisar antara 0,47-0,72. Pengujian eksperimental dilakukan di laboratorium dengan tipe pembebanan monotonik. Model benda uji yang digunakan mengacu pada metode uji baut pada sambungan kayu ASTM D5652-95. Penggunaan ring-modifikasi dan perkuatan paku memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap hasil pengujian sambungan khususnya perilaku kinerja kekuatan dan kekakuan sambungan kayu, yaitu beban batas proporsional yang dapat dicapai sambungan PRP meningkat berkisar 3,09-19,89% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sambungan standar (tanpa perkuatan), beban batas ultimit yang dapat dicapai sambungan PRP 3,47-28,94% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sambungan standar. Secara umum tingkat daktilitas yang dapat dicapai sambungan PRP adalah 3,69-11,03% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sambungan standar. Abstract The connection between the structural members, especially the beam-column joints provide a dominant contribution to the behavior of the building structure. The aim of this research is to study the behavior of strength and stiffness of timber connection with a bolt connection, which are the beam-column joints. In this study is developed a reinforcement connection model with the ring-modification and nail-strengthening (hereinafter referred to as the PRP connection) to improve the connection ductility. The scope of the study is the types of timber used such as Meranti (Shorea spp.), Rengas (Gluta spp.), and Keruing (Dipterocarpus spp.) with Specific Gravity ranged from 0.47 to 0.72. Experimental tests are performed in the laboratory using the monotonic loading type. The use of specimens are based on a standard test method for bolts connections in wood ASTM D5652-95. The use of ring-modification and nail-strengthening give a positive contribution to the test results, especially the connection strength and stiffness performance behavior of timber connections, i.e., the proportional limit load can be achieved the PRP connection ranged from 3.09 to 19.89% that increases higher than the standard connection (without reinforcement), ultimate limit loads that can be achieved the PRP connection from 3.47 to 28.94% which is higher compared to the standard connection. In general, the level of ductility can be achieved the PRP connection between 3.69 and 11.03% which is higher compared to the standard connection.

Research paper thumbnail of Kekuatan Tekan Sejajar Serat dan Tegak Lurus Serat Kayu Ulin (Eusideroxylon Zwageri)

Abstrak Kayu Ulin (Eusideroxylon Zwageri) termasuk salah satu kayu dengan kekuatan tinggi. Peneli... more Abstrak Kayu Ulin (Eusideroxylon Zwageri) termasuk salah satu kayu dengan kekuatan tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kekuatan tekan sejajar serat dan tegak lurus serat kayu Ulin dengan pengujian eksperimental. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah kekuatan tekan sejajar serat pada beban proporsional sebesar 50,53 MPa (deviasi standar 11,35 MPa dan koefisien variasi 22,47%), kekuatan tekan sejajar serat pada beban ultimit 55,64 MPa (deviasi standar 11,17 MPa dan koefisien variasi 20,07%), kekuatan tekan tegak lurus serat pada beban proporsional sebesar 20,26 MPa (deviasi standar 2,10 MPa dan koefisien variasi 10,31%), dan kekuatan tekan tegak lurus serat pada beban ultimit 29,74 MPa (deviasi standar 4,62 MPa dan koefisien variasi 15,52%). Modulus elastisitas tekan sejajar serat yang diperoleh sebesar 10155,05 MPa, dan modulus plastisitas tekan sejajar serat sebesar 1317,83 MPa. Modulus Elastisitas tekan sejajar serat yang diperoleh sebesar 1381,84 MPa, dan modulus plastisitas tekan tegak lurus serat sebesar 195,77 MPa. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangan ilmiah untuk basis data sifat mekanika kayu Indonesia dan khususnya untuk perencanaan komponen struktur tekan dan lentur. Kata-kata Kunci: Tekan sejajar serat, Tekan Tegak Lurus Serat, Ulin, Beban proporsional, beban ultimit. Abstract Ulin (Eusideroxylon Zwageri) is one of wood species with high strength. This study aims to obtain the compressive strength parallel and perpendicular to the grain carry by experimental tests. The result obtained are the compres-sive strength parallel to the grain at proportional load 50.53 MPa (standard deviation 11.35 and coefficient of variation 22,47%), the compressive strength parallel to the grain at ultimate load 55.64 MPa (standard deviation 11.17 and cov 20,07%), the compressive strength perpendicular to the grain at proportional load 20.36 MPa (standard deviation 2.10 MPa and cov 10,31%), and the compressive strength perpendicular to the grain at ultimate load 29.74 MPa (standard deviation 4.62 MPa and cov 15,52%). Modulus of elasticity compression parallel to the grain obtained from this research is 10155.05 MPa, and modulus of plasticity compression parallel to the grain 1317,83 MPa. Modulus of elasticity compression perpendicular to the grain is 1381,84 MPa, and modulus of plasticity compression perpendicular to the grain is 195,77 MPa. The result is expected to contribute to general scientific databases mechanical properties of wood in Indonesia and particularly in the design of the compressive and flexural structural components.

Research paper thumbnail of Rasio Modulus Penampang Elastik Balok Kayu Laminasi-Baut

Abstrak Balok laminasi dapat menjadi alternatif pengganti kayu utuh, karena memberikan keuntungan... more Abstrak Balok laminasi dapat menjadi alternatif pengganti kayu utuh, karena memberikan keuntungan yaitu dapat difabrikasi dengan bentang sesuai kebutuhan dan membuat penampang kayu yang lebih besar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan persamaan empiris rasio modulus penampang elastik balok kayu laminasi-baut. Rasio modulus penampang elastik yaitu rasio antara modulus penampang elastik balok laminasi terhadap balok utuh. Ruang lingkup penelitian yaitu sistem laminasi secara horisontal, kayu Indonesia dengan berat jenis berkisar 0,4-0,8 yaitu meranti merah (shorea spp), keruing (dipterocarpus spp), dan akasia mangium, penampang balok prismatis, penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental di laboratorium dan numerikal metode elemen hingga nonlinier. Parameter yang dibahas adalah jenis kayu, ukuran baut, jumlah baris baut, dan jarak baut. Balok mempunyai bentang 3 meter dan disusun oleh 4 lamina. Model tegangan-regangan kayu untuk simulasi numerikal berdasarkan kriteria plastisitas Hill, model tegangan-regangan baut menggunakan model elasto-plastik. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh yaitu tren kurva hubungan beban-lendutan balok kayu laminasi-baut adalah berbentuk bilinier, persamaan empiris rasio modulus penampang elastik merupakan fungsi dari jenis kayu, diameter baut, dan rasio jumlah baris terhadap jarak baut. Rasio modulus penampang elastik dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi kuat lentur balok laminasi pada beban batas proporsional. Kata-kata Kunci: Laminasi, baut, metode elemen hingga, modulus penampang elastik. Abstract Laminated beam can be an alternative for solid timber, because it provides the advantage that it can be fabricated with a needed-span and a bigger cross section. The purpose of this research is to obtain an empirical equation of the bolt-laminated timber beam elastic section modulus ratio. Elastic section modulus ratio is elastic section modulus ratio between laminated and solid beams. Scope of this research are horizontally laminated system, Indonesian timber with specific grafity ranged 0.4-0.8 which are red meranti (shorea spp), keruing (dipterocarpus spp), and acacia mangium, prismatic beam section, experimental test in laboratorium and numerical simulation using nonlinear finite element method. The parameters discussed are timber type, bolt diameter, number of row, and spacing. Beam has a 3-meter span and arranged by 4 laminae. Timber stress-strain model for numerical simulation based on Hill plasticity, bolt stress-strain model is elasto-plastic. Results obtained are beam load-displacement curve trend is bilinear, the elastic section modulus ratio equation are the fuction of timber type, bolt diameter, and number of row against bolt spacing ratio. The elastic section modulus ratio can be used to predict the bending strength at the proportional limit.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Perbandingan Peningkatan Kapasitas Aksial Kolom Lingkaran Beton Bertulang Yang Diberikan Perkuatan Frp Dan Pen-Binder

ABSTRAK Perkuatan kolom beton bertulang diperlukan apabila hasil investigasi memperlihatkan kuran... more ABSTRAK Perkuatan kolom beton bertulang diperlukan apabila hasil investigasi memperlihatkan kurangnya kapasitas kolom dalam menahan beban yang terjadi sebagai akibat beban gempa, penambahan beban atau kesalahan dalam pelaksanaannya. Perkuatan pada kolom eksisting pada bangunan yang telah beroperasi tidaklah mudah karena kondisi kolom yang telah menyatu dengan balok atau pelat diatas maupun dibawahnya. Salah satu perkuatan yang dilakukan adalah penggunaan FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) yang memiliki keuntungan pengerjaan relatif cepat daripada perkuatan lainnya serta menimbulkan polusi udara dan suara yang minimal. Meskipun begitu perkuatan kolom dengan FRP memerlukan biaya yang relatif mahal. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan alternatif perkuatan kolom beton bertulang lingkaran yang lebih ekonomis dengan menggunakan pen-binder. Penggunaan pen-binder diharapkan memberikan hasil yang baik dan memenuhi standar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran peningkatan kekuatan yang terjadi pada spesimen kolom pendek yang diberikan perkuatan dengan FRP dan spesimen dengan perkuatan pen-binder. Benda uji berupa kolom lingkaran dengan diameter 190 mm dan tinggi 480 mm dengan mutu beton 15 MPa. Benda uji terdiri dari 4 jenis yaitu kolom dengan tulangan sengkang standar (spiral), kolom dengan tulangan lingkaran), kolom dengan tulangan lingkaran yang diberi perkuatan pen-binder dan kolom dengan tulangan lingkaran yang diberi perkuatan FRP. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang akurat pada masing-masing jenis kolom dibuat 3 buah benda uji yang sama. Pengujian dilakukan dengan uji tekan konsentris hingga kolom mengalami kegagalan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terjadi peningkatan kapasitas aksial rata – rata sebesar 47% pada kolom dengan sengkang lingkaran yang diberi pen-binder terhadap kolom dengan sengkang lingkaran yang tidak diberi pen-binder. Penggunaan pen-binder memberikan kapasitas aksial yang lebih baik daripada penggunaan kolom dengan sengkang standar (spiral). Penggunaan perkuatan FRP memberikan peningkatan sebesar 89% daripada tanpa perkuatan. Berbagai kejadian gempa dalam beberapa tahun terakhir yang melanda beberapa daerah di Indonesia memperlihatkan bahwa Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki daerah dengan tingkat kerawanan gempa yang tinggi. Kondisi ini menyebabkan sistem struktur yang dibangun di Indonesia harus mengikuti kaidah bangunan tahan gempa sehingga pada saat terjadi gempa, struktur dapat bertahan dan melindungi penghuninya dari resiko bahaya gempa. Selain itu untuk struktur eksisting yang telah mengalami kerusakan akibat beban gempa diperlukan perkuatan khusus agar bangunan masih dapat berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya di dalam menahan beban gravitasi dan beban gempa yang kemungkinan akan terjadi lagi. Perkuatan adalah salah satu alternatif yang dapat diberikan untuk memperbaiki kinerja struktur sehingga pada saat mengalami beban berlebih baik akibat beban gempa mapun beban tambahan lainnya masih dapat berperilaku baik dan sesuai standar yang berlaku. Perkuatan dapat dilakukan pada strutkur elemen balok, kolom maupun pelat lantai. Salah satu perkuatan yang penting dalam struktur rangka yang biasa digunakan untuk gedung maupun rumah tinggal adalah perkuatan kekangan pada kolom di daerah yang berpotensi terjadi sendi plastis pada saat beban gempa terjadi. Perkuatan tulangan pengekang/transversal kolom pada struktur eksisting tidaklah mudah dalam pelaksanaanya mengingat adanya balok dan pelat lantai yang sudah dibangun sehingga pemasangan tulangan pengekang pada lingkaran kolom tidak dapat dilakukan dalam bentuk spiral. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut

Research paper thumbnail of Non-destructive Testing to Obtain the Dynamic Elastic Modulus of the Existing Minangkabau Wooden House

Methods of investigation to determine the mechanical properties of wood among others, by using no... more Methods of investigation to determine the mechanical properties of wood among others, by using non-destructive testing methods. One of a non-destructive testing method that can be used is ultrasonic wave technology. Benefits include testing to determine the condition of the existing wood quality that is mechanical properties of wooden houses and mapping the pattern of damage to the wooden structural components that could potentially lead to the failure of the building. This paper is the result of non-destructive testing research conducted at one of the existing wooden house Minangkabau. The scope of the research is to test the dynamic elastic modulus, structural components which are reviewed across the main beams and columns, the wooden floor boards, and the walls of wooden houses. The research location is 1 (one) existing wooden house located in the area of Solok, Tanah Datar. The results obtained from this research are the columns elastic modulus (average) amounting to 12670.08 MPa, the floor beams elastic modulus (average) amounting to 13119.00 MPa, the roof beams elastic modulus (average) amounting to 12997.37 MPa, the floor boards elastic modulus (average) amounting to 11151.11 MPa, and the walls elastic modulus (average) amounting to 12976.00 MPa. These results indicate that the quality of the wood used in very good condition, there is no significant damage to the main structural components of the house.

Research paper thumbnail of Nonlinear Finite Element Modeling of Red Meranti Compression at an Angle to the Grain

In an orthotropic material on its mechanical properties. The aim of this research numerical simul... more In an orthotropic material on its mechanical properties. The aim of this research numerical simulation using the compression strength of angle to the grain ranging analysis were obtained from clear spe the numerical results, various cross grain specimens were tested under uniaxial compressive stress. It has been shown in this study that distortion energy of an compressive strength at proportional limit for cross grain specimens. Compa rison with the experimental results show 12° and 80° the FEA predict experimental results. Compared to compressive strength at a value, ranging from 13.2% to 30.5 incorporating Hill's yield compressive strength at an angle to the grain.

Research paper thumbnail of An Alternative To Hankinson's Formula For Uniaxial Tension At An Angle To The Grain

In this paper von Mises criterion extended to include orthotropic nature of the material, known a... more In this paper von Mises criterion extended to include orthotropic nature of the material, known as Hill's criterion, is used to derive an alternative equation for predicting tensile strength at an angle to the grain (cross grain) in plane stress situation. As seen in the equation, not only tensile strengths parallel and perpendicular to grain, but also shear strength parallel to grain influence the tensile strength at an angle to the grain. The tensile strengths predicted using the alternative equation are very close to those of various cross grain specimens made of eight Indonesian species in hardwood category tested under uniaxial tensile stress. For cross grain near 0 degree and 90 degrees, the tensile strength using the alternative equation is very close to the Hankinson's formula but for cross grain near 45 degrees, the difference between the alternative equation and Hankinson's formula is quite large.