Elly Kudubun | Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW) (original) (raw)
Papers by Elly Kudubun
Indonesian Journal of Sociology, Education, and Development
Abstrak Globalisasi dan postmodernitas menawarkan konsep berpikir dan praktek yang berimbas pada ... more Abstrak Globalisasi dan postmodernitas menawarkan konsep berpikir dan praktek yang berimbas pada cara hidup masyarakat secara berbeda. Euforia gelombang budaya Korea dan Jepang, sedikit menggeser budaya barat (dewesterinisasi) yang telah mengkooptasi budaya anak muda di Indonesia, menjadi salah satu bukti bagaimana kontestasi kepentingan terjadi pula dalam era kini. Terlebih ketika isu ini kemudian melekat dengan persoalan pergeseran identitas anak muda, pun yang terjadi di Maluku, dimana lokus penelitian ini akan dilakukan. Dalam kondisi tersebut, berbagai gerakan diinisiasi oleh beberapa kelompok untuk mempertahankan identitas subkultur yang dimiliki. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (a) mendeskripsikan identitas kultural yang dipahami penggiat seni di Maluku; (b) menjelaskan upaya restorasi identitas subkultur masyarakat Maluku dilakukan oleh para penggiat seni; dan (c) mendeskripsikan tantangan yang dihadapi dalam restorasi tersebut. Penelitian...
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences, Aug 2, 2022
Papua merupakan pulau diujung timur Indonesia yang terkenal dengan kekayaan alam yang melimpah, t... more Papua merupakan pulau diujung timur Indonesia yang terkenal dengan kekayaan alam yang melimpah, tapi masyarakatnya masih dalam kemiskinan. Masalah difokuskan pada pemberdayaan masyarakat. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan program pemberdayaan masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Peternakan Dan Kesehatan Hewan (Diskeswan) Kabupaten Mimika Provinsi Papua. Guna mendekati masalah ini dipergunakan acuan teori rasionalitas komunikatif dari Habermas: komunikasi objektif, komunikasi subyektif serta intersubyektif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rasionalitas komunikatif dari Habermas: komunikasi objektif, komunikasi subyektif serta intersubyektif, berhasil dalam pendampingan. Peternak babi mengalami perubahan dalam mengelola babi dari cara tradisional ke cara pemeliharaan yang lebih baik. Rasionalitas komunikasi Habermas dalam penelitian ini terbukti berperan dalam pencapaian keberhasilan pendampingan ternak babi Masyarakat Adat Papua.
Cakrawala Jurnal Penelitian Sosial, 2019
Nyobeng is a ritual of bathing or cleaning the skulls of the ancestors of the Dayak Bidayuh tribe... more Nyobeng is a ritual of bathing or cleaning the skulls of the ancestors of the Dayak Bidayuh tribe. Many beliefs are contained in this Ritual. What is most believed by the Dayak Bidayuh tribe, this ritual will be the guardian of the village and must be bathed and given offerings as a form of respect. The ritual of bathing or cleaning the human skulls of this ancestor is carried out by the Dayak Bidayuh tribe. This tribe is one of the Dayak sub-tribes in Sebujit Village, Siding District, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan. This study, entitled "Nyobeng Ceremony in Hli Buei Village, Siding District, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan (Socio-Cultural Analysis)", has the aim of describing the meaning of the Nyobeng ceremony as a formation of socio-cultural relations of the Dayak Bidayuh community in Hli Buei Village, Siding, Bengkayang West Kalimantan. The theory used is the theory of culture to describe the meaning of the Nyobeng ceremony as a form of socio-cultural relations. This study uses a constructivist approach, so that researchers can make a meaning from what is learned, and analyze, the type of research used is Qualitative Ethnography. The unit of analysis and observation unit is the Meaning of Nyobeng Upacra as the Formation of Socio-Cultural Relationships. The results of this study indicate that the meaning of Nyobeng as a socio-cultural relation is to know the values, namely belief in ancestors, respect for differences, social solidarity, and adherence to customary rules that are continuously developed and maintained..
Kritis, Aug 12, 2018
The village Bokonusan is the location on the Semau Island and the district of Kupang, East Nusa T... more The village Bokonusan is the location on the Semau Island and the district of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. Norma and refers to the contructual obligations between members of society in accordance with the rules of the costums, trust that refer to expectation and goals together in building in accordance with the values of mutual cooperation of solidarity of the community. As for the porpouse of research to, give me a description of application of the local Dale Esa in the life together in the village Bokonusan, as well as explain the elements of what is contained in the wisdom of Dale Esa as social capital in communities Bokonusan village. The method used is a qualitatve and approach to the contructivism oh the research descriptive aksplanative. Interwoven ily tradition, a marriege, birth, death, a new garden work (teh management of the land) and conflic resolution. The application of valeu to keep in daily life as from of social interaction. In the wisdom of Dale Esa the cooperation between the community refers to social relationships between societies so that, the social network, the obligation, prohibition, the rigth have, between members of the community to help each other as a from social norm, the emergance of the hope and goals together to build together as result the trust.
Ararem is a Papuan identity (Ambroben, Biak), meaning of payment process of a dowry. Ararem in th... more Ararem is a Papuan identity (Ambroben, Biak), meaning of payment process of a dowry. Ararem in the practice "requires" the family and relatives of men marching procession accompanied by dancing and singing usher in dowry to the family home women who want to marry. In this ceremony one of the conditions is the use of Red and White Flag, a symbol of Indonesian national identity. This reality becomes problematic because ararem is not a state ceremony. Some of the findings in this study are: a). the flag is interpreted as a "rubber stamp" function validate dowry delivered by the male to the female; b). Meaningful giver "message" that the dowry was ready paid. So , depth meaning as "means of exchange" and mark the handover of dowry; c). Meaningful appreciation and respect for the new identity, which became Indonesia; d). Meaningful expression of fear and self defense; e) meaningful protection and security. The use of the flag is influenced by sever...
Children who tend to pick and choose friends even discriminate based on race, social level, or re... more Children who tend to pick and choose friends even discriminate based on race, social level, or religion because there is discomfort felt by the difference. All that can arise due to the effects of the influence of parenting parents in educating , even overly restrictive attitude of parents their children so that the children difficult to associate with the outside world . In this study focused on how the parents of this form of interfaith couples and families build social capital such as trust, norms and networks, then applied to the child as a provision in the child to relate socially. This study is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Sources of data obtained interviews with informants or sources of interfaith couples, children of interfaith couples and their peers relations of children of interfaith couples. Data collection using secondary data in the form of complementary data related documents and regulations related to the problem under study. Data analysis techniq...
Penelitian ini fokus menguraikan proses peralihan bentuk partisipasi dari tingkat individu menjad... more Penelitian ini fokus menguraikan proses peralihan bentuk partisipasi dari tingkat individu menjadi kelompok serta proses pengorganisasian kelompok Museum Pemerhati Sejarah Perang Dunia Ke II menjadi pengelola Museum Trikora dan Sejarah Perang Dunia Ke II di Wawama Daruba untuk mencapai tingkatan partisipasi kekuatan publik dalam pembangunan pariwisata Kabupaten Pulau Morotai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kualitatif melalui pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik Focus Group Disscussion (FGD) digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kendala yang dihadapi kelompok dalam proses pencarian maupun operasional museum mini. Teknik trianggulasi digunakan untuk memeriksa kesesuaian data hasil wawancara mendalam, data hasil observasi dengan data hasil studi dokumen milik Kelompok Museum Pemerhati Sejarah Perang Dunia ke II sehingga memperoleh informasi yang valid dan kredibel.
Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, 2012
1 A influência do exercício físico na qualidade de vida de adultos sobreviventes de câncer The in... more 1 A influência do exercício físico na qualidade de vida de adultos sobreviventes de câncer The influence of physical exercise on the quality of life of adult survivors of cancer La influencia del ejercicio físico en la calidad de vida de los sobrevivientes adultos del cáncer
Jurnal Analisa Sosiologi, 2020
Village is the smallest administrative area in Indonesia that has an autonomous government and is... more Village is the smallest administrative area in Indonesia that has an autonomous government and is given the authority to manage all government affairs (Law No. 6 of 2014) regarding villages. Jekawal Village receives village funds to prioritize, its use in increasing empowerment and dealing with unexpected disasters, such as Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose is determine the priority of village fund-spend in improving community and emergency respon’s village to Covid-19 pandemic era in 2020 fiscal year. This study used a qualitative-descriptive method. Techniques of data collections are from observation, interviews, and literature study. This research is analising to data reductions, data presentations, and found the conclusions. The research’s use structural-functional theory "AGIL" from Tallcot Parsons. And the results are shows that each village received village funds, that is Jekawal village that the village funds were prioritized for community empowerment and emergency re...
Jurnal Analisa Sosiologi
Women are constructed as second-class creatures. This prejudice then gets reinforced in the moral... more Women are constructed as second-class creatures. This prejudice then gets reinforced in the moral structure of society manifested in religious and customary regulations. However, in the political arena an effirmative policy has been set up by giving a 30% quota of permaan. This study wants to find out how women struggle in the political arena, using the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu. The approach used in this study is a qualitative research approach, which is a research procedure that produces descriptive data using interview, observation, and document utilization techniques. This study concludes that gender is not a matter of unsuccessful person in the election stage. This means that men and women have the same opportunity to be chosen. Election is determined by the amount of economic capital. Because economic capital is the dominant determinant of victory, not because of the issue of women's struggle, in practice it can be predicted that the struggle against women's right...
Ain Ni Ain philosophy that symbolized as "fish" and " Bird" means eventhough ... more Ain Ni Ain philosophy that symbolized as "fish" and " Bird" means eventhough the people of Kei have classified into various groups, the classification according by the power interest and regional, as well as the interests of level, and religion, but they are one in a power- kinship. Even fish comes from a small community though, it still able to adapt to the other fish around. It's a sign that, Kei people is easy to unite and to mingle with others in self confidence. Also the egg-laying birds as a symbol of unextinction people in Kei Islands who will always have their descendant to inherit all the ancestral deal about Ain ni Ain contained in Customary Law Larvul Ngabal. That's the “fabric of society”of Kei Islands. Keywords: Ain ni Ain, Kinship, Plurality Value, Structural, Functional, Society, Kei-Evav
Elections (elections) in addition to the circulation succession is understood as a five-yearly po... more Elections (elections) in addition to the circulation succession is understood as a five-yearly political as well as a means of popular sovereignty, and "judgment day." The day of the judgment in question is the decision of the electorate to choose or not choose a candidate and a certain party in the elections. Generra party in Salatiga is a newcomer to accept the consequences of judgment day in the 2009 election in the absence of prospective members that qualify as his legislative members of DPRD Salatiga. But the reality of defeat turned the elections in 2014, with 4 chairs of DPRD of Salatiga. "It's a victory strategy, candidates become relevant for the investigation. Researchers used the concept of habitus, capital, and the realm of actor Pierre Bourdieu as a tool of analysis. This research aims to answer how the strategy of winning candidate elected legislative members from the party of Generra, and factors that affect the winning strategy. research method use...
Indonesian Journal of Sociology, Education, and Development
Abstrak Globalisasi dan postmodernitas menawarkan konsep berpikir dan praktek yang berimbas pada ... more Abstrak Globalisasi dan postmodernitas menawarkan konsep berpikir dan praktek yang berimbas pada cara hidup masyarakat secara berbeda. Euforia gelombang budaya Korea dan Jepang, sedikit menggeser budaya barat (dewesterinisasi) yang telah mengkooptasi budaya anak muda di Indonesia, menjadi salah satu bukti bagaimana kontestasi kepentingan terjadi pula dalam era kini. Terlebih ketika isu ini kemudian melekat dengan persoalan pergeseran identitas anak muda, pun yang terjadi di Maluku, dimana lokus penelitian ini akan dilakukan. Dalam kondisi tersebut, berbagai gerakan diinisiasi oleh beberapa kelompok untuk mempertahankan identitas subkultur yang dimiliki. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (a) mendeskripsikan identitas kultural yang dipahami penggiat seni di Maluku; (b) menjelaskan upaya restorasi identitas subkultur masyarakat Maluku dilakukan oleh para penggiat seni; dan (c) mendeskripsikan tantangan yang dihadapi dalam restorasi tersebut. Penelitian...
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences, Aug 2, 2022
Papua merupakan pulau diujung timur Indonesia yang terkenal dengan kekayaan alam yang melimpah, t... more Papua merupakan pulau diujung timur Indonesia yang terkenal dengan kekayaan alam yang melimpah, tapi masyarakatnya masih dalam kemiskinan. Masalah difokuskan pada pemberdayaan masyarakat. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan program pemberdayaan masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Peternakan Dan Kesehatan Hewan (Diskeswan) Kabupaten Mimika Provinsi Papua. Guna mendekati masalah ini dipergunakan acuan teori rasionalitas komunikatif dari Habermas: komunikasi objektif, komunikasi subyektif serta intersubyektif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rasionalitas komunikatif dari Habermas: komunikasi objektif, komunikasi subyektif serta intersubyektif, berhasil dalam pendampingan. Peternak babi mengalami perubahan dalam mengelola babi dari cara tradisional ke cara pemeliharaan yang lebih baik. Rasionalitas komunikasi Habermas dalam penelitian ini terbukti berperan dalam pencapaian keberhasilan pendampingan ternak babi Masyarakat Adat Papua.
Cakrawala Jurnal Penelitian Sosial, 2019
Nyobeng is a ritual of bathing or cleaning the skulls of the ancestors of the Dayak Bidayuh tribe... more Nyobeng is a ritual of bathing or cleaning the skulls of the ancestors of the Dayak Bidayuh tribe. Many beliefs are contained in this Ritual. What is most believed by the Dayak Bidayuh tribe, this ritual will be the guardian of the village and must be bathed and given offerings as a form of respect. The ritual of bathing or cleaning the human skulls of this ancestor is carried out by the Dayak Bidayuh tribe. This tribe is one of the Dayak sub-tribes in Sebujit Village, Siding District, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan. This study, entitled "Nyobeng Ceremony in Hli Buei Village, Siding District, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan (Socio-Cultural Analysis)", has the aim of describing the meaning of the Nyobeng ceremony as a formation of socio-cultural relations of the Dayak Bidayuh community in Hli Buei Village, Siding, Bengkayang West Kalimantan. The theory used is the theory of culture to describe the meaning of the Nyobeng ceremony as a form of socio-cultural relations. This study uses a constructivist approach, so that researchers can make a meaning from what is learned, and analyze, the type of research used is Qualitative Ethnography. The unit of analysis and observation unit is the Meaning of Nyobeng Upacra as the Formation of Socio-Cultural Relationships. The results of this study indicate that the meaning of Nyobeng as a socio-cultural relation is to know the values, namely belief in ancestors, respect for differences, social solidarity, and adherence to customary rules that are continuously developed and maintained..
Kritis, Aug 12, 2018
The village Bokonusan is the location on the Semau Island and the district of Kupang, East Nusa T... more The village Bokonusan is the location on the Semau Island and the district of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. Norma and refers to the contructual obligations between members of society in accordance with the rules of the costums, trust that refer to expectation and goals together in building in accordance with the values of mutual cooperation of solidarity of the community. As for the porpouse of research to, give me a description of application of the local Dale Esa in the life together in the village Bokonusan, as well as explain the elements of what is contained in the wisdom of Dale Esa as social capital in communities Bokonusan village. The method used is a qualitatve and approach to the contructivism oh the research descriptive aksplanative. Interwoven ily tradition, a marriege, birth, death, a new garden work (teh management of the land) and conflic resolution. The application of valeu to keep in daily life as from of social interaction. In the wisdom of Dale Esa the cooperation between the community refers to social relationships between societies so that, the social network, the obligation, prohibition, the rigth have, between members of the community to help each other as a from social norm, the emergance of the hope and goals together to build together as result the trust.
Ararem is a Papuan identity (Ambroben, Biak), meaning of payment process of a dowry. Ararem in th... more Ararem is a Papuan identity (Ambroben, Biak), meaning of payment process of a dowry. Ararem in the practice "requires" the family and relatives of men marching procession accompanied by dancing and singing usher in dowry to the family home women who want to marry. In this ceremony one of the conditions is the use of Red and White Flag, a symbol of Indonesian national identity. This reality becomes problematic because ararem is not a state ceremony. Some of the findings in this study are: a). the flag is interpreted as a "rubber stamp" function validate dowry delivered by the male to the female; b). Meaningful giver "message" that the dowry was ready paid. So , depth meaning as "means of exchange" and mark the handover of dowry; c). Meaningful appreciation and respect for the new identity, which became Indonesia; d). Meaningful expression of fear and self defense; e) meaningful protection and security. The use of the flag is influenced by sever...
Children who tend to pick and choose friends even discriminate based on race, social level, or re... more Children who tend to pick and choose friends even discriminate based on race, social level, or religion because there is discomfort felt by the difference. All that can arise due to the effects of the influence of parenting parents in educating , even overly restrictive attitude of parents their children so that the children difficult to associate with the outside world . In this study focused on how the parents of this form of interfaith couples and families build social capital such as trust, norms and networks, then applied to the child as a provision in the child to relate socially. This study is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Sources of data obtained interviews with informants or sources of interfaith couples, children of interfaith couples and their peers relations of children of interfaith couples. Data collection using secondary data in the form of complementary data related documents and regulations related to the problem under study. Data analysis techniq...
Penelitian ini fokus menguraikan proses peralihan bentuk partisipasi dari tingkat individu menjad... more Penelitian ini fokus menguraikan proses peralihan bentuk partisipasi dari tingkat individu menjadi kelompok serta proses pengorganisasian kelompok Museum Pemerhati Sejarah Perang Dunia Ke II menjadi pengelola Museum Trikora dan Sejarah Perang Dunia Ke II di Wawama Daruba untuk mencapai tingkatan partisipasi kekuatan publik dalam pembangunan pariwisata Kabupaten Pulau Morotai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kualitatif melalui pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik Focus Group Disscussion (FGD) digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kendala yang dihadapi kelompok dalam proses pencarian maupun operasional museum mini. Teknik trianggulasi digunakan untuk memeriksa kesesuaian data hasil wawancara mendalam, data hasil observasi dengan data hasil studi dokumen milik Kelompok Museum Pemerhati Sejarah Perang Dunia ke II sehingga memperoleh informasi yang valid dan kredibel.
Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, 2012
1 A influência do exercício físico na qualidade de vida de adultos sobreviventes de câncer The in... more 1 A influência do exercício físico na qualidade de vida de adultos sobreviventes de câncer The influence of physical exercise on the quality of life of adult survivors of cancer La influencia del ejercicio físico en la calidad de vida de los sobrevivientes adultos del cáncer
Jurnal Analisa Sosiologi, 2020
Village is the smallest administrative area in Indonesia that has an autonomous government and is... more Village is the smallest administrative area in Indonesia that has an autonomous government and is given the authority to manage all government affairs (Law No. 6 of 2014) regarding villages. Jekawal Village receives village funds to prioritize, its use in increasing empowerment and dealing with unexpected disasters, such as Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose is determine the priority of village fund-spend in improving community and emergency respon’s village to Covid-19 pandemic era in 2020 fiscal year. This study used a qualitative-descriptive method. Techniques of data collections are from observation, interviews, and literature study. This research is analising to data reductions, data presentations, and found the conclusions. The research’s use structural-functional theory "AGIL" from Tallcot Parsons. And the results are shows that each village received village funds, that is Jekawal village that the village funds were prioritized for community empowerment and emergency re...
Jurnal Analisa Sosiologi
Women are constructed as second-class creatures. This prejudice then gets reinforced in the moral... more Women are constructed as second-class creatures. This prejudice then gets reinforced in the moral structure of society manifested in religious and customary regulations. However, in the political arena an effirmative policy has been set up by giving a 30% quota of permaan. This study wants to find out how women struggle in the political arena, using the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu. The approach used in this study is a qualitative research approach, which is a research procedure that produces descriptive data using interview, observation, and document utilization techniques. This study concludes that gender is not a matter of unsuccessful person in the election stage. This means that men and women have the same opportunity to be chosen. Election is determined by the amount of economic capital. Because economic capital is the dominant determinant of victory, not because of the issue of women's struggle, in practice it can be predicted that the struggle against women's right...
Ain Ni Ain philosophy that symbolized as "fish" and " Bird" means eventhough ... more Ain Ni Ain philosophy that symbolized as "fish" and " Bird" means eventhough the people of Kei have classified into various groups, the classification according by the power interest and regional, as well as the interests of level, and religion, but they are one in a power- kinship. Even fish comes from a small community though, it still able to adapt to the other fish around. It's a sign that, Kei people is easy to unite and to mingle with others in self confidence. Also the egg-laying birds as a symbol of unextinction people in Kei Islands who will always have their descendant to inherit all the ancestral deal about Ain ni Ain contained in Customary Law Larvul Ngabal. That's the “fabric of society”of Kei Islands. Keywords: Ain ni Ain, Kinship, Plurality Value, Structural, Functional, Society, Kei-Evav
Elections (elections) in addition to the circulation succession is understood as a five-yearly po... more Elections (elections) in addition to the circulation succession is understood as a five-yearly political as well as a means of popular sovereignty, and "judgment day." The day of the judgment in question is the decision of the electorate to choose or not choose a candidate and a certain party in the elections. Generra party in Salatiga is a newcomer to accept the consequences of judgment day in the 2009 election in the absence of prospective members that qualify as his legislative members of DPRD Salatiga. But the reality of defeat turned the elections in 2014, with 4 chairs of DPRD of Salatiga. "It's a victory strategy, candidates become relevant for the investigation. Researchers used the concept of habitus, capital, and the realm of actor Pierre Bourdieu as a tool of analysis. This research aims to answer how the strategy of winning candidate elected legislative members from the party of Generra, and factors that affect the winning strategy. research method use...