ömer şengül | Marmara University (original) (raw)
Papers by ömer şengül
Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 2020
This paper presents the effect of process parameters of the fused deposition modelling (FDM) meth... more This paper presents the effect of process parameters of the fused deposition modelling (FDM) method on mechanical properties of 3D-printed carbon fibre (CF)-reinforced polylactic acid (PLA) composite. Building direction, infill percentage, and layer height are the process variables considered for studies due to their high influencing factor in mechanical properties of product. Tensile strength and impact strength are the response parameters considered in the study. Multi-optimisation is done using TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preferences by Similarity to Ideal Solution) analysis to find the best set of parameters that would provide the maximum strength using minimum material. The material used is CF-reinforced PLA composite filament (1.75-mm diameter) for 3D printing.
Surface Review and Letters, 2022
Crane hooks are used to ensure the safe transportation of loads to be lifted in load lifting and ... more Crane hooks are used to ensure the safe transportation of loads to be lifted in load lifting and handling systems. In this study, special hooks for cranes designed to open and close the doors of warehouse zones used for ship cargo and cargo transport, and their responses under 60,000 N static loading conditions are numerically and experimentally analyzed. In the experimental study, ST37 structural steel and Weldox700 high-strength steel were used to manufacture the hook. Experimental data collected under static loading conditions of the component was measured via strain gauges sensors. It was concluded that the results of structural numerical analysis with the Finite Element Method (FEM) using ANSYS 2019 R3 analysis program with experimental data are in harmony with the results of experimental measurements. In addition, the maximum values of stress of the hook manufactured with Weldox700 and ST37 steels under the stress static loading conditions are obtained as 60 MPa and 57.3 MPa, ...
Polimer malzemelerden uretilen urunlerin tuketim miktarlari ve tuketim artis hizlari gun gectikce... more Polimer malzemelerden uretilen urunlerin tuketim miktarlari ve tuketim artis hizlari gun gectikce artmaktadir. Bu plastik malzemeler, uzun sure dogada cozunemeyeceginden dolayi cesitli kirlilikleri de beraberinde getirmektedir. Ayrica hemen hemen tum polimer esasli urunler sinirli kaynak olan petrolden uretilmektedir. Bu nedenle plastik malzemelerin geri donusumu ve geri donusumu yapilmis malzemelerin ozelliklerinin tespit edilmesi buyuk onem arz etmektedir. Bu calismada birincil geri kazanim yontemi kullanilarak atik plastiklerden ve orijinal polimer malzemelerden elde edilebilecek urune yakin es degerde urun elde etmek amaclanmistir. Bu calismada, orijinal polipropilen (PP) ve Akrilonitril Butadin Stiren (ABS) malzemesinden MA/G serisi enjeksiyon makinesi ile uc kez geri donusumu yapilmis (PP) ve ABS malzeme uretimleri gerceklestirilmistir. Uretimi yapilan prototip malzemeler uzerinde; Isi Deformasyon testi (HDT), Eriyik akis endeksi (MFI), Izod Darbe Testi, Cekme Testi ve Sertlik...
Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 2021
This study investigated the effects of FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) process parameters on mech... more This study investigated the effects of FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) process parameters on mechanical properties (tensile strength, elongation, and impact strength) of 3D (three-dimensional) printed PA12 (Polyamide12) samples using Taguchi method. In the experimental design (L8), four different layer thickness (0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25 mm), extruder temperature (250 and 260°C), filling structure (Rectilinear and Full Honeycomb), and occupancy rate (25 and 50%) were determined. The tensile and impact strength test samples were printed with the FDM method. Tensile and impact strength of the test samples were carried out according to ISO 527 and ISO 180 test standards. The findings obtained from tests were analyzed and compared. As a result, the layer thickness is most effective factor for enhance the mechanical properties instead extruder temperature, occupancy rate, and filling structure. The optimum tensile strength of determined for process parameters (layer thickness, occupancy rate...
Scientia Iranica, 2021
In this study, it was realized to determine effects of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) process pa... more In this study, it was realized to determine effects of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) process parameters on mechanical characteristics with Taguchi optimization method. Three different FDM process parameters used for modified Polylactic Acid (PLA+) filament material; filling structures (Rectilinear, Triangular, and Full Honeycomb), occupancy rates (10, 30, and 50 %) and table orientation (0, 60, and-45°) was specified as variable parameters for experiments. Other parameters kept fixed for each tensile and izod impact test samples were printed according to the ISO 527-Type IV and ISO 180-Type I standards. The results found tensile strength values and izod impact values directly proportionate with occupancy rate. The difference between the estimation model and the results of experiments did not exceed the maximum value of 1.8 %. Thus, using the equations derived from this optimization, printing parameters can be determined for the desired tensile strength and izod impact values. By improving the material properties using modified PLA+ filament material as observed in the results, it will be possible to provide support for researchers, design engineers and manufacturer to optimize raw-material usage and margin.
In this study, Computer-Aided Design (CAM) of special crane hooks used to close the stack type ha... more In this study, Computer-Aided Design (CAM) of special crane hooks used to close the stack type hatch covers used for sea freight transport, which is of great importance in our world, has been made. In this design, bolt and pin connections were preferred in the connections of the hook with the crane, as well as the connection with the welding performed in other studies. Thanks to these fasteners, corrosion events caused by the place of use and environmental conditions will also be prevented, and the strength values and reliability of the material will be increased. Critical sections with high-stress values on this design were determined by the Finite Element Method (FEM) with ANSYS R3 analysis program. In this design, the necessary improvements and strength calculations of the hook were made. Numerical calculations performed by the FEM and strength calculation results were compared. Results overlap: This, in turn, has been associated with the fact that the design made for us provides...
ÖZETMOTOSİKLET RADYAL LASTİĞİNİN SÜRDÜLEBİLİR ÜRETİMİ İÇİN BİLGİSAYAR DESTEKLİ TASARIMI VE SİMÜLA... more ÖZETMOTOSİKLET RADYAL LASTİĞİNİN SÜRDÜLEBİLİR ÜRETİMİ İÇİN BİLGİSAYAR DESTEKLİ TASARIMI VE SİMÜLASYONUSürdürülebilir üretim, kullanıcıların hayat kalitesini artırmayı hedefleyen bir ürünün, üretim aşamasında geçtiği bütün proseslerdeki doğaya zararlı etkilerin minimize edildiği bir üretim anlayışıdır. Günümüzün modern tesislerinde çevre dostu bir yaklaşım ile, üretimde enerji kullanımının minimum düzeyde tutulması, atıkların azaltılması, operasyonel güvenliğin sağlanması gibi kavramlar büyük önem kazanmıştır.Otomotiv sanayi başta olmak üzere, iş makineleri, tarımsal araç gereçler ve askeri ekipman gibi çeşitli alanlardaki gelişime bağlı olarak oluşan talebe karşılık lastik sektörü geçen yüzyıl içinde büyük ilerlemeler kaydetmiştir. İnsanlık tarihinin en önemli buluşlarından biri olarak kabul edilen ve çeşitli sektörlerde görünüş itibariyle basit ancak teknolojisine inildiğinde bir o kadar karmaşık hayati bir görevi olan tekerleklerin lastiklerinin üretim sistemlerinin sürdürülebilir...
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis (IJAEFEA), 2020
Warehouses inside the ship are of great importance in maritime transport. Due to the adverse weat... more Warehouses inside the ship are of great importance in maritime transport. Due to the adverse weather conditions in maritime transport, hatch covers must be manufactured appropriately and installed on ships. In this study, Computer Aided Design (CAD), manufacture, analysis, and mechanical properties of hatch cover opening hooks used to close stock type warehouse lids in maritime transport were examined. In literature studies, the mechanical properties of St-37, St-52, St-44, St-70, AISI 4140, Weldox 700, Hardox 600 steels, and Aluminum 6061 materials used as hook materials were examined. In the studies, it is seen that curved crane hooks and the same materials are preferred in these hooks. It was concluded that it would be appropriate to use St-37 from structural steels, AISI 4140 steel from tempered steels and high strength Weldox 700 steels as hook material. There is a need for the design and manufacture of special hooks for cranes made to open and close the hatch covers. Hook design-analysis by Finite Element Method (FEM) should be done and stress values should be examined. Accretion stress points should be determined by this FEM and a reliable manufacturing should be done. In addition, optimum conditions will be achieved by designing and manufacturing hooks with economical, long life and high mechanical properties.
ÖZET Polimer malzemelerden üretilen ürünlerin tüketim miktarları ve tüketim artış hızları gün geç... more ÖZET Polimer malzemelerden üretilen ürünlerin tüketim miktarları ve tüketim artış hızları gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Bu plastik malzemeler, uzun süre doğada çözünemeyeceğinden dolayı çeşitli kirlilikleri de beraberinde getirmektedir. Ayrıca hemen hemen tüm polimer esaslı ürünler sınırlı kaynak olan petrolden üretilmektedir. Bu nedenle plastik malzemelerin geri dönüşümü ve geri dönüşümü yapılmış malzemelerin özelliklerinin tespit edilmesi büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada birincil geri kazanım yöntemi kullanılarak atık plastiklerden ve orijinal polimer malzemelerden elde edilebilecek ürüne yakın eş değerde ürün elde etmek amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, orijinal polipropilen (PP) ve Akrilonitril Bütadin Stiren (ABS) malzemesinden MA/G serisi enjeksiyon makinesi ile üç kez geri dönüşümü yapılmış (PP) ve ABS malzeme üretimleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Üretimi yapılan prototip malzemeler üzerinde; Isı Deformasyon testi (HDT), Eriyik akış endeksi (MFI), Izod Darbe Testi, Çekme Testi ve Se...
Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Jun 28, 2020
Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 2020
This paper presents the effect of process parameters of the fused deposition modelling (FDM) meth... more This paper presents the effect of process parameters of the fused deposition modelling (FDM) method on mechanical properties of 3D-printed carbon fibre (CF)-reinforced polylactic acid (PLA) composite. Building direction, infill percentage, and layer height are the process variables considered for studies due to their high influencing factor in mechanical properties of product. Tensile strength and impact strength are the response parameters considered in the study. Multi-optimisation is done using TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preferences by Similarity to Ideal Solution) analysis to find the best set of parameters that would provide the maximum strength using minimum material. The material used is CF-reinforced PLA composite filament (1.75-mm diameter) for 3D printing.
Surface Review and Letters, 2022
Crane hooks are used to ensure the safe transportation of loads to be lifted in load lifting and ... more Crane hooks are used to ensure the safe transportation of loads to be lifted in load lifting and handling systems. In this study, special hooks for cranes designed to open and close the doors of warehouse zones used for ship cargo and cargo transport, and their responses under 60,000 N static loading conditions are numerically and experimentally analyzed. In the experimental study, ST37 structural steel and Weldox700 high-strength steel were used to manufacture the hook. Experimental data collected under static loading conditions of the component was measured via strain gauges sensors. It was concluded that the results of structural numerical analysis with the Finite Element Method (FEM) using ANSYS 2019 R3 analysis program with experimental data are in harmony with the results of experimental measurements. In addition, the maximum values of stress of the hook manufactured with Weldox700 and ST37 steels under the stress static loading conditions are obtained as 60 MPa and 57.3 MPa, ...
Polimer malzemelerden uretilen urunlerin tuketim miktarlari ve tuketim artis hizlari gun gectikce... more Polimer malzemelerden uretilen urunlerin tuketim miktarlari ve tuketim artis hizlari gun gectikce artmaktadir. Bu plastik malzemeler, uzun sure dogada cozunemeyeceginden dolayi cesitli kirlilikleri de beraberinde getirmektedir. Ayrica hemen hemen tum polimer esasli urunler sinirli kaynak olan petrolden uretilmektedir. Bu nedenle plastik malzemelerin geri donusumu ve geri donusumu yapilmis malzemelerin ozelliklerinin tespit edilmesi buyuk onem arz etmektedir. Bu calismada birincil geri kazanim yontemi kullanilarak atik plastiklerden ve orijinal polimer malzemelerden elde edilebilecek urune yakin es degerde urun elde etmek amaclanmistir. Bu calismada, orijinal polipropilen (PP) ve Akrilonitril Butadin Stiren (ABS) malzemesinden MA/G serisi enjeksiyon makinesi ile uc kez geri donusumu yapilmis (PP) ve ABS malzeme uretimleri gerceklestirilmistir. Uretimi yapilan prototip malzemeler uzerinde; Isi Deformasyon testi (HDT), Eriyik akis endeksi (MFI), Izod Darbe Testi, Cekme Testi ve Sertlik...
Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 2021
This study investigated the effects of FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) process parameters on mech... more This study investigated the effects of FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) process parameters on mechanical properties (tensile strength, elongation, and impact strength) of 3D (three-dimensional) printed PA12 (Polyamide12) samples using Taguchi method. In the experimental design (L8), four different layer thickness (0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25 mm), extruder temperature (250 and 260°C), filling structure (Rectilinear and Full Honeycomb), and occupancy rate (25 and 50%) were determined. The tensile and impact strength test samples were printed with the FDM method. Tensile and impact strength of the test samples were carried out according to ISO 527 and ISO 180 test standards. The findings obtained from tests were analyzed and compared. As a result, the layer thickness is most effective factor for enhance the mechanical properties instead extruder temperature, occupancy rate, and filling structure. The optimum tensile strength of determined for process parameters (layer thickness, occupancy rate...
Scientia Iranica, 2021
In this study, it was realized to determine effects of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) process pa... more In this study, it was realized to determine effects of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) process parameters on mechanical characteristics with Taguchi optimization method. Three different FDM process parameters used for modified Polylactic Acid (PLA+) filament material; filling structures (Rectilinear, Triangular, and Full Honeycomb), occupancy rates (10, 30, and 50 %) and table orientation (0, 60, and-45°) was specified as variable parameters for experiments. Other parameters kept fixed for each tensile and izod impact test samples were printed according to the ISO 527-Type IV and ISO 180-Type I standards. The results found tensile strength values and izod impact values directly proportionate with occupancy rate. The difference between the estimation model and the results of experiments did not exceed the maximum value of 1.8 %. Thus, using the equations derived from this optimization, printing parameters can be determined for the desired tensile strength and izod impact values. By improving the material properties using modified PLA+ filament material as observed in the results, it will be possible to provide support for researchers, design engineers and manufacturer to optimize raw-material usage and margin.
In this study, Computer-Aided Design (CAM) of special crane hooks used to close the stack type ha... more In this study, Computer-Aided Design (CAM) of special crane hooks used to close the stack type hatch covers used for sea freight transport, which is of great importance in our world, has been made. In this design, bolt and pin connections were preferred in the connections of the hook with the crane, as well as the connection with the welding performed in other studies. Thanks to these fasteners, corrosion events caused by the place of use and environmental conditions will also be prevented, and the strength values and reliability of the material will be increased. Critical sections with high-stress values on this design were determined by the Finite Element Method (FEM) with ANSYS R3 analysis program. In this design, the necessary improvements and strength calculations of the hook were made. Numerical calculations performed by the FEM and strength calculation results were compared. Results overlap: This, in turn, has been associated with the fact that the design made for us provides...
ÖZETMOTOSİKLET RADYAL LASTİĞİNİN SÜRDÜLEBİLİR ÜRETİMİ İÇİN BİLGİSAYAR DESTEKLİ TASARIMI VE SİMÜLA... more ÖZETMOTOSİKLET RADYAL LASTİĞİNİN SÜRDÜLEBİLİR ÜRETİMİ İÇİN BİLGİSAYAR DESTEKLİ TASARIMI VE SİMÜLASYONUSürdürülebilir üretim, kullanıcıların hayat kalitesini artırmayı hedefleyen bir ürünün, üretim aşamasında geçtiği bütün proseslerdeki doğaya zararlı etkilerin minimize edildiği bir üretim anlayışıdır. Günümüzün modern tesislerinde çevre dostu bir yaklaşım ile, üretimde enerji kullanımının minimum düzeyde tutulması, atıkların azaltılması, operasyonel güvenliğin sağlanması gibi kavramlar büyük önem kazanmıştır.Otomotiv sanayi başta olmak üzere, iş makineleri, tarımsal araç gereçler ve askeri ekipman gibi çeşitli alanlardaki gelişime bağlı olarak oluşan talebe karşılık lastik sektörü geçen yüzyıl içinde büyük ilerlemeler kaydetmiştir. İnsanlık tarihinin en önemli buluşlarından biri olarak kabul edilen ve çeşitli sektörlerde görünüş itibariyle basit ancak teknolojisine inildiğinde bir o kadar karmaşık hayati bir görevi olan tekerleklerin lastiklerinin üretim sistemlerinin sürdürülebilir...
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis (IJAEFEA), 2020
Warehouses inside the ship are of great importance in maritime transport. Due to the adverse weat... more Warehouses inside the ship are of great importance in maritime transport. Due to the adverse weather conditions in maritime transport, hatch covers must be manufactured appropriately and installed on ships. In this study, Computer Aided Design (CAD), manufacture, analysis, and mechanical properties of hatch cover opening hooks used to close stock type warehouse lids in maritime transport were examined. In literature studies, the mechanical properties of St-37, St-52, St-44, St-70, AISI 4140, Weldox 700, Hardox 600 steels, and Aluminum 6061 materials used as hook materials were examined. In the studies, it is seen that curved crane hooks and the same materials are preferred in these hooks. It was concluded that it would be appropriate to use St-37 from structural steels, AISI 4140 steel from tempered steels and high strength Weldox 700 steels as hook material. There is a need for the design and manufacture of special hooks for cranes made to open and close the hatch covers. Hook design-analysis by Finite Element Method (FEM) should be done and stress values should be examined. Accretion stress points should be determined by this FEM and a reliable manufacturing should be done. In addition, optimum conditions will be achieved by designing and manufacturing hooks with economical, long life and high mechanical properties.
ÖZET Polimer malzemelerden üretilen ürünlerin tüketim miktarları ve tüketim artış hızları gün geç... more ÖZET Polimer malzemelerden üretilen ürünlerin tüketim miktarları ve tüketim artış hızları gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Bu plastik malzemeler, uzun süre doğada çözünemeyeceğinden dolayı çeşitli kirlilikleri de beraberinde getirmektedir. Ayrıca hemen hemen tüm polimer esaslı ürünler sınırlı kaynak olan petrolden üretilmektedir. Bu nedenle plastik malzemelerin geri dönüşümü ve geri dönüşümü yapılmış malzemelerin özelliklerinin tespit edilmesi büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada birincil geri kazanım yöntemi kullanılarak atık plastiklerden ve orijinal polimer malzemelerden elde edilebilecek ürüne yakın eş değerde ürün elde etmek amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, orijinal polipropilen (PP) ve Akrilonitril Bütadin Stiren (ABS) malzemesinden MA/G serisi enjeksiyon makinesi ile üç kez geri dönüşümü yapılmış (PP) ve ABS malzeme üretimleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Üretimi yapılan prototip malzemeler üzerinde; Isı Deformasyon testi (HDT), Eriyik akış endeksi (MFI), Izod Darbe Testi, Çekme Testi ve Se...
Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Jun 28, 2020