Ömer Koçyiğit | Marmara University (original) (raw)
Book by Ömer Koçyiğit
Tevârih is the book in which Kabudlu Mustafa Vasfi Efendi mentions his campaigns, travels and mem... more Tevârih is the book in which Kabudlu Mustafa Vasfi Efendi mentions his campaigns, travels and memories. Kabudlu, at the beginning of the book, says that he created a tevârih (chronicle) by providing accounts about the cities and wars and deaths he witnessed. Although the title Tevârih is chosen for the book because of the author's statement, the book is a kind of travelogue and memoirs. In summary, Tevârih mentions the campaigns of Kabudlu Mustafa Vasfi, who was a deli (irregular horseman soldier) in the Ottoman army, to quell rebellions in the Eastern Anatolia and later Rumelia in the reign of Sultan Mahmud II. The date of the book is written as 22 Zilkade 1249 (2 April 1834). Although Kabudlu says that he narrates the events between 1216 (1801-1802) and 1248 (1832-1833) in the first page of the book, the pages that tell the stories from after the summer of 1824 are lost. There is no other copy as far as is known. The book is 114 folios and sits in the Special Collection of the Leiden University Library.
Tevârih, Kabudlu el-Hâc Mustafa Vasfi Efendi’nin katıldığı seferleri; bu seferler vesilesiyle seyahatlerini ve hatıralarını anlattığı bir eserdir. Kabudlu, eserin girişinde, gördüğü şehirleri, savaşları, ölümleri naklederek bir “Tevârih” oluşturduğunu söylemektedir. Esere, yazarının bu ifadesi dikkate alınarak “Tevârih” başlığı tercih edilse de, eser daha çok seyahatname ve hatırat niteliğindedir. Tevârih, en özet ifadeyle, Osmanlı ordusunda deli olarak görev yapan Kabudlu Mustafa Vasfi’nin, Sultan II. Mahmud döneminde Doğu Anadolu’da ve Rumeli bölgesinde birtakım isyanları bastırmak için katıldığı seferlerden bahsetmektedir. Yazmanın telif tarihi 22 Zilkade 1249 (2 Nisan 1834)’dur. Eserin girişinde Kabudlu, 1216 (1801-1802) ve 1248 (1832-1833) tarihleri arasındaki olayları anlattığını söylemektedir, ancak eserin 1824 yılından sonrasını anlatan sayfaları kayıptır. Bilinen başka bir nüshası bulunmayan eserin elimizde olan kısmı 114 varaktır.
Koçyiğit, Ömer. Kabudlu Mustafa Vasfi Efendi: Tevârîh (Analysis - Text - Maps - Index - Facsimile), Turkish Sources CXXIV, ed. Cemal Kafadar – Gönül Alpay Tekin, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, 2016. (456 p.)
Papers by Ömer Koçyiğit
Osmanlı Araştırmaları / The Journal of Ottoman Studies, 64, 2024
One of the manuscripts in the rich collection at Leiden University Library was written by a caval... more One of the manuscripts in the rich collection at Leiden University Library was written by a cavalry soldier named Kabudlu Mustafa Vasfi. He was a deli (irregular horseman) in the Ottoman army in the first quarter of the nineteenth century and travelled to many places in the eastern Anatolian and Balkan regions. In 1834 Kabudlu wrote a work called Tevārīḫ, in which he discusses his travels and memories. In the manuscript, he states that he composed the tevārīḫ (chronicle) as an account of the cities he visited and the wars he witnessed. In this article, I discuss the reasons why a deli soldier would pen his memoirs by considering the context of Ottoman book culture in the nineteenth century. The place that chronicles, autobiographies and travelogues occupied in that period is worthy of greater attention, and they shed light on how the narratives of an Ottoman soldier were influenced during the transformation from manuscript culture to the era of the printing press. In that regard, by analysing the manuscript, which was written on the eve of print capitalism in Ottoman territories, I try to answer the question of why Kabudlu Mustafa Vasfi referred to his extraordinary travel notes as a chronicle (tevārīḫ). Besides examining two journeys, namely the travels of the author as well as the travels of the manuscript itself, I also discuss other travelogues, chronicles, memoirs and diaries from that period to demonstrate the importance of this ego-document written by an irregular soldier within the context of Ottoman literary traditions.
Prophets, Poets and Scholars: The Collections of the Middle Eastern Library of Leiden University, 2024
“Levinus Warner’s Manuscript Collection,” in Prophets, Poets and Scholars: The Collections of the... more “Levinus Warner’s Manuscript Collection,” in Prophets, Poets and Scholars: The Collections of the Middle Eastern Library of Leiden University, eds. Arnoud Vrolijk, Kasper van Ommen, Karin Scheper and Tijmen C. Baarda (Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2024), 139-149.
A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments, 2023
“The Language of Religion: The Reversion of the Ezan from Turkish to Arabic,” in A Hundred Years ... more “The Language of Religion: The Reversion of the Ezan from Turkish to Arabic,” in A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments, eds. Alp Yenen & Erik-Jan Zürcher (Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2023), 166-170.
Türk Kültürü İncelemeleri Dergisi 49, 2023
Bu makale Elazığ-Harput yöresine ait Âkif türküsü veya daha bilinen adıyla Hüseynik türküsüyle il... more Bu makale Elazığ-Harput yöresine ait Âkif türküsü veya daha bilinen adıyla Hüseynik türküsüyle ilgilidir. Güftesinde telgrafla ilgili ifadeler bulunan bu türkünün, Harput Telgrafhanesi'nde görev yapan Âkif isimli bir memurun ânî ölümü üzerine yakıldığı söylenmektedir. Türkünün muhtelif hikâyelerinde güftede geçen bazı isimlerin Âkif'le olan irtibatı söz konusudur. Sözlü kültürde var olan rivayetlerin doğru olup olmadığına odaklanan bu çalışma, Osmanlı kaynaklarından hareketle türkünün başkahramanı Âkif Efendi'yi, türküde geçen Ati Hanım ve Lütfi gibi isimleri araştırmakta; arşiv belgeleri, salnâmeler ve hatıratlar üzerinden hayatı hakkında fazla bilgi olmayan bir taşra memurunun yaşam öyküsünü gün yüzüne çıkarmaktadır. Türkünün hikâyesini tetkik ederek birtakım söylentileri düzeltip bazı bilgilere açıklık getiren bu makale, kültürel bir devamlılıkla günümüze taşınan türküler üzerinden mikro-tarih ve biyografi çalışmaları için bir örnek sunmayı hedeflemektedir.
Osmanlı Araştırmaları / The Journal of Ottoman Studies, 61, 2023
This article examines the source, causes and consequences of a general assumption about Ottoman-W... more This article examines the source, causes and consequences of a general assumption about Ottoman-Wahhabi relations, namely the notion that the Ottoman ulema in Istanbul were heedless of Wahhabism despite their occupation of the Hejaz and ultimately left it up to statesmen to resolve the issue. That claim was initially put forward in the 1870s by Ahmed Cevdet Pasha in Tarih-i Cevdet, and it was repeated by many others after him. As such, Cevdet Pasha was deemed to be a guiding force in the molding of the concept of Wahhabism in the Ottoman Empire and in terms of dealing with the issue in detail. However, in the early period in Istanbul, a pamphlet on Wahhabism had already been in circulation, a text that was written, reproduced and widely used by the ulema. Moreover, while Cevdet Pasha made use of the basic tenets set forth in that pamphlet in his work, he did not make reference to it, and in fact he reiterated that the scholars of the period were reckless in their approach to Wahhabism. This article argues that Cevdet Pasha's attitude was steeped in political hostility towards Ataullah Efendi, who was the şeyhülislam of the period and the author of the commentary in the pamphlet. Since Ataullah Efendi played a crucial role in the dethronement of Selim III, the sultan who had enacted the Nizam-ı Cedid, in Cevdet Pasha's eyes Ataullah Efendi had "antiquated ideas." The fact that Cevdet Pasha, who was a proponent of the Tanzimat, sought to negate the existence of Ataullah Efendi's pamphlet and critique the older generation of scholars had a direct impact on how the literature on Ottoman-Wahhabi relations was shaped.
Keshif: E‐Journal for Ottoman‐Turkish Micro Editions, 1/1, 2023
Marmara Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9/2, 2022
Nm cnjtytmbt xûyx…kc' x'ş'm'm snoktlr'k ud cûşûmrdk jîjkû cdğişilkdp l'sa'' e''kixdskdpimim fdkiş... more Nm cnjtytmbt xûyx…kc' x'ş'm'm snoktlr'k ud cûşûmrdk jîjkû cdğişilkdp l'sa'' e''kixdskdpimim fdkişldrixkd cnğptc'm ikfikicip) yip' l'sat's…m x'xf…mk'şl'r… aikfimim cnk'ş…l… ud jûpdrdkkdşld 'â…r…mc'm îmdlki aip pnk nxm'c…-Ty'j ldlkdjdskdpcdji nk'xk'p sdkfp'e xnktxk' j…r' rûpdcd îğpdmikci) xdmi aikfi ud g'adpkdp l'sat x'x…mk'p udrikdrixkd fûmcdl nktşstpl'x' a'şk'c…-At dsjimim fîpûkcûğû 'k'mk'pc'm aipi Nrl'mk… Cdukdsi mim ?epij' ikd nk'm ikişjikdpicip-Atfûmd j'c'p Nrl'mk… c' nm cnjtytmbt xûyx…kc' ?epij' x' c'ip ikfi ud l'ktl's…m 'psl'r… fdmdkkijkd rix'ri xîmdkilkd) ilo'p'snpktj gdcdekdpi ud İssig'c,… İrk'l fiai onkisij'k'pk' xnptlk'm'fdkci-At l'j'kd) Nrl'mk…,?epij' ikişjikdpimcdji at xnğtm ipsia's…m r'cdbd rix'ri gdcdekdpkd 'â…jk'm'l'x'b'ğ…m…) Gims ud Ty'j Cnğt ?rx' ikd nk'm ikişjikdpcd cd fîpûkcûğû fiai) l'sat's cdupilimim atp'c' jikis aip pnk nxm'c…ğ…m… r'utml'js'c…p-Yip' l'sat's e''kixdskdpimim dm îmdlki giyldsi imr'mk'p…m aikfikdpimi) 'kf…k'p…m… ud fûmcdlkdpimi adkipkdldj nkct-Nrl'mk… c' ?epij' xk' ikfiki Sûpjâd x'y…kl…ş x' c' Sûpjâdxd sdpbûld dcikliş drdpkdpi imbdkdxdm at â'k…şl') îydkcd at ikişjikdpim aip x'mr…l'r… nk'p'j Rtc'm aîkfdri g'jj…mc'ji jis'o) cdpfi ud f'ydsdkdpd xnğtmk'şl'js'c…p-L'sat's cdupili îmbdrimcd iji aîkfd g'kj…m…m aipaipkdpi g'jj…mc'ji 'kf…r…m' c' cdğimdpdj at â'ğ…m imr'mk'p…m s'r'uutptmc' md fiai dsjikdp ldxc'm' fdsipciğimi s'ps…şl'js'c…p-:mYgsYo Idkildkdo1 Nrl'mk… Cdukdsi) ?epij') Rtc'm) l'sa'') l'sat's :arsoYbs Nmd ne sgd lnrs etmc'ldms'k bg'mfdr sg's nbbtppdc im sgd mimdsddmsg bdmstpx v'r sgd cdudknoldms ne opimsimf) 'r sgd ropd'c ne opimsdc vnpjr ok'xdc 'm ilonps'ms pnkd im sgd bipbtk'sinm ne imenpl'sinm 'mc fkna'kiy'sinm-Mdvr 'ants dudmsr sg's sp'mroipdc im cirs'ms bntmspidr v'r ropd'c ui' sdkdfp'og: 'r ' pdrtks) imenpl'sinm 'mc mdvr rsnpidr adf'm sn l'jd 'm ilo'bs ax ld'mr ne opimsdc otakib'sinmr-Nmd o'psibtk'p dw'lokd ne rtbg 'm ilo'bs bnmbdpmr sgd pdk'sinmr adsvddm sgd Nssnl'm Dloipd 'mc ?epib'-Sgd imbpd'rdc imsdpdrs 'mc bipbtk'sinm ne imenpl'sinm nm ?epib' im sgd mimdsddmsg,bdmstpx Nssnl'm Dloipd g'r opdcnlim'mskx addm imsdpopdsdc ax lncdpm girsnpi'mr im sdplr ne onkisib'k npidms'sinm) ilodpi'k fn'kr 'mc onkibidr rtbg 'r O'm,Hrk'lirl-Sgir 'psibkd 'pftdr sg's sgd ankrsdpimf ne bnms'bs im Nssnl'm,?epib'm pdk'sinmr b'mmns ad dwok'imdc ax onkisib'k otponrdr 'knmd-Nm sgd bnmsp'px) sgd opimsimf pdunktsinm ok'xdc ' jdx pnkd im sgir pdf'pc) 'r im sgd b'rdr ne Nssnl'm pdk'sinmr visg Hmci' 'mc E'p D'rs ?ri') drodbi'kkx adb'trd sgd l'im bnmspiatsinm ne opimsimf g'r addm sn rg'od odnokd r jmnvkdcfd) odpbdosinmr 'mc 'fdmc'r-Ax dw'limimf) Cq-* L'ql'q' Ömiudqrisdri İmr'm ud Snoktl Aikilkdqi E'jöksdri S'qig Aîkölö* İrs'matk. Söqjixd* nldq-jnbxifis:l'ql'q
أوليا جلبي ورحلة القدس, 2022
(مقدمة - أوليا جلبي ورحلة القدس (١٦٧١-١٦٧٢
Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History, vol. 18, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2021
Al-āthār al-kāmila li-l-Imām al-Mahdī
Sahibi Türkiye Diyanet Vakfý © Bütün yayýn haklarý Türkiye Diyanet Vakfý'na aittir. Yazý ve fotoð... more Sahibi Türkiye Diyanet Vakfý © Bütün yayýn haklarý Türkiye Diyanet Vakfý'na aittir. Yazý ve fotoðraflar kaynak gösterilmeden kullanýlamaz. ISBN 978-975-389-877-5 (Takým) 978-975-389-878-2 (Ek 1. cilt) Yönetim ÝSAM, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfý Ýslâm Araþtýrmalarý Merkezi Ýcadiye Baðlarbaþý caddesi 40 Üsküdar 34662 Ýstanbul Tel : (0 216) 474 08 50 Faks : (0 216) 474 08 74 Elektronik posta : isam@isam.org.tr Basým, Daðýtým ve Pazarlama Türkiye Diyanet Vakfý Yayýn Matbaacýlýk ve Ticaret Ýþletmesi OSTÝM Örnek Sanayi Sitesi, 1256. sokak 11, Yenimahalle 06370 Ankara Tel : (0 312) 354 91 31 Faks : (0 312) 354 91 32 Elektronik posta : tdvyayin@diyanetvakfi.org.tr
After the Sudanese Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad (1844-1885) proclaimed himself as the Mahdi (the predict... more After the Sudanese Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad (1844-1885) proclaimed himself as the Mahdi (the predicted 'redeemer of Islam') in 1881, it concerned the British Empire and the British army, fought by the Mahdist forces. However, especially the Ottoman Empire suffered from this movement, because it lost Sudan during the Mahdi uprising, and the country was never to be part of the Empire again. In this article, I will examine the changes in perception of the Sudanese Mahdi movement by the Ottoman government according to the Ottoman archival documents. The reasons for the changes of Ottoman perception about the Mahdi movement will be discussed in the context of the relationship between the center and the periphery of the Empire in the nineteenth century. By doing so, I intend to show how the news about the Mahdi and his supporters was perceived in Istanbul and whether or not these reactions were the appropriate policy response to actual developments unfolding in Sudan.
Tevârih is the book in which Kabudlu Mustafa Vasfi Efendi mentions his campaigns, travels and mem... more Tevârih is the book in which Kabudlu Mustafa Vasfi Efendi mentions his campaigns, travels and memories. Kabudlu, at the beginning of the book, says that he created a tevârih (chronicle) by providing accounts about the cities and wars and deaths he witnessed. Although the title Tevârih is chosen for the book because of the author's statement, the book is a kind of travelogue and memoirs. In summary, Tevârih mentions the campaigns of Kabudlu Mustafa Vasfi, who was a deli (irregular horseman soldier) in the Ottoman army, to quell rebellions in the Eastern Anatolia and later Rumelia in the reign of Sultan Mahmud II. The date of the book is written as 22 Zilkade 1249 (2 April 1834). Although Kabudlu says that he narrates the events between 1216 (1801-1802) and 1248 (1832-1833) in the first page of the book, the pages that tell the stories from after the summer of 1824 are lost. There is no other copy as far as is known. The book is 114 folios and sits in the Special Collection of the Leiden University Library.
Tevârih, Kabudlu el-Hâc Mustafa Vasfi Efendi’nin katıldığı seferleri; bu seferler vesilesiyle seyahatlerini ve hatıralarını anlattığı bir eserdir. Kabudlu, eserin girişinde, gördüğü şehirleri, savaşları, ölümleri naklederek bir “Tevârih” oluşturduğunu söylemektedir. Esere, yazarının bu ifadesi dikkate alınarak “Tevârih” başlığı tercih edilse de, eser daha çok seyahatname ve hatırat niteliğindedir. Tevârih, en özet ifadeyle, Osmanlı ordusunda deli olarak görev yapan Kabudlu Mustafa Vasfi’nin, Sultan II. Mahmud döneminde Doğu Anadolu’da ve Rumeli bölgesinde birtakım isyanları bastırmak için katıldığı seferlerden bahsetmektedir. Yazmanın telif tarihi 22 Zilkade 1249 (2 Nisan 1834)’dur. Eserin girişinde Kabudlu, 1216 (1801-1802) ve 1248 (1832-1833) tarihleri arasındaki olayları anlattığını söylemektedir, ancak eserin 1824 yılından sonrasını anlatan sayfaları kayıptır. Bilinen başka bir nüshası bulunmayan eserin elimizde olan kısmı 114 varaktır.
Koçyiğit, Ömer. Kabudlu Mustafa Vasfi Efendi: Tevârîh (Analysis - Text - Maps - Index - Facsimile), Turkish Sources CXXIV, ed. Cemal Kafadar – Gönül Alpay Tekin, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, 2016. (456 p.)
Osmanlı Araştırmaları / The Journal of Ottoman Studies, 64, 2024
One of the manuscripts in the rich collection at Leiden University Library was written by a caval... more One of the manuscripts in the rich collection at Leiden University Library was written by a cavalry soldier named Kabudlu Mustafa Vasfi. He was a deli (irregular horseman) in the Ottoman army in the first quarter of the nineteenth century and travelled to many places in the eastern Anatolian and Balkan regions. In 1834 Kabudlu wrote a work called Tevārīḫ, in which he discusses his travels and memories. In the manuscript, he states that he composed the tevārīḫ (chronicle) as an account of the cities he visited and the wars he witnessed. In this article, I discuss the reasons why a deli soldier would pen his memoirs by considering the context of Ottoman book culture in the nineteenth century. The place that chronicles, autobiographies and travelogues occupied in that period is worthy of greater attention, and they shed light on how the narratives of an Ottoman soldier were influenced during the transformation from manuscript culture to the era of the printing press. In that regard, by analysing the manuscript, which was written on the eve of print capitalism in Ottoman territories, I try to answer the question of why Kabudlu Mustafa Vasfi referred to his extraordinary travel notes as a chronicle (tevārīḫ). Besides examining two journeys, namely the travels of the author as well as the travels of the manuscript itself, I also discuss other travelogues, chronicles, memoirs and diaries from that period to demonstrate the importance of this ego-document written by an irregular soldier within the context of Ottoman literary traditions.
Prophets, Poets and Scholars: The Collections of the Middle Eastern Library of Leiden University, 2024
“Levinus Warner’s Manuscript Collection,” in Prophets, Poets and Scholars: The Collections of the... more “Levinus Warner’s Manuscript Collection,” in Prophets, Poets and Scholars: The Collections of the Middle Eastern Library of Leiden University, eds. Arnoud Vrolijk, Kasper van Ommen, Karin Scheper and Tijmen C. Baarda (Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2024), 139-149.
A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments, 2023
“The Language of Religion: The Reversion of the Ezan from Turkish to Arabic,” in A Hundred Years ... more “The Language of Religion: The Reversion of the Ezan from Turkish to Arabic,” in A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments, eds. Alp Yenen & Erik-Jan Zürcher (Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2023), 166-170.
Türk Kültürü İncelemeleri Dergisi 49, 2023
Bu makale Elazığ-Harput yöresine ait Âkif türküsü veya daha bilinen adıyla Hüseynik türküsüyle il... more Bu makale Elazığ-Harput yöresine ait Âkif türküsü veya daha bilinen adıyla Hüseynik türküsüyle ilgilidir. Güftesinde telgrafla ilgili ifadeler bulunan bu türkünün, Harput Telgrafhanesi'nde görev yapan Âkif isimli bir memurun ânî ölümü üzerine yakıldığı söylenmektedir. Türkünün muhtelif hikâyelerinde güftede geçen bazı isimlerin Âkif'le olan irtibatı söz konusudur. Sözlü kültürde var olan rivayetlerin doğru olup olmadığına odaklanan bu çalışma, Osmanlı kaynaklarından hareketle türkünün başkahramanı Âkif Efendi'yi, türküde geçen Ati Hanım ve Lütfi gibi isimleri araştırmakta; arşiv belgeleri, salnâmeler ve hatıratlar üzerinden hayatı hakkında fazla bilgi olmayan bir taşra memurunun yaşam öyküsünü gün yüzüne çıkarmaktadır. Türkünün hikâyesini tetkik ederek birtakım söylentileri düzeltip bazı bilgilere açıklık getiren bu makale, kültürel bir devamlılıkla günümüze taşınan türküler üzerinden mikro-tarih ve biyografi çalışmaları için bir örnek sunmayı hedeflemektedir.
Osmanlı Araştırmaları / The Journal of Ottoman Studies, 61, 2023
This article examines the source, causes and consequences of a general assumption about Ottoman-W... more This article examines the source, causes and consequences of a general assumption about Ottoman-Wahhabi relations, namely the notion that the Ottoman ulema in Istanbul were heedless of Wahhabism despite their occupation of the Hejaz and ultimately left it up to statesmen to resolve the issue. That claim was initially put forward in the 1870s by Ahmed Cevdet Pasha in Tarih-i Cevdet, and it was repeated by many others after him. As such, Cevdet Pasha was deemed to be a guiding force in the molding of the concept of Wahhabism in the Ottoman Empire and in terms of dealing with the issue in detail. However, in the early period in Istanbul, a pamphlet on Wahhabism had already been in circulation, a text that was written, reproduced and widely used by the ulema. Moreover, while Cevdet Pasha made use of the basic tenets set forth in that pamphlet in his work, he did not make reference to it, and in fact he reiterated that the scholars of the period were reckless in their approach to Wahhabism. This article argues that Cevdet Pasha's attitude was steeped in political hostility towards Ataullah Efendi, who was the şeyhülislam of the period and the author of the commentary in the pamphlet. Since Ataullah Efendi played a crucial role in the dethronement of Selim III, the sultan who had enacted the Nizam-ı Cedid, in Cevdet Pasha's eyes Ataullah Efendi had "antiquated ideas." The fact that Cevdet Pasha, who was a proponent of the Tanzimat, sought to negate the existence of Ataullah Efendi's pamphlet and critique the older generation of scholars had a direct impact on how the literature on Ottoman-Wahhabi relations was shaped.
Keshif: E‐Journal for Ottoman‐Turkish Micro Editions, 1/1, 2023
Marmara Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9/2, 2022
Nm cnjtytmbt xûyx…kc' x'ş'm'm snoktlr'k ud cûşûmrdk jîjkû cdğişilkdp l'sa'' e''kixdskdpimim fdkiş... more Nm cnjtytmbt xûyx…kc' x'ş'm'm snoktlr'k ud cûşûmrdk jîjkû cdğişilkdp l'sa'' e''kixdskdpimim fdkişldrixkd cnğptc'm ikfikicip) yip' l'sat's…m x'xf…mk'şl'r… aikfimim cnk'ş…l… ud jûpdrdkkdşld 'â…r…mc'm îmdlki aip pnk nxm'c…-Ty'j ldlkdjdskdpcdji nk'xk'p sdkfp'e xnktxk' j…r' rûpdcd îğpdmikci) xdmi aikfi ud g'adpkdp l'sat x'x…mk'p udrikdrixkd fûmcdl nktşstpl'x' a'şk'c…-At dsjimim fîpûkcûğû 'k'mk'pc'm aipi Nrl'mk… Cdukdsi mim ?epij' ikd nk'm ikişjikdpicip-Atfûmd j'c'p Nrl'mk… c' nm cnjtytmbt xûyx…kc' ?epij' x' c'ip ikfi ud l'ktl's…m 'psl'r… fdmdkkijkd rix'ri xîmdkilkd) ilo'p'snpktj gdcdekdpi ud İssig'c,… İrk'l fiai onkisij'k'pk' xnptlk'm'fdkci-At l'j'kd) Nrl'mk…,?epij' ikişjikdpimcdji at xnğtm ipsia's…m r'cdbd rix'ri gdcdekdpkd 'â…jk'm'l'x'b'ğ…m…) Gims ud Ty'j Cnğt ?rx' ikd nk'm ikişjikdpcd cd fîpûkcûğû fiai) l'sat's cdupilimim atp'c' jikis aip pnk nxm'c…ğ…m… r'utml'js'c…p-Yip' l'sat's e''kixdskdpimim dm îmdlki giyldsi imr'mk'p…m aikfikdpimi) 'kf…k'p…m… ud fûmcdlkdpimi adkipkdldj nkct-Nrl'mk… c' ?epij' xk' ikfiki Sûpjâd x'y…kl…ş x' c' Sûpjâdxd sdpbûld dcikliş drdpkdpi imbdkdxdm at â'k…şl') îydkcd at ikişjikdpim aip x'mr…l'r… nk'p'j Rtc'm aîkfdri g'jj…mc'ji jis'o) cdpfi ud f'ydsdkdpd xnğtmk'şl'js'c…p-L'sat's cdupili îmbdrimcd iji aîkfd g'kj…m…m aipaipkdpi g'jj…mc'ji 'kf…r…m' c' cdğimdpdj at â'ğ…m imr'mk'p…m s'r'uutptmc' md fiai dsjikdp ldxc'm' fdsipciğimi s'ps…şl'js'c…p-:mYgsYo Idkildkdo1 Nrl'mk… Cdukdsi) ?epij') Rtc'm) l'sa'') l'sat's :arsoYbs Nmd ne sgd lnrs etmc'ldms'k bg'mfdr sg's nbbtppdc im sgd mimdsddmsg bdmstpx v'r sgd cdudknoldms ne opimsimf) 'r sgd ropd'c ne opimsdc vnpjr ok'xdc 'm ilonps'ms pnkd im sgd bipbtk'sinm ne imenpl'sinm 'mc fkna'kiy'sinm-Mdvr 'ants dudmsr sg's sp'mroipdc im cirs'ms bntmspidr v'r ropd'c ui' sdkdfp'og: 'r ' pdrtks) imenpl'sinm 'mc mdvr rsnpidr adf'm sn l'jd 'm ilo'bs ax ld'mr ne opimsdc otakib'sinmr-Nmd o'psibtk'p dw'lokd ne rtbg 'm ilo'bs bnmbdpmr sgd pdk'sinmr adsvddm sgd Nssnl'm Dloipd 'mc ?epib'-Sgd imbpd'rdc imsdpdrs 'mc bipbtk'sinm ne imenpl'sinm nm ?epib' im sgd mimdsddmsg,bdmstpx Nssnl'm Dloipd g'r opdcnlim'mskx addm imsdpopdsdc ax lncdpm girsnpi'mr im sdplr ne onkisib'k npidms'sinm) ilodpi'k fn'kr 'mc onkibidr rtbg 'r O'm,Hrk'lirl-Sgir 'psibkd 'pftdr sg's sgd ankrsdpimf ne bnms'bs im Nssnl'm,?epib'm pdk'sinmr b'mmns ad dwok'imdc ax onkisib'k otponrdr 'knmd-Nm sgd bnmsp'px) sgd opimsimf pdunktsinm ok'xdc ' jdx pnkd im sgir pdf'pc) 'r im sgd b'rdr ne Nssnl'm pdk'sinmr visg Hmci' 'mc E'p D'rs ?ri') drodbi'kkx adb'trd sgd l'im bnmspiatsinm ne opimsimf g'r addm sn rg'od odnokd r jmnvkdcfd) odpbdosinmr 'mc 'fdmc'r-Ax dw'limimf) Cq-* L'ql'q' Ömiudqrisdri İmr'm ud Snoktl Aikilkdqi E'jöksdri S'qig Aîkölö* İrs'matk. Söqjixd* nldq-jnbxifis:l'ql'q
أوليا جلبي ورحلة القدس, 2022
(مقدمة - أوليا جلبي ورحلة القدس (١٦٧١-١٦٧٢
Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History, vol. 18, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2021
Al-āthār al-kāmila li-l-Imām al-Mahdī
Sahibi Türkiye Diyanet Vakfý © Bütün yayýn haklarý Türkiye Diyanet Vakfý'na aittir. Yazý ve fotoð... more Sahibi Türkiye Diyanet Vakfý © Bütün yayýn haklarý Türkiye Diyanet Vakfý'na aittir. Yazý ve fotoðraflar kaynak gösterilmeden kullanýlamaz. ISBN 978-975-389-877-5 (Takým) 978-975-389-878-2 (Ek 1. cilt) Yönetim ÝSAM, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfý Ýslâm Araþtýrmalarý Merkezi Ýcadiye Baðlarbaþý caddesi 40 Üsküdar 34662 Ýstanbul Tel : (0 216) 474 08 50 Faks : (0 216) 474 08 74 Elektronik posta : isam@isam.org.tr Basým, Daðýtým ve Pazarlama Türkiye Diyanet Vakfý Yayýn Matbaacýlýk ve Ticaret Ýþletmesi OSTÝM Örnek Sanayi Sitesi, 1256. sokak 11, Yenimahalle 06370 Ankara Tel : (0 312) 354 91 31 Faks : (0 312) 354 91 32 Elektronik posta : tdvyayin@diyanetvakfi.org.tr
After the Sudanese Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad (1844-1885) proclaimed himself as the Mahdi (the predict... more After the Sudanese Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad (1844-1885) proclaimed himself as the Mahdi (the predicted 'redeemer of Islam') in 1881, it concerned the British Empire and the British army, fought by the Mahdist forces. However, especially the Ottoman Empire suffered from this movement, because it lost Sudan during the Mahdi uprising, and the country was never to be part of the Empire again. In this article, I will examine the changes in perception of the Sudanese Mahdi movement by the Ottoman government according to the Ottoman archival documents. The reasons for the changes of Ottoman perception about the Mahdi movement will be discussed in the context of the relationship between the center and the periphery of the Empire in the nineteenth century. By doing so, I intend to show how the news about the Mahdi and his supporters was perceived in Istanbul and whether or not these reactions were the appropriate policy response to actual developments unfolding in Sudan.