Recent Paintings (original) (raw)

“My goal is to bring the viewer to the threshold of narrativity without crossing bring the viewer to the state of pure pictorially." – Liz Markus

MARUANI MERCIER has the pleasure to announce Jonathan Lasker's new exhibition, Recent Paintings.

Lasker is an American abstract painter best known for his works incorporating biomorphic shapes, geometric patterns, and gestural graffiti marks within a shared pictorial space.

Working within the traditions of artists such as Philip Guston and Robert Ryman, Lasker focusses his efforts on reimagining pictorial ideas within the material constraints of painting. “My goal is to bring the viewer to the threshold of narrativity without crossing over,” the artist explains, “to bring the viewer to the state of pure pictorially. Therefore I decided to use unrecognizable abstract forms as surrogate figures. This would convey the pure condition of being a thing in space.” With strong compositional structure and intelligent color choices, this new series of paintings hum with energy.

Lasker's work is in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art, California; The Broad Art Foundation, Santa Monica; Fundacio La Caixa, Barcelona; the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris; and Moderna Museet, Stockholm, among others.

He lives and works in New York City, NY.

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