Shroud of the Avatar’s Release 91 introduces crates as daily questgivers (original) (raw)

The crates are talking to you in Shroud of the Avatar. Whispering desires into your ear. Compelling you to complete their tasks and promising great rewards in the process. Don’t think about how. Don’t question why. Just do as the crates command. Do it. Do it.

That’s right, the sandbox MMORPG’s latest release introduces Storehouse Containers, which can be used to complete daily turn-in quests of various types to earn rewards like XP, gold, and a chance at a large variety of bonus goodies. The new feature is further touted as a means by which SOTA can “provide a variety of possible benefits in the years to come as it continues to be expanded and enhanced” like login rewards, overstock reduction, and supply bundle improvements among other things.

There’s more than just anomalous sentient crates in Release 91, however. There are also new imbued gems and jewels to find, another round of artifact adjustments, and a host of overall adjustments to the game. There’s also been a fix applied to help players who are getting stuck in small doorways. Just Lady Dimitrescu things, am I right?

source: official site (1, 2)

Longtime MOP readers will know that Shroud of the Avatar is a controversial game in the MMO space. Kickstarted in 2013, the game and its original studio have been criticized for cutting promised features, crowdfunding excessively, delaying Kickstarter rewards, obfuscating its corporate leadership and office status, and neglecting SEC filings legally required by the game’s equity crowdfunding. In 2019, Richard Garriott’s company Portalarium sold off SOTA to its lead dev and all but exited the game. Press inquires have repeatedly been met with stonewalling and insults, and equity crowdfund investors were seemingly abandoned without notice, but the game does still have players and is still being developed, as we continue to cover.