Freeland VR is a Kickstarted VR MMO offering multiple planets with various activities (original) (raw)

Looking through the website and watching the video for Freeland VR, it would appear that this new VR MMO is looking to be a little bit of everything to everyone. This upcoming title promises a small galaxy of planets, each one with its own distinct biome and features – Mount Dark lets players engage in open PvP warfare; Beach Planet features surfing, water racing, and golf; Main Land serves as a central social hub as well as a place where road races and a frozen castle raid can be taken up.

The game’s Kickstarter launched at the top of December and made its initial ask in just four hours. The crowdfunding drive ended with just over $134K USD raised and all stretch goals unlocked. Backers of the project can already start the process of reserving their usernames and signing up for the game’s closed alpha test.

A timeline for when Freeland VR will enter wider release isn’t currently ironed out, but the game’s current roadmap is eyeballing a backers-only closed beta test later this year, followed by an open beta build sometime after that. For now, the preview video below offers a brief glimpse of what this game is offering. Which, by all accounts, is pretty much all the things.