Is every sigma-algebra the Borel algebra of a topology? (original) (raw)

This question arises from the excellent question posed on math.SE by Salvo Tringali, namely, Correspondence between Borel algebras and topology. Since the question was not answered there after some time, I am bringing it up here on mathoverflow in the hopes that it may find an answer here.

For any topological space, one may consider the Borel sets of the space, the sigma\sigmasigma-algebra generated by the open sets of that topology. The question is whether every sigma\sigmasigma-algebra arises in this way.

Question. Is every sigma\sigmasigma-algebra the Borel algebra of a topology?

In other words, does every sigma\sigmasigma-algebra Sigma\SigmaSigma on a set XXX contain a topology tau\tautau on XXX such that Sigma\SigmaSigma is the sigma\sigmasigma algebra generated by the sets in tau\tautau?

Some candidate counterexamples were proposed on the math.SE question, but ultimately shown not to be counterexamples. For example, my answer there shows that the collection of Lebesgue measurable sets, which seemed at first as though it might be a counterexample, is nevertheless the Borel algebra of the topology consisting of sets of the form O−NO-NON, where OOO is open in the usual topology and NNN is measure zero. A proposed counterexample of Gerald Edgar's there, however, remains unresolved. And I'm not clear on the status of a related proposed counterexample of George Lowther's.

Meanwhile, allow me to propose here a few additional candidate counterexamples:

Please enlighten me by showing either that these are not actually counterexamples or that they are, or by giving another counterexample or a proof that there is no counterexample.

If the answer to the question should prove to be affirmative, but only via strange or unattractive topologies, then consider it to go without saying that we also want to know how good a topology can be found (Hausdorff, compact and so on) to generate the given sigma\sigmasigma-algebra.