mathrockfans - Profile (original) (raw)
a community for fans of math rock.
1.6 band, a minor forest, a-z consolidated, akarso, angel hair, arcwelder, ativin, automaton adventure series, bisybackson, braid, c-clamp, clikatat ikatowi, colossamite, computer cougar, creedle, creta bourzia, death of marat, del rey, dianogah, don caballero, drill for absentee, drive like jehu, durian, el guapo, epitonic, faraquet, farm team, fin fang foom, franklin, golden, haymarket riot, hilkka, hurl, inlantic, jettison flammable, june of 44, keleton dmd, last of the juanitas, lumen, lustre king, math rock, my lai, neutrino, oxes, p.e.e., paul newman, replicator, rye coalition, seki, serotonin, shake ray turbine, shellac, shipping news, shotmaker, spanakorzo, spatula, splendorbin, starometska, stereobate, storm and stress, surrogat, sweep the leg johnny, the 1985, the 90 day men, the cranium, the distance formula, the dropscience, the feud, the hal al shedad, the jesus lizard, the ladderback, the mercury program, the red scare, the sorts, the trema, thingy, thumbnail, tristeza, unwound, victory at sea