M A X E E N (original) (raw)

M a x e e n
[31 May 2006|09:16am]
Sound of Superman Contest4 winners will get a copy of the "Sound of Superman" CDSound of Superman is a collection of 14 hot new bands paying musical tribute to the red-caped American icon that is synonymous with Truth, Justice and the American WayCheck out the Maxeen song “Save Me” Enter http://www.isound.com/contests/
Don't Talk to Stangers
[21 Feb 2005|06:44pm]
hey if anyone had any extra Take Action Tour tickets, or any they want to get rid of, for the march 10th show in NYC pleassseee let me know. thank u.
1 |x Don't Talk to Stangers
[28 Nov 2004|09:26pm]
[ **mood** | cranky ] i have a black pullover hoodie that says MAXEEN in white letters.size adult medium. its worn so ill take $10 for it.aim - bolimic rainbows
2 |x Don't Talk to Stangers
[18 Nov 2004|08:43pm]
[ **mood** | content ] hee.. I'm seeing maxeen again tomorrow. I'm so excited. I haven't seen them since May. Anyone else coming to the Frisco show?
2 |x Don't Talk to Stangers
superb rainy-day surprise! [18 Oct 2004|04:08pm]
[ **mood** | cheerful ] I'm so excited! 'Soleil' had just come on my randomizer.... I was checking my e-mail and studying... when and lo and behold, an e-mail that Maxeen is playing at my school! WashU is in for a killer show... and I am simply tickled pink! I first saw them when they played at High-Pointe with The Format and Limbeck, immediately bought their cd. Is anyone thinking of attending the show in StL?
Don't Talk to Stangers
The New drivenfaroff.com Up Tomorrow [16 Oct 2004|08:22pm]
[ **mood** | productive ] What's up everyone!!! Well a little bird told me that we will have a new website up tomorrow!! I can't tell you how happy I'm going to be to revile it to you guys. I hope you will like all the new features they won't all be 100% right away but we will be expanding on them all the time. Check back on Sunday most likely late afternoon for the new site. And if you can help in anyway by telling your friends or posting a link we will love you forever!! Thanks for your time and see you soon! www.drivenfaroff.com
1 |x Don't Talk to Stangers
beautful signs of love [28 Sep 2004|01:00am]
[ **mood** | bouncy ] i live in omaha....ive seen them 4 times....and each time they were better and better. after getting the chance to know the guys a little better....i put them right on top of my favorites. So original and very talented with there abilitys....i fell in love...well im off.....
Don't Talk to Stangers
Warped Tour [13 Aug 2004|10:55pm]
[ **mood** | contemplative ] At Warped Tour I was wearing a M A X E E N shirt that I had made and so many people were telling me how excited they were to see them. And I kept having to tell everyone they werent playing warped. It was kind of sad having to say it over and over because I wish they could have been there.
3 |x Don't Talk to Stangers
[03 Aug 2004|04:03pm]
hey i just joined, my names rob and i live in MI. ive been listening to maxeen for awhile now, and i think there one of the most original, and all around best bands out there. i just got a new journal (this one) and my old one is problemchild06 im always up to talkin to new people so add me if you want. later
8 |x Don't Talk to Stangers
[16 Jul 2004|10:16pm]
[ **mood** | curious ] Hey. Just joined this thing, so I thought I would introduce myself. The name's Jessica, I live in Chicago, and I've been a fan of Maxeen for a while now, but I just started getting into posting in communities and such. Anywho anyone have any good pictures of the guys?
3 |x Don't Talk to Stangers
[15 Jul 2004|05:54pm]
[ **mood** | curious ] According to The Scout, Maxeen has signed with Warner Brothers Records.source: absolutepunk.net...has anybody else heard about this??? hey but i thought they were one side one? are they on a one cd contract or something? or can majors just buy a band anytime? eh, i'm confused.AP.net did have a gosspic icon though, so i don't know.=jimmie
Don't Talk to Stangers
[11 Jul 2004|01:10pm]
[ **mood** | cheerful ] Hey, all! This LJ community used to not show up on my computer, no idea why, but I'm glad to see it's working. Tahnee, are you PoisonJune? This is Liza, from the Maxeen boards, not sure if you remember me though. The boards aren't working for me anymore, so I haven't been there for a while. I loove your new layout, btw!So how did everyone here get to liking Maxeen? I went to a Flogging Molly show at Slim's in San Francisco, and Maxeen was opening, and I loved them and their music right away. I've seen and met them a few times since then, and they're awesome guys. Missed Warped tour this year though, that sucked. :(Does anyone have news on their upcoming shows in California?
3 |x Don't Talk to Stangers
yeayah. [09 Jul 2004|10:29am]
[ **mood** | amused ] maxeen is freaken awesome. i will post pics of them later. untill then will you kids join my community :polyester_pants you can post pretty much anything..but its mostly about
Don't Talk to Stangers
maxeen... june 18 [05 Jul 2004|12:11pm]
[ **mood** | creative ] I meant to post before, anywho, I saw them on the 18'th.. it was specila. Tom Bailey is gorgeous, oh yesssss siirrr. I knew all the words to all the songs, and I wore my pink maxeen shirt. Jay, Shannon and Tom are all soo incredibly nice! I've met em all now!
Don't Talk to Stangers
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