mayhem_icons (original) (raw)

Recently, I found someone who I don't think knew the difference between a base and a icon. They took my bases, brightened the contrast slightly then reposted them as their own icons as seen below. Taking a base, and altering it very insignificantly, then claiming it as your own is stealing. It is the equivalent to stealing someone's essay, changing a sentence, then claiming it as your own.

My BASE: - Their ICON:

That is not enough of a change to be considered an icon. I wont post the name, because I am not mean and don't want people to flame that individual. I don't want to be mean incase it wasn't malicious, and it was just uninformed.

What Is A Base?:
A base is a photo, scan, or still capture that is creatively cropped to 100x100 which is the standard icon size. They are sometimes cleaned up, or lightened just to make them nice and clean to work with. Other than that, they are hardly altered. They contain no brushes, or text of any kind. They are usually made for others to obtain and create icons from. To customize.

What Is A Icon?:
A icon starts with a base. Whether you make it yourself, or save a base from somewhere else. A icon is customized. Brushes, textures, gradients and text is usually used to create these icons. People have their different rules for their own bases and icons. Those who post "textless" icons usually have effects done to them and are usually always need to be credited.

Should I Credit?:
Most base makers and icon makers have their own set of rules and tell you in each post. If you are uncertain, the best course of action is to comment and ask. Better safe than sorry.

An Example:

If you have questions, feel free to comment

anxious Mood:anxiousMusic:TV - InfomercialTags:bases, credit, info