mbp_parents (original) (raw)

Dead community? What's that? [Dec. 10th, 2006|12:58 pm]Must Be Pop's Parents
I'm Sara Evans. I'm a country singer, songwriter but my most important job is being a mother to three little angels. Avery Jack Lyons (August 21, 1999), Olivia Margaret (January 22, 2003) and Audrey Elizabeth (October 6,2004). I'm a single mother I guess you could say as I go through a nasty divorce.I'll end this post with a question.How do you handle the holidays with your children under a stressful time? I really just worry about them since this is there first christmas with out their father around.
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(no subject) [Aug. 10th, 2006|12:47 am]Must Be Pop's Parents
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(no subject) [Jun. 28th, 2006|09:09 pm]Must Be Pop's Parents
CONGRATULATIONS MARISKA & PETERMariska Hargitay gave birth to a baby boy today via C-section, 10 pounds 9 ounces. Huge kid! But it was a week past her due date. Congratulations again!
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(no subject) [May. 14th, 2006|11:17 am]Must Be Pop's Parents
[mood** |happyhappy]Mother**. A woman who conceives, gives birth to, or raises and nurtures a child. A female ancestor. Used as a title for a woman respected for her wisdom and age. Maternal love and tenderness. To watch over, nourish, and protect maternally.Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers and would-be mothers out there today. I can't put into words just yet on what it means to be a mother, though you do take care of your child even before its born. Perhaps someone else would like to share about it? But I have to thank my mum, and my grandmum, and all others mums out there for being yourselves and being such wonderful people.
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(no subject) [May. 5th, 2006|11:38 pm]Must Be Pop's Parents
Great community, thanks for starting it.I'm Vincent D'Onofrio and I have two wonderful children who are my world. Without them I'd be an empty shell of a person. My daughter Leila turned 14 in March and my son Elias is 5 and a half. Leila lives in England with her mum but she spends more than half the year with me here in New York. Elias lives here in the city and spend his time between my home and his mothers, but there's almost never a day I don't see him, unless I'm out of town that is. I'd give almost anything to have them both under the same roof 365 days a year, but that can't happen so I'm pleased with the time I do have with them. I really mean it when I say my kids are my everything
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(no subject) [May. 5th, 2006|01:17 pm]Must Be Pop's Parents
My husband, stevenspiel, already posted the details of our family, so I won't repeat them.I chose this icon deliberately, because having seven children is like being in a rodeo sometimes.
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(no subject) [May. 5th, 2006|09:26 am]Must Be Pop's Parents
My name is Steven Spielberg, and I'm a parentholic.Once upon a time, I didn't really want to be a father. That changed after I directed "E.T."Today my wife, the lovely and insane kate_capshaw, and I have a total of seven children ranging in age from 9 to 29.Jessica (29) is from Kate's first marriage. Max (soon to be 22) is from my first marriage. The rest are ours: Theo, 17; Sasha, who will be 16 next Sunday; Sawyer, who just turned 13; Mikaela, 10; and Destry, 9.Four girls, three boys.Two are adopted.None of them look alike.The cost of college tuition is going to wipe me out.
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(no subject) [May. 5th, 2006|12:09 pm]Must Be Pop's Parents
Thank you, Rachel, for creating this community.I'm 42 years old and this is my first child. When I was growing up, I'd always heard that women over 40 shouldn't have babies, all the complications that come with their age and the way their bodies have changed over the years. When I hit 40, I'd pretty much resigned myself to never having children, so when I found out that I was pregnant, I was both thrilled and terrified. What if there were problems, what if something happened to the baby? I know that my fears and concerns are valid ones, not just for my age, but for any woman. Still, I had nightmares during my first trimester and didn't want to tell anyone the news until I knew that everything was going to be alright.As much as I might have complained about morning sickness, roller-coaster hormones, not being able to fit into any of my clothes, I really have enjoyed being pregnant. I almost don't want it to end.( Me at 7 monthsCollapse )
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Welcome to mbp_parents. [Apr. 28th, 2006|08:36 pm]Must Be Pop's Parents
[**mood** |cheerfulcheerful]Greetings fellow parents and children supports of Must Be Pop! This community has hopes of being used by all of those who love children, have children, or are even role models for children. A lot of us do fit into one of those categories if not more, so I hope that this place will get some use out of it. Everyone may feel free to post pictures, stories, questions, anything and everything about children. My name is Rachel, and I'm an expecting mother. I've a few weeks left; it's arrived at that point where it's harder to sleep, Baby's fidgeting frequently at night, and I do miss seeing my feet. But little things come in large packages. We haven't decided on a name yet; my fiance is Darren Aronofsky, and with such an exotic last name, we want to keep the first name rather simple. Boy or girl, it doesn't matter, though I might want a girl a teensy bit more. ( A little old, but there we are.Collapse )
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