mckay_sheppard - Profile (original) (raw)

Welcome to mckay_sheppard, the livejournal community for fans of the pairing of Rodney McKay and John Sheppard from Stargate: Atlantis. Your mods are alyse and temaris. Please feel free to contact them if you have any problems.

The community is open to all, and we'd love it if you posted fic, fanart, discussion of episodes or whatever else related to McKay and Sheppard you would like. There are a few simple rules and following them makes life a little bit easier for everyone.

Rules and Guidelines

1. Be courteous to your fellow members or be smited with modly wrath.

2. No off topic posts. This is a high volume community, with a lot of posts made each day. If we see them, we'll delete them. If you're not sure what's on or off topic, please see this post. Requests for betas or help in finding particular stories or genres are considered off-topic; please use sga_beta, sgastoryfinders or sgagenrefinders respectively.

3. Please remember to lj-cut any large images or stories longer than a drabble or that are adult in nature, and please be considerate of your fellow fans and both lj-cut and warn for spoilers for the current season.

4. Rate your story: Please include ratings whenever you post a story here, and also when you post a link to stories in your own journal or in other communities. And please make the ratings clear, i.e. no angry wombats or similar.

5. Fill in the subject line: Please include the name of the story, vid etc or a description (wallpaper for example) as well as the author in the subject line when posting. It makes it a lot easier to add things to the memories of this community. For example:

Good: Bright Ideas by alyse (PG-13)

Bad: (blank subject line)

Not of the good: My latest fic!

Including the rating in the subject line also helps me to remember where we should be putting it, as the fic memories are categorised by rating. Thank you.

6. Say no to funky coding! Please bear in mind that not everyone has perfect eyesight. Therefore, please do not use hard coded font tags in your stories. That post gives more information about what that means, why it's important and how to get around it if you're trying to read something where the author has ignored this request.

7. Minimum word count - because this is a high volume community, after consultation with the membership, we have decided that all fiction posted here in a separate post should be at least 100 words long. Where pieces are smaller than that, you are welcome to combine announcements or stories into one post as long as the combined stories have a minimum word count of 100.

For smaller pieces, you might wish to consider posting on mcsheplets, which specialises in pieces below 500 words.

8. Frequency of posting - again, as this is a high volume community, members are also asked to combine their posts to save other people's flists. This means, for example, not announcing different parts of the same WIP in different posts on the same day, combining story announcements into one post if a number of stories are being announced at the same time, and generally being considerate of other users.

We therefore ask that members try not to post more than once a day. Persistently posting more than five posts in a week may be considered spamming and, if continued indefinitely, may result in posting access being temporarily restricted until a reasonable compromise is reached.

9. Tag your post! The community is set up to use tags to make locating stories and information more easily. Please include your author tag, a ratings tag and at least one genre tag (or more if you wish) on new posts. New authors who do not yet have a tag should use 'author: new author' so the mods can retag their post easily. You can check the list of community tags if you want to see what's available. The admin post on tagging has more information.

e.g. author: new author, genre: au - alternate universe, genre: established relationship, rating: g

We tend to be fairly light-handed when it comes to moderation, but you can find a list of admin posts tagged here or in the memories here if you want to know what's what, when we stomp and how hard.

Other Cool Places to Visit

If you're a fan of McKay and Sheppard, you may also be interested in checking out the following:

Livejournal Communities

The Fandom Guide to Stargate: Atlantis on Livejournal

mckay_daily - daily pics of Rodney McKay or the actor who plays him

sheppard_daily - the same, but for John Sheppard or Joe Flanigan

atlantis100 - drabble community for Stargate: Atlantis

metatlantis - discussion of all aspects of the show

mcsheplets - for shorter McKay/Sheppard pieces, specialising in stories of less than 500 words.

sgastoryfinders - please use this community to find a story you've read but can't remember where it is rather than posting a question in mckay_sheppard. Not only are you more likely to get an answer, but you won't end up spamming people's friendslists and then the mods won't have to eat you :)

sga_beta - find a beta reader. Please use that community instead of posting to mckay_sheppard. If you're more mailing list orientated, you can also try Wraithbeta.

Mailing Lists

The McShepSlash mailing list - for fans of that pairing

Wraithbait - slash mailing list for all pairings within SG: Atlantis


Please note, however, that the McShepSlash archive has not, to my knowledge, been updated since November 2004.

Wraithbait also has an automated LJ feed, which keeps subscribers informed of updates to the site: wraithbait_feed. More information can be found in this post.

Other Useful Resources

Crossroads :: SGA Slash Thematic Fic Index and Threesomes List - find McKay/Sheppard stories by theme (aliens made them do it to zoological transformations)