Welcome delinquents... (original) (raw)

The List of Students Currently Enrolled

Jun. 3rd, 2009 | 02:39 am

mood: excitedexcited
posted by: principal_m in mcmahon_high

( Roll Call!Collapse )

Tags: !taken characters


Jan. 27th, 2008 | 06:58 am

location: room.
mood: accomplishedaccomplished
posted by: principal_m in mcmahon_high

The roleplay is now open, but that doesn't mean you still can't join in on the fun! We are accepting applications and taking reservations!
Note: Reservations will last one week.


[date reservation was placed] Character Name - user's LJ


Tags: construction, reserves


Jan. 27th, 2008 | 06:45 am

location: room.
mood: tiredtired
music: silence still.
posted by: principal_m in mcmahon_high

( Copy & PasteCollapse )

Keep in mind, McMahon High is a reformatory for delinquent teens. Please create the personality/history accordingly.

Tags: !applications

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