Slash the MCU (original) (raw)

07 February 2021 @ 11:57 pm

16 September 2019 @ 01:02 pm

Title: Unchanged (on AO3)
Fandom: MCU, Captain America movies
Pairings(s): Steve/Bucky
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~3800
Warnings/Tags: graphic sex / angst with a happy ending, emotional hurt comfort, post-serum Steve, WW2 setting, Steve's POV
Disclaimer: Don't own or profit from them

Summary: Steve's feelings for Bucky hadn't changed. But they were both different men now, especially Steve, and he wasn't sure what the consequences would be to their relationship.

Author's notes: This takes place after Bucky has been rescued from the prison camp. It's a part of a series, and you don't have to read the previous stories for this to make sense, but it'll give more perspective on things :)

Thank you to the lovely Brumeier for the beta and support, any remaining mistakes are mine.

You can read the fic on AO3.

09 September 2019 @ 11:33 pm

Almost Love banner

Pairing: Steve and Bucky
Song: ‘Skin’ by Rag'n'Bone Man
Spoilers: Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame.
Video and banner by: tv_fan_2008 (aka


on YouTube)

You can watch the video


at my LJ.

Pairing: Thor/Loki
Rating: M
Words: 980
Author: bouyant_tomato

Summary: Loki is an unabashed gold digger who is not looking to stop anytime soon. While on the hunt for a new benefactor he meets Thor, a sweet natured, handsome as all hells, millionaire. Can anyone blame Loki for sinking his claws in a little? But he quickly finds that Thor may be something else. Will Loki get in his own way? Or will Loki be able to let down his guard?

Chapter 1

The First Binding (24369 words) by hafital
Author: hafital (hafital on AO3, Tumblr, etc)
Rating: Explicit

Relationships: Steve Rogers/Thor

Characters: Steve Rogers, Thor (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Original Characters, Lady Eir
Additional Tags: Thundershield - Freeform, Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Weddings, Romance, Steve and Thor get married, twice

Series: Part 2 of Starborn and Stormbreaker. This is a sequel to Starborn. I recommend reading that story first.

Summary: He held out his two hands, and Thor immediately took them in his. “What say we get hitched already?”

“A fine plan. Lead the way,” answered Thor.

They led the procession of Avengers, Einherjar, Valkyrie, and the wolf, all together down through the streets, with Asgard cheering on both sides.

12 August 2017 @ 10:08 pm

So since I'm doing a rewatch of the Iron Man movies I'm looking for some Tony centric fanfic's with him dealing with his PTSD and perhaps some angst/whump in it, any pairings, any recommendations?

The Defenders Big Bang is now open for sign-ups!

Sign up to be a WRITER here.

Sign up to be an ARTIST here.

Check our out Schedule and our Guidelines.

Participants in the Defenders Big Bang will create stories and art focusing on one or more of the characters from Marvel’s The Defenders Netflix universe. This includes all the characters from Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist, as well as from The Punisher. If you want to write about the Defenders teaming up with the Avengers or another team, go for it, just keep your focus on the Defenders character(s). You don’t have to just focus on the ones with the superpowers, though. If you want to write an ode to Claire Temple, a character study of Misty Knight, or just Foggy Nelson Having a Really Good Day, this is the bang for you.

This bang welcomes both gen fic and romantic/sexual pairings (any of them, including OT3+). Stories can be canon compliant, canon divergent, AUs, alternate timeline, or crossovers.

New to fanfiction? New to Marvel? What better way to get your feet wet than with a fun challenge pairing writers and artists to create something new and exciting!

Old school ficcer? Lifelong Marvel fan? Bring your expertise and experience to the table for a brand new crop of readers to enjoy!

Artists of all forms are invited to join in the fun. Be ready to join the Defenders Big Bang team with digital or traditional drawings, graphics, manips, gifsets, fanmixes, fanvids, podfics, and more!

Don't forget to follow us on Tumblr!

23 December 2016 @ 06:25 pm

Title: Nothing Personal
Author: tenderly_wicked
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Steve/Bucky, Steve/Everett Ross
Wordcount: 14,368
Warnings: dub-con, self-harm, mentions of torture and brainwashing.
Beta: foreheadofsecurity. Thank you so much!
Summary: Inspired by this prompt. Captain America, of all people, is highly unlikely to end up in an abusive relationship. He’s able to stand up for himself, right? Except that maybe he doesn’t want to.

Nothing Personal (on AO3)

20 December 2016 @ 02:20 pm

Fandom: MCU
Title: Blood Will Have Blood
Author: cordeliadelayne
Pairing: Steve/Bucky
Rating: G
Word count: 1,147
Summary: Steve looks after an injured Bucky.
Notes: Written as a Christmas present for the lovely kristen_mara. Set vaguely during Civil War. Title from Macbeth.


19 December 2016 @ 05:52 pm

Title: Nothing Personal
Author: tenderly_wicked
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 11,016 so far
Pairing: Steve/Bucky, Steve/Everett Ross
Warnings: dub-con, self-harm, mentions of torture and brainwashing.
Beta: foreheadofsecurity . Thank you so much!
Summary: Inspired by this prompt. Captain America, of all people, is highly unlikely to end up in an abusive relationship. He’s able to stand up for himself, right? Except that maybe he doesn’t want to.

Nothing Personal (on AO3)