M e a - C u l p a; (original) (raw)

01 October 2010 @ 06:36 pm

Something different for once hehe. :)
I'm so very sorry about the wait between updates, I've been busy trying to see about what I'm going to do about college, but it's looking like until January I won't be attending school, so maybe I'll update more frequently. :D' Hopefully I'll be out of my graphics funk soon.

Sorry, the wallpapers cannot be made in another resolution. :(

[03] 1280x800 Vampire Knight wallpapers
[01] 1280x800 Gaspard Ulliel wallpaper

TOTAL: 04 wallpapers


( still we breathe with broken lungsCollapse )

- Read our rules before taking anything por favor. :]
- Please comment if you're taking anything.
- Suggest icon subjects to me, and I'll see what I can do. :]
- If you'd like me to make a tutorial on any of these icons, please feel free to comment the entry and ask. :)
- Please watch the community if you like our stuff. ♥

Current Location: United States, Houston, Texas

Current Mood: goodgood

Ughhh. Well... I've been busy...? .__________.
I've been having HORRIBLE graphics block, couldn't even open Photoshop for a month. :/
That's no excuse for a tiny update though, and for that I'm sorry.
I didn't feel like colouring though... I'M SUCH A HORRIBLE GRAPHICS DESIGNER! TT__________TT'
Oh jeebus I shudder to think how I'll get when I start college in the fall. .____.

[01] Akuma to Love Song icon
[05] Vampire Knight icons

( we read the signs completely backwardsCollapse )

- Read our rules before taking anything por favor. :]
- Please comment if you're taking anything.
- Suggest icon subjects to me, and I'll see what I can do. :]
- If you'd like me to make a tutorial on any of these icons, please feel free to comment the entry and ask. :)
- Please watch the community if you like our stuff. ♥

Current Location: United States, Texas, Houston

Current Mood: pessimisticpessimistic

I haven't touched Photoshop in like a month. ;________;
I'm having what is commonly referred to as a 'graphics block'.
Due to the insanity of Senior year, and the graphics block, along with other stuff, I've just had no inspiration.

I'll try and get my butt into gear and start making some icons again, cause I really do miss the creative process. Just slightly. :)'
But I don't think an update will be possible until May, just cause of the insanity of Prom preparations. :('
And even then an update will be small because of graduation preparations as well, so... yeah...

Current Location: United States, Texas, Houston

Current Mood: discontentdiscontent

Only 15 icons
ft. TVXQ's Jaejoong, F(x), Kara, and Won Bin.
under the cut.


20 February 2010 @ 12:55 am

Haha, less than a month to update this time! :D
Beware, there are many many many variations. Couldn't help myself :3'
I'm gonna be trying my hand at icon text textures, so look out for that my next update.
[26] Vampire Knight icons
TOTAL = 26 icons

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

( my friend you've fooled yourself again, into thinking it's realCollapse )

- Read our rules before taking anything por favor. :]
- Please comment if you're taking anything.
- Suggest icon subjects to me, and I'll see what I can do. :]
- If you'd like me to make a tutorial on any of these icons, please feel free to comment the entry and ask. :)
- Please watch the community if you like our stuff. ♥

Current Location: United States, Texas, Houston

31 January 2010 @ 10:28 pm

So it's been a super long time since I posted, and for that I apologize, if there's one thing I hate it's dead communities, and that's the truth.
Long story short: I've been having lots of problems irl, and I've been super busy. And to add to that, I updated to Windows 7, and ended up losing nearly everything except all my graphics, some of my textures, and all of my animanga pictures, Thank jeebus. As for everything else, including all my pictures of models, celebrities, fashion editorials, and bands, I've lost and have to start my lovely little pictures collection all over again, so for a while, I'll only be able to make animanga icons. Now that's not a necessarily a bad thing, but I always like to have variety and it sucks not to be able to have variety. On another note, I have not been able to get a hold of Kagome, so I guess until she has time or we talk or something, I'll be handling all updates from now on.

Haha, it still ended up being a semi-long story~ Sorry! ^^'

So as a consequence, I only have a very small batch, so I'm very sorry for that as well. u__________u

Anyway to the goods I have for y'all:

[8] Model icons (Almost all Jessica Stam)
[11] Vampire Knight icons
[4] Textures

( i lost myself so long ago, i hid my sins where i thought no one would knowCollapse )

- Read our rules before taking anything por favor. :]
- Please comment if you're taking anything.
- Suggest icon subjects to me, and I'll see what I can do. :]
- Please watch the community if you like our stuff. ♥

Current Location: United States, Texas, Houston

Current Mood: guiltyguilty

28 October 2009 @ 09:45 pm

It's been a long time.
I will start iconing soon. I've just been so busy because I have so many projects that I haven't even looked at Photoshop. x____________X
I'll start now, and probably mid-November, I'll have a nice batch.
Until then, toodles~ :('

Current Location: United States, Texas, Houston

Current Mood: workingworking

26 September 2009 @ 08:01 pm

I'm posting just a few headers, no icons because school has seriously been kicking my ass. Senior year is just so crazy. @____________@
I'll start iconing soon I hope, after my workload has diminished some. I hope you like the headers, I tried my bestest. :3

[4] Headers
( as keys went out of tune, I heard a song I never knewCollapse )

Also we have a new affiliate, amarylis. The graphics are just really amazing~

- Read our rules before taking anything por favor. :]
- Please comment if you're taking anything.
- Suggest icon subjects to me, and I'll see what I can do. :]
- Please watch the community if you like our stuff. ♥

Current Location: United States, Texas, Houston

Current Mood: lethargiclethargic

13 September 2009 @ 12:39 am

It makes me feel all giddy inside.
Features Emma Watson.
I'll edit this entry and post a few headers later. :D

Current Location: United States, Texas, Houston

Current Mood: accomplishedaccomplished

04 September 2009 @ 10:58 pm

This is a tiny update, mostly because I haven't had time to icon cause of school. D:

Hope you like! There's lots of variations, I can't help myself sometimes... *____*'
Btw, I will try to change the layout soon. :3

Photobucket Photobucket

[15] VK icons
[7] Akuma to Love Song icons
[1] Flapjack icon
[1] Chowder icon

TOTAL = 24 icons
( don't meddle with her heart, meddle with her mindCollapse )

- Read our rules before taking anything por favor. :]
- Please comment if you're taking anything.
- Suggest icon subjects to me, and I'll see what I can do. :]
- Please watch the community if you like our stuff. ♥

Current Location: United States, Texas, Houston

Current Mood: thirstythirsty