Jozsef Czimmer | University of Pécs (original) (raw)

Papers by Jozsef Czimmer

Research paper thumbnail of Capsaicin-Sensitive Afferent Nerves and the Human Gastrointestinal Tract

InTech eBooks, Jul 16, 2014

and these studies incorporated the different regulatory mechanisms of capsaicin in the human stom... more and these studies incorporated the different regulatory mechanisms of capsaicin in the human stomach, gastric mucosal preventive effects of capsaicin(noids) on the NSAID-induced gastric mucosal damage, chronic gastritis with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) positive and negative gastritis (with and without eradication treatment). We performed immuno-histochemical examinations of capsaicin receptor (TRPV1), calcitoningene-related peptide (CGRP), substance P (SP) in the human GI mucosa of patients with various GI disorders, took significant steps in the development of capsaicin containing drug and drug combinations (with aspirin, diclofenac, Naproxen), including the preparation of protocols for human phase I. examinations [and to carried out these examinations after the receiving permission from the National Institute of Pharmacy (Budapest, Hungary) and National Clinical Pharmacological and Ethical Committee of Hungary]. Capsaicin-Sensitive Neural Afferentation and the Gastrointestinal Tract: from Bench to Bedside 214 2. Materials and methods The observations were carried out in 198 healthy human subjects aged 25-65 years (40± 10 years) and in 178 patients with various GI disorders (gastritis, erosion, ulcer, polyps, cancer and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, polyps, precancerous states, colorectal cancer), aged ranged 25-75 years (45±10), 69 patients with chronic gastritis 39-68 years (mean: 56.4 years) (altogether 445 healthy persons and GI patients).

Research paper thumbnail of The role of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and false positive diagnosis of lactose intolerance in southwest Hungary—A retrospective observational study

PLOS ONE, May 8, 2020

Background Lactose intolerance is a frequent gastrointestinal disease affecting 47% of the Easter... more Background Lactose intolerance is a frequent gastrointestinal disease affecting 47% of the Eastern European population. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) leads to carbohydrate malabsorption and therefore to false results during lactose breath and tolerance tests. Objectives We aimed to assess the prevalence of lactose maldigestion and intolerance in Hungary and to investigate the role of combined diagnostic method and testing for SIBO in reducing false results. Methods We retrospectively analyzed data from 264 adult symptomatic patients who underwent 50g lactose breath and tolerance tests in parallel over a one-year period at our center. A �20 ppm elevation of H 2 or less than 1.1 mmol/l rise of blood glucose was diagnostic for lactose maldigestion. Patients with maldigestion who had symptoms during the test were defined as lactose intolerant. Patients with an early (�90 min) significant (�20 ppm) rise of H 2 during lactose and/or lactulose breath tests were determined to have SIBO. Patients with slow/rapid oro-cecal transit and inappropriate preparation before the test were excluded. Results 49.6% of the 264 patients had lactose maldigestion, and 29.5% had lactose intolerance. The most frequent symptom was bloating (22.7%), while 34.8% of the study population and 60% of the symptomatic patients had SIBO. In 9.1% and 9.8% of the patients, the lactose

Research paper thumbnail of Six Autoimmune Disorders Are Associated With Increased Incidence of Gastric Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Half a Million Patients

Frontiers in Immunology, Nov 23, 2021

Background: Gastric cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, with a high mortality rat... more Background: Gastric cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, with a high mortality rate. The potential etiological role of autoimmune (AI) disorders has been described in gastric cancer; however, the literature is controversial. This study aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the association between autoimmune disorders and the incidence of gastric cancer. Methods: This study was registered on PROSPERO under registration number CRD42021262875. The systematic literature search was conducted in four scientific databases up to May 17, 2021. Studies that reported standardized incidence rate (SIR) of gastric cancer in autoimmune disorders were eligible. We calculated pooled SIRs with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) in this meta-analysis. Results: We included 43 articles describing 36 AI disorders with data of 499,427 patients from four continents in our systematic review and meta-analysis. Significantly increased incidence of gastric cancer was observed in dermatomyositis (

Research paper thumbnail of Case of severe gastric ulcer bleeding of DES stent wearing patient. Efficacy of proton pump inhibitors on ulcer healing in anti platlet drug treatment

Zeitschrift Fur Gastroenterologie, May 7, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of A Nissen-féle fundoplicatio sikeressége és az azt befolyásoló faktorok. Eredmények a Pécsi Tudományegyetemen az indikációk és tünetek függvényében

Orvosi Hetilap, Jun 1, 2018

Bevezetés: A gastrooesophagealis refluxbetegség a fejlett országokban a leggyakoribb gastrointest... more Bevezetés: A gastrooesophagealis refluxbetegség a fejlett országokban a leggyakoribb gastrointestinalis betegségek közé tartozik. Terápiájában a konzervatív kezelés mellett dedikált esetekben ma is nagy szerep jut a sebészeti beavatkozásoknak. Célkitűzés: Vizsgálatunk célja a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Sebészeti Klinikáján 2007 és 2014 között Nissen-féle fundoplicatión átesett betegek műtéti és 6 hónapos követéses eredményeinek feldolgozása, irodalmi eredményekkel való összehasonlítása (quality control) és a sikerességet befolyásoló faktorok (elsősorban a pszichiátriai társbetegség dokumentált jelenléte és antidepresszánsszedés) felderítése volt. Módszer: 166 beteg összesen 183 műtéti és posztoperatív adatai kerültek kigyűjtésre a Pécsi Tudományegyetem betegadatbázisából. Statisztikai analízis: Az adatok elemzése leíró statisztikával-relatív gyakoriság-és odds ratióval 95%-os valószínűségi szinttel történt. Eredmények: Vizsgálatunk kimutatta, hogy a primer fundoplicatiók leggyakoribb indikációja a protonpumpagátló (PPI)-refrakteritással társuló hiatus hernia volt (54%). A reoperációk indikációi gyakoriság tekintetében jelentős eltéréseket mutattak az irodalmi adatokhoz képest, azonban a reoperációs ráta centrumunkban (8%) megfelelt a nemzetközi tapasztalatoknak (5-10%). A műtétet követően a betegek 62%-ának volt valamilyen panasza. A puffadás kivételével ezek gyakoribbak voltak a nők körében. Operáció után 93,67% tapasztalt valamilyen szintű javulást a refluxos tüneteiben. Ismételt PPI-kezelésre 37%-nak volt szüksége 6 hónapon belül. Különböző posztoperatív beavatkozásokra az esetek 9%-ában került sor. A női nem és pszichiátriai társbetegség rontotta, az utóbbi esetben az antidepreszszánsszedés javította a műtét eredményességét. A reoperációk eredményessége elmaradt a primer operációétól. Következtetések: Megfigyeléseink alapján elmondható, hogy a centrumunkban alkalmazott fundoplicatiók eredményessége megfelel a nemzetközi eredményeknek, a szorongásos-depressziós pszichiátriai társbetegségek okozta roszszabb posztoperatív eredmények (tünetjavulási arány) feltehetően kivédhetők vagy mérsékelhetők megfelelően beállított antidepresszáns kezeléssel, de ebben a kérdésben további tanulmányok szükségesek.

Research paper thumbnail of Sport, Testosterone, Reflux, PPI, fundoplication and therapy refracter chronic abdominal pain in the case of a young male

Zeitschrift Fur Gastroenterologie, May 1, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of A Nissen-féle fundoplicatio sikeressége és az azt befolyásoló faktorok. Eredmények a Pécsi Tudományegyetemen az indikációk és tünetek függvényében = Effectivity of the Nissen fundoplication and the influencing factors of the success.Results at the Medical Centre of Pécs depending on the indicatio...

Bevezetés: A gastrooesophagealis refluxbetegség a fejlett országokban a leggyakoribb gastrointest... more Bevezetés: A gastrooesophagealis refluxbetegség a fejlett országokban a leggyakoribb gastrointestinalis betegségek közé tartozik. Terápiájában a konzervatív kezelés mellett dedikált esetekben ma is nagy szerep jut a sebészeti beavatkozásoknak. Célkitűzés: Vizsgálatunk célja a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Sebészeti Klinikáján 2007 és 2014 között Nissen-féle fundoplicatión átesett betegek műtéti és 6 hónapos követéses eredményeinek feldolgozása, irodalmi eredményekkel való összehasonlítása (quality control) és a sikerességet befolyásoló faktorok (elsősorban a pszichiátriai társbetegség dokumentált jelenléte és antidepresszánsszedés) felderítése volt. Módszer: 166 beteg összesen 183 műtéti és posztoperatív adatai kerültek kigyűjtésre a Pécsi Tudományegyetem betegadatbázisából. Statisztikai analízis: Az adatok elemzése leíró statisztikával-relatív gyakoriság-és odds ratióval 95%-os valószínűségi szinttel történt. Eredmények: Vizsgálatunk kimutatta, hogy a primer fundoplicatiók leggyakoribb indikációja a protonpumpagátló (PPI)-refrakteritással társuló hiatus hernia volt (54%). A reoperációk indikációi gyakoriság tekintetében jelentős eltéréseket mutattak az irodalmi adatokhoz képest, azonban a reoperációs ráta centrumunkban (8%) megfelelt a nemzetközi tapasztalatoknak (5-10%). A műtétet követően a betegek 62%-ának volt valamilyen panasza. A puffadás kivételével ezek gyakoribbak voltak a nők körében. Operáció után 93,67% tapasztalt valamilyen szintű javulást a refluxos tüneteiben. Ismételt PPI-kezelésre 37%-nak volt szüksége 6 hónapon belül. Különböző posztoperatív beavatkozásokra az esetek 9%-ában került sor. A női nem és pszichiátriai társbetegség rontotta, az utóbbi esetben az antidepreszszánsszedés javította a műtét eredményességét. A reoperációk eredményessége elmaradt a primer operációétól. Következtetések: Megfigyeléseink alapján elmondható, hogy a centrumunkban alkalmazott fundoplicatiók eredményessége megfelel a nemzetközi eredményeknek, a szorongásos-depressziós pszichiátriai társbetegségek okozta roszszabb posztoperatív eredmények (tünetjavulási arány) feltehetően kivédhetők vagy mérsékelhetők megfelelően beállított antidepresszáns kezeléssel, de ebben a kérdésben további tanulmányok szükségesek.

Research paper thumbnail of 6-months follow-up retrospective study of posterior total (NISSEN) fundoplication patients with GERD: Influence of psychiatric co-morbidity and antidepressant co-treatment in therapeutic result outcomes

Zeitschrift Fur Gastroenterologie, May 12, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Expression and inflammation-induced alterations of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) and Ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) ion channels in the human gastric mucosa

Neuropeptides, Oct 1, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Vulnerable Points of the Helicobacter pylori Story – Based on Animal and Human Observations (1975 – 2012)


Research paper thumbnail of Achalasia miatt végzett robotasszisztált laparoszkópos cardiomyotomia és fundoplicatio (Heller–Dor-műtét)

Orvosi Hetilap

Bevezetés: Az achalasia miatt végzett sebészeti beavatkozások eredményei jelentősen javultak a mi... more Bevezetés: Az achalasia miatt végzett sebészeti beavatkozások eredményei jelentősen javultak a minimálisan invazív sebészet bevezetésével. A robotasszisztált Heller–Dor (RAHD)-műtét az utóbbi évek során kezd elterjedni, mivel olyan előnyöket biztosít a sebész számára, mint a háromdimenziós látás és a műtét alatti finommozgások még magasabb szintű kontrollja. Módszer: 2022. október 1. és december 31. között, Magyarországon először, a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Klinikai Központjában 3 betegen (37 éves férfi és 55, illetve 72 éves nő) végeztünk achalasia miatt RAHD-műtétet a da Vinci Xi rendszer segítségével. Eredmények: Mindhárom esetben szövődménymentes RAHD-műtét történt, és a betegek a műtét után panaszmentessé váltak. A műtéti idő 198, 204 és 238 perc volt, mely magában foglalta a 23, 19 és 14 perces dokkolási időt. Az utolsó betegnél hiatus hernia is ismert volt, ezért egy időben ennek rekonstrukcióját is elvégeztük. Az első 2 beteget a műtétet követő negyedik, a hiatusrekonstrukción ...

Research paper thumbnail of Dyspepsia-Like Symptoms in Helicobacter pylori-Negative Chronic Gastritis are Associated with ASCA-, ANCA-, and Celiac Seropositivity but Not with Other Autoimmune Parameters: A Single-Centre, Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study

International Journal of General Medicine

Dyspeptic symptoms are frequent in the general population, with a high socioeconomic burden. Heli... more Dyspeptic symptoms are frequent in the general population, with a high socioeconomic burden. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) might be a possible etiological factor; however, it is also common in H. pylori negative gastritis. Clarification of the underlying aetiology might be beneficial to set up the optimal treatment strategy for dyspepsia and chronic gastritis (CG) itself. We aimed to assess the prevalence of dyspeptic symptoms in patients with H. pylori negative CG and explore autoimmunity's possible role. Methods: This retrospective study included data from patients with H. pylori negative CG. Exclusion criteria were (1) acute gastritis; (2) reactive gastropathy; (3) subjects without any serology testing results; (4) H. pylori positivity; (5) presence of atrophy, intestinal metaplasia (IM), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcer, or cancer. The following endpoints were assessed (1) the rate of dyspepsia-like symptoms; (2) association between dyspepsia and autoimmune disease-related seromarker positivity (AISP); (3) frequency of other symptoms in CG and its association with AISP; (4) location of the inflammation and its association with AISP. Results: From a total of 285 patients, 175 were included in this study. Among these patients, 95 experienced dyspeptic symptoms (54.29%) and were associated more with AISP (p = 0.012), especially with celiac seropositivity (p = 0.045), anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) and anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA) positivity (p = 0.043). A significant association was not found with other tested autoimmune (AI)-related antibody positivity. Conclusion: Positivity of seromarkers of autoimmune diseases in chronic gastritis may predispose to have dyspeptic symptoms and may be the causative factor behind some cases of uninvestigated dyspepsia. These data suggest that further prospective studies are needed to clarify whether screening for autoantibodies in patients with dyspepsia is cost-effective and helps the earlier diagnosis of autoimmune diseases.

Research paper thumbnail of Six Autoimmune Disorders Are Associated With Increased Incidence of Gastric Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Half a Million Patients

Frontiers in Immunology

BackgroundGastric cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, with a high mortality rate.... more BackgroundGastric cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, with a high mortality rate. The potential etiological role of autoimmune (AI) disorders has been described in gastric cancer; however, the literature is controversial. This study aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the association between autoimmune disorders and the incidence of gastric cancer.MethodsThis study was registered on PROSPERO under registration number CRD42021262875. The systematic literature search was conducted in four scientific databases up to May 17, 2021. Studies that reported standardized incidence rate (SIR) of gastric cancer in autoimmune disorders were eligible. We calculated pooled SIRs with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) in this meta-analysis.ResultsWe included 43 articles describing 36 AI disorders with data of 499,427 patients from four continents in our systematic review and meta-analysis. Significantly increased incidence of gastric cancer was observed in dermatomyositis (SIR = ...

Research paper thumbnail of EASY‐APP: An artificial intelligence model and application for early and easy prediction of severity in acute pancreatitis

Clinical and Translational Medicine

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence of Autoimmune-phenomena behind Chronic Gastritis of Unknown Origin, and their Role in the Poor Histological Outcome of the Stomach: A Single-centre, Retrospective Cross-sectional Study

Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases

Background and Aims: The underlying aetiology of chronic gastritis (CG) often remains unknown due... more Background and Aims: The underlying aetiology of chronic gastritis (CG) often remains unknown due to its underrated significance in clinical practice. However, the role of chronic inflammation of the stomach in the development of atrophy, intestinal metaplasia (IM) and eventually of gastric cancer is well documented. We aimed to explore the possible aetiological factors of CG, determine the prevalence of systemic autoimmune disorders in patients with CG of unknown aetiology, and clarify the role of autoantibodies in the development of precancerous lesions in the stomach. Methods: This is a retrospective, cross-sectional study, conducted from January 2016 to January 2020, including data from 175 patients with CG. Exclusion criteria were: (1) acute gastritis; (2) reactive gastropathy; (3) gastric cancer; (4) subjects without any serology testing results; and (5) Helicobacter pylori positivity. The primary endpoint was a composite endpoint involving gastric atrophy and IM. Results: Fif...

Research paper thumbnail of Expression and inflammation-induced alterations of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) and Ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) ion channels in the human gastric mucosa

Research paper thumbnail of Risk prediction model for developing pancreatic necrosis

Pancreatology, 2021

Aberrant expression of CAR19 1 in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia blasts can be used as the t... more Aberrant expression of CAR19 1 in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia blasts can be used as the target for aCAR19 T cells. l aCAR19 T cells also recognize CAR19 1 T cells, therefore representing a potential strategy to deplete CART19 cells at long term. Unintentional transduction of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia blasts during CART19 manufacturing can lead to CAR19 1 leukemic cells (CARB19) that are resistant to CART19 killing. We developed an anti-CAR19 idiotype chimeric antigen receptor (aCAR19) to specifically recognize CAR19 1 cells. aCAR19 CAR T cells efficiently lysed CARB19 cells in vitro and in a primary leukemia-derived xenograft model. We further showed that aCAR19-CART cells could be used as an "antidote" to deplete CART19 cells to reduce longterm side effects, such as B-cell aplasia.

Research paper thumbnail of DISAPPEAR - DIScharge of Acute Pancreatitis Patients EARlier

Pancreatology, 2020

Case Report inTrOduCTiOn Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) is a form of renal repl... more Case Report inTrOduCTiOn Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) is a form of renal replacement therapy for patients with end-stage kidney disease. Older patients with multiple comorbidities who desire home therapy is an indication for CAPD. Diabetes mellitus and old age produce senescence of the immune system and predispose patients to catheter-related infections. Peritoneal dialysis and in particular CAPD are associated with a high risk of peritonitis, tunnel infection (TI) and catheter exit-site infection (ESI). [1] Catheter ESI and TI are a major source of morbidity. ESI and TIs increase the risk of catheter loss, peritonitis and overall PD technique failure. [2] Majority of the ESIs are caused by Gram-positive organisms and can be successfully treated by appropriate antimicrobial therapy for a period of 2-3 weeks without catheter loss. [3] Non-tuberculous mycobacterium (NTM) is a very rare cause of ES and TI and requires catheter removal for management along with antimicrobial therapy. Mycobacterium abscessus is a rapidly growing NTM and rarely causes TI among PD patients. It is usually difficult to treat M. abscessus because of its resistant nature to most of the antibiotics. [4] TI may present as erythema, oedema or tenderness over the subcutaneous site but is often clinically occult, as shown by ultrasound studies. [5] TI usually occurs in the presence of an ESI but rarely occurs alone. Here, we described an early onset of NTM in an 82-year-old T2D patient on CAPD. Atypical mycobacteria remain a rare cause of peritoneal dialysis catheter-related tunnel infection (TI) and poses serious risk because of the resistant nature to most antibiotic therapy. Non-tubercular mycobacterial infections lead to chronicity requiring peritoneal dialysis catheter removal. We report an 82-year-old male, with diabetic nephropathy who had a coinfection with Staphylococcus hominis and Mycobacterium abscessus who presented with pus discharge at exit site and TI. He was treated with relocation of the extraperitoneal part of the catheter with a new exit site without catheter removal and multidrug mycobacterial therapy.

Research paper thumbnail of Diagnostic criteria for acute pancreatitis should be reconsidered in patients with diabetes mellitus

Pancreatology, 2018

trypsin C. Therefore, it is unlikely that the p.T58M mutation has a significant role in the devel... more trypsin C. Therefore, it is unlikely that the p.T58M mutation has a significant role in the development of pancreatitis.

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 4 Capsaicin-Sensitive Afferentation Represents a New Mucosal Defensive Neural Pathway System in the Gastric Mucosa in Patients with Chronic Gastritis

It has been established that capsaicinoids interact with capsainin-sensitive afferent nerves repr... more It has been established that capsaicinoids interact with capsainin-sensitive afferent nerves representing a novel regulatory pathway of gastrointestinal funcions (Jancsó et al. 1967, 1968, 1970). Capsaicin-sensitive afferent nerves contain a temperature-gated ion channel called capsaicin receptor or transient receptor potencil vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) which is ex‐ pressed by a subgroup of primary afferent nociceptive neurons (Szolcsanyi, 2004). The cap‐ saicin receptor has been cloned (Caterina et al., 1997) and has been found to be linked to a cation channel. It is gated by capsaicin and other capsaicinoids (some vanilloids) by various treatments including low pH, noxius heat and various pain-producing endogenous an exog‐ enous chemicals. Thus, those sensory nerve endings possessing these ion channels are sus‐ ceptible to being stimulated in the gastric mucosa. Upon stimulation with capsaicin, these afferent fibers develop four response stages (excitation, sensory-blocking, long-term se...

Research paper thumbnail of Capsaicin-Sensitive Afferent Nerves and the Human Gastrointestinal Tract

InTech eBooks, Jul 16, 2014

and these studies incorporated the different regulatory mechanisms of capsaicin in the human stom... more and these studies incorporated the different regulatory mechanisms of capsaicin in the human stomach, gastric mucosal preventive effects of capsaicin(noids) on the NSAID-induced gastric mucosal damage, chronic gastritis with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) positive and negative gastritis (with and without eradication treatment). We performed immuno-histochemical examinations of capsaicin receptor (TRPV1), calcitoningene-related peptide (CGRP), substance P (SP) in the human GI mucosa of patients with various GI disorders, took significant steps in the development of capsaicin containing drug and drug combinations (with aspirin, diclofenac, Naproxen), including the preparation of protocols for human phase I. examinations [and to carried out these examinations after the receiving permission from the National Institute of Pharmacy (Budapest, Hungary) and National Clinical Pharmacological and Ethical Committee of Hungary]. Capsaicin-Sensitive Neural Afferentation and the Gastrointestinal Tract: from Bench to Bedside 214 2. Materials and methods The observations were carried out in 198 healthy human subjects aged 25-65 years (40± 10 years) and in 178 patients with various GI disorders (gastritis, erosion, ulcer, polyps, cancer and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, polyps, precancerous states, colorectal cancer), aged ranged 25-75 years (45±10), 69 patients with chronic gastritis 39-68 years (mean: 56.4 years) (altogether 445 healthy persons and GI patients).

Research paper thumbnail of The role of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and false positive diagnosis of lactose intolerance in southwest Hungary—A retrospective observational study

PLOS ONE, May 8, 2020

Background Lactose intolerance is a frequent gastrointestinal disease affecting 47% of the Easter... more Background Lactose intolerance is a frequent gastrointestinal disease affecting 47% of the Eastern European population. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) leads to carbohydrate malabsorption and therefore to false results during lactose breath and tolerance tests. Objectives We aimed to assess the prevalence of lactose maldigestion and intolerance in Hungary and to investigate the role of combined diagnostic method and testing for SIBO in reducing false results. Methods We retrospectively analyzed data from 264 adult symptomatic patients who underwent 50g lactose breath and tolerance tests in parallel over a one-year period at our center. A �20 ppm elevation of H 2 or less than 1.1 mmol/l rise of blood glucose was diagnostic for lactose maldigestion. Patients with maldigestion who had symptoms during the test were defined as lactose intolerant. Patients with an early (�90 min) significant (�20 ppm) rise of H 2 during lactose and/or lactulose breath tests were determined to have SIBO. Patients with slow/rapid oro-cecal transit and inappropriate preparation before the test were excluded. Results 49.6% of the 264 patients had lactose maldigestion, and 29.5% had lactose intolerance. The most frequent symptom was bloating (22.7%), while 34.8% of the study population and 60% of the symptomatic patients had SIBO. In 9.1% and 9.8% of the patients, the lactose

Research paper thumbnail of Six Autoimmune Disorders Are Associated With Increased Incidence of Gastric Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Half a Million Patients

Frontiers in Immunology, Nov 23, 2021

Background: Gastric cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, with a high mortality rat... more Background: Gastric cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, with a high mortality rate. The potential etiological role of autoimmune (AI) disorders has been described in gastric cancer; however, the literature is controversial. This study aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the association between autoimmune disorders and the incidence of gastric cancer. Methods: This study was registered on PROSPERO under registration number CRD42021262875. The systematic literature search was conducted in four scientific databases up to May 17, 2021. Studies that reported standardized incidence rate (SIR) of gastric cancer in autoimmune disorders were eligible. We calculated pooled SIRs with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) in this meta-analysis. Results: We included 43 articles describing 36 AI disorders with data of 499,427 patients from four continents in our systematic review and meta-analysis. Significantly increased incidence of gastric cancer was observed in dermatomyositis (

Research paper thumbnail of Case of severe gastric ulcer bleeding of DES stent wearing patient. Efficacy of proton pump inhibitors on ulcer healing in anti platlet drug treatment

Zeitschrift Fur Gastroenterologie, May 7, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of A Nissen-féle fundoplicatio sikeressége és az azt befolyásoló faktorok. Eredmények a Pécsi Tudományegyetemen az indikációk és tünetek függvényében

Orvosi Hetilap, Jun 1, 2018

Bevezetés: A gastrooesophagealis refluxbetegség a fejlett országokban a leggyakoribb gastrointest... more Bevezetés: A gastrooesophagealis refluxbetegség a fejlett országokban a leggyakoribb gastrointestinalis betegségek közé tartozik. Terápiájában a konzervatív kezelés mellett dedikált esetekben ma is nagy szerep jut a sebészeti beavatkozásoknak. Célkitűzés: Vizsgálatunk célja a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Sebészeti Klinikáján 2007 és 2014 között Nissen-féle fundoplicatión átesett betegek műtéti és 6 hónapos követéses eredményeinek feldolgozása, irodalmi eredményekkel való összehasonlítása (quality control) és a sikerességet befolyásoló faktorok (elsősorban a pszichiátriai társbetegség dokumentált jelenléte és antidepresszánsszedés) felderítése volt. Módszer: 166 beteg összesen 183 műtéti és posztoperatív adatai kerültek kigyűjtésre a Pécsi Tudományegyetem betegadatbázisából. Statisztikai analízis: Az adatok elemzése leíró statisztikával-relatív gyakoriság-és odds ratióval 95%-os valószínűségi szinttel történt. Eredmények: Vizsgálatunk kimutatta, hogy a primer fundoplicatiók leggyakoribb indikációja a protonpumpagátló (PPI)-refrakteritással társuló hiatus hernia volt (54%). A reoperációk indikációi gyakoriság tekintetében jelentős eltéréseket mutattak az irodalmi adatokhoz képest, azonban a reoperációs ráta centrumunkban (8%) megfelelt a nemzetközi tapasztalatoknak (5-10%). A műtétet követően a betegek 62%-ának volt valamilyen panasza. A puffadás kivételével ezek gyakoribbak voltak a nők körében. Operáció után 93,67% tapasztalt valamilyen szintű javulást a refluxos tüneteiben. Ismételt PPI-kezelésre 37%-nak volt szüksége 6 hónapon belül. Különböző posztoperatív beavatkozásokra az esetek 9%-ában került sor. A női nem és pszichiátriai társbetegség rontotta, az utóbbi esetben az antidepreszszánsszedés javította a műtét eredményességét. A reoperációk eredményessége elmaradt a primer operációétól. Következtetések: Megfigyeléseink alapján elmondható, hogy a centrumunkban alkalmazott fundoplicatiók eredményessége megfelel a nemzetközi eredményeknek, a szorongásos-depressziós pszichiátriai társbetegségek okozta roszszabb posztoperatív eredmények (tünetjavulási arány) feltehetően kivédhetők vagy mérsékelhetők megfelelően beállított antidepresszáns kezeléssel, de ebben a kérdésben további tanulmányok szükségesek.

Research paper thumbnail of Sport, Testosterone, Reflux, PPI, fundoplication and therapy refracter chronic abdominal pain in the case of a young male

Zeitschrift Fur Gastroenterologie, May 1, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of A Nissen-féle fundoplicatio sikeressége és az azt befolyásoló faktorok. Eredmények a Pécsi Tudományegyetemen az indikációk és tünetek függvényében = Effectivity of the Nissen fundoplication and the influencing factors of the success.Results at the Medical Centre of Pécs depending on the indicatio...

Bevezetés: A gastrooesophagealis refluxbetegség a fejlett országokban a leggyakoribb gastrointest... more Bevezetés: A gastrooesophagealis refluxbetegség a fejlett országokban a leggyakoribb gastrointestinalis betegségek közé tartozik. Terápiájában a konzervatív kezelés mellett dedikált esetekben ma is nagy szerep jut a sebészeti beavatkozásoknak. Célkitűzés: Vizsgálatunk célja a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Sebészeti Klinikáján 2007 és 2014 között Nissen-féle fundoplicatión átesett betegek műtéti és 6 hónapos követéses eredményeinek feldolgozása, irodalmi eredményekkel való összehasonlítása (quality control) és a sikerességet befolyásoló faktorok (elsősorban a pszichiátriai társbetegség dokumentált jelenléte és antidepresszánsszedés) felderítése volt. Módszer: 166 beteg összesen 183 műtéti és posztoperatív adatai kerültek kigyűjtésre a Pécsi Tudományegyetem betegadatbázisából. Statisztikai analízis: Az adatok elemzése leíró statisztikával-relatív gyakoriság-és odds ratióval 95%-os valószínűségi szinttel történt. Eredmények: Vizsgálatunk kimutatta, hogy a primer fundoplicatiók leggyakoribb indikációja a protonpumpagátló (PPI)-refrakteritással társuló hiatus hernia volt (54%). A reoperációk indikációi gyakoriság tekintetében jelentős eltéréseket mutattak az irodalmi adatokhoz képest, azonban a reoperációs ráta centrumunkban (8%) megfelelt a nemzetközi tapasztalatoknak (5-10%). A műtétet követően a betegek 62%-ának volt valamilyen panasza. A puffadás kivételével ezek gyakoribbak voltak a nők körében. Operáció után 93,67% tapasztalt valamilyen szintű javulást a refluxos tüneteiben. Ismételt PPI-kezelésre 37%-nak volt szüksége 6 hónapon belül. Különböző posztoperatív beavatkozásokra az esetek 9%-ában került sor. A női nem és pszichiátriai társbetegség rontotta, az utóbbi esetben az antidepreszszánsszedés javította a műtét eredményességét. A reoperációk eredményessége elmaradt a primer operációétól. Következtetések: Megfigyeléseink alapján elmondható, hogy a centrumunkban alkalmazott fundoplicatiók eredményessége megfelel a nemzetközi eredményeknek, a szorongásos-depressziós pszichiátriai társbetegségek okozta roszszabb posztoperatív eredmények (tünetjavulási arány) feltehetően kivédhetők vagy mérsékelhetők megfelelően beállított antidepresszáns kezeléssel, de ebben a kérdésben további tanulmányok szükségesek.

Research paper thumbnail of 6-months follow-up retrospective study of posterior total (NISSEN) fundoplication patients with GERD: Influence of psychiatric co-morbidity and antidepressant co-treatment in therapeutic result outcomes

Zeitschrift Fur Gastroenterologie, May 12, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Expression and inflammation-induced alterations of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) and Ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) ion channels in the human gastric mucosa

Neuropeptides, Oct 1, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Vulnerable Points of the Helicobacter pylori Story – Based on Animal and Human Observations (1975 – 2012)


Research paper thumbnail of Achalasia miatt végzett robotasszisztált laparoszkópos cardiomyotomia és fundoplicatio (Heller–Dor-műtét)

Orvosi Hetilap

Bevezetés: Az achalasia miatt végzett sebészeti beavatkozások eredményei jelentősen javultak a mi... more Bevezetés: Az achalasia miatt végzett sebészeti beavatkozások eredményei jelentősen javultak a minimálisan invazív sebészet bevezetésével. A robotasszisztált Heller–Dor (RAHD)-műtét az utóbbi évek során kezd elterjedni, mivel olyan előnyöket biztosít a sebész számára, mint a háromdimenziós látás és a műtét alatti finommozgások még magasabb szintű kontrollja. Módszer: 2022. október 1. és december 31. között, Magyarországon először, a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Klinikai Központjában 3 betegen (37 éves férfi és 55, illetve 72 éves nő) végeztünk achalasia miatt RAHD-műtétet a da Vinci Xi rendszer segítségével. Eredmények: Mindhárom esetben szövődménymentes RAHD-műtét történt, és a betegek a műtét után panaszmentessé váltak. A műtéti idő 198, 204 és 238 perc volt, mely magában foglalta a 23, 19 és 14 perces dokkolási időt. Az utolsó betegnél hiatus hernia is ismert volt, ezért egy időben ennek rekonstrukcióját is elvégeztük. Az első 2 beteget a műtétet követő negyedik, a hiatusrekonstrukción ...

Research paper thumbnail of Dyspepsia-Like Symptoms in Helicobacter pylori-Negative Chronic Gastritis are Associated with ASCA-, ANCA-, and Celiac Seropositivity but Not with Other Autoimmune Parameters: A Single-Centre, Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study

International Journal of General Medicine

Dyspeptic symptoms are frequent in the general population, with a high socioeconomic burden. Heli... more Dyspeptic symptoms are frequent in the general population, with a high socioeconomic burden. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) might be a possible etiological factor; however, it is also common in H. pylori negative gastritis. Clarification of the underlying aetiology might be beneficial to set up the optimal treatment strategy for dyspepsia and chronic gastritis (CG) itself. We aimed to assess the prevalence of dyspeptic symptoms in patients with H. pylori negative CG and explore autoimmunity's possible role. Methods: This retrospective study included data from patients with H. pylori negative CG. Exclusion criteria were (1) acute gastritis; (2) reactive gastropathy; (3) subjects without any serology testing results; (4) H. pylori positivity; (5) presence of atrophy, intestinal metaplasia (IM), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcer, or cancer. The following endpoints were assessed (1) the rate of dyspepsia-like symptoms; (2) association between dyspepsia and autoimmune disease-related seromarker positivity (AISP); (3) frequency of other symptoms in CG and its association with AISP; (4) location of the inflammation and its association with AISP. Results: From a total of 285 patients, 175 were included in this study. Among these patients, 95 experienced dyspeptic symptoms (54.29%) and were associated more with AISP (p = 0.012), especially with celiac seropositivity (p = 0.045), anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) and anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA) positivity (p = 0.043). A significant association was not found with other tested autoimmune (AI)-related antibody positivity. Conclusion: Positivity of seromarkers of autoimmune diseases in chronic gastritis may predispose to have dyspeptic symptoms and may be the causative factor behind some cases of uninvestigated dyspepsia. These data suggest that further prospective studies are needed to clarify whether screening for autoantibodies in patients with dyspepsia is cost-effective and helps the earlier diagnosis of autoimmune diseases.

Research paper thumbnail of Six Autoimmune Disorders Are Associated With Increased Incidence of Gastric Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Half a Million Patients

Frontiers in Immunology

BackgroundGastric cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, with a high mortality rate.... more BackgroundGastric cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, with a high mortality rate. The potential etiological role of autoimmune (AI) disorders has been described in gastric cancer; however, the literature is controversial. This study aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the association between autoimmune disorders and the incidence of gastric cancer.MethodsThis study was registered on PROSPERO under registration number CRD42021262875. The systematic literature search was conducted in four scientific databases up to May 17, 2021. Studies that reported standardized incidence rate (SIR) of gastric cancer in autoimmune disorders were eligible. We calculated pooled SIRs with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) in this meta-analysis.ResultsWe included 43 articles describing 36 AI disorders with data of 499,427 patients from four continents in our systematic review and meta-analysis. Significantly increased incidence of gastric cancer was observed in dermatomyositis (SIR = ...

Research paper thumbnail of EASY‐APP: An artificial intelligence model and application for early and easy prediction of severity in acute pancreatitis

Clinical and Translational Medicine

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence of Autoimmune-phenomena behind Chronic Gastritis of Unknown Origin, and their Role in the Poor Histological Outcome of the Stomach: A Single-centre, Retrospective Cross-sectional Study

Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases

Background and Aims: The underlying aetiology of chronic gastritis (CG) often remains unknown due... more Background and Aims: The underlying aetiology of chronic gastritis (CG) often remains unknown due to its underrated significance in clinical practice. However, the role of chronic inflammation of the stomach in the development of atrophy, intestinal metaplasia (IM) and eventually of gastric cancer is well documented. We aimed to explore the possible aetiological factors of CG, determine the prevalence of systemic autoimmune disorders in patients with CG of unknown aetiology, and clarify the role of autoantibodies in the development of precancerous lesions in the stomach. Methods: This is a retrospective, cross-sectional study, conducted from January 2016 to January 2020, including data from 175 patients with CG. Exclusion criteria were: (1) acute gastritis; (2) reactive gastropathy; (3) gastric cancer; (4) subjects without any serology testing results; and (5) Helicobacter pylori positivity. The primary endpoint was a composite endpoint involving gastric atrophy and IM. Results: Fif...

Research paper thumbnail of Expression and inflammation-induced alterations of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) and Ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) ion channels in the human gastric mucosa

Research paper thumbnail of Risk prediction model for developing pancreatic necrosis

Pancreatology, 2021

Aberrant expression of CAR19 1 in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia blasts can be used as the t... more Aberrant expression of CAR19 1 in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia blasts can be used as the target for aCAR19 T cells. l aCAR19 T cells also recognize CAR19 1 T cells, therefore representing a potential strategy to deplete CART19 cells at long term. Unintentional transduction of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia blasts during CART19 manufacturing can lead to CAR19 1 leukemic cells (CARB19) that are resistant to CART19 killing. We developed an anti-CAR19 idiotype chimeric antigen receptor (aCAR19) to specifically recognize CAR19 1 cells. aCAR19 CAR T cells efficiently lysed CARB19 cells in vitro and in a primary leukemia-derived xenograft model. We further showed that aCAR19-CART cells could be used as an "antidote" to deplete CART19 cells to reduce longterm side effects, such as B-cell aplasia.

Research paper thumbnail of DISAPPEAR - DIScharge of Acute Pancreatitis Patients EARlier

Pancreatology, 2020

Case Report inTrOduCTiOn Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) is a form of renal repl... more Case Report inTrOduCTiOn Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) is a form of renal replacement therapy for patients with end-stage kidney disease. Older patients with multiple comorbidities who desire home therapy is an indication for CAPD. Diabetes mellitus and old age produce senescence of the immune system and predispose patients to catheter-related infections. Peritoneal dialysis and in particular CAPD are associated with a high risk of peritonitis, tunnel infection (TI) and catheter exit-site infection (ESI). [1] Catheter ESI and TI are a major source of morbidity. ESI and TIs increase the risk of catheter loss, peritonitis and overall PD technique failure. [2] Majority of the ESIs are caused by Gram-positive organisms and can be successfully treated by appropriate antimicrobial therapy for a period of 2-3 weeks without catheter loss. [3] Non-tuberculous mycobacterium (NTM) is a very rare cause of ES and TI and requires catheter removal for management along with antimicrobial therapy. Mycobacterium abscessus is a rapidly growing NTM and rarely causes TI among PD patients. It is usually difficult to treat M. abscessus because of its resistant nature to most of the antibiotics. [4] TI may present as erythema, oedema or tenderness over the subcutaneous site but is often clinically occult, as shown by ultrasound studies. [5] TI usually occurs in the presence of an ESI but rarely occurs alone. Here, we described an early onset of NTM in an 82-year-old T2D patient on CAPD. Atypical mycobacteria remain a rare cause of peritoneal dialysis catheter-related tunnel infection (TI) and poses serious risk because of the resistant nature to most antibiotic therapy. Non-tubercular mycobacterial infections lead to chronicity requiring peritoneal dialysis catheter removal. We report an 82-year-old male, with diabetic nephropathy who had a coinfection with Staphylococcus hominis and Mycobacterium abscessus who presented with pus discharge at exit site and TI. He was treated with relocation of the extraperitoneal part of the catheter with a new exit site without catheter removal and multidrug mycobacterial therapy.

Research paper thumbnail of Diagnostic criteria for acute pancreatitis should be reconsidered in patients with diabetes mellitus

Pancreatology, 2018

trypsin C. Therefore, it is unlikely that the p.T58M mutation has a significant role in the devel... more trypsin C. Therefore, it is unlikely that the p.T58M mutation has a significant role in the development of pancreatitis.

Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 4 Capsaicin-Sensitive Afferentation Represents a New Mucosal Defensive Neural Pathway System in the Gastric Mucosa in Patients with Chronic Gastritis

It has been established that capsaicinoids interact with capsainin-sensitive afferent nerves repr... more It has been established that capsaicinoids interact with capsainin-sensitive afferent nerves representing a novel regulatory pathway of gastrointestinal funcions (Jancsó et al. 1967, 1968, 1970). Capsaicin-sensitive afferent nerves contain a temperature-gated ion channel called capsaicin receptor or transient receptor potencil vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) which is ex‐ pressed by a subgroup of primary afferent nociceptive neurons (Szolcsanyi, 2004). The cap‐ saicin receptor has been cloned (Caterina et al., 1997) and has been found to be linked to a cation channel. It is gated by capsaicin and other capsaicinoids (some vanilloids) by various treatments including low pH, noxius heat and various pain-producing endogenous an exog‐ enous chemicals. Thus, those sensory nerve endings possessing these ion channels are sus‐ ceptible to being stimulated in the gastric mucosa. Upon stimulation with capsaicin, these afferent fibers develop four response stages (excitation, sensory-blocking, long-term se...