Irish Sentinel – Bias and Credibility (original) (raw)
- Overall, we rate the Irish Sentinel a Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy and Quackery Level Pseudoscience website based on the promotion of false, misleading, and unproven theories.
Detailed Report
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: Ireland
Press Freedom Rating: EXCELLENT
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY
Launched anonymously in 2019, the Irish Sentinel is a website that hosts the Reality Bytes Radio program and publishes conspiracy and pseudoscience news articles.
The website completely lacks transparency as they do not have an about page, name editors, authors, or owners. A domain search indicates they are indeed based in Ireland.
Read our profile on Ireland’s media and government.
Funded by / Ownership
The Irish Sentinel lacks transparency as they do not reveal ownership.
Analysis / Bias
The Irish Sentinel website provides a link to their BitChute Channel, which hosts the Reality Bytes Radio program. The website also publishes conspiracy and pseudoscience-related news and opinion stories from poor sources. Essentially, the Irish Sentinel is 100% opposed to scientific consensus on every issue. Global Warming is fake. GMOs are not safe. Covid-19 is a hoax. Vaccines are dangerous. The list goes on and on. They also report false information, claiming that Graphene Oxide is in the Covid Vaccines VIDEO: GRAPHENE OXIDE: A TOXIC SUBSTANCE IN THE VIAL OF THE COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE. It isn’t in the vaccine.
The website also promotes conspiracy theories such as Chemtrails, 2020 US Presidential Election Fraud, False Flags, and the New World Order. In general, everything on this website is either anti-science, unproven, or false. Put another way, Alex Jones is a conspiracy lightweight compared to the Irish Sentinel.
Failed Fact Checks
Overall, we rate the Irish Sentinel a Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy and Quackery Level Pseudoscience website based on the promotion of false, misleading, and unproven theories. (D. Van Zandt 8/11/2021) Updated (05/08/2022)
Last Updated on May 26, 2023 by
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