Patriots For Truth - Bias and Credibility (original) (raw)
Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.
- Overall, we rate Patriots for Truth a Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy website that also promotes Quackery level Pseudoscience. There is very little credible information on this website.
Detailed Report
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY
Founded in 2017, Patriots for Truth is an extreme right-wing conspiracy and pseudoscience website. A domain search indicates that Schoolhouse Learning Communities owns the domain. According to their about page, they are affiliated with the conspiracy website American Intelligence Media.
The website completely lacks transparency as they do not name an editor, authors, or disclose ownership.
Read our profile on United States government and media.
Funded by / Ownership
Patriots for Truth does not disclose ownership or the names of people involved with the operation of the website. There does not appear to be a source of revenue for this website.
Analysis / Bias
In review, Patriots for Truth publishes news stories that are often conspiratorial and false. For example, they reported that Vice Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris is not a USA citizen U. S. Senator Kamala Harris is not a United States citizen. Demand her deportation immediately. In this story, they post a variety of documents trying to prove she is a citizen of Jamaica and not the USA. Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, California, and is a natural citizen through birthright.
When not promoting birtherism they conjure up conspiracy theories regarding 5G serving as a weapon 227 Million Americans GONE by 2025! as well as wild conspiracies regarding the Coronavirus Definitive proof that Coronavirus is a globalist bioweapons. Besides conspiracies, they also promote pseudoscience such as anti-vaccine propaganda. In general, virtually everything on this website is either fake, false, or misleading.
Failed Fact Checks
- Is Kamala Harris not a United States citizen, making her ineligible to be president because of the laws of her parents’ home countries? – False
- Authorities have deleted court records and online references to former United States Attorney Lisa Barsoomian, as part of a “deep state” conspiracy. – False
Overall, we rate Patriots for Truth a Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy website that also promotes Quackery level Pseudoscience. There is very little credible information on this website. (D. Van Zandt 8/14/2020) Updated (06/13/2022)
Last Updated on June 29, 2023 by
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