Planeta Prisão - Bias and Credibility (original) (raw)
- Overall, we rate Planeta Prisão as an extreme right-biased conspiracy and pseudoscience website based on the promotion of unproven and false claims, a complete lack of transparency, and the publication of antisemitic literature such as Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Detailed Report
Country: Brazil
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MODERATE FREEDOM
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY
Planeta Prisão (Prison Planet) is a Brazilian website that shares controversial and alternative views on various topics, including politics, health, and global events. The site often focuses on conspiracy theories such as the NWO (New World Order) UN 2030 Agenda, The Great Reset, the Rothschild family, and the anti-semitic literature such as Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which claims to be the confidential minutes of a Jewish conclave convened in the late 19th century, outlining secret plans for Jewish leaders to attain world domination. The website’s name is presumably inspired by Alex Jones’s former site, Prison Planet.
Read our profile on Brazilian media and government.
Funded by / Ownership
Planeta Prisão is privately owned, but ownership information is not publicly disclosed. A search of the domain’s ownership reveals that Antonio Carlos Pimentel Magalhães may be the owner. The site generates revenue through advertising and subscription fees.
Analysis / Bias
Articles on Planeta Prisão often discuss topics like vaccine skepticism and global conspiracies, relying on fringe theories. For example, the article titled “UK GOVERNMENT ISSUES TERRIBLE WARNING: ‘VACCINATED YOUNG PEOPLE ARE DYING IN UNPRECEDENTED NUMBERS'” discusses purported data from the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) and makes claims about the dangers of COVID-19 vaccines. The article heavily cites Alex Jones/ Infowars, a well-known conspiracy theorist in the US. Also, it references The Daily Expose, which we rate as a factually questionable source with a strong conspiracy and pseudoscience bias, further diminishing the information’s reliability.
In addition, the article references a 2011 scientific study published in the journal titled “Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?” to support its claims about vaccines. However, this 2011 study faced criticism from the scientific community regarding data exclusion and known misclassification errors. The criticism is outlined in the article “Vaccines and infant mortality rates: A false relationship promoted by the antivaxxers…again, 12 years later.”
They also cite a study by Cureus:’ A scientific article published earlier this year indicated that Covid vaccines cause much more harm than good.’ However, upon clicking the link, the page states that the study has been retracted due to concerns about its methodology and reporting. The link to the retracted study is embedded in the phrase “scientific article,” which leads to the Cureus page.
Similarly, the video interview titled “DR. NAOMI WOLF: MRNA IS ABOUT ‘DESTROYING WOMEN AND BABIES’ AND ‘EMASCULATING MEN” presents claims by Dr. Naomi Wolf, known for her controversial views and promotion of conspiracy theories, similar to Alex Jones. The language used is emotionally loaded and sensationalist, aligning with conspiracy theories without providing credible evidence, which further exemplifies the website’s tendency to promote fringe theories and questionable information.
In general, Planeta Prisao is a right-biased conspiracy-pseudoscience website inspired by Alex Jones, as many stories found on this website are also found on Infowars.
Failed Fact Checks
- This source has not been fact-checked by a third-party fact-checker; however, the sources they rely upon routinely fail fact-checks.
Overall, we rate Planeta Prisão as an extreme right-biased conspiracy and pseudoscience website based on the promotion of unproven and false claims, a complete lack of transparency, and the publication of antisemitic literature such as Protocols of the Elders of Zion. (M. Huitsing 06/04/2024)
Last Updated on June 4, 2024 by
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